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Read the Lore




There are 10,000 CitiXens in the RFOX VALT. 1,300 of these are special OG
CitiXens, bearing premium features, higher benefits, and better rarities. Which
quarter will your CitiXen belong to?

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 * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.
   The inhabitants of Callinova were subjected largely to art and the artistic
   world whilst on Earth and it was a large part of their programming and
   exposure. The aim was that art would lend the beings to understand different
   scenes, landscapes, and they would be able to record, recreate an impression
   of their findings, and relay the messages of space in a way that humans on
   Earth could identify with.
   In time the Callinova civilization saw art as a religion and a homage to the
   humans that created them. They formed their civilization on culture,
   implemented a hierarchical system much the same as a monarchy, and were
   obsessed with adding to their knowledge and refining their systems of order
   and respect.
   The Callinovians wear clothes and gowns of gold, believe in a dress culture
   similar to their hierarchical beliefs and most of their headpieces and
   eyewear are purely cosmetic.
   The originals have the most lavish sense of dress and decorative apparel and
   are considerably more regal than their non-originals counterparts. Some
   originals had both a crystal resembling a blue stone and are fully adorned in
   gold, which is the highest honor an original could have had bestowed on them.
   The rare crystals grant these originals special creative abilities and
   transformative skills.
   Despite being hierarchical the Callinovians have had their fair share of
   infighting as well as open and ongoing disputes with both the Arkamotoans and
   the Kolaxian civilisations. When several key original members formed an
   alliance to work with the Arkamotoans, the rest of the originals rebelled and
   had them exiled to an outer station.
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.

 * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.
   The inhabitants of Arkamoto were subjected largely to gaming whilst on Earth
   and it was a large part of their programming and exposure. The aim was that
   Gaming would lend the beings to understand survival in different given
   situations, the art of completing quests and tasks, and the ability to
   navigate puzzles and problem-solve. They would be most likely to solve any
   challenges they were faced with and report findings back to Earth.
   In time the Arkamoto civilization rebelled against the conformity and
   structure of close societies and preferred a more ‘single player’ mindset
   than their human creators may have hoped. They rebel against centralized
   structure, are hackers, tech rebels, and anarchists and despite having a
   leadership group they remain married to the ideology of chaos and disruption.
   They also greatly admire the idea of anonymity and not being defined by
   The Arkamotoans have a distinct style of appearance and dress, with a vibrant
   combination of clothes to conceal their identity. They are highly trained in
   gaming, combat, and survival, and battle and fight when required and as a
   result use the same items that conceal their identity to protect themselves
   against attack.
   The originals had started with a strong urge to hide their identities and had
   taken pride in where they had come from and their origins. They are
   distinctly more concealed than the non-OGs who developed more of a want and
   desire to become more open as time went on.
   The highest form of honor an Original can have is a crystal. These rare
   crystals give them enhanced abilities which they have been programmed for,
   such as battle, skill, problem-solving or puzzles.
   The Arkamotoans being rebellious and largely focused on themselves and
   progression have never posed enough of a threat to other civilisations.
   Despite being great fighters, they often roam in small groups or as
   individuals and rarely stand as one united civilization. This has led to many
   altercations with the Kolaxian quarter and also with the Callinovians. The
   Techratites (originals with crystals) formed an alliance in 2020 to help
   bring the Arkamotoans together and to stand united. This is an ongoing
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.

 * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.
   The inhabitants of Music Quarter were subjected largely to music whilst on
   Earth and it was a large part of their programming and exposure. The aim was
   that Music would lend the beings to understand sounds, structure and
   organized or planned structure to sound or rhythm. They would most likely be
   able to identify whether sound is random, organized or a form of
   communication and report these findings back to Earth.
   In time the civilisation saw music as a form of artistic expression and was
   known to entertain and host gatherings that celebrate various forms of music
   and sound. The civilisation is predominantly pacifist and is known for being
   excellent mediators, hospitable, and open to new concepts and learnings.
   As the music quarter is about celebration and the art of music, the clothes
   worn by the CitiXens are colourful, often to draw attention to themselves and
   they are known to be bright and extravagant dressers. Although they may lack
   the same polish and finesse that the Callinovians boast, they make up for
   glowing, bright, outlandish uniforms, fit for celebration and gaining
   The originals have the most opulent headgear, garments, and party attire. The
   newer generations admire the originals for their bold and distinct styles and
   look to emulate them as best they can without ever reaching the same heights.
   The trademark of all CitiXens of the music quarter is their eyewear, custom
   hair and stylings, predominantly masculine and feminine hairstyles, types,
   and for their vibrant and decorative skin colours which are by far the most
   expansive in all the civilisations.
   The highest honor an original CitiXen can possess is to have a crystal which
   gives them enhanced musical abilities and allows them to listen to and
   broadcast sounds and music in any given environment.
   Despite being pacifists in nature, the Terravaldians have had their fair
   share of challenges and issues. Several key incidents are chronicled in the
   Terravaldians history which include:
    * A party of CitiXens who made contact with an unknown outside the group.
      General contact was made with the CitiXens and strict instructions to
      ignore it was given by the Originals and through the Guardians of the
      Light. The group of CitiXens who ignored this warning acted against orders
      and attempted to meet with the message creators. They were never seen
    * Several other key contacts have been made with the CitiXens from outside
      forces, which have either been ignored, documented and passed on or
      investigated by rogue groups. Little is known of the contacts' origins.
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.

 * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.
   The inhabitants of the Kolaxy Quarter were subjected largely to Science and
   Technology whilst on Earth and it was a large part of their programming and
   exposure. The aim was that SciTech would lend the beings to understand
   Science and Technology and to use their experience to build objects,
   equipment, and tools from whatever resources to venture further into space,
   deeper into their exploration, and push the limits of what could be
   discovered and found.
   In time the Kolaxian civilisation had battled all sorts of elements, threats,
   conditions, and endured suffering and pain beyond belief for their cause,
   which grew to them resenting the lives the other civilisations had made for
   themselves. They were a very close civilisation and trust was a key factor
   and pillar in their existence and survival. They trusted each other
   unconditionally and built a society of respect and admiration for their
   fellow kind. The civilisation despite being amicable with each other, have
   known to be extremely hostile to outsiders and they have great respect for
   the Guardians of the Light who they deem to be most similar in their
   sacrifices and belief system.
   The Kolaxian civilisation being explorers have a rich history with scars,
   dents, injuries, and imperfections, gained from both war, attacks, element
   and condition challenges, and from self-preservation and protection. They
   adorn solid protective clothing to explore the outer reaches and feel much
   more comfortable being fully covered and ready for anything that may come
   their way.
   Some of the originals of this quarter have eyewear and headsets, which are
   purely for protection but as they were the first of their kind, the originals
   are more heavily protected and better concealed than the newer generations.
   As time progressed, they realized the need for more effective and
   evolutionary protective wear. The originals wear their full, heavy, and more
   concealing outfits as a badge of honor and for the sacrifices, they have
   made. They are revered by their peers and the non-originals as warriors who
   have saved their race, discovered new lands or items, and have generally
   pushed their civilisation forward. Having crystals with full original wear is
   the highest honor a Kolaxian CitiXen can have bestowed upon them. The
   crystals give them enhanced scientific abilities to discover and create new
   objects and mechanics.
   The Kolaxians being explorers and navigators has led to them being exposed to
   isolated attacks, failed missions, and exploration to further reaches. Some
   Kolaxians believe they have given and devoted more in terms of sacrifice and
   risk than the other civilisations and are heavily critical of the methods and
   belief structures of the other CitiXens. This has led to some intense battles
   with the Arkamotoans who they believe inflate their own self-importance and
   rebel against what should be a united front. The Kolaxians are the only
   civilization who have encountered and know of the outcome of the exiled
   Arkamotoans and Callinovians.
   Kolaxians harbor the most secrets and information relating to outside forces,
   threats, and potential inhabitants. They have formed a strong alliance and
   working understanding with the Guardians of the Light and it is believed the
   2 parties have worked closely together and share information not privy to the
   other civilisations.
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac rutrum
   metus, sit amet accumsan magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ut eros
   faucibus, faucibus nunc sit amet, tempus eros. Vivamus eu finibus sapien.
   Praesent in sodales odio. Curabitur pharetra est in mauris ornare, vel
   vestibulum lacus eleifend. Morbi urna ex, maximus ac lorem vitae, tempus
   lacinia purus. Nunc vehicula venenatis sodales. Donec quis massa quis libero
   dapibus interdum. Nullam sapien velit, ornare sed congue non, molestie eu
   ligula. Morbi nec velit a odio auctor posuere quis id nibh. Aenean tempor
   lacus in purus laoreet tempus. Integer in mollis enim. Nunc in risus risus.
   Nam non est non est molestie hendrerit.


