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New Bird Books


New & Forthcoming Bird Books - A chronological list of the most important world
bird books published since 2007 or scheduled to be released in the next few
years. Please submit any additions or corrections.

Blue-throated Barbet Psilopogon asiaticus trip report in peninsular Thailand by
Dave Sargeant -- a bird that has been seen by very few people.

Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi down to one bird in Thailand, thanks to no
protection of habitat or birds after rediscovery in 1986. All habitat in Burma
to be cleared soon for oil palm plantations.


Sixteen years after the last known wild Spix's Macaw Cyanopsitta spixii was last
observed in degraded forest east of Curaçá, Bahia, Brazil, a Spix's Macaw has
again been seen in the vicinity, with identification confirmed by a video and
audio recording. BirdLife, 24 June 2016. The origin of the bird is unknown, with
speculation that it may be a released captive bird, or the bird seen throughout
the 1990s that disappeared in 2000 (which would be my bet).  

I went to see the last known bird in 1994 with Dave Sargeant and Rod McCann. We
were fortunate that IBAMA gave us a permit to go look for the bird, and that
Marco da Ré, who was in charge of the Spix's conservation project, was able to
locate the bird for us on the third day of searching for it. Habitat restoration
projects were well underway at Curaçá, including anti-goat fencing and the
planting of native trees. Because of incredible goat overgrazing, unfenced
seedlings rarely survived. By now, the habitat must be significantly better in
places where goats have been excluded.

If IBAMA will give you a permit to look for the bird now being observed, the
people of Curaçá and the hotel and restaurant undoubtedly will be thrilled once
again to welcome birders to the pleasant town near the Rio São Francisco. At the
praça on Friday night, Marco introduced us the "cowboys of the Spix's Macaw".

This may be the world's most desirable bird to observe in the wild, and it
should be twitchable without causing disturbance. If you don't speak Portuguese,
start studying NOW. The Pimsleur course of 90 lessons is an excellent place to
begin. You probably will need to write to IBAMA in Portuguese for permission to
look for the Spix's, and you will need to speak Portuguese to get around easily
in Brazil.

Unless you are extremely lucky, you will need expert help finding the bird. The
region is criss-crossed by unmarked dirt roads, some of which require a
high-clearance vehicle.

Robert S. Ridgely, John A. Gwynne, Guy Tudor & Martha Angel. Birds of Brazil
Vol. 2 - The Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil. Comstock - Wildlife
Conservation Society (June 2016). US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Vol. 1 - The Pantanal & Cerrado of Central Brazil (December 2010). US | UK | FR
| DE | CA | JP
Vol. 1 covers most of the birds that occur in northwestern Bahia, while vol. 2
covers most of the birds of the Atlantic forest in eastern Bahia. For the
missing Bahia birds, see van Perlo, Birds of Brazil.


The 2014 Form 990 (page 55 of 203) filed by the Wildlife Conservation Society
(WCS) discloses that the four most highly paid executives made a total of
$3,525,907 in the tax year ending June 30, 2015, with the top two (Cristian
Samper and John G. Robinson) receiving more than $1 million each. The World Land
Trust website reports that they are able to buy wilderness land in Latin America
for approximately £100 [$130] per acre. At that rate, the WCS Big Four salaries
for one year would buy 27,122 acres (110 km2) of wilderness.


I have seen the future of the bird field guide, and it is not a book. It is the
Kindle version of Birds of Western Ecuador, A Photographic Guide, by Nick
Athamas and Paul Greenfield (Princeton University Press 2016). This is a
landmark in the ongoing changeover from heavy, paper field guides to digital
guides read in the field on tablets and other portable devices. This guide's
only weakness is its lack of painted color plates, but the photographs are
mostly very good to excellent, and a new Birds of Ecuador illustrated by Robin
Restall is scheduled for release later this year.

Nick Athamas & Paul Greenfield. Birds of Western Ecuador, A Photographic Guide.
Princeton University Press 2016. Details. Book: US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
Kindle version. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP


At home, I find it preferable to read the digital guide in landscape mode on my
desktop computer. The text can be blown up to 150%, but that requires a lot of
vertical scrolling. For full-page viewing, you will need a monitor support that
easily pivots from landscape (horizontal) mode to portrait (vertical) mode. I
use and highly recommend the Vivo STAND-V001B gas spring monitor arm clamped to
a slide-out tray on my desk. My other monitor (a Dell) is on the included stand
that pivots, though not easily.

