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from Da-Wyone Haynes - OCM Network



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Menno Olgers

 * The events occurring in Ukraine are horrific and tragic, especially with the
   close proximity to my extended Family members in Hungary.
   I wanted to reach out to everyone in Budapest to make sure you know that we
   are praying for your continued safety and protection in these uneasy times.
   We applaud the Humanitarian aid you are providing to the Ukrainian people who
   are fleeing to your Country and know that you are exemplifying the best
   attributes of Aegon in your efforts.
   Stay vigilant and reach out if there is anything I can do to provide comfort
   and aid for you.
   Da-Wyone Haynes
   I hope each of you are doing well and getting the love and support you need
   during this difficult time.
   Josh Vranish
   I wanted to let you know in these difficult times you and your families are
   in my prayers. Hoping you get the support you need. I am reaching out (one
   more voice) to our politicians to provide continued support.
   John Spalding
 * Jó napot team, I'll fully admit it feels weird writing a card when all I'd
   like to do is help out more in a tangible way and I guess that for a lot of
   you life just goes on too. We've got the lists of charities to support in NL,
   which many people are doing, but I'm spending an unreasonable amount of time
   refreshing news on this and I hope you're all keeping safe and sound. Feel
   free to reach out to chat / whatever,
   Maxim Buise
   I know this is a really tough time for all of you. Heck, it's hard for all of
   us to witness. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we
   are here if you need anything at all. Please take care of what is important
   and rely on us, your Aegon family, for any support you need.
   Jim Butler
   Tough times. Please know we think about all of you and the additional efforts
   you may need to make during these times.
   Eric Verschut
 * These are unneccesary challenging times colleagues. My family and I are
   monitoring closely what is happening and do send our most positive
   thoughts/prayers/energy/spirits to you and yours. Stay strong together. Hug
   those closest to you and make sure they know how you feel about them every
   day. Don't be too proud to show emotion and ask for help if you need it.
   Prioritze yourself in order to support and protect all others. This too shall
   Best Regards,
   Corey Suttles
   The eyes of the world are on Ukraine and our hearts are with them, as well as
   neighbors and friends affected by the fear, sadness and stress this terrible
   aggression has caused, resurfacing echoes of the past and creating
   uncertainty for the future. Please take care of yourselves, your families,
   and let's help each other share this burden, while we hope for sanity and
   peace to prevail.
   Paul Throgmorton
 * Prayers for peace over the sitaution and for your lives & families.
   Celsey Link
   We are thinking of you and praying for your safety. Keep close to your family
   and friends and let each other know how you feel.
   Kandi Fanton
   Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones during these very
   difficult times. Your Aegon family will do our best to support you through
   these troubling events. Stay safe, stay strong!
   Brad Stoube
   My thoughts and prayers are with you, and all of Eastern Europe at this time.
   Doug Wulf
   Our thoughts are with you and your families for your safety and hope for a
   swift and safe end to this conflict.
   Mark D.
 * Hang tough.
   Jonathan Michals
   My thoughts and prayers are with you at this stressful time. Stand strong,
   Keep your family and friends close. Your Aegon colleagues and friends are
   here for you.
   Cheryl F.
   You are in our hearts and minds during this very difficult time. Please know
   we are praying for peace throughout the land. Blessings to you as you strive
   to provide for the Ukranians in their critical time of need. Keep your family
   Thinking of you all,
   Ramona Hansen
   My thoughts are with you and your families during these challenging times.
   Danette Moore
 * Wishing you peace and safety during this frightening time.
   Jeremiah Hopkins
   Keeping you and your families in my heart during this difficult and stressful
   time. Please reach out if you ever need to talk or would like a virtual hug.
   We are here for you and will do whatever is in our power to support you.
   Steph Reynolds
   Thoughts and prayers are with everyone during this difficult and unknown
   Jamie Grimm
   My thoughts and prayers go out to all of our Hungarian teammates as well as
   to all of the people in the Ukraine. Please reach out if there is anything we
   can do to help you.
   Marilyn Griffith
 * Keeping you all in our thoughts at this time
   Brian Thomsen
   This is a tough time we are going through.. I can only imagine how
   frightening it must be so close to all that is going on. Take care of
   yourself and each other. Our thoughts are with you.
   Edmond Boon
   Тримаємо вас усіх у наших думках у цей час. Сподіваюся, незабаром світ знову
   зміниться на позитив
   It's OK not to be OK.
   When you need to talk, let us listen.
   Morag B
 * My thoughts are with you during these challenging times. I can only thank you
   for all the help and support that you are providing to the Ukrainian people.
   Please stay safe and let's hope that this situation won't last for long.
   Thinking of you all during these tough times. If you need anything, just let
   us know.
   Lisa Hamilton
   My thoughts are with you during what is a very stressful time
   Can't begin to imagine the scary and stressful times being endured right now.
   Please stay safe, praying for peaceful resolution soon.
   Thinking about and praying for all of you often. Take care of yourselves and
   those around you. Stay safe and please reach out if there is anything you
   need. I hope this is all over soon.
   Brian Scott
 * Take care of yourselves, and support all of those around you who need it. And
   if you need help, I am confident that everyone around you will be ready to
   support you. Kia kaha - be strong.
   Daniel Towns
   It was heartwarming to see on the TV news last night that the Ukrainian
   refugees are being well taken care of in Hungary. Let's hope this terrible
   sitiuation comes to an end very soon. Stay safe!
   Edwin Poppelier
   I hope this ends soon and all in Hungary and surrounding friends and family
   are safe throughout. Stay Safe!
   Derek Meinen
 * You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this extremely difficult time.
   Please prioritize those things that are truly important and know that support
   is readily available, anytime!
   Derek Ash
   Thinking of all of you as these horrible events unfold. Stay healthy and safe
   as we all hope for a quick end to this madness.
   Erik Sjobakken
   I struggle with what to say, my mind races and my heart breaks hearing the
   fear and concern of my co-workers. From our home to yours, as you live
   through these turbulent and scary times my family sends you well wishes, good
   vibes, warm thoughts and prayers for peace, protection, refuge and
   deliverance from all the hate, intolernace and violence.
   Dawn and Stan Cooper
 * You are all in my thoughts as the unnecessary violance in the Ukraine
   continues. Keep you and your family safe. We are praying for a quick end to
   Heather Mueller
   I am keeping you guys in remembrance as we continue to pray for God's divine
   comfort, peace and protection in the midst of it all.
   Shelva Presley
   My thoughts are with you in these tough times. It is hard to know what to say
   in times like these. Please be sure to ask for help when it is needed and to
   take care of yourselves and your families. Hoping for a speedy and peaceful
   Abbey Evert
   Stay Safe and Stay well!
   Chris Thede
 * Our Hearts are with the Ukraines every step of their struggle. Thoughs and
   prayers with bid hugs.
   Andree Marshall