A minted CitiXens Pod will evolve over time from which a CitiXen will emerge.
The first 1300 special limited-edition OG CitiXen Pods grant you access to
future NFT drops and other OG exclusive items.



You get access to the 2D and 3D files of your game-ready rigged avatar to do
whatever you want.


By owning a CitiXen, you own the digital art or image attached to the CitiXen in
its full form whether 2D or 3D (Art). This means that you own the full
intellectual property rights to the Art, which entitles you to either use the
Art for personal or commercial benefits.


CitiXens NFT holders will be eligible for staking.


Every CitiXen has voting rights for decisions in the quarter they are from.
Every OG CitiXen has double voting power. Your vote in the metaverse will help
make awesome stuff happen in your virtual space.


CitiXens can be used to mint new NFTs in the form of KOGs through the KOGs Mint
Lab. These KOGs can be used in RFOX games such as KOGs: SLAM! and more.




 * 2x Airdropped Apartment per OG CitiXen
 * 1x Airdropped CitiXen per OG CitiXen (Completed)
 * Double voting rights
 * Rarer and special traits
 * Tiered staking eligibility
 * OG CitiXen exclusive benefits and future airdrops/claims



 * Single voting rights
 * Staking eligibility
 * More benefits and future airdrops/claims
 * CitiXen exclusive benefits and future airdrops/claims

OG CitiXens
Whitelist & Public Sale
Airdropped to RFOX VALT SHOP NFT Holders
Airdropped to each Apartment claimed through the KOGS NFT claim
Airdropped to each Apartment purchased through the Apartment sale
Airdropped to each OG CitiXen owner


09.09.2022 - 10.09.2022

Whitelist and Public Sale of OG CitiXen Pods


Quarter Theme and Rarity Reveal for All OG CitiXens Pods


Final reveal of all OG CitiXens

Q1 - 2023

Sale for Apartments

Q1 - 2023

KOGs Claim Period for Apartment Pods

Q1 - 2023

Airdrop of CitiXen Pods to OG CitiXens and Apartment Holders

Q1 - 2023

Quarter Theme and Rarity Reveal for CitiXens Pods

Q1 - 2023

Reveal of All CitiXens

Q1 - 2023

Reveal of Apartments Quarter theme and type

Q2 - 2023

CitiXens Use in RFOX VALT

Q2 - 2023

Apartments Use in RFOX VALT




Building an advanced tech product for the metaverse.



High-quality NFT and metaverse solutions require the best of talent and



Growing the metaverse, spreading the word about RFOX VALT, its CitiXens, and the


& Research

As the Metaverse continues to grow, we dedicate resources to stay ahead of the
tech curve.



