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            <p>Radware's&nbsp;Security Research Center is an in-depth resource about denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack tools, trends and threats. Driven by content developed by Radware's threat intelligence team,
              this section provides first-hand analysis that will guide the implementation of DDoS prevention techniques and solutions.</p>
            <p>Security professionals require access to in depth analysis of today’s threat landscape. This is a “go-to” resource for security professionals who want to stay updated on recent cyberattacks, analyzing security threats and identify
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            <p class="text-center m-b-0">New cybersecurity attacks and DDoS threats are lurking in the shadows every day. Stay ahead of the vulnerabilities with updated DDoS reports, mitigation best practices and cybersecurity threat reports from
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                    <div class="card-tile__title is-hidden-phone is-hidden-phone-xs">Passion: A Russian Botnet</div>
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            line-height: 2rem;">Passion: A Russian Botnet</div>
                    <div class="card-tile__hoverData">Passion group, affiliated with Killnet and Anonymous Russia, recently began offering DDoS-as-a-Service to pro- Russian hacktivists.</div>
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                    <div class="card-tile__title">The 8220 Gang: Targeting Cloud Providers and Vulnerable Applications</div>
                    <div class="card-tile__hoverData">The 8220 Gang, also known as 8220 Mining Group, is a for-profit threat group from China...</div>
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                    <div class="card-tile__title">Internet noise is taxing online services and businesses - Recyber.net use case</div>
                    <div class="card-tile__hoverData">A micro flood is a flood of unsolicited packets with throughputs below 1Gbps.</div>
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              <p class="text-size-4">Via correlation and validation of real world attack data from various sources, Radware’s Quarterly DDoS &amp; Application Threat Analysis Center provides an interactive, in-depth analysis of network and
                application attack activity, quarter over quarter, threat by threat.</p>
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            <p class="text-center m-b-0">Cyber criminals don't keep regular hours. They work around the clock to find and exploit holes in your network and that is why DDoS prevention is so important. Read the latest DDoS prevention research to
              understand the current threat landscape and how to stop DDoS attacks.</p>
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              <h4 class="feature-card__title">Top Things to Look for in DDoS Protection</h4>
              <p class="feature-card__text">Does your data center infrastructure span the boundaries of both the on-premise and cloud universe? Are they safeguarded from the latest cybersecurity threats?</p>
              <p class="feature-card__text m-b-2">This list can help with what is important to look for in DDoS protection for your applications.</p>
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              <h4 class="feature-card__title">Radware's 2022 Hacker's Almanac Series</h4>
              <p class="feature-card__text">The Threats Are Real And They Have Evolved: Understand The Evolution of Threat Actors In A Post-Pandemic World.</p>
              <p class="feature-card__text m-b-2">Modeling the threat landscape is essential to implementing a focused security strategy that aligns with your organization’s most valuable assets.</p>
            <span class="feature-card__more link-external ">Read the Almanac</span>
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              <h4 class="feature-card__title">The API Security eBook</h4>
              <p class="feature-card__text">This ebook reviews API security challenges, common misconceptions about API security, the threat landscape targeting them and best practices to keep them secure.</p>
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          <h3 class="title title--size-s text-center m-b-1">Thought Leadership &amp; Additional Resources</h3>
          <p class="text-center m-b-0">Cyber-attacks have grown larger and more complex over time, and mitigating them has become even more challenging. Learn how to defend against these evolving threats with updated best practices, attack tool
            information and other threat intelligence from Radware.</p>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">Hacker's Corner</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/hackers-corner/tactics-techniques-procedures/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong> Tactics, Techniques and Procedures </strong> </a>
              <p>The cybersecurity threat landscape continues to grow as the attacks and evasion maneuvers of threat actors makes the task of detecting and tracking cyberattacks increasingly challenging.</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/hackers-corner/">See All Hacker's Corner</a>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">Attack Types &amp; Tools</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-threats-attacks/ddos-attack-types/3-cyber-attacks-targeting-proxy-servers/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong> The Big 3 Cyber-Attacks Targeting Proxy Servers </strong> </a>
              <p>As a facilitator of access to content and networks, proxy servers have become a focal point for those seeking to cause grief to organizations via cyber-attacks due to the fallout a successful assault can have.</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-threats-attacks/ddos-attack-types/">See All Attack Types &amp; Tools</a>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">Chronicles</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-knowledge-center/ddos-chronicles/nation-state-cyber-activity-on-the-rise/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong> Nation-State Cyber Activity Is On The Rise </strong> </a>
              <p>While some hackers still focus on a specific target—and invest time studying its defense and weaknesses— the year's marquee campaigns were hacking sprees aimed at high volumes of hits.</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-knowledge-center/ddos-chronicles/">See All Chronicles</a>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">Best Practices &amp; Guidelines</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/ddos-practices-guidelines/ways-modern-malware-defeats-defenses/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong>5 Ways Modern Malware Defeats Your Defenses</strong> </a>
              <p>This piece outlines five common evasion techniques used by modern malware and explains how to mitigate this zero-day threat.</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/ddos-practices-guidelines/">See All Guidelines</a>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">C-Suite</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/losing-sleep-c-suite/security-risks-equal-business-risks/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong> Security Risks Equal Business Risks </strong> </a>
              <p>What are the costs of “cleaning” up after a cyber-attack? What are the potential impacts of these assaults on business, and do partners who interact or share networks with a business pose a security threat?</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/losing-sleep-c-suite/">See All C-Suite</a>
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              <div class="document_list__item__badge">Case Study</div>
              <a class="title--dark m-t-1 document_list__item__title" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/ert-case-studies/telecome-provider-turns-to-ddos-to-secure-itself/"><img class="float-left document_list__item__img" src="/RadwareNext/images/icons/rdw_pdf_icon.svg"> <strong> Telecom Provider Secures Itself and Its Customers </strong> </a>
              <p>PenTeleData, a strategic partnership of cable and telephone companies, needed a solution that consistently protects its internal infrastructure and provides the ability to sell DDoS mitigation as a service to its customers.</p>
              <div class="document_list__item__footer flex flex-between m-t-1 m-b-1"><a class="link-external m-t-1" href="/security/ddos-experts-insider/ert-case-studies/">See All Case Studies</a>
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Radware's Security Research Center is an in-depth resource about
denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack tools,
trends and threats. Driven by content developed by Radware's threat intelligence
team, this section provides first-hand analysis that will guide the
implementation of DDoS prevention techniques and solutions.

