rbxmotions.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:3033::ac43:9fda  Public Scan

URL: https://rbxmotions.com/
Submission Tags: https://phish.report @phish_report Search All
Submission: On April 12 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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Name: FlowSQFormPOST https://t.afftrackr.com/?OO=2S0vzGhkA7LblORCdrm3DEoImm4WAa5CvQJDRoz7h5U%3d&s1=&email=

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            <div id="cid-global">
              <div id="top-heading">
                <div id="ncclogo">
                  <img src="https://vipmotions.com/images/rewards_giant.svg">
                <div id="given"> Limited Time Left to Redeem Roblox £100 Giftcard! </div>
                <div class="!hidden md:!block" id="topterms">
                  <a href="https://contact.nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk/policies/privacy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="https://contact.nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk/policies/terms" target="_blank">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>
              <div class="!flex-col xl:!flex-row" id="cid-header">
                <img class="xl:w-auto w-full" src="https://vipmotions.com/images/roblox.png">
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                      <span class="cid-status !pl-0 !flex !justify-center !items-center xl:!justify-start">Status:<b> Available to Claim!</b></span>
                      <h1 class="!pl-0 !text-center xl:!text-left">
                        <i class="DynDivCont2"></i>£100 ROBLOX GAME CARD*
                  <div class="!text-center xl:!text-left !pl-0" id="cid-disclaimer"> *Upon completion of purchase requirements.
                    <a class="require" target="_blank" href="https://contact.nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk//policies/terms">Click for more info.</a>
                  <div id="cid-reward" class="DynDivCont1"></div>
                  <img src="https://vipmotions.com/images/robux.png">
              <div id="cid-main-container">
                <div id="beacon"><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i></div>
                <div class="qs">
                  <div id="cid-info-container">
                    <div class="cid-questions" id="q1">
                      <div class="question-num">Question 1 of 3</div>
                      <span>Answer to proceed towards your reward:</span>
                      <h2>Do you like to shop on Roblox?</h2>
                      <div class="cid-btns" data-count="1">Yes</div>
                      <div class="cid-btns" data-count="1">No</div>
                    <div class="cid-questions" id="q2">
                      <div class="question-num">Question 2 of 3</div>
                      <span>Answer then complete questions to receive your reward:</span>
                      <h2> What is your favourite <span class="DynDivCont2"></span>Roblox Game? </h2>
                      <div data-count="2" class="cid-btns"> Brookhaven </div>
                      <div class="cid-btns" data-count="2"> Pet Simulator X </div>
                    <div class="cid-questions" id="q3">
                      <div class="question-num">Question 3 of 3</div>
                      <span>Answer then complete questions to receive your reward:</span>
                      <h2>What is your Roblox username?</h2>
                          () => {
                            const input = document.getElementById("name");
                            input.addEventListener("keydown", () => {
                              if (input.value.length <= 3) {
                                document.getElementById("robloxusernamebtn").style.pointerEvents = "none";
                                document.getElementById("robloxusernamebtn").style.opacity = "0.5";
                              } else {
                                document.getElementById("robloxusernamebtn").style.pointerEvents = "all";
                                document.getElementById("robloxusernamebtn").style.opacity = "1";
                      <input type="text" id="name" maxlength="16" placeholder="Roblox Username" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="off">
                      <div style="pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.5" id="robloxusernamebtn" class="cid-btns" data-count="3"> Enter </div>
                    <div class="cid-questions" id="q4">
                      <h2>Confirming correct details...</h2>
                      <div id="step-loader"></div>
                    <div id="q5" class="cid-questions">
                      <h2>Enter your email:</h2>
                      <input id="emailinput" type="email" name="email" placeholder="Your Email" class="goGreenActive">
                      <div class="cid-disclaimer">
                        <div class="disclaimer"> Please enter you or your parents, or siblings email to continue so the £100 Roblox Giftcard code can be sent there. By clicking below, I agree to email marketing, the
                          <a href="https://contact.nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk/policies/terms" target="_blank">Terms &amp; Conditions</a><br> which includes manditory arbitration and
                          <a href="https://contact.nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk/policies/privacy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>. </div>
                          () => {
                            const input = document.getElementById("emailinput");
                            input.addEventListener("keydown", () => {
                              if (input.value.length <= 3 && input.value.includes("@") == false) {
                                document.getElementById("lastbutton").style.pointerEvents = "none";
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                              } else {
                                document.getElementById("lastbutton").style.pointerEvents = "all";
                                document.getElementById("lastbutton").style.opacity = "1";
                            document.getElementById("lastbutton").addEventListener("click", () => {
                              const email = input.value;