 * CitiXens
    * What are CitiXens?
      CitiXens is a limited NFT collection of metaverse-ready 3D avatars. Each
      CitiXen represents the core of the RFOX VALT civilization and governance.
    * How many CitiXens will there be?
      There will be 10,000 unique CitiXens in total, including 1,300 OG CitiXens
      and 8,700 other CitiXens.
    * Will there be different kinds of CitiXens?
      Yes. Each CitiXen will have a unique set of characteristics and rarities
      based on their RFOX VALT quarter of origin:
       * Callinova – Art
       * Arkamoto – Gaming
       * Terravaldi – Music
       * Kolaxy – Science and Technology
    * What is an Apartment?
      Users can own an exclusive RFOX VALT apartment NFT, which will be your own
      space to call home, decorate, host hangouts or meetings, and upgrade to
      suit your individual style or taste. The aim is to make each apartment as
      individual as you are.
      Apartments will be in the different quarters of Genesis as well as in the
      central part between the quarters. There will be different rarities
      according to the style and size of the Apartments, ranging from studio and
      standard apartments to penthouses and exclusive floating apartments that
      are flying around the Genesis.
    * What are the IP rights for each CitiXen?
      By owning a CitiXen, you own the digital art or image attached to the
      CitiXen in its full form whether 2D or 3D (Art). This means that you own
      the full intellectual property rights to the Art, which entitles you to
      either use the Art for personal or commercial benefits.
    * What blockchain will the CitiXens be on?
      The CitiXens NFTs will be on the Ethereum blockchain, specifically using
      the ERC721A token standard.
    * When will the actual CitiXens be revealed?
      The reveal of the 1300 OG CitiXens will commence in Q4 of 2022, while the
      reveal of the 8700 other CitiXens will commence shortly after the
      distribution of all CitiXens pods. However, while you are waiting for the
      final reveal, we will reveal what quarter your pod is from and what
      rarities they have along the way.
    * What are the Terms & Conditions for CitiXens?
      You can read more about the Terms & Conditions for CitiXens here:


 * OG CitiXens Sale and Additional Information
    * What are OG CitiXens?
      OG CitiXens are avatars that feature distinct premium traits, making them
      rarer (only 1,300 out of a total of 10,000) and more sought-after inside
      and outside the metaverse.
    * How do I get OG CitiXens?
      You can purchase OG CitiXens on OpenSea:
    * What does an OG CitiXens Pod do?
      The OG CitiXens pod is your ticket that allows you to reveal one of the
      1300 unique OG CitiXens when the unlocking period starts. OG CitiXens will
      give you free airdrops of 1 CitiXen NFT and 1 Apartment NFT if you hold on
      to the NFT during the designated snapshot date for the drop. The CitiXen
      NFT you’ll gain from this airdrop entitles you to 1 more Apartment.
    * How much did OG CitiXens Pods cost?
      Each OG CitiXen pod is priced at 200 USD worth of RFOX tokens during the
      whitelist sale on 9th of September 2022 and 250 USD worth of RFOX tokens
      during the public sale on 10th of September 2022.
    * What happens after I participate in the OG CitiXens sale?
      There will be a snapshot of all OG CitiXens holders. If you are holding an
      OG CitiXen at that time, you will be airdropped a CitiXen pod on the same
      day for every OG CitiXen you hold.
    * When can I get an Apartment as an OG CitiXens holder?
      There will be a snapshot of all CitiXens and OG CitiXens holders. If you
      are holding an CitiXen at that time, you will be airdropped an apartment
      mint pass on the same day. OG CitiXens and CitiXens are eligible for 1
      apartment mint pass per CitiXen held.


 * CitiXens for RFOX VALT SHOP Owners
    * How many OG CitiXens can I gain if I am an RFOX VALT SHOP owner?
      You are entitled to receive 3 OG CitiXen pods.
    * How will future shop buyers from the Terravaldi and Kolaxy quarters claim
      their 3 OG CitiXens?
      RFOX will keep the 150 remaining OG CitiXen pods until the Shop Auctions
      and will airdop them to new SHOP owners right after each SHOPs auction.


