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Power-Up Your New Year   | Flip a Card, Level-Up Your Luck!

Power-Up Your New Year

Flip a Card, Level-Up Your Luck!

    * Kaiser 3 Series
    * Phantom 3 Series
    * Kaiser Frontier Series

    * Chairs add-on
    * Pillows

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0 / $0.00


AndaSeat Kaiser 3 Series Premium Gaming Chair
$429.99 USD $499.99 USD
AndaSeat Kaiser Frontier Series XL Gaming Chairs
$379.99 USD $449.99 USD
AndaSeat Phantom 3 Series Premium Office Gaming Chair
$279.99 USD $399.99 USD
AndaSeat Transformers Edition Premium Gaming Chair
$279.99 USD $399.99 USD

View All


We offer you a comfortable gaming chair of the best quality with a guaranteed
We offer you a comfortable gaming chair of
the best quality with a guaranteed warranty.
Tirelessly pursuing the best
AndaSeat has developed a team of specialists to design and engineer the
best gaming chairs worldwide.
AndaSeat has developed a team of specialists
to design and engineer the best gaming
chairs worldwide.
Get the most value
AndaSeat, with its 50,000 m³ factory, offers you the best price for a premium
gaming chair by cutting out the middlemen.
AndaSeat, with its 50,000 m³ factory, offers
you the best price for a premium gaming
chair by cutting out the middlemen.
Tested by experts
Every parts of an AndaSeat gaming chair have gone through a serious of testing
to ensure the high quality of the chairs you received.
Every parts of an AndaSeat gaming chair have
gone through a serious of testing to ensure the
high quality of the chairs you received.




Unlike other gaming chairs, all AndaSeat gaming chairs are equipped with
seamless steel frame that is 22mm wide by 2mm thick.The one-piece steel frame
extends the life of the entire chair considerably.



100,000 tests at room temperature with no cracks or discoloration of the skin,
passed the QB/T2714-2005 test and the ASTM-D4157 test.



A perfect combination of support and comfort. Don't worry about the seatbase not
bouncing back over time; we promise it will bounce back perfectly even after a
long period of use.

view more


The best gaming chairs
in 2022!
AndaSeat's Kaiser 3 is our pick for
the best gaming chair alternate.
Anda Seat Raises the Bar in Gaming
Excellence with its Kaiser 3.
The Luxurious Gaming Chair
that is "Just Right".


Personally I love the AndaSeat gaming chair. It does have the premium quality,
and it's definately a heavy chair.
Murray Frost 48.3K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
Murray Frost
YouTube Content Creator

It's got four-way lumbar support, which allows to find that perfect fit for your
back. And I'll give bonus points here while the Secretlab Titan also has this
feature, the Kaiser's up and down function goes quite the distance and can be
adjusted to a pretty high and low setting more than the competition, so it'll
accomodate to short and tall people.
Jacob Dark 26.2K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
Jacob Dark
YouTube Content Creator

Personally I love the AndaSeat gaming chair. It does have the premium quality,
and it's definately a heavy chair.
Murray Frost 48.3K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
Murray Frost
YouTube Content Creator

The packaging on these chairs is superb and everything needed to assemble the
chair is carefully packaged inside the box. I really love the magnetic headrest
and but all the materials on the chair feel really decent.
i_am_milkes 80K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator
This chair is pretty cool. With 100% steel framework, aluminum base and the
magnetic armrest and pillows, this chair is truly a gaming chair.
hypey 414K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator
This is the best quality gaming chair I've ever owned! I got the XL size (in
Cloudy White) for maximum comfort. The assembly was simple & I can definitely
recommend it!
10eegaming 960K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator

The packaging on these chairs is superb and everything needed to assemble the
chair is carefully packaged inside the box. I really love the magnetic headrest
and but all the materials on the chair feel really decent.
Milkes 80K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator

I can't stress enough how incredible this chair is. It's not just good; it's
next-level amazing! The quality is top-notch, and the comfort? Oh, man, you
won't believe it until you try it. I'm talking hours of gaming without a hint of
bamgamesofc 192K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator

The Kaiser 3 is absolutely comfortable. I thoroughly enjoy its soft touch as I
sit down everyday ready to game or do work. All I want to say is that this chair
makes my butt happy. Thank you, AndaSeat!
Jushy 2.5M Followers
TikTok Content Creator
TikTok Content Creator