Security professionals require access to in depth analysis of today’s threat
landscape. This is a “go-to” resource for security professionals who want to
stay updated on recent cyberattacks, analyzing security threats and identify
protection strategies. and dig deeper into network threats beyond surface-level
analysis, as well as identify available safeguards.

New Threat Intelligence


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New cybersecurity attacks and DDoS threats are lurking in the shadows every day.
Stay ahead of the vulnerabilities with updated DDoS reports, mitigation best
practices and cybersecurity threat reports from Radware's threat intelligence

Learn More
Passion: A Russian Botnet
Passion: A Russian Botnet
Passion group, affiliated with Killnet and Anonymous Russia, recently began
offering DDoS-as-a-Service to pro- Russian hacktivists.
Learn More
The 8220 Gang: Targeting Cloud Providers and Vulnerable Applications
The 8220 Gang, also known as 8220 Mining Group, is a for-profit threat group
from China...
Learn More
Internet noise is taxing online services and businesses - Recyber.net use case
A micro flood is a flood of unsolicited packets with throughputs below 1Gbps.

Quarterly DDoS & Application Threat Analysis Center

Via correlation and validation of real world attack data from various sources,
Radware’s Quarterly DDoS & Application Threat Analysis Center provides an
interactive, in-depth analysis of network and application attack activity,
quarter over quarter, threat by threat.

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Radware’s Live Threat Map presents near real-time information about cyberattacks
as they occur, based on our global threat deception network and cloud systems
event information. The systems transmit a variety of anonymized and sampled
network and application attacks to our Threat Research Center and are shared
with the community via this threat map.

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Cyber criminals don't keep regular hours. They work around the clock to find and
exploit holes in your network and that is why DDoS prevention is so important.
Read the latest DDoS prevention research to understand the current threat
landscape and how to stop DDoS attacks.


Does your data center infrastructure span the boundaries of both the on-premise
and cloud universe? Are they safeguarded from the latest cybersecurity threats?

This list can help with what is important to look for in DDoS protection for
your applications.

Download the List


The Threats Are Real And They Have Evolved: Understand The Evolution of Threat
Actors In A Post-Pandemic World.

Modeling the threat landscape is essential to implementing a focused security
strategy that aligns with your organization’s most valuable assets.

Read the Almanac


This ebook reviews API security challenges, common misconceptions about API
security, the threat landscape targeting them and best practices to keep them

Download the eBook


An Online Encyclopedia Of Cyberattack and Cybersecurity Terms.

Search CyberPedia


Hear from some of our cyber security experts and learn the strategies to
preventing attacks as they share inside information on their research,
techniques and best practices for defending your network and web applications
against today’s threat landscape.


Cyber-attacks have grown larger and more complex over time, and mitigating them
has become even more challenging. Learn how to defend against these evolving
threats with updated best practices, attack tool information and other threat
intelligence from Radware.

Hacker's Corner
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

The cybersecurity threat landscape continues to grow as the attacks and evasion
maneuvers of threat actors makes the task of detecting and tracking cyberattacks
increasingly challenging.

See All Hacker's Corner
Attack Types & Tools
The Big 3 Cyber-Attacks Targeting Proxy Servers

As a facilitator of access to content and networks, proxy servers have become a
focal point for those seeking to cause grief to organizations via cyber-attacks
due to the fallout a successful assault can have.

See All Attack Types & Tools
Nation-State Cyber Activity Is On The Rise

While some hackers still focus on a specific target—and invest time studying its
defense and weaknesses— the year's marquee campaigns were hacking sprees aimed
at high volumes of hits.

See All Chronicles


Best Practices & Guidelines
5 Ways Modern Malware Defeats Your Defenses

This piece outlines five common evasion techniques used by modern malware and
explains how to mitigate this zero-day threat.

See All Guidelines
Security Risks Equal Business Risks

What are the costs of “cleaning” up after a cyber-attack? What are the potential
impacts of these assaults on business, and do partners who interact or share
networks with a business pose a security threat?

See All C-Suite
Case Study
Telecom Provider Secures Itself and Its Customers

PenTeleData, a strategic partnership of cable and telephone companies, needed a
solution that consistently protects its internal infrastructure and provides the
ability to sell DDoS mitigation as a service to its customers.

See All Case Studies


Our experts will answer your questions, assess your needs, and help you
understand which products are best for your business.

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   * Bot Manager
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   * Alteon Integrated WAF
   * Kubernetes WAF
 * Free Assessment Tools
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   * Bad Bot Vulnerability Scanner
   * Application Vulnerability Analyzer


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