Simply open the field guide in Kindle, then in Change Display Settings, change
the Orientation of your monitor from Landscape to Portrait (flipped). Select Fit
to Width from the zoom dropdown, then type in a slightly higher percentage (from
89% to 93% on my setup) to increase type size without losing content. Then
select View>>Full Screen to replace the top nav with bottom nav that includes
forward & back buttons.

For travel and field use, until folding or expanding tablets become available,
ten-inch tablets offer the best compromise between screen size and portability.
At this time, the fantastic display with DCI-P3 color gamut and "True Tone" on
the Apple iPad Pro 9.7 is clearly superior to anything else available. I prefer
the open, non-proprietary Android platform, but Samsung, the leading Android
tablet producer, now offers nothing comparable to the display on the iPad Pro

I bought the 256 GB version, which has enough storage capacity to take all the
available reference works on any bird trip. (Speaking of reference works,
Princeton University Press has released the new Birds of New Guinea handbook
(supplementing the second edition of superb field guide) by Bruce Beehler &
Thane Pratt on Kindle, so you can easily take this heavy reference with you on
treks on the steep, slippery trails in the New Guinea highlands -- no scanning


The format of Birds of Western Ecuador offers excellent usability. Each page of
text includes about four to six species accounts, with range maps in the left
margin. Color photographs are on the next page. In many instances, illustrations
of the last species on a text page are placed at the bottom of the text page.
Thus, the illustration of a bird is only a click and/or scroll from its text.

The text font is Times New Roman, a popular book font but not ideal for digital
viewing. A sans serif font such as Arial or Verdana would have been a better
choice. As digital overtakes print, publishers should scrap the old conventions
of paper publishing and choose what works best on a color screen.

Species headings are bold white text on brownish backgrounds, with a darker
background for the species numbers. I endorse the practice of starting species
numbers on each page at 1, since digital viewers are unlikely to become
confused, and pages can't stick together. Also, single digits occupy less space
on the plates than two or three digit species numbers.


If you can't find a bird in the species accounts, don't panic. Simply jump to
Appendix I: Species Not Included, starting at page 425. I was shocked that the
extent of deforestation and seafood factory farming have reached a point that
Boat-billed Heron, Agami Heron, Harpy Eagle, and White-crowned Manakin are on
the list of Extirpated and Possibly Extirpated Species and likely gone from the
Pacific Slope of Ecuador.


Due to space limitations, the species accounts provide essential information for
field identification but not much more. Some useful site suggestions are
included, such as Pale-breasted Tinamou and Ochre-bellied Dove occasionally
visiting feeders at Jorupe Reserve. Since any bird book can be scanned and
loaded into a tablet, most birders are likely to have additional resources
available in their devices, though not in an easily usable format.

As an example of helpful, distinguishing details, see the Double-banded Graytail
account (p. 228): "Gray-mantled Wren (p. 332), which can occur with it in forest
canopy, lacks the superciliary and wing bars, and has a barred tail (usually the
key feature when looking up at the bird from far below). Behavior also differs:
Gray-mantled Wren tends to creep along branches, while Double-banded Graytail
clings to leaves, gleaning insects from them."


I had forgotten how closely immature Black-and-Chestnut Eagle resembles Crested
Eagle until seeing the excellent photo of a soaring immature S. isadori at page
79. As the authors advise, "any sightings of Crested Eagle in W [or elsewhere
where S. isadori occurs] should be carefully documented and, if possible,

Nick Athamas's spectacular photo of Sapayoa looks like an African Broadbill in
shape and size, though of course not in plumage. See this article in the July
2016 Auk about the breeding biology of Sapayoa in Panamá. It builds a hanging
nest like a Broadbill, as you can see from the authors' photographs.


The authors note that the voice of the Colombian Crake is known only from the
distress call of a mist-netted bird.


Field guides need to be designed to work as well on screen as Birds of Western
Ecuador. Hopefully authors and publishers will study the design and borrow
liberally. Without substantial reorganization, most existing field guides will
not adapt well to digitization.