                              const link = "./main/index.html"
                      <span style="
                                  padding: 18px 12px;
                                  color: white;
                                  opacity: 0.5;
                                  pointer-events: none;
                                " id="lastbutton" class="subtn"> Continue </span>
              <div id="customer-feedback">
                <div class="!flex !flex-col !justify-center !px-12 lg:!px-0 !gap-y-12 lg:!gap-0 !items-center lg:flex-row" id="customer-items">
                  <div class="c-item !w-full lg:!w-1/3">
                    <div class="c-initial">
                      <img src="https://vipmotions.com/images/Girl.png" alt="Italian Trulli">
                    <div class="c-info">
                      <div class="c-person"><b>CookieCoat22</b></div>
                      <div class="c-reward"> £100 Roblox Card Recipient </div>
                      <div class="c-star five"></div>
                    <div class="c-desc"> This Robux will allow me to get my dream item in Roblox! Thank you so much </div>
                  <div class="c-item !w-full lg:!w-1/3">
                    <div class="c-initial">J</div>
                    <div class="c-info">
                      <div class="c-person"><b>Jay S</b></div>
                      <div class="c-reward"> DJI Mavic Pro Drone Recipient </div>
                      <div class="c-star five"></div>
                    <div class="c-desc"> Honestly all of the offers were wonderful because they allowed me to try new products and services at such a great discount. I plan to use my reward drone to further my passion of film making. </div>
                  <div class="c-item !w-full lg:!w-1/3">
                    <div class="c-initial">T</div>
                    <div class="c-info">
                      <div class="c-person"><b>Tracy B</b></div>
                      <div class="c-reward"> £1,000 Amazon Gift Card Recipient </div>
                      <div class="c-star five"></div>
                    <div class="c-desc"> So much fun. I actually enjoyed the games and I’m excited to have sirius radio! </div>
            <script type="text/javascript">
              var RewardOBJ = null;
              $(document).ready(function() {
                if (UC(AF.Lead.v.Email) != "") $("[name='fdp']").val(1);
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              var initAfterFlowJS = function() {
                var rname = AF.Campaign.URLparam(unescape(AF.System.v.pubParams).toLowerCase(), "reward");
                RewardOBJ = new LMReward(rname);
              var LMReward = function(rewardname) {
                var ref = this;
                ref.feedTransDuration = 500;
                ref.feedTimeout = 2500;
                ref.rewardname = rewardname;
                ref.count = 0;
                ref.init = function() {
                /** LISTENERS **/
                ref.setListeners = function() {
                  $(".cid-btns").click(function() {
                    var count = parseInt($(this).data("count"));
                    $("#q" + count).hide();
                    $("#q" + (count + 1)).fadeIn(200);
                    if (count == 3) {
                      setTimeout(function() {
                      }, 2500);
                  /** INPUT FIELDS **/
                  var input = $("input");
                  input.blur(function() {
                    if ($(this).attr("name") == "email") {
                      if (jIsEmail(jCleanField(this))) {
                      } else {
                    } else if (jCleanField(this).length != 0 && $(this).attr("name") != "email") {
                    } else {
                  input.focus(function() {
                  input.each(function() {
                ref.lastPage = function(page) {
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                  $("#q" + (page + 1)).fadeIn(200);
                  setTimeout(function() {
                    $("html, body").animate({
                      scrollTop: 0,
                    }, "slow");
                  }, 500);
                /** REWARD SECTION **/
                ref.getReward = function() {
                  if (!ref.rewardname) ref.rewardname = "undefined";
                  $.getJSON("/Services/GetRewardValue.ashx?c=20&Value=" + ref.rewardname, function(data) {
                    var rewardObj = data;
                    if (!rewardObj) {
                      $.getJSON("/Services/GetRewardValue.ashx?c=20&Value=undefined", function(data) {
                        rewardObj = data;
                    } else {
                ref.renderPage = function(rewardObj) {
                  var themedbg = "";
                  if (rewardObj[0].themedbgweb) {
                    themedbg = rewardObj[0].themedbgweb;
                    $("#cid-feature-img").css("background-image", 'url("' + themedbg + '")');
                  var pubsrc2 = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(rewardObj[0].pubsrc2)));
                  var npubsrc2 = rewardObj[0].pubsrc2.indexOf("&") > -1 ? escape(escape(rewardObj[0].pubsrc2)) : rewardObj[0].pubsrc2;
                  var im1 = '<img src="' + rewardObj[0].pubsrc1 + '" alt="" />';
                  if (rewardObj[0].dydisclaimertext != "nop") {
                  var temp = "&pubsrc1=" + rewardObj[0].pubsrc1 + "&pubsrc2=" + npubsrc2 + "&pubsrc5=" + themedbg + "&themebg=" + themedbg + "&termspid=nationalconsumerscenter.co.uk";
                  temp = encodeURI(temp);
                  $("#RPc" + _jCid + "dv").find('[name="iPage"]').val(temp);
                  AF.System.v.pubParams += temp;
                  return true;
                /** UTILITIES FUNCTIONS **/
                ref.ordinal = function(num) {
                  var teen = false;
                  var ones = num.toString().slice(-1);
                  var tens = num.toString().slice(-2, -1);
                  if (tens == "1") teen = true;
                  if (ones == "1" && !teen) return "st";
                  else if (ones == "2" && !teen) return "nd";
                  else if (ones == "3" && !teen) return "rd";
                  else return "th";

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