 * This card helped plant a tree through the non-profit OneTreePlanted.org.
   Thank you for supporting our goal of planting 1 million trees.
   Sending appreciation one card at a time.


The events occurring in Ukraine are horrific and tragic, especially with the
close proximity to my extended Family members in Hungary.
I wanted to reach out to everyone in Budapest to make sure you know that we are
praying for your continued safety and protection in these uneasy times.
We applaud the Humanitarian aid you are providing to the Ukrainian people who
are fleeing to your Country and know that you are exemplifying the best
attributes of Aegon in your efforts.
Stay vigilant and reach out if there is anything I can do to provide comfort and
aid for you.
Da-Wyone Haynes
I hope each of you are doing well and getting the love and support you need
during this difficult time.
Josh Vranish
I wanted to let you know in these difficult times you and your families are in
my prayers. Hoping you get the support you need. I am reaching out (one more
voice) to our politicians to provide continued support.
John Spalding

Jó napot team, I'll fully admit it feels weird writing a card when all I'd like
to do is help out more in a tangible way and I guess that for a lot of you life
just goes on too. We've got the lists of charities to support in NL, which many
people are doing, but I'm spending an unreasonable amount of time refreshing
news on this and I hope you're all keeping safe and sound. Feel free to reach
out to chat / whatever,
Maxim Buise
I know this is a really tough time for all of you. Heck, it's hard for all of us
to witness. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we are
here if you need anything at all. Please take care of what is important and rely
on us, your Aegon family, for any support you need.
Jim Butler
Tough times. Please know we think about all of you and the additional efforts
you may need to make during these times.
Eric Verschut

These are unneccesary challenging times colleagues. My family and I are
monitoring closely what is happening and do send our most positive
thoughts/prayers/energy/spirits to you and yours. Stay strong together. Hug
those closest to you and make sure they know how you feel about them every day.
Don't be too proud to show emotion and ask for help if you need it. Prioritze
yourself in order to support and protect all others. This too shall pass.....

Best Regards,
Corey Suttles
The eyes of the world are on Ukraine and our hearts are with them, as well as
neighbors and friends affected by the fear, sadness and stress this terrible
aggression has caused, resurfacing echoes of the past and creating uncertainty
for the future. Please take care of yourselves, your families, and let's help
each other share this burden, while we hope for sanity and peace to prevail.
Paul Throgmorton

Prayers for peace over the sitaution and for your lives & families.
Celsey Link
We are thinking of you and praying for your safety. Keep close to your family
and friends and let each other know how you feel.

Kandi Fanton
Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones during these very difficult
times. Your Aegon family will do our best to support you through these troubling
events. Stay safe, stay strong!
Brad Stoube
My thoughts and prayers are with you, and all of Eastern Europe at this time.
Doug Wulf
Our thoughts are with you and your families for your safety and hope for a swift
and safe end to this conflict.
Mark D.

Hang tough.

Jonathan Michals
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this stressful time. Stand strong, Keep
your family and friends close. Your Aegon colleagues and friends are here for
Cheryl F.
You are in our hearts and minds during this very difficult time. Please know we
are praying for peace throughout the land. Blessings to you as you strive to
provide for the Ukranians in their critical time of need. Keep your family
Thinking of you all,
Ramona Hansen
My thoughts are with you and your families during these challenging times.
Danette Moore



Menno Olgers


Da-Wyone Haynes - OCM Network


04 Mar 2022 at 2:00 AM



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Sending appreciation one card at a time.


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    Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F”
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Disability profiles supported on our website
 * Epilepsy Safe Profile: this profile enables people with epilepsy to safely
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Additional UI, design, and readability adjustments
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 6. Cognitive disorders – we utilize a search engine linked to Wikipedia and
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 7. Additional functions – we allow users to change cursor color and size, use a
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We aim to support as many browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so
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Notes, comments, and feedback

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