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Submission: On November 13 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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          <option value="BFA">Burkina Faso</option>
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          <option value="CAN">Canada</option>
          <option value="CPV">Cape Verde</option>
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          <option value="COG">Congo</option>
          <option value="COD">Congo, the Dem. Rep. of the</option>
          <option value="COK">Cook Islands</option>
          <option value="CRI">Costa Rica</option>
          <option value="CIV">Cote D'Ivoire</option>
          <option value="HRV">Croatia</option>
          <option value="CUB">Cuba</option>
          <option value="CUW">Curacao</option>
          <option value="DJI">Djibouti</option>
          <option value="DMA">Dominica</option>
          <option value="DOM">Dominican Republic</option>
          <option value="ECU">Ecuador</option>
          <option value="EGY">Egypt</option>
          <option value="SLV">El Salvador</option>
          <option value="GNQ">Equatorial Guinea</option>
          <option value="ERI">Eritrea</option>
          <option value="ETH">Ethiopia</option>
          <option value="FLK">Falkland Isl. (Malvinas)</option>
          <option value="FRO">Faroe Islands</option>
          <option value="FJI">Fiji</option>
          <option value="GUF">French Guiana</option>
          <option value="PYF">French Polynesia</option>
          <option value="ATF">French Southern Terr.</option>
          <option value="GAB">Gabon</option>
          <option value="GMB">Gambia</option>
          <option value="GEO">Georgia (country)</option>
          <option value="GHA">Ghana</option>
          <option value="GIB">Gibraltar</option>
          <option value="GRL">Greenland</option>
          <option value="GRD">Grenada</option>
          <option value="GLP">Guadeloupe</option>
          <option value="GUM">Guam</option>
          <option value="GTM">Guatemala</option>
          <option value="GGY">Guernsey, C.I.</option>
          <option value="GIN">Guinea</option>
          <option value="GNB">Guinea-Bissau</option>
          <option value="GUY">Guyana</option>
          <option value="HTI">Haiti</option>
          <option value="HMD">Heard and McDonald Isl.</option>
          <option value="HND">Honduras</option>
          <option value="HKG">Hong Kong</option>
          <option value="IND">India</option>
          <option value="IDN">Indonesia</option>
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          <option value="IRQ">Iraq</option>
          <option value="IMN">Isle of Man</option>
          <option value="JAM">Jamaica</option>
          <option value="JPN">Japan</option>
          <option value="JEY">Jersey, C.I.</option>
          <option value="JOR">Jordan</option>
          <option value="KAZ">Kazakhstan</option>
          <option value="KEN">Kenya</option>
          <option value="KIR">Kiribati</option>
          <option value="PRK">Korea, Dem. People's Rep.</option>
          <option value="KOR">Korea, Republic of</option>
          <option value="XKX">Kosovo</option>
          <option value="KWT">Kuwait</option>
          <option value="KGZ">Kyrgyzstan</option>
          <option value="LAO">Lao Peoples Dem. Rep.</option>
          <option value="LBN">Lebanon</option>
          <option value="LSO">Lesotho</option>
          <option value="LBR">Liberia</option>
          <option value="LBY">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option>
          <option value="LIE">Liechtenstein</option>
          <option value="MAC">Macao</option>
          <option value="MKD">Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of</option>
          <option value="MDG">Madagascar</option>
          <option value="MWI">Malawi</option>
          <option value="MYS">Malaysia</option>
          <option value="MDV">Maldives</option>
          <option value="MLI">Mali</option>
          <option value="MHL">Marshall Islands</option>
          <option value="MTQ">Martinique</option>
          <option value="MRT">Mauritania</option>
          <option value="MUS">Mauritius</option>
          <option value="MYT">Mayotte</option>
          <option value="MEX">Mexico</option>
          <option value="FSM">Micronesia, Fed. States</option>
          <option value="MDA">Moldova, Republic of</option>
          <option value="MCO">Monaco</option>
          <option value="MNG">Mongolia</option>
          <option value="MNE">Montenegro</option>
          <option value="MSR">Montserrat</option>
          <option value="MAR">Morocco</option>
          <option value="MOZ">Mozambique</option>
          <option value="MMR">Myanmar</option>
          <option value="NAM">Namibia</option>
          <option value="NRU">Nauru</option>
          <option value="NPL">Nepal</option>
          <option value="ANT">Netherland Antilles</option>
          <option value="NCL">New Caledonia</option>
          <option value="NZL">New Zealand</option>
          <option value="NIC">Nicaragua</option>
          <option value="NER">Niger</option>
          <option value="NGA">Nigeria</option>
          <option value="NIU">Niue</option>
          <option value="NFK">Norfolk Island</option>
          <option value="MNP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
          <option value="OMN">Oman</option>
          <option value="PAK">Pakistan</option>
          <option value="PLW">Palau</option>
          <option value="PSE">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
          <option value="PAN">Panama</option>
          <option value="PNG">Papua New Guinea</option>
          <option value="PRY">Paraguay</option>
          <option value="PER">Peru</option>
          <option value="PHL">Philippines</option>
          <option value="PCN">Pitcairn</option>
          <option value="PRI">Puerto Rico</option>
          <option value="QAT">Qatar</option>
          <option value="REU">Reunion</option>
          <option value="RUS">Russian Federation</option>
          <option value="RWA">Rwanda</option>
          <option value="SGS">S. Georgia and the S. Sandwich Isl.</option>
