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Antennas are the wires of the wireless world. They are the last stop for a
signal on its way from a transmitter and the point of entry for a signal coming
home to a receiver. A wireless network can be built with the world’s latest
high-performance radio technology and best fiber optic backbone, but the network
will only perform as good as the antennas used to send and receive the signals
from the radio. A poor quality, poor performing antenna will cripple overall
performance and bring the high-performance radios to their knees. Without good
antennas, wireless is just less.

But not all antennas are created equal. The right antenna can make the
difference between a wireless system that delivers on expectations, and one that
falls flat. When designing any wireless system, the antennas must be carefully
chosen to fulfill system requirements and the demands of end users. Many
additional factors must also be considered, from RF performance to installation
requirements to site aesthetics to total cost of ownership.

In this report, we will examine a few different site antenna solutions, with a
primary focus on small cell site antennas including canister antennas and RF
lens multi-beam antennas. Before we begin that discussion, we will examine the
differences between macro cells and small cells and what those differences mean
when selecting antennas.


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MatSing is the worlds leading manufacturer of large size, light weight RF
Lenses.  With our patented meta-material and manufacturing techniques, MatSing
is capable of designing and manufacturing different types of RF Lenses for
multiple industries and applications. Utilizing our light weight RF Lens
technology, we are capable of manufacturing different sized multi-beam RF Lens
antennas, introducing a new age of antenna design and providing high-performance
and high-capacity antennas for the Telecommunications industry.

See MatSing Products Available at Gap Wireless


Gamma Nu designs and manufactures world-class antennas for a wide range of
wireless needs. With a dedicated focus on PIM free and low loss antennas, Gamma
Nu delivers high quality solutions including base station antennas, stadium
antennas, iDAS and oDAS antennas, public safety system antennas, canister
antennas, and more.

See Gamma Nu Products Available at Gap Wireless

Gap Wireless is a leading value-added supplier of antenna and smart city
products, rf cables, rf components, and rf connectors for Canadian carriers and
contractors in the mobile broadband and wireless infrastructure market. We are
partnered with over 40 industry-recognized vendors in the wireless, mobile
broadband, and network infrastructure markets to stock and distribute thousands
of products, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, fiber and copper cable,
and Hammond racks and cabinets. Gap Wireless is also the leading authorized
distributor of Keysight Technologies oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers in the
rf test and measurement equipment in Canada.
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