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 * What is Amazon EKS?
    * Common use cases
    * Architecture
    * Kubernetes concepts
    * Deployment options

 * Setting up
    * Installing kubectl

 * Getting started with Amazon EKS
    * Create your first cluster – eksctl
    * Create your first cluster – AWS Management Console

 * Clusters
    * Creating a cluster
    * Cluster insights
    * Updating Kubernetes version
    * Deleting a cluster
    * Configuring endpoint access
    * Enabling secret encryption
    * Enabling Windows support
    * Private cluster requirements
    * Kubernetes versions
       * Standard support versions
       * Extended support versions
       * Versions 1.21, 1.22
    * Platform versions
    * Autoscaling

 * Manage access
    * Grant access to Kubernetes APIs
       * Manage access entries
       * Associate access policies
       * Migrate to access entries
       * Update aws-auth ConfigMap
       * Link external OIDC provider
    * Access my cluster with kubectl
    * Grant workloads access to AWS
       * Pod Identity
          * How EKS Pod Identity works
          * Set up the EKS Pod Identity Agent
          * Assign role to service account
          * Assign service account to pod
          * Use attribute-based access control (ABAC)
          * Supported SDKs
          * EKS Pod Identity role
       * IAM roles for service accounts
          * Create IAM OIDC provider
          * Assign IAM role to service account
          * Assign service account to pod
          * Use regional AWS STS endpoints
          * Authenticate to another account
          * Supported SDKs
          * Fetch signing keys

 * Nodes
    * Managed node groups
       * Creating a managed node group
       * Updating a managed node group
          * Managed node update behavior
       * Node taints on managed node groups
       * Customizing managed nodes with launch templates
       * Deleting a managed node group
    * Self-managed nodes
       * Amazon Linux
          * Capacity Blocks for ML
       * Bottlerocket
       * Windows
       * Ubuntu
       * Updates
          * Migrating to a new node group
          * Updating an existing node group
    * AWS Fargate
       * Getting started with Fargate
       * Fargate profile
       * Fargate Pod configuration
       * Fargate OS patching
       * Fargate metrics
       * Fargate logging
    * Instance types
    * Amazon EKS optimized AMIs
       * Dockershim deprecation
       * Amazon Linux
          * View versions
          * Retrieve IDs
          * Create a custom Amazon Linux AMI
             * Xilinx accelerated transcoding device support (VT1)
             * Habana Deep Learning (DL1) device support
       * Bottlerocket
          * Retrieve IDs
          * Compliance support
       * Ubuntu Linux
       * Windows
          * View versions
          * Retrieve IDs
          * Create a custom Windows AMI

 * Storage
    * Amazon EBS CSI driver
       * Create an IAM role
       * Manage the Amazon EKS add-on
       * Deploy a sample application
       * CSI migration FAQ
    * Amazon EFS CSI driver
    * Amazon FSx for Lustre CSI driver
    * Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP CSI driver
    * Amazon FSx for OpenZFS CSI driver
    * Amazon File Cache CSI driver
    * Mountpoint for Amazon S3 CSI driver
    * CSI snapshot controller

 * Networking
    * VPC and subnet requirements
    * Creating a VPC
    * Security group requirements
    * Add-ons
       * Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes
          * Configure plugin for IRSA
          * Use cases
             * IPv6
             * SNAT
             * Kubernetes network policies
             * Custom networking
             * Increase available IP addresses
             * Security groups for pods
             * Multiple network interfaces for Pods
          * Alternate compatible CNI plugins
       * AWS Load Balancer Controller
          * Install with Helm
          * Install with Manifests
          * Migrate from Deprecated Controller
       * CoreDNS
          * Autoscaling CoreDNS
          * CoreDNS metrics
       * kube-proxy
    * AWS PrivateLink

 * Workloads
    * Sample application deployment
    * Vertical Pod Autoscaler
    * Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    * Network load balancing
    * Application load balancing
    * Restrict service external IP address assignment
    * Copy an image to a repository
    * Amazon container image registries
    * Amazon EKS add-ons
       * Managing add-ons
       * Kubernetes field management
       * Attach IAM Role
    * Verify container images
    * Machine learning training
    * Machine learning inference

 * Cluster management
    * Cost monitoring
    * Metrics server
    * Using Helm
    * Tagging your resources
    * Service quotas

