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URL: https://drcharlieward.com/restoring-liberty-bill-clinton-news-corporation-of-south-africa-with-mel-k/
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Category: InterviewsBy Dr Charlie WardOctober 19, 202141 Comments
Tags: Mel K




PreviousPrevious post:Natural Frequency Band Mass Patch, Waking Up Our Inner
Being With Steve 5G & Charlie WardNextNext post:Q & A With Clay Clark & Charlie
Ward,The Great Reset Book,The Book Of Revelations,The Gold Standard


Emergency Alert For La Palma!!!! Extremely Important!!!! This Video Could Save
Millions Of Lives
October 24, 2021
Waking Up The Collective Consciousness & Win A Super Charge Coin With Steve 5g &
Charlie Ward
October 24, 2021
Neil Oliver – Hey Government We’re Not Stupid!
October 24, 2021
You Were Born A Winner,Kick Start Your Future With Mark Attwood & Charlie Ward
October 22, 2021
Deepstate Madness,The Earliest Gospel Of Q With Underground Patriot & Charlie
October 21, 2021
Unconventional War,Decode Of Revelation,The Domino Effect With Melissa Redpill &
Charlie Ward
October 21, 2021


 1.  Rosanne kober says:
     October 19, 2021 at 12:57 pm
     Mel K and Charlie , I watched last night that Cosco is building more
     shipping ports over sea’s . Hundreds of ships with containers backed up and
     “ALL” our supported by China . China is saying they are “broke” but they
     are the backing of these ‘NEW” shipping ports for “Cosco” . Grocery stores
     , clothing stores are down to the bare minimal . Lumber went down and now
     back on the rise , steel is outrageous . When is “ALL” going to end ?? We
     are so “FAR” in “DEBT” in America and so discourage that this “bullshit”
     with “sleepy Joe” and the Dem keeps going on an on. No one wants to work
     and get off unemployment . Never in 60 plus years have I “ever” seen
     employers putting up incentives , bonus’s to get people to “work”. I
     believe in you and Mel K , Simon Parks , love you guys . Still waiting for
     the “SHIT” to hit the fan an this “whole bullshit” to be over with . I am a
     Aries an my patience is not in my vocabulary !! Polosi and Biden, Fucci ,
     EVERYONE of them have to be taken down and we need oUR Country back and the
     rest of the world wants their country “BACK”. Need to see “more” of you Mel
     K . ya’ll take care , looking forward to the next update .
 2.  Dave Aja says:
     October 19, 2021 at 1:10 pm
     Hey Charlie : where can I get one of those cards!
     * Marie says:
       October 21, 2021 at 1:56 pm
       Dave Aja, go to vaxcontrolgroup dot com.
       It’s a British group who are (cough) doing an international study by
       collecting data from individuals all over the world who have not had the
       death shot.
       You can sign up for free. Or if you want the card, you get an individual
       membership which costs 6 pounds per quarter, and then you can get the
       card for an additional 4 pounds. It’s quite easy to do
 3.  Janette Dyer says:
     October 19, 2021 at 1:23 pm
     Colin powel had multiple myeloma. His immune system was totally compromised
     by the cancer drugs. Chalk one up to covid
     * Lisa Jones says:
       October 20, 2021 at 3:43 pm
       You can get the card at http://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com. You have to be an
       “Associate” to get the plastic card.
     * Philip Greenfield says:
       October 23, 2021 at 10:00 pm
       Charlie and others said it was not Covid it was suicide. You can search
       the net to see his supposed Suicide note where he said it’s better he
       takes himself out then the “White Hats” come to take him out.
 4.  Travis King says:
     October 19, 2021 at 1:26 pm
     Charlie needs to do more talking instead of Mel. Love her but this is the
     Charlie Ward show.
     * Wayne Gilbert says:
       October 20, 2021 at 3:05 pm
       Sorry but Mel knows her stuff , she’s brilliant but we definitely need to
       end this because way to many people are still getting ajab and it’s
       horrible it needs to stop yesterday! God Bless 🙏!
     * Madeleine Donaldson says:
       October 24, 2021 at 1:12 am
       Charlie is under 2 very strict NDA’s He cannot disclose much at the
       moment. Mel K does an incredible amount of research and she covers
       international events and info which I find very interesting. Its always
       darkest before dawn. We must not give up but Trust in God is essential.
