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Training > IoT & Embedded Development > Developing Embedded Linux Device Drivers


This instructor-led course is designed to show experienced programmers how to
develop device drivers for embedded Linux systems, and give them a basic
understanding and familiarity with the Linux kernel. Hands-on labs with a RISC-V
based emulated development target allow students to practice what is learned in

4.0/5 Stars

Who Is It For


This course is for experienced developers who need to develop device drivers for
embedded Linux systems.
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What You’ll Learn


Upon mastering this material, you will be familiar with the different kinds of
device drivers used under Linux, and have an introduction to many of the
appropriate APIs to be used when writing a device driver. The labs for
illustrating these concepts will all be performed on ARM hardware in order to
get developers familiar with cross-compiling and developing drivers for an
embedded target.
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What It Prepares You For


This course will prepare you to develop device drivers for embedded Linux
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Course Outline
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- Objectives
- Who You Are
- The Linux Foundation
- Linux Foundation Training
- Certification Programs and Digital Badging
- Linux Distributions
- Preparing Your System
- Things change in Linux
- Documentation and Links
- Procedures
- Kernel Versions
- Kernel Sources and Use of git
- Hardware
- Staging Tree
- Labs
How to Work in OSS Projects **
- Overview on How to Contribute Properly
- Stay Close to Mainline for Security and Quality
- Study and Understand the Project DNA
- Figure Out What Itch You Want to Scratch
- Identify Maintainers and Their Work Flows and Methods
- Get Early Input and Work in the Open
- Contribute Incremental Bits, Not Large Code Dumps
- Leave Your Ego at the Door: Don’t Be Thin-Skinned
- Be Patient, Develop Long Term Relationships, Be Helpful
Cross-Development Toolchain
- The Compiler Triplet
- Built-in Linux Distribution Cross Compiler
- Linaro
- CodeSourcery
- crosstool-ng
- Buildroot
- OpenEmbedded
- Yocto Project
- Labs
- What is QEMU?
- Why use QEMU?
- Emulated Architectures
- Image Formats
- Labs
Booting a Target Development Board from uSD
- Why do we use uSD cards?
- Getting SW onto a uSD card
- Why is using uSD cards a bad idea?
- Labs
Booting a Target Development Board over Ethernet
- Using virtual Hardware
- An easier way to develop
- Objectives of the Lab
- Labs
Kernel Configuration, Compilation, Booting
- Configuring the Kernel for the Development Board
- Labs
Device Drivers
- Types of Devices
- Mechanism vs. Policy
- Avoiding Binary Blobs
- Power Management
- How Applications Use Device Drivers
- Walking Through a System Call Accessing a Device
- Error Numbers
- printk()
- devres: Managed Device Resources
- Labs
Modules and Device Drivers
- The module driver() Macros
- Modules and Hot Plug
- Labs
Memory Management and Allocation
- Virtual and Physical Memory
- Memory Zones
- Page Tables
- kmalloc()
- get free pages()
- vmalloc()
- Slabs and Cache Allocations
- Labs
Character Devices
- Device Nodes
- Major and Minor Numbers
- Reserving Major/Minor Numbers
- Accessing the Device Node
- Registering the Device
- udev
- dev printk() and Associates
- file operations Structure
- Driver Entry Points
- The file and inode Structures
- Miscellaneous Character Drivers
- Labs
Kernel Features
- Components of the Kernel
- User-Space vs. Kernel-Space
- What are System Calls?
- Available System Calls
- Scheduling Algorithms and Task Structures
- Process Context
- Labs
Transferring Between User and Kernel Space
- Transferring Between Spaces
- put(get) user() and copy to(from) user()
- Direct Transfer: Kernel I/O and Memory Mapping
- Kernel I/O
- Mapping User Pages
- Memory Mapping
- User-Space Functions for mmap()
- Driver Entry Point for mmap()
- Accessing Files from the Kernel
- Labs
Platform Drivers
- What are Platform Drivers?
- Main Data Structures
- Registering Platform Devices