 * Security
    * Certificate signing
    * IAM Reference
       * How Amazon EKS works with IAM
       * Identity-based policy examples
       * Using service-linked roles
          * Amazon EKS cluster role
          * Amazon EKS node groups role
          * Amazon EKS Fargate profile role
          * Amazon EKS cluster connector role
          * Amazon EKS local cluster role
       * Cluster IAM role
       * Node IAM role
       * Pod execution IAM role
       * Connector IAM role
       * AWS managed policies
       * Troubleshooting
       * Default Kubernetes roles and users
    * Compliance validation
    * Resilience
    * Infrastructure security
    * Configuration and vulnerability analysis
    * Security best practices
    * Pod security policy
    * 1.25 Pod security policy removal FAQ
    * Managing Kubernetes secrets
    * Amazon EKS Connector considerations

 * View Kubernetes resources
 * Observability
    * Prometheus metrics
    * Amazon CloudWatch
    * Configuring logging
    * AWS CloudTrail
       * Amazon EKS information in CloudTrail
       * Understanding Amazon EKS log file entries
       * Enable Auto Scaling group metrics collection
    * ADOT Operator

 * Working with other services
    * Creating Amazon EKS resources with AWS CloudFormation
    * Amazon EKS and AWS Local Zones
    * Deep Learning Containers
    * Amazon VPC Lattice
    * AWS Resilience Hub
    * Amazon GuardDuty
    * Amazon Security Lake
    * Amazon Detective

 * Troubleshooting
 * Amazon EKS Connector
    * Connecting a cluster
    * Granting access to an IAM principal to view Kubernetes resources on a
    * Deregister a cluster
    * Amazon EKS Connector Troubleshooting
    * Frequently asked questions

 * Amazon EKS on AWS Outposts
    * Local clusters
       * Creating a local cluster
       * Platform versions
       * VPC and subnet requirements
       * Network disconnects
       * Capacity considerations
       * Troubleshooting
    * Launching nodes

 * Related projects
 * Amazon EKS new features and roadmap
 * Document history

Amazon EKS cluster endpoint access control - Amazon EKS
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Modifying cluster endpoint accessAccessing a private only API server

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This topic helps you to enable private access for your Amazon EKS cluster's
Kubernetes API server endpoint and limit, or completely disable, public access
from the internet.

When you create a new cluster, Amazon EKS creates an endpoint for the managed
Kubernetes API server that you use to communicate with your cluster (using
Kubernetes management tools such as kubectl). By default, this API server
endpoint is public to the internet, and access to the API server is secured
using a combination of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and native
Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

You can enable private access to the Kubernetes API server so that all
communication between your nodes and the API server stays within your VPC. You
can limit the IP addresses that can access your API server from the internet, or
completely disable internet access to the API server.


Because this endpoint is for the Kubernetes API server and not a traditional AWS
PrivateLink endpoint for communicating with an AWS API, it doesn't appear as an
endpoint in the Amazon VPC console.

When you enable endpoint private access for your cluster, Amazon EKS creates a
Route 53 private hosted zone on your behalf and associates it with your
cluster's VPC. This private hosted zone is managed by Amazon EKS, and it doesn't
appear in your account's Route 53 resources. In order for the private hosted
zone to properly route traffic to your API server, your VPC must have
enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport set to true, and the DHCP options set
for your VPC must include AmazonProvidedDNS in its domain name servers list. For
more information, see Updating DNS support for your VPC in the Amazon VPC User

You can define your API server endpoint access requirements when you create a
new cluster, and you can update the API server endpoint access for a cluster at
any time.


Use the procedures in this section to modify the endpoint access for an existing
cluster. The following table shows the supported API server endpoint access
combinations and their associated behavior.

API server endpoint access options
Endpoint public access Endpoint private access Behavior Enabled Disabled

 * This is the default behavior for new Amazon EKS clusters.

 * Kubernetes API requests that originate from within your cluster's VPC (such
   as node to control plane communication) leave the VPC but not Amazon's

 * Your cluster API server is accessible from the internet. You can, optionally,
   limit the CIDR blocks that can access the public endpoint. If you limit
   access to specific CIDR blocks, then it is recommended that you also enable
   the private endpoint, or ensure that the CIDR blocks that you specify include
   the addresses that nodes and Fargate Pods (if you use them) access the public
   endpoint from.

Enabled Enabled

 * Kubernetes API requests within your cluster's VPC (such as node to control
   plane communication) use the private VPC endpoint.