Meanwhile, many birders are scanning books in their libraries for reference
during trips. Scans of individual pages of a lengthy book are not particularly
user friendly, but they're the only way to take most books along on a bird
trip. In addition, useful material available online needs to be downloaded in
advance, since Internet access away from the cities in many countries is often
nonexistent or slow. HBW Alive is an essential reference, but you might not be
able to access it when you need it the most.

Kindle and pdf versions of books work well cross platform, and modern software
takes into account the need to allow the user to place them on multiple devices.
However, there are digital products that don't work cross platform and try to
prevent purchasers from using all their hardware. An example is the digital
edition of Pizzey & Knight, Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, 9th edition
(2013). The digital edition is available in Windows, Android, and IOS (Apple)
versions, but it is not cross-platform, and it forces you to accept 2-device
only licensing, which is absurd in 2016. I have a Windows desktop computer, a
chromebook, an iPad, and an Android smartphone. I should only have to pay once
for a digital version that will work on all my hardware, like pdf or Kindle
ebooks. Even if I had an all-Windows lineup of devices, I could only use this
product on two of them!


Where to Find Birds in Ecuador by Lelis Navarrete

Birds of Passage - Ecuador - Great blog about a birding road trip from
California that got as far as northern Ecuador. It's loaded with useful
stakeouts and has me thinking about some quick trips, such as a Bearded
Wood-Partridge weekend twitch at their spot in Veracruz. Unlike most extended
bird trips, they had a 4WD vehicle and were not constrained by the limitations
of public transport.

Miles McMullan & Lelis Navarrete. Fieldbook of the Birds of Ecuador. Fundación
Jocotoco 2013. Out of print, but available online at Bookread - must disable
Adblock Plus on the page & register with Playster. You can read it for 30 days
free, after which you have to pay $10/month! Unclear whether it can be
downloaded for use after the 30 days expire. The only copies in American
libraries listed in Worldcat are at Columbia U. & Stanford U., if you have
access. Neither participates in Inter-Library Loan. US | UK


Juan Freile & Robin Restall. Birds of Ecuador. Helm. Forthcoming November 2016.
No information yet whether a digital edition will be available or which
publisher will have the American rights, if any. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP


John V. Moore. Birds Sounds of Ecuador. mp3 DVD, 2013. For additional
recordings, try Xeno-canto. US | UK | FR | DE | CA


Robert S. Ridgely & Paul J. Greenfield. The Birds of Ecuador. 2 volumes. Cornell
University Press & Helm. June 2001. WorldTwitch 2001 Best Bird Book Award.
Vol. 1: Status, Distribution & Taxonomy . 768 pages. 115 line drawings. US | UK
| FR | DE | CA | JP
Vol. 2: A Field Guide . 816 pages. 96 color plates. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP
2-Volume set with slipcase US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP



The Stith Recording website reports that a replacement for the Marantz
PMD661MkII digital recorder is forthcoming.

The Nagra Seven digital recorder has been out for about two years. With a
humidity spec up to 99%, it would appear to be ideal for use in the humid
tropics. I haven't read any feedback about it from bird recordists and would be
interested in user experiences. Stith are promoting it as part of their high end
bird recording package, together with the Sennheiser MKH70, which I have been
using for many years and highly recommend. If you get this setup, you should
order a Sennheiser MZA14-P48U power supply to avoid battery drain and a pigtail
cable from the power supply to recorder so that you can record the second
channel at a lower level.

I haven't moved to digital yet but may do so in the near future. A major concern
is the apparent difficulty of immediate playback with a digital setup. Using the
old Sony TCD5ProII cassette deck with a Sony TCM-5000 on top of it, I can record
a bird, pop the cassette out of the ProII and into the TCM-5000, insert another
tape in the Pro II, and play back on the TCM-5000 while recording on the ProII
to capture any sounds made during playback. In two notable instances,
Slender-billed Scimitar-babbler and Sumatran Wren-babbler, the birds gave
amazing, explosive vocalizations during playback only that I was unable to
capture without the two-deck setup that I later adopted on the advice of Davis

Perhaps a digital solution would be to use a recorder like the Nagra Seven with
a hot swapable microSD card along with a playback device such as a FiiO M3 or X1
digital player that plays wav files and has a microSD card slot, with a Radio
Shack external speaker.



Johan Ingels & Robin Restall. Birds of Guianas. Helm. Forthcoming July 2017. No
information yet whether a digital edition will be available or which publisher
will have the American rights, if any. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP


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