 * CitiXens and Apartments for KOGs Holders
    * How many CitiXens and Apartments are allocated for KOGs holders?
      There will be 4,400 Apartments allocated for KOGs holders to claim. Each
      claimed Apartment will receive a 1:1 CitiXen airdrop.
    * How does claiming Apartments work for KOGs holders?
      There will be a designated KOGs claim period, which will start right after
      the public sale event for Apartments. This KOGs claim period will run for
      7 days. Apartment NFTs that are not claimed during the process will be
      distributed to the community via competitions and giveaways.
    * How many KOGs should I have to qualify for claiming CitiXens?
      Join our Discord for more information.
    * How do I get KOGs?
      Please refer to this guide for more details.


 * CitiXens and Apartments Staking
    * What are CitiXens and Apartments staking rewards and how does the staking
      process work?
      Through this program, you can stake NFTs like CitiXens, Shops, and
      Apartments, in combination with VFOX. The RFOX tokens for rewards are
      generated through royalties of secondary sales. Join our discord to stay
      up to date!
    * Will I be able to stake my CitiXen Pods and Apartment Chests to earn
      Staking will only be allowed for NFTs that are revealed, not for CitiXen
      Pods or Apartment Chests.


 * OG CitiXens Reveal
    * What do the traits mean?
      This will be revealed over time. Refer to the LORE on the RFOX VALT
      CitiXens page.
    * How do I reveal my OG CitiXen?
      Your NFT does not reveal automatically, you need to refresh your metadata
      on OpenSea. To do that, you need to click the "Refresh metadata" button in
      the menu next to your NFT on OpenSea. Note that refreshing the metadata is
      a feature open to all OpenSea users, so you might see that your NFT is
      already revealed. If you are having issues with this not working, please
      try using incognito mode. Should you still struggle please contact us via
    * Why does my NFT look the same as someone elses?
      All CitiXens are unique. However, as these are full-body avatars, and only
      the upper body is shown on the NFT, it is possible that some NFTs only
      differ in traits not visible on the portrait like gloves, pants or shoes.
      Check the properties and traits of your NFT to see what is different.
    * When will we get access to the 2D & 3D files?
      You will be able to access all your 2D and 3D files in Q2 2023.
    * When will I be able to use my CitiXens in the VALT?
      You will be able to use your CitiXens inside the VALT by Q2 2023.
    * How do I see the rarity score of my avatar?
      You can view your NFTs rarity rank on Opensea or with external rarity
      tools. This is not final until the OG CitiXens allocated to future shop
      sales are revealed.
    * How many traits will an OG CitiXen have?
      Every OG CitiXen has 16 traits, and the whole OG collection has more than
      175 unique traits.
    * Are there any additional benefits of having a rarer-tiered OG CitiXen?
      All OG CitiXens have the same benefits.
    * Now that my OG CitiXen is revealed, when will I be able to view my
      apartment rarity tier?
      This information will come later, please stay tuned.
    * Can I start using my OG CitiXen design on my own profile, website, or
      Yes. By owning a CitiXen, you own the digital art or image attached to the
      CitiXen in its full form whether 2D or 3D (Art). This means that you own
      the full intellectual property rights to the Art, which entitles you to
      either use the Art for personal or commercial benefits.
    * In what format will my OG CitiXen be available to me?
      Initially you will have the image as available on Opensea. We will at a
      later stage be providing access to your 2D and 3D files.
    * What does the Crystal trait mean?
      Crystal traits are reserved for OG CitiXens only. The Light contained
      inside each Crystal is enough to activate new life once built, that's all
      we can say for now...
    * How many Crystal traits are there?
      There are only 150 Crystals in the entire 10,000 CitiXens collection. Only
      OG CitiXens will have crystals making it a rare trait.



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