 * Your cluster API server is accessible from the internet. You can, optionally,
   limit the CIDR blocks that can access the public endpoint.

Disabled Enabled

 * All traffic to your cluster API server must come from within your cluster's
   VPC or a connected network.

 * There is no public access to your API server from the internet. Any kubectl
   commands must come from within the VPC or a connected network. For
   connectivity options, see Accessing a private only API server.

 * The cluster's API server endpoint is resolved by public DNS servers to a
   private IP address from the VPC. In the past, the endpoint could only be
   resolved from within the VPC.
   If your endpoint does not resolve to a private IP address within the VPC for
   an existing cluster, you can:
    * Enable public access and then disable it again. You only need to do so
      once for a cluster and the endpoint will resolve to a private IP address
      from that point forward.
    * Update your cluster.

You can modify your cluster API server endpoint access using the AWS Management
Console or AWS CLI.

AWS Management Console


 1. Open the Amazon EKS console at

 2. Choose the name of the cluster to display your cluster information.

 3. Choose the Networking tab and choose Update.

 4. For Private access, choose whether to enable or disable private access for
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you enable private access,
    Kubernetes API requests that originate from within your cluster's VPC use
    the private VPC endpoint. You must enable private access to disable public

 5. For Public access, choose whether to enable or disable public access for
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you disable public access,
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server can only receive requests from within
    the cluster VPC.

 6. (Optional) If you've enabled Public access, you can specify which addresses
    from the internet can communicate to the public endpoint. Select Advanced
    Settings. Enter a CIDR block, such as The block cannot
    include reserved addresses. You can enter additional blocks by selecting Add
    Source. There is a maximum number of CIDR blocks that you can specify. For
    more information, see Amazon EKS service quotas. If you specify no blocks,
    then the public API server endpoint receives requests from all (
    IP addresses. If you restrict access to your public endpoint using CIDR
    blocks, it is recommended that you also enable private endpoint access so
    that nodes and Fargate Pods (if you use them) can communicate with the
    cluster. Without the private endpoint enabled, your public access endpoint
    CIDR sources must include the egress sources from your VPC. For example, if
    you have a node in a private subnet that communicates to the internet
    through a NAT Gateway, you will need to add the outbound IP address of the
    NAT gateway as part of an allowed CIDR block on your public endpoint.

 7. Choose Update to finish.



Complete the following steps using the AWS CLI version 1.27.160 or later. You
can check your current version with aws --version. To install or upgrade the AWS
CLI, see Installing the AWS CLI.

 1. Update your cluster API server endpoint access with the following AWS CLI
    command. Substitute your cluster name and desired endpoint access values. If
    you set endpointPublicAccess=true, then you can (optionally) enter single
    CIDR block, or a comma-separated list of CIDR blocks for publicAccessCidrs.
    The blocks cannot include reserved addresses. If you specify CIDR blocks,
    then the public API server endpoint will only receive requests from the
    listed blocks. There is a maximum number of CIDR blocks that you can
    specify. For more information, see Amazon EKS service quotas. If you
    restrict access to your public endpoint using CIDR blocks, it is recommended
    that you also enable private endpoint access so that nodes and Fargate Pods
    (if you use them) can communicate with the cluster. Without the private
    endpoint enabled, your public access endpoint CIDR sources must include the
    egress sources from your VPC. For example, if you have a node in a private
    subnet that communicates to the internet through a NAT Gateway, you will
    need to add the outbound IP address of the NAT gateway as part of an allowed
    CIDR block on your public endpoint. If you specify no CIDR blocks, then the
    public API server endpoint receives requests from all ( IP
    The following command enables private access and public access from a single
    IP address for the API server endpoint. Replace with a single
    CIDR block, or a comma-separated list of CIDR blocks that you want to
    restrict network access to.
    aws eks update-cluster-config \
        --region region-code \
        --name my-cluster \
        --resources-vpc-config endpointPublicAccess=true,publicAccessCidrs="",endpointPrivateAccess=true
    An example output is as follows.
        "update": {
            "id": "e6f0905f-a5d4-4a2a-8c49-EXAMPLE00000",
            "status": "InProgress",
            "type": "EndpointAccessUpdate",
            "params": [
                    "type": "EndpointPublicAccess",
                    "value": "true"
                    "type": "EndpointPrivateAccess",
                    "value": "true"
                    "type": "publicAccessCidrs",
                    "value": "[\\"]"
            "createdAt": 1576874258.137,
            "errors": []