I really think this is a valuable option if you're looking for a gaming chair
that's built well. This feels like a tank. It is so solid in the locking system.
I mean it really is built incredibly well.
GadgetryTech 17K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
YouTube Content Creator

It's got four-way lumbar support, which allows to find that perfect fit for your
back. And I'll give bonus points here while the Secretlab Titan also has this
feature, the Kaiser's up and down function goes quite the distance and can be
adjusted to a pretty high and low setting more than the competition, so it'll
accomodate to short and tall people.
Jacob Dark 26.2K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
Jacob Dark
YouTube Content Creator

Personally I love the AndaSeat gaming chair. It does have the premium quality,
and it's definately a heavy chair.
Murray Frost 48.3K Followers
YouTube Content Creator
Murray Frost
YouTube Content Creator

The packaging on these chairs is superb and everything needed to assemble the
chair is carefully packaged inside the box. I really love the magnetic headrest
and but all the materials on the chair feel really decent.
i_am_milkes 80K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator
This chair is pretty cool. With 100% steel framework, aluminum base and the
magnetic armrest and pillows, this chair is truly a gaming chair.
hypey 414K Followers
Content Creator
Content Creator


AndaSeat and FlyQuest are partnering to launch premium FlyQuest-themed gaming
chairs and desks to bring gaming comfort to the next-level.
AndaSeat and FlyQuest are partnering to launch premium FlyQuest-themed gaming
chairs and desks to bring gaming comfort to the next-level.
AndaSeat officially becomes the designated gaming chair for WBG, champion of the
PEL S1 season and PEI 2021.
AndaSeat officially becomes the designated gaming chair for WBG, champion of the
PEL S1 season and PEI 2021.
AndaSeat cheers JDG on to win the 2023 LPL Summer Split, after the team win the
title in the MSI 2023.
AndaSeat cheers JDG on to win the 2023 LPL Summer Split, after the team win the
title in the MSI 2023.
AndaSeat and Fnatic, the world’s leading esports organization, collaborated to
launch the AndaSeat Fnatic edition premium gaming chair.
AndaSeat and Fnatic, the world’s leading esports organization, collaborated to
launch the AndaSeat Fnatic edition premium
gaming chair.
AndaSeat collaborated with Hasbro to launch Transformers gaming chairs,
including Bumblebee, Optimus Prime,
and Megatron gaming chairs.
AndaSeat collaborated with Hasbro to launch Transformers gaming chairs,
including Bumblebee, Optimus Prime,
and Megatron gaming chairs.
AndaSeat and NAVI, the champion of the BLAST Premier: Spring Finals 2022,
Partnered to Launch the AndaSeat Navi edition premium gaming chair.
AndaSeat and NAVI, the champion of the BLAST Premier: Spring Finals 2022,
Partnered to Launch the AndaSeat Navi edition
premium gaming chair.
AndaSeat and Ubisoft cooperated to launch the Six Invitational 2022 edition
gaming chair.
AndaSeat and Ubisoft cooperated to launch the Six Invitational 2022 edition
gaming chair.
Victory Five entered the professional League of Legends scene on 30 November
2018, when their application to the League of legends Pro League (LPL).
Victory Five entered the professional League of Legends scene on 30 November
2018, when their application to the League of legends
Pro League (LPL).
New IP products are coming soon,stay updated!
New IP products are coming soon,stay updated!
AndaSeat and Marvel collaborated to launch Captain America, Black Widow,
Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Iron Man gaming chairs.
AndaSeat and Marvel collaborated to launch Captain America, Black Widow,
Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Iron Man gaming chairs.
AndaSeat and Excel Esports, one of ten franchise partners participating in LEC
partnered to launch the AndaSeat Excel edition premium gaming chair.
AndaSeat and Excel Esports, one of ten franchise partners participating in LEC
partnered to launch the AndaSeat Excel
edition premium gaming chair.