          <option value="KNA">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
          <option value="LCA">Saint Lucia</option>
          <option value="WSM">Samoa</option>
          <option value="SMR">San Marino</option>
          <option value="STP">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
          <option value="SAU">Saudi Arabia</option>
          <option value="SEN">Senegal</option>
          <option value="SRB">Serbia</option>
          <option value="SYC">Seychelles</option>
          <option value="SLE">Sierra Leone</option>
          <option value="SGP">Singapore</option>
          <option value="SXM">Sint Maarten (Dutch part)</option>
          <option value="SLB">Solomon Islands</option>
          <option value="SOM">Somalia</option>
          <option value="ZAF">South Africa</option>
          <option value="SSD">South Sudan</option>
          <option value="LKA">Sri Lanka</option>
          <option value="BLM">St. Barthelemy</option>
          <option value="SHN">St. Helena</option>
          <option value="MAF">St. Martin</option>
          <option value="SPM">St. Pierre and Miquelon</option>
          <option value="VCT">St. Vincent &amp; Grenadines</option>
          <option value="SDN">Sudan</option>
          <option value="SUR">Suriname</option>
          <option value="SJM">Svalbard &amp; Jan Mayen</option>
          <option value="SWZ">Swaziland</option>
          <option value="SYR">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
          <option value="TWN">Taiwan, Prov. of China</option>
          <option value="TJK">Tajikistan</option>
          <option value="TZA">Tanzania, United Rep. of</option>
          <option value="THA">Thailand</option>
          <option value="TLS">Timor-Leste</option>
          <option value="TGO">Togo</option>
          <option value="TKL">Tokelau</option>
          <option value="TON">Tonga</option>
          <option value="TTO">Trinidad and Tobago</option>
          <option value="TUN">Tunisia</option>
          <option value="TUR">Turkey</option>
          <option value="TKM">Turkmenistan</option>
          <option value="TCA">Turks and Caicos Islands</option>
          <option value="TUV">Tuvalu</option>
          <option value="UMI">U.S.Minor Outlying Isl.</option>
          <option value="ARE">UAE</option>
          <option value="UGA">Uganda</option>
          <option value="UKR">Ukraine</option>
          <option selected="" value="USA">United States</option>
          <option value="URY">Uruguay</option>
          <option value="UZB">Uzbekistan</option>
          <option value="VUT">Vanuatu</option>
          <option value="VAT">Vatican City State</option>
          <option value="VEN">Venezuela</option>
          <option value="VNM">Viet Nam</option>
          <option value="VGB">Virgin Islands (British)</option>
          <option value="VIR">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
          <option value="WLF">Wallis and Futuna</option>
          <option value="ESH">Western Sahara</option>
          <option value="YEM">Yemen</option>
          <option value="ZMB">Zambia</option>
          <option value="ZWE">Zimbabwe</option>
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          <option value="AK">Alaska</option>
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          <option value="CT">Connecticut</option>
          <option value="DC">Dist. of Columbia</option>
          <option value="DE">Delaware</option>
          <option value="FL">Florida</option>
          <option value="FM">Federated States of Micronesia</option>
          <option value="GA">Georgia</option>
          <option value="GU">Guam</option>
          <option value="HI">Hawaii</option>
          <option value="IA">Iowa</option>
          <option value="ID">Idaho</option>
          <option value="IL">Illinois</option>
          <option value="IN">Indiana</option>
          <option value="KS">Kansas</option>
          <option value="KY">Kentucky</option>
          <option value="LA">Louisiana</option>
          <option value="MA">Massachusetts</option>
          <option value="MD">Maryland</option>
          <option value="ME">Maine</option>
          <option value="MH">Marshall Islands</option>
          <option value="MI">Michigan</option>
          <option value="MN">Minnesota</option>
          <option value="MO">Missouri</option>
          <option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
          <option value="MS">Mississippi</option>
          <option value="MT">Montana</option>
          <option value="NC">North Carolina</option>
          <option value="ND">North Dakota</option>
          <option value="NE">Nebraska</option>
          <option value="NH">New Hampshire</option>
          <option value="NJ">New Jersey</option>
          <option value="NM">New Mexico</option>
          <option value="NV">Nevada</option>
          <option value="NY">New York</option>
          <option value="OH">Ohio</option>
          <option value="OK">Oklahoma</option>
          <option value="OR">Oregon</option>
          <option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>
          <option value="PR">Puerto Rico</option>
          <option value="PW">Palau</option>
          <option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>
          <option value="SC">South Carolina</option>
          <option value="SD">South Dakota</option>
          <option value="TN">Tennessee</option>
          <option value="TX">Texas</option>
          <option value="UM">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
          <option value="UT">Utah</option>
          <option value="VA">Virginia</option>
          <option value="VI">Virgin Islands</option>
          <option value="VT">Vermont</option>
          <option value="WA">Washington</option>
          <option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>
          <option value="WV">West Virginia</option>
          <option value="WY">Wyoming</option>
          <option value="AA">Armed Forces Americas</option>
          <option value="AE">Armed Forces Europe</option>
          <option value="AP">Armed Forces Pacific</option>
          <option value="OTHER_VALUE">Other</option>
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Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, 80916