 2. Monitor the status of your endpoint access update with the following
    command, using the cluster name and update ID that was returned by the
    previous command. Your update is complete when the status is shown as
    aws eks describe-update \
        --region region-code \
        --name my-cluster \
        --update-id e6f0905f-a5d4-4a2a-8c49-EXAMPLE00000
    An example output is as follows.
        "update": {
            "id": "e6f0905f-a5d4-4a2a-8c49-EXAMPLE00000",
            "status": "Successful",
            "type": "EndpointAccessUpdate",
            "params": [
                    "type": "EndpointPublicAccess",
                    "value": "true"
                    "type": "EndpointPrivateAccess",
                    "value": "true"
                    "type": "publicAccessCidrs",
                    "value": "[\\"]"
            "createdAt": 1576874258.137,
            "errors": []

 * AWS Management Console


 1. Open the Amazon EKS console at

 2. Choose the name of the cluster to display your cluster information.

 3. Choose the Networking tab and choose Update.

 4. For Private access, choose whether to enable or disable private access for
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you enable private access,
    Kubernetes API requests that originate from within your cluster's VPC use
    the private VPC endpoint. You must enable private access to disable public

 5. For Public access, choose whether to enable or disable public access for
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server endpoint. If you disable public access,
    your cluster's Kubernetes API server can only receive requests from within
    the cluster VPC.

 6. (Optional) If you've enabled Public access, you can specify which addresses
    from the internet can communicate to the public endpoint. Select Advanced
    Settings. Enter a CIDR block, such as The block cannot
    include reserved addresses. You can enter additional blocks by selecting Add
    Source. There is a maximum number of CIDR blocks that you can specify. For
    more information, see Amazon EKS service quotas. If you specify no blocks,
    then the public API server endpoint receives requests from all (
    IP addresses. If you restrict access to your public endpoint using CIDR
    blocks, it is recommended that you also enable private endpoint access so
    that nodes and Fargate Pods (if you use them) can communicate with the
    cluster. Without the private endpoint enabled, your public access endpoint
    CIDR sources must include the egress sources from your VPC. For example, if
    you have a node in a private subnet that communicates to the internet
    through a NAT Gateway, you will need to add the outbound IP address of the
    NAT gateway as part of an allowed CIDR block on your public endpoint.

 7. Choose Update to finish.


If you have disabled public access for your cluster's Kubernetes API server
endpoint, you can only access the API server from within your VPC or a connected
network. Here are a few possible ways to access the Kubernetes API server

Connected network

Connect your network to the VPC with an AWS transit gateway or other
connectivity option and then use a computer in the connected network. You must
ensure that your Amazon EKS control plane security group contains rules to allow
ingress traffic on port 443 from your connected network.

Amazon EC2 bastion host

You can launch an Amazon EC2 instance into a public subnet in your cluster's VPC
and then log in via SSH into that instance to run kubectl commands. For more
information, see Linux bastion hosts on AWS. You must ensure that your Amazon
EKS control plane security group contains rules to allow ingress traffic on port
443 from your bastion host. For more information, see Amazon EKS security group
requirements and considerations.

When you configure kubectl for your bastion host, be sure to use AWS credentials
that are already mapped to your cluster's RBAC configuration, or add the IAM
principal that your bastion will use to the RBAC configuration before you remove
endpoint public access. For more information, see Grant access to Kubernetes
APIs and Unauthorized or access denied (kubectl).

AWS Cloud9 IDE

AWS Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets
you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser. You can create an AWS
Cloud9 IDE in your cluster's VPC and use the IDE to communicate with your
cluster. For more information, see Creating an environment in AWS Cloud9. You
must ensure that your Amazon EKS control plane security group contains rules to
allow ingress traffic on port 443 from your IDE security group. For more
information, see Amazon EKS security group requirements and considerations.

When you configure kubectl for your AWS Cloud9 IDE, be sure to use AWS
credentials that are already mapped to your cluster's RBAC configuration, or add
the IAM principal that your IDE will use to the RBAC configuration before you
remove endpoint public access. For more information, see Grant access to
Kubernetes APIs and Unauthorized or access denied (kubectl).

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 * Modifying cluster endpoint access
 * Accessing a private only API server