- An Example
- Hardcoded Platform Data
- The New Way: Device Trees
- Labs
Device Trees
- What are Device Trees?
- What Device Trees Do and What They Do Not Do
- Device Tree Syntax
- Device Tree Walk Through
- Device Tree Bindings
- Device Tree support in Boot Loaders
- Using Device Tree Data in Drivers
- Coexistence and Conversion of Old Drivers
- Labs
Interrupts and Exceptions
- What are Interrupts and Exceptions?
- Exceptions
- Asynchronous Interrupts
- Enabling/Disabling Interrupts
- What You Cannot Do at Interrupt Time
- IRQ Data Structures
- Installing an Interrupt Handler
- Labs
Timing Measurements
- Kinds of Timing Measurements
- Jiffies
- Getting the Current Time
- Clock Sources
- Real Time Clock
- Programmable Interval Timer
- Time Stamp Counter
- Going Tickless
Kernel Timers
- Inserting Delays
- What are Kernel Timers?
- Low Resolution Timer Functions
- Low Resolution Timer Implementation
- High Resolution Timers
- Using High Resolution Timers
- Labs
- What are ioctls?
- Driver Entry point for ioctls
- Defining ioctls
- Labs
Unified Device Model and sysfs
- Unified Device Model
- Basic Structures
- Real Devices
- sysfs
- kset and kobject examples
- Labs
- What is Firmware?
- Loading Firmware
- Labs
Sleeping and Wait Queues
- What are Wait Queues?
- Going to Sleep and Waking Up
- Going to Sleep Details
- Exclusive Sleeping
- Waking Up Details
- Polling
- Labs
Interrupt Handling: Deferrable Functions and User Drivers
- Top and Bottom Halves
- Softirqs
- Tasklets
- Work Queues
- New Work Queue API
- Creating Kernel Threads
- Threaded Interrupt Handlers
- Interrupt Handling in User-Space
- Labs
Hardware I/O
- Memory Barriers
- Allocating and Mapping I/O Memory
- Accessing I/O Memory
Direct Memory Access (DMA)**
- What is DMA?
- DMA Directly to User
- DMA and Interrupts
- DMA Memory Constraints
- DMA Masks
- DMA Pools
- Scatter/Gather Mappings
- Labs
Memory Technology Devices (Flash Memory Filesystems)
- What are MTD Devices?
- NAND vs. NOR vs. eMMC
- Driver and User Modules
- Flash Filesystems
USB Drivers
- What is USB?
- USB Topology
- Terminology
- Endpoints
- Descriptors
- USB Device Classes
- USB Support in Linux
- Registering USB Device Drivers
- Moving Data
- Example of a USB Driver
- Labs
Closing and Evaluation Survey
- Evaluation Survey
Kernel Architecture I
- UNIX and Linux **
- Monolithic and Micro Kernels
- Object-Oriented Methods
- Main Kernel Components
- User-Space and Kernel-Space
Kernel Programming Preview
- Task Structure
- Memory Allocation
- Transferring Data between User and Kernel Spaces
- Object-Oriented Inheritance - Sort Of
- Linked Lists
- Jiffies
- Labs
- What are Modules?
- A Trivial Example
- Compiling Modules
- Modules vs Built-in
- Module Utilities
- Automatic Module Loading
- Module Usage Count
- Module Licensing
- Exporting Symbols
- Resolving Symbols **
- Labs
Kernel Architecture II
- Processes, Threads, and Tasks
- Kernel Preemption
- Real Time Preemption Patch
- Labs
Kernel Configuration and Compilation
- Installation and Layout of the Kernel Source
- Kernel Browsers
- Kernel Configuration Files
- Kernel Building and Makefiles
- initrd and initramfs
- Labs
Kernel Style and General Considerations
- Coding Style
- Using Generic Kernel Routines and Methods
- Making a Kernel Patch
- sparse
- Using likely() and unlikely()
- Writing Portable Code, CPU, 32/64-bit, Endianness
- Writing for SMP
- Writing for High Memory Systems
- Power Management
- Keeping Security in Mind
- Labs
Race Conditions and Synchronization Methods
- Concurrency and Synchronization Methods
- Atomic Operations
- Bit Operations
- Spinlocks
- Seqlocks
- Disabling Preemption
- Mutexes
- Semaphores
- Completion Functions
- Read-Copy-Update (RCU)
- Reference Counts
- Labs
Memory Addressing
- Virtual Memory Management
- Systems With and Without MMU and the TLB
- Memory Addresses
- High and Low Memory
- Memory Zones
- Special Device Nodes
- Paging
- Page Tables
- page structure
- Labs
Memory Allocation
- Requesting and Releasing Pages
- Buddy System
- Slabs and Cache Allocations
- Memory Pools
- kmalloc()
- vmalloc()
- Early Allocations and bootmem()
- Memory Defragmentation
- Labs


