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Amazon.com: Detoxify – Xxtra Clean Herbal – Tropical Fruit Flavor - 20 oz –