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We have worked with Homes By Managen for a number of years previously, and have
recently had the
pleasure to complete a new project with them. The quality and attention to
detail is what marks a Homes
By Managen home! We are so pleased to put our name next to theirs on another
incredible home.

The Carpet Studio

Homes by Managen is high quality custom builder and it shows. Professional,
experienced and great
attention to detail in there finishes. I would recommend them to anyone who is
looking for a dream home

Troy Mcadam

The finish quality in a Homes By Managen build is second to none. I am always
impressed with the
design vision/function in the homes I have worked on.

Mat Graham

Great people to deal with.

Tina Rempel

One year ago we took possession of our dream retirement home, built by Managen
Homes! We have
been fortunate enough to be able to show our home to friends and family who have
all raved about the
quality of the craftsmanship and care shown by the Managen team, jurying the
build and in the first year,
as we settled in.

We are very pleased with the final results and could not of gotten here without
the help of Paul, Pat,
Josh and Tessa! Thank you all for your care and attention in setting us up in
our dream home!

Thank you so very much!
Wanda and Mike

Mike Redeker

Homes by Managen was not only professional but personal as well. When I mean
personal, I mean that they build your home like they would be building theirs,
helping you in the process and making sure you don’t miss some of the small
details that we all miss when building. They were extremely personable and very
knowledgable when it came to any items that we encountered during the building
process. To this day we still retain an amazing relationship with them and we
are so glad that we walked into their show home and picked them as our builders

Carolyne Wang

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