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+90 (242) 431 24 00


 * SPA

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11.04.2024 - 15.04.2024
2 Adults /0 Children






Take a look at our comfortable rooms for a pleasant stay. With its magnificent
architecture and location close to the city center, Kremlin Palace's quality
service concept offers you and your loved ones comfortable and well-equipped
accommodation areas.



Get ready to be mesmerised by our exquisite cuisine. Kremlin Palace welcomes all
its guests with the privilege of a Gourmet. Carefully selected tastes, different
flavours and unique presentations as a result of the knowledge and experience of
expert chefs will turn your table into art.



Our hotel offers a variety of options for all family members to enjoy unlimited
pleasure with its water park for kids, main pool, special pool for families,
entertainment pool, pools for kids, indoor pools and charming beach.



Spa Center offers you ideal places to relax and discover yourself.

The tranquil atmosphere and healing aromatic scents will revitalise your mind
and body, making it the most relaxing part of your holiday.



At Kids Club, which operates all day long, we invite your kids to learn while
having fun. Our mini club, where they can get to know different cultures, make
new friends, spend time without the need for their families, offers board games
selected in accordance with their age groups, games that develop intelligence
and skills, workshops and much more.



Kremlin Palace changes its atmosphere with unique theme parties to add an
unforgettable colour to your holiday. Every day our hotel is enlivened with
fascinating, extraordinary themed parties. Spectacular performances, mesmerising
dance shows and speciality drinks... A feast full of events that will make your
evenings even more special, mark each party and create unforgettable memories.


The PureFIT Sports Academy, founded by our academically trained trainers, offers
a combination of sport and holiday that is fun and where every lesson is
specially designed. Keep motivated with group or individual classes and don't
give up on your health. PureFIT Jumps, PureFIT Boxing and PureFIT Pump are just
some of the programmes where exercise is never neglected. Don't miss the trendy
activities for all ages with Neuro Gym Kids and Teen Academy.



At Kremlin Palace, you can find the ideal venues to meet the needs of the
business world and organise impressive meetings. In our hotel with a total of 10
meeting rooms, each of which is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment,
meeting rooms help you to carry out your business events smoothly and
successfully. Our 2000-person capacity meeting rooms are open for your
large-scale conferences and meetings.







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