       God bless
     * Nikki says:
       October 24, 2021 at 10:47 am
       Agree. Slow down Mel. You always seem to be in a Rush to spill out
       EVERYthing you know in one hour! Instead of just spewing out a string of
       names and touching on a slew on topics superficially, please consider
       focusing on FEWER topics and gong DEEPER with each one. Otherwise, not
       all of us always know what you are referring to. That’s Why your
       discussion of the Fed including its History is a favorite talk of your
       viewers. It included Background. Instead of trying to impress us with
       your wide knowledge, think in terms of TEACHING others. And yes… please
       come up for Air once in a while and let Charlie respond, and/or elaborate
       sometimes, LOL! BLESSINGS to ALL.
 5.  madeline burns says:
     October 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm
     LGBT = Let’s Go Brandon…Trump!!!
     * Joan says:
       October 23, 2021 at 8:53 pm
       Love that one😍
 6.  Mei says:
     October 19, 2021 at 3:36 pm
     Colin Powell committed suicide according to Real Raw news on October 18,
     2021. He took a bottle of sleeping pills and left a suicidal note to his
     wife. FBI arrived to his house, not 911 help. Biden’s people decided to
     tell the world Powell died from COVID-19.
     * Marjory L Kephart says:
       October 23, 2021 at 8:46 pm
       I read that on Real Raw News. Everyone needs to go there. No idea if RRN
       is correct. One thing you need to know is that they all have doubles.
       Biden has blue/grey eyes. This one has black eyes. Apparently, he
       revealed that he was an actor to Boris Johnson. You will be very
       surprised at RRN. Hopefully, the news is correct.
 7.  DARLENE says:
     October 19, 2021 at 5:38 pm
 8.  Ed says:
     October 19, 2021 at 7:43 pm
     Thank you both again for lifting our spirits and providing us with hope. I
     was goad to hear that we’re in the home stretch…. can’t wait to see what’s
     on the other side of the lies. I just want the truth, history, science and
     our planet.
 9.  Rebecca Cooper says:
     October 19, 2021 at 8:30 pm
     Couple of my favorite people….Love it.
 10. Karen Sueetta Joyce says:
     October 19, 2021 at 9:36 pm
     Now hearing Biden is flying children in as read as child trafficking
     continues. Evil business…must be stopped.
 11. CARLAVOS says:
     October 20, 2021 at 1:40 am
 12. Juilia Pearson says:
     October 20, 2021 at 1:48 am
     Thank GOD New Yorker’s could protest without the threat of brutality by
     police, like what is happening here in Melbourne Australia. But we keep
     fighting for what is right, too.
     As well as not putting our monies towards the likes of Netflix etc, how
     else can we get these criminals?
     Here in Melbourne the dictator is in power until November 2022 and we need
     him OUT yesterday. And the Federal government we have a earlier chance in
     May 2022, maybe earlier. I pray people keep waking up and we get these
     criminals out of power. How to ensure the election is not rigged is another
     big issue.
     Good to hear Mel say their are less of the demons in power.
     Always loving seeing you two together and love all the history lessons too.
     Keep it up. More power to you both. xoxo
 13. Dennis says:
     October 20, 2021 at 3:26 am
     I like ” Go get Brandon ” or ” Take down Brandon “
 14. Dennis says:
     October 20, 2021 at 4:13 am
     Ahhh!! I can make it through the week now that Ive git my shot of Charlie
     and Mel !
 15. heather locke says:
     October 20, 2021 at 7:32 am
     fantastic show as always thankyou so much charlie and mel my absolute
     favourites still xx
 16. Gypy says:
     October 20, 2021 at 12:24 pm
     Charlie where did you get that exempt card??
     * SHERYN says:
       October 23, 2021 at 6:21 pm
 17. Polly J. Merz says:
     October 20, 2021 at 5:41 pm
     Please pass this along to Charlie. It fits with what he’s been saying for a
     while now. This was in my Grace Mail that I get every day.
     Psalm 9:15-16
     The nations have fallen into the pit they dug for others. Their own feet
     have been caught in the trap they set. The LORD is known for his justice.
     The wicked are trapped by their own deeds.
     Love your videos, Charlie. Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us
     * Joan says:
       October 23, 2021 at 8:57 pm
       Yeah! I haven’t heard you two for some time!! Love you both and your love
       is very strong!! You are sharing it with humanity. I live in northern
       California and it’s awful here! I’m surrounded by the sleepers and I’d
       love to go to events, we don’t have many. I love staying in contact with
       you both. I feel more grounded. Thank you and thank God
 18. Kathryn Punnett says:
     October 20, 2021 at 10:40 pm
     My Dear Charlie,
     We have so many standing up now in America and even Communist Canada we
     find people refusing to lie down and die without a fight! It is so serious
     for we who are suffering under the cabal and its new converts. It may seem
     like pantomime to some but to we are who are living under communist regimes
     the pantomime has become very real!