AndaSeat Spreads Christmas Cheer with Generous Giving at Lurie Children's
Hospital Event
AndaSeat, a global gaming chair leader, sponsored the heartwarming 'Game On'
event at Lurie Children's Hospital. The flagship 'Phantom 3 Series' brought joy
and comfort. CEO Lin Zhou's commitment to giving back, showcased in the 'Season
of Sharing' campaign with hashtags #AndaSeatSharing and #AndaSeatOfSharing. Five
winners announced on December 29th, emphasizing AndaSeat's dedication to
community impact.
Level Up Your Game: How the AndaSeat Kaiser 3 Enhances Your Performance
Elevate your gaming with the AndaSeat Kaiser 3 — an ergonomic marvel designed
for comfort and durability. Fully customizable and esports-ready, it's not just
a chair; it's your investment in gaming excellence.
The Role of Gaming Chairs in Professional eSports
Unlock peak gaming performance with AndaSeat gaimg chairs. From the durable
Kaiser 3 to the budget-friendly Phantom 3 and the ultimate comfort of the
FlyQuest Edition – AndaSeat redefines eSports with innovation and style. Elevate
your gaming experience today!
Explore AndaSeat's Christmas Gaming Gear Wonderland 2023
AndaSeat’s Christmas Gaming Gear Wonderland 2023 is here! Explore festive deals,
exclusive rewards, and premium gaming chairs. Dive into the holidays with
AndaSeat’s seamless Christmas Gift Hunt. Upgrade your gaming setup with joy and
comfort. Happy holidays, and let the gaming magic begin!
Exclusive Look: Unveiling the WBG Edition Gaming Chair's Winning Features
Elevate your gaming with the WBG Edition Gaming Chair by AndaSeat. In
partnership with Weibo Gaming, this chair, used by champions in the League of
Legends World Championship, is your ticket to pro-level comfort and style. With
features like 5D folding armrests and a cooling gel-infused headrest, AndaSeat
brings esports excellence to your setup. Gear up for victory and own a piece of
gaming history starting Nov. 23!
Elevating Esports: AndaSeat’s Game-Changing Sponsorship of PUBG Global
Championship 2023
Explore AndaSeat's commitment to elevating the gaming experience beyond
sponsorship. With visionary designs and user-centric features, AndaSeat
introduces the Kaiser 3 Series, a pinnacle of gaming comfort. Engineered for
elite gamers, this masterpiece boasts 4D armrests, high-density foam, and
premium PVC leather, setting a new standard in ergonomic design. Join AndaSeat
in shaping the future of gaming comfort and performance at the PUBG Global
Championship 2023.
Hack Black Friday Deals with AndaSeat
AndaSeat, a top ergonomic gaming chair manufacturer, is offering exclusive Black
Friday deals. Customers can save up to $200 on premium chairs like Kaiser 3
Series and Phantom 3 Series, featuring lumbar support and 4D armrests. Special
Cheat Codes provide additional savings, and AndaSeat offers free shipping,
extended warranties, and zero-interest payment plans. Upgrade your gaming setup
at unbeatable prices—visit AndaSeat's website now!
Join AndaSeat at Insomnia i71

AndaSeat is heading to the Insomnia Gaming Festival in Birmingham, UK from
September 8-10! Join us at Booth S6 to meet our team, see our gaming chairs, and
enjoy exclusive deals. Don't miss it!

AndaSeat and FlyQuest Announce Groundbreaking Partnership
Experience a gaming revolution with AndaSeat and FlyQuest as the groundbreaking
partnership merges premium gaming chairs, desks, and FlyQuest's esports
expertise, setting a new industry standard for gaming excellence. Elevate player
support, redefine comfort, and enhance gaming performance worldwide.
AndaSeat Officially Became The Designated Chair of 2023 PEL
AndaSeat has officially become the designated chair of 2023 PEL (Peace Elite
League). Witness the birth of elite together with PEL! PEL is the highest level
professional league officially held by Game For Peace.
AndaSeat Announces Partnership with JD Gaming
AndaSeat has announced a partnership with JD Gaming, one of the most successful
esports organizations in China. As part of the partnership, AndaSeat will
provide JD Gaming's players with co-branded JDG Gaming chairs to enhance their
comfort and performance during training and competitions.
AndaSeat Officially Becomes The Designated Gaming Chair for The WBG
On April 3, 2023, AndaSeat successfully signed a "Galaxy Battleship" ---
Officially became the designated gaming chair of choice for WBG
(FAWAUDIWeiboGaming)! Both sides join forces to compete to the peak, play
together at the 2023 LPL and continue to write a chapter of glory!


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Sign up to be the first to know about new products, offers, and all the chairs.



 * Kaiser 3 series
 * Phantom 3 series
 * Kaiser Frontier Series
 * Transformers Edition



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