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        <option value="Other location outside of U.S.">Other location outside of U.S. </option>
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        <option value="">Select</option>
        <option value="1 to 50">1 to 50</option>
        <option value="51 to 500">51 to 500</option>
        <option value="501 to 1,000">501 to 1,000</option>
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        <option value="2,501 to 4,999">2,501 to 4,999</option>
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    * Control Unemployment Costs
      Control Unemployment Costs
      A more comprehensive approach to managing your employer unemployment costs
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      Unemployment Cost Solutions
      Employment Tax Services
      Manage benefit charges, analyze M&A efforts, and help maintain SUTA
      Reemployment Services
      Proactive outplacement services to help your separated employees
      Unemployment Claims Fraud Watch
      You and your employee's first line of defense against unemployment claims
      Unemployment Cost Management
      Optimize your claims management processes and help manage risk
    * Find Tax Credits & Savings
      Find Tax Credits & Savings
      Helping you Identify and capture more tax credits for your company.
      Tax Credit Solutions
      Employee Retention Credit
      Find out if your organization could still be eligible
      Employment Tax Services
      Recover overpaid taxes, manage employment tax liabilities and minimize
      Work Opportunity Tax Credit Management
      Integrate WOTC into your onboarding process
    * Manage Form I-9
      I-9 HQ™
      Automate, audit, and transform your Form I-9 compliance process
      I-9 HQ Services
      I-9 Anywhere®
      Help get your I-9s done right, on time, and in person
      I-9 Conversion
      Transform your paper I-9s into electronic I-9s
      I-9 Inspect™
      Gain confidence in your I-9s with our automated audit
      Bringing together the human resources lifecycle in a single HR compliance
    * Meet ACA Requirements
      ACA HQ™
      Full-service ACA solution including Forms 1095 and 1094 reporting
      Bringing together the human resources lifecycle in a single HR compliance
    * Provide Employee Benefits
      Provide Employee Benefits
      Helping you Identify and capture more tax credits for your company.
      Employee Benefit Solutions
      Identity Theft Protection
      Help your employees and their families fight identity fraud
      Immigration Case Management
      Access all-in-one Immigration case management solutions
      Public Service Loan Forgiveness
      Help simplify the PSLF application process for your employees using The
      Work Number®
      Unemployment Claims Fraud Watch
      You and your employee's first line of defense against unemployment claims
    * Streamline HR Forms
      Streamline HR Forms
      Help make life easier for your employees with greater accuracy.
      HR Form Solutions
      Compliance Center
      Supporting form management along the entire employee lifecycle
      Immigration Case Management
      Access all-in-one Immigration case management solutions
      Offboarding Forms
      Rules-based separation forms delivered in one digital packet
      State Forms
      Helping manage required state forms for new hires and annual notices
      Tax Form Management
      More easily manage year-end forms including W-2, 1095-C, and Canadian T4
      and R1
    * Verify Information & Inform Decisions
      Verify Information & Inform Decisions
      Safer, more secure and faster. Help ease the burden on your HR team.
      Verification Solutions
      Employment History Verification
      Verify your candidate's employment history with Talent Report™ Employment
      Pre-Employment Verification Services
      Helping to secure life's most important moments with The Work Number®
      Talent Report™ Work Inform
      Reporting for employers to help minimize workforce risk

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   Unemployment Web Manager
   Reduce the total cost of managing unemployment claims.
   Paperless Pay
   Transform payroll management to a paperless process.
   Tax Form Management
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If you are an Individual and need help accessing your own personal data on The
Work NumberTM visit The Work Number site for Individuals/employees.

If you are an existing employer customer and need help with The Work NumberTM,
I-9, Compliance Center, or Tax Form Management, please reach out to your
Technical Client Relationship Manager or contact Workforce Solutions Support at:

Phone: 877.664.8778


For customer service regarding Unemployment or CaseBuilder, please contact your
Unemployment Service Team, Success Manager or contact Unemployment Support at:


*Reason for Contact Select
*Product Select Acquire Top Talent Pre-Employment Verification Onboard New Hires
Compliance Center I-9 Manage HR Activities Affordable Care Act Management
Compliance Center Employment Verifications Paperless Pay Immigration Case
Management Unemployment Activity and Taxes Disaster Relief Tax Credit Management
Employment Tax Services Unemployment Cost Management Work Opportunity Tax Credit
*First Name
*Last Name
*Business Email Address
*Company Name
*Job Title

*Business Phone
*Business Headquarters State Select Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other location
outside of U.S.
*Number of Employees Select 1 to 50 51 to 500 501 to 1,000 1,001 to 2,500 2,501
to 4,999 5,000 to 9,999 10,000 to 99,999 100,000+
*Industry Select Banking/Financial Services Education Healthcare/Medical
Hotel/Casino/Resort Manufacturing Business Services Staffing Restaurant Retail
Technology Transportation Utilities Other
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