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Item Number
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. 80916
Auction Date
15 Nov, 05:20 PM - 05:25 PM GMT

Starting Bid
US $900
€842 *

Bid Increment
US $50

Sold for

US $


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113 watchers
113 watchers

38,253 Miles
Cummins -, 6 Cylinder, 5.9L -, Turbo, Diesel Engine, 9 Speed Manual
Transmission, PTO, 9.00R20 Tires, A/C, Heater

 * IronClad
   Assurance Inspected by IronPlanet
   Your purchase is protected by our IronClad Assurance.

 * Financing Get PurchaseFlex™ Financing: Up to 100% financing with $0 down
   US $ 15

Get PurchaseFlex™ Financing: Up to 100% financing with $0 down
Purchase budget:
US $
Estimated monthly payment*: US $ 18.25

*Estimated monthly payment is for illustrative purposes only and is calculated
based on the listed selling price, a 60-month term, and a competitive effective
annual interest rate. Actual rates and terms from Ritchie Bros. Financial
Services may differ based on an individual's credit and specific asset details.
Taxes and additional fees are extra. Additional terms and conditions apply.
For more information contact Ritchie Bros. Financial Services:
North America: 1.877.269.7237
Europe: +31.765.242.600
Australia: 1.300.748.244

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Inspection Report Important Information