** These sections may be considered in part or in whole as optional. They
contain either background reference material, specialized topics, or advanced
subjects. The instructor may choose to cover or not cover them depending on
classroom experience and time constraints.
To make the most of this course, you must have:

Knowledge of basic kernel interfaces and methods such as how to write, compile,
load and unload modules, use synchronization primitives, and the basics of
memory allocation and management, such as is provided by LFD420 (Kernel
Internals and Development). Pre-class preparation material will be provided
before class.

Learning Path

Introduction to RISC-V (LFD110x)
Building a RISC-V CPU Core (LFD111x)
Introduction to Linux, Open Source Development, and GIT (LFD301)
Linux Kernel Internals and Development (LFD420)
Developing Embedded Linux Device Drivers (LFD435)
Linux Kernel Debugging and Security (LFD440)
Embedded Linux Development (LFD450)
Embedded Linux Platform Development with Yocto Project (LFD460)

Jan 2022
I enjoyed learning from an industry expert. The nice book, friendly classmates,
and the classroom environment was very nice.
Jan 2022
Trainer's expertise. He was stressing more the importance of topics like device
Jan 2022
Instructor was extremely knowledgeable, friendly, patient, and conveyed
information extremely well. Course gave me a great baseline knowledge to work
with; I will need to practice on my own time to fully cement the lessons into my
Nov 2021
Good coverage of all sorts of drivers and internals.
Nov 2021
I appreciated Tom's explanation of things. It is one thing to read about a
topic, but it definitely adds value to have somebody there with experience who
can help explain it, and point out things that are important, and things that
maybe aren't as much.
Nov 2021
The instructor was very engaging, and quite helpful during problematic labs. He
added to the material from his own experiences, which I personally value highly,
as it speaks to things that are real, vs examples that are contrived for the
purpose of an exercise.
Nov 2021
The way the lab Resources and Solutions (Lab) was implemented. Much of the time
that gets wasted in setting up the environment and writing make files was saved,
and we could focus on learning and developing drivers.
Nov 2021
Great class!
Nov 2021
Trainer's knowledge and style of communication.
Nov 2021
Observing the instructor using the tools.
Nov 2021
Practicing and the structure of the material, and of course Behan is a great
Nov 2021
The details and expertise of the instructor.
Apr 2021
The instructor is obviously a professional, and he knew how to answer all our
questions perfectly. Moreover, the qemu emulations were great, it helped us a
Apr 2021
The instructor was excellent! The labs are also very good, and the course book
is well written as well.
Mar 2021
Instructor was great; went above and beyond by showing us examples in Linux that
were not in the material.
Mar 2021
Good amount of depth; nice to break up the lecture with so many labs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Apr, 18 - 21, 2022
9:00 am - 5:00 pm US/Central
Virtual, Instructor-Led

GUARANTEED This course has reached its minimum class size and is guaranteed to
run on the scheduled date.
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May, 23 - 26, 2022
9:00 am - 5:00 pm US/Central
Virtual, Instructor-Led
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Jun, 27 - 30, 2022
9:00 am - 5:00 pm US/Central
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Jul, 25 - 28, 2022
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Aug, 15 - 18, 2022
9:00 am - 5:00 pm US/Central
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4 days of Instructor-led class time
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4.0/5 Stars
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