     Our son in law has just been told he is fired because he will not take the
     jab.. they have three children and find themselves within a few short weeks
     unable to pay their mortgage are barred from hospitals and dentists and
     urgent care facilities so with three small children they are feeling highly
     pressured for their survival and the survival of their children for one of
     them to get the Jab! thousands and thousands of them in Canada.
     I am so sorry you were sick again..Charlie! I could tell for a few weeks
     that a sickness was coming upon you. Too much stress and not enough
     counterbalance for the depth of it! Lots of responsibility on your
     shoulders …. Thank you for being willing to bear it!
     P.S. ( still wish you wouldn’t cuss quite so much. Charlie… I know it
     probably makes you feel free of your parents extremism when you were part
     of the cult which is so sad for you. My heart feels great compassion for
     you such wounds can only be healed by faith and forgiveness for certain.
     I hate missing out on what you have to say but have covenanted with God to
     turn off anything with cussing in it…. I don’t judge you Charlie because
     your heart is so good… I can’t be true to my commitment however and keep
     listening when it happens. Does cussing really have to be a part of 4th and
     5th dimensions? You’re a great man despite this Charlie so I wouldn’t worry
     about it too much.. Just me wishing because I hate missing a word of what
     you have to say. I am inspired so often by your faith and good cheer!
     Your friend and Patriot
     Kathryn (someone from the long ago who admires your courage and faith and
     did then too)
 19. Valerie Ruth Pym says:
     October 21, 2021 at 1:40 am
     I’m not aware of any concentration camps here in Australia. The worst place
     is Victoria but the rest of Australia is not too bad. Here in Queensland it
     doesn’t bother us much.
     * Riaan says:
       October 23, 2021 at 8:49 pm
       They called it Quarantine camps, see https://youtu.be/SxbTlgjk5xM
     * Mary Micevska says:
       October 24, 2021 at 11:04 pm
       “Quarantine Camps” = Concentration Camps. Listen to Queensland’s Premier
       in her latest speech.
 20. Gail Carter says:
     October 21, 2021 at 11:19 am
     Is real raw new legit?
 21. Moira Clark says:
     October 21, 2021 at 2:07 pm
     Love both of you 😍
 22. Stefan Huber says:
     October 21, 2021 at 3:03 pm
     During minute 21, Mel K finally got it right…
     All the Deep State guys must be terminated this time – no more way out !!!
     Bravo !!!
 23. Etienne Trelawney says:
     October 21, 2021 at 3:04 pm
     During minute 21, Mel K finally got it right…
     All the Deep State guys must be terminated this time – no more way out !!!
     Bravo !!!
 24. Rich Kosloski says:
     October 23, 2021 at 6:58 am
     Would like to know how someone can get one of those cards to be in an
     experiment group. Have many that I can help so we can be one step ahead of
     our corporate company I work for. Any information would be greatly
     appreciated. Thank you to all for everything you all do.
     * SHERYN says:
       October 23, 2021 at 6:20 pm
       go to vaxcontrolgroup.com
 25. SHERYN says:
     October 23, 2021 at 6:18 pm
     I would like to think that when the history books are rewritten that these
     evil people do not feature in it. They do NOT deserve ANY acknowledgment.
     They all deserve to be a non-entity just as they have treated all the folk
     who have lost their lives and those who have been maimed forever. There has
     been no recognition of these people by these evil demons, it is as if they
     never existed, so in turn, these evil demons should be treated likewise. To
     mention them in history gives them kudos. They should be told when
     imprisoned or executed that they will be wiped from history so they don’t
     get a sense of ‘surviving’ in the annals of time. It would be like how the
     Egyptians wiped Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and others from the Saqqara tablet
 26. terry says:
     October 23, 2021 at 8:15 pm
     Charlie, good show as usual but you just look very tired. I think you need
     to get a little more sleep. Please take care of yourself.
 27. Madeleine Donaldson says:
     October 24, 2021 at 1:17 am
     Is there any concern that there may be trafficked children on board these
     ships from China? Anything is possible as there were children in the
     containers in the Evergiven? This is a horrific scenario if true? God bless
     and protect children everywhere. My one grandson said to me, Granny will I
     be able to grow up and have children
 28. Debbe says:
     October 24, 2021 at 1:58 am
     I just want to say thank you to you both. I so would like to do what I can,
     please let me know. I live in Silicon Valley, California and I see more and
     more waking up. Love to all of you!


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