General Appearance
Control Station
Chassis - Dump DLA


Please note that as the buyer, you are responsible for reviewing the entire
inspection report when evaluating an item.
Protected by IronClad Assurance®

General Appearance

Description Rating Details   DTID Click here to open photos and videos of this
item.   Serial Number / VIN 1FDXK74C0PVA21235 Click here to open photos and
videos of this item.   Paint Click here to open photos and videos of this
item.   Sheet Metal Condition Click here to open photos and videos of this
item.   Mirrors Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Exterior
Lights Functional Not operationally checked Click here to open photos and videos
of this item.   (15)

Control Station

Pin connection pivot point wear inspections are limited to sound, sight and feel
observations. Dial indicator testing is not performed. Description Rating
Details   Glass Condition No visible damage Click here to open photos and videos
of this item.   Seating Click here to open photos and videos of this item.  
Seat belts Operational Horn Operational Hydraulic Controls Click here to open
photos and videos of this item.   Steering Controls Click here to open photos
and videos of this item.   Powertrain controls Click here to open photos and
videos of this item.   Service Brakes The brakes were not operationally checked.
Oil Pressure Reading Not operationally checked Click here to open photos and
videos of this item.   Engine Warning Lights Click here to open photos and
videos of this item.   Gauges Click here to open photos and videos of this
item.   Hour Meter Reading 846 Hours - IronPlanet makes no guarantees as to
actual hours/miles; we can only report what can be visually observed. Click here
to open photos and videos of this item.   Odometer 38253 mi - No guarantees as
to actual hours/miles; we can only report what can be visually observed. Click
here to open photos and videos of this item.   Heater Click here to open photos
and videos of this item.   Limited Function Check The item was not operational.
Ratings are based on a static inspection. (20)


Description Rating Details   Emission Control Label None found A/C Compressor
Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Turbo or Blower No visible
damage Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Injector pump Click
here to open photos and videos of this item.   Radiator Click here to open
photos and videos of this item.   Oil Leaks No dripping leaks Fuel Leaks Fuel
tank Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Cooling System Leaks
No dripping leaks Engine - Right Side Click here to open photos and videos of
this item.   Engine - Left Side Click here to open photos and videos of this
item.   Limited Function Check The engine could not be started. (8)


Operational test is limited to low speed in a confined flat area without load.
Differential interlocks, full transmission shifting and functionality of all
drive axles cannot be fully verified. Inspector listens for abnormal noises,
observes leaks and notes physical damage. Description Rating Details  
Transmission Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Drive Shaft
Bent Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Steer Axle Click here
to open photos and videos of this item.   Rear Drive Axle(s) Click here to open
photos and videos of this item.   Limited Function Check The drivetrain could
not be operationally checked. (7)


See photos for condition Description Rating Details   Pumps (Hydraulics) Click
here to open photos and videos of this item.   Valves Click here to open photos
and videos of this item.   Hydraulic Tank Click here to open photos and videos
of this item.   Hoses Click here to open photos and videos of this item.  
Cylinders Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Limited Function
Check The hydraulic system could not be operationally checked. (9)


IronPlanet pin connection pivot point wear inspections are limited to sound,
sight and feel observations. Dial indicator testing is not performed.
Description Rating Details   Steering Linkage Rust Click here to open photos and
videos of this item.   Frame Condition Rust Click here to open photos and videos
of this item.   Wheel Condition Rust Wheel Studs, Nuts, Lugs Rust Left Steer
Tire Click here to open photos and videos of this item.   Left Rear Tire Click
here to open photos and videos of this item.   Right Rear Tire Click here to
open photos and videos of this item.   Right Steer Tire Click here to open
photos and videos of this item.   (6)

Chassis - Dump DLA

IronPlanet pin connection pivot point wear inspections are limited to sound,
sight and feel observations. Dial indicator testing is not performed.
Description Rating Details   Limited Function Check The unit could not be
started and run. Several components could not be checked. (3)


Description Rating Details   Shipping Dimensions Length: 23’, Width: 8’, Height:


This item is offered with IronClad Assurance® protection. With IronClad
Assurance®, if a buyer discovers that the item is not substantially in the
condition as represented in this inspection report, the buyer may submit a
written dispute claim to IronPlanet. Following submission of a written dispute
claim, IronPlanet will investigate the claim, re-inspecting the equipment item
as necessary, and determine a fair and mutually beneficial resolution. Please
note that IronPlanet inspections are performed solely for the purpose of
reporting the visible condition of the equipment's major systems and attachments
on the day of the inspection and do not include load testing or digging/lifting.
These inspections are not designed nor intended to detect latent defects, or
conditions that could only be found in connection with the physical dismantling
of the equipment or the use of diagnostic tools or techniques. This inspection
report includes ratings, comments, and photos of the various components of the
item. Knowledgeable buyers are expected to carefully review all of the available
information in the inspection report, including all photographs, in order to
make the best bidding and buying decision possible.



Export Control Compliance
Payment Details
Shipping & Pick Up Details

    Notices & Restrictions

Security requirements and restrictions may apply at the time of pickup. See
shipping terms for details.

Specific terms & conditions apply. See details.

Items may be subject to U.S. export controls. See details.


NSN/LSN Demil code1 Qty DTID Description      2320DSTRUCK00 A 1 HD11003108T002

1DoD Demilitarization Codes. Click on code for more information.

     Payment Details
 * Within 7 days after the auction, the buyer must submit full payment,
   including applicable taxes and fees to avoid late fees. For this item,
   payment is due on or before 22 November.
 * This item is subject to Colorado sales tax.

   Final Selling Price Transaction Fee $1 to $10,000 15% of the final selling
   price Above $10,000 10% of the final selling price (min $1,500)

 * A Standard Form 97 (SF 97) will be required for all eligible rolling stock
   items in order to convey ownership. A $115 SF 97 processing fee will be
   assessed on the final invoice of all items eligible to receive a SF 97.
 * Typically buyers will receive their SF 97 within 30 business days, although
   it can take up to 60 Business days, from the date the buyer takes possession
   of the item. Transferable titling documents typically take up to 30 business
   days after receipt of the SF 97. Buyer is responsible for vehicle
 * Payment can be made by wire transfer (recommended) or credit card (additional
   fee will apply).
 * For eligible items, a Standard Form 97 (SF 97) or Transferable titling
   document will be sent to the buyer by express mail or similar service.
   Typically buyers will receive their SF 97 within 30 business days, although
   it can take up to 60 Business days, from the date the buyer takes possession
   of the item. Transferable titling documents typically take up to 30 business
   days after receipt of the SF 97. Buyer is responsible for vehicle
 * We do not guarantee current registration or that this item will meet local
   emission requirements. Titles/titling docs may be delayed due to extended
   processing times at DMV.
 * All bids cannot be retracted and are binding until 2 business days after the
   auction ends. Failure to make full payment will result in a Default Fee.

    Shipping & Pick Up Details
 * Buyer is responsible for all costs related to transporting the item.
 * Item must be picked up within 8 business days of the auction, or the buyer
   will incur storage charges.

Pickup Terms


Failure to follow these terms may result in the seller turning away the attempt
of your driver to pick up the purchased item(s).

Hours: M-F 8am-3pm

M-F 8am-3pm

Loading Dock NOT Available

Ramps NOT Available
Forklift Available

Driver MUST bring a copy of the IronPlanet Item Release to pick the item up.


Customer Care Agents are available Monday to Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (GMT)   Phone   +353 (0)1 860 5000   Fax   +353 (0)1 860
5021   Email   CustomerCare@GovPlanet.eu

*Currency conversions are an estimate provided for informational purposes only.

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Limited use or recently replaced. Free of visible wear or defects.

Performs within the tolerances expected for age and type of item.

Although performing, shows indication of needing repair or replacement.

Needs immediate repair/replacement. Requires work if it is to perform as



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1993 Ford F-700 Boom Truck (Item# 10742693)

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