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Home / Resource Center / Leading Transmission Company Dramatically Reduces Cycle
Time and Improves Quality with AR Work Instructions
Industry: Automotive,
Applications: Assembly, Training,

An established global supplier of commercial-duty electrified propulsion systems
and automatic transmissions is using innovative projected augmented reality work
instructions to improve manufacturing performance and quality. 

This leading company adopted LightGuide AR software to empower its workforce
with standardization and simplification of its complex manual processes.
Following the implementation of LightGuide projected AR work instructions on a
production line with four workstations and nearly 100 parts bins, this company
eliminated process confusion, reducing cycle time dramatically and improving
quality by up to 100%. 


High variation and high throughput place enormous pressure on operators to
produce perfect quality. At this company, operators were assembling parts for
many different industries. Each assembly was complex and unique, but the parts
all looked similar. As many as ten variations could be produced on a single

This range of options created confusion and led to guesswork from
operators—especially new operators—during assemblies and bin picking. The result
was exceedingly long cycle times and complex work instruction authoring.  


Plant leadership implemented LightGuide’s industrial AR software to simplify
manual processes and boost efficiency on one complex line that included four
stations and over 100 bins. This line was known for serving a large variety of
similar assemblies, each requiring a unique process and part picking sequence.  

Upon implementation, this company quickly recalled assembly variations through
barcode scans. Intuitive visual light guidance not only directed workers through
a pick sequencing process but also guided them with additional graphics on the
workstation and the part itself. Rather than having one program for bin picking
and another program for the work zone, LightGuide reconfigured its layout to
merge the two areas and maintain a continuous flow in the process.   

For example, this workstation required operators to move a cart alongside the
workbench, adjusting where they needed work instructions multiple times within
the cycle. LightGuide’s AR software projected animations to show operators
exactly where to place the cart. Then, projected graphics would display where
the work was taking place to guide operators through the assembly without error,
confusion, or the need to memorize steps.  

Additionally, the smart bin-picking sequences guided by projected AR made it
simple to identify bins when processes were updated. Whether swapping out parts
within bins or the entire bin, process changes were quickly deployed,
eliminating guesswork and lengthy down time.  


After implementing LightGuide’s projected AR work instructions to simplify and
streamline complex manual processes, this leading transmission company
significantly improved quality, reporting up to 100% improvement.  

Additionally, the company saw a significant reduction in build times, as
operators with less experience in these manual operations had direct guidance
through processes. Before LightGuide, they were unfamiliar with the contents and
locations of each bin. Now, the operators have no need to memorize bin sequences
for any variations and assemble parts with maximum quality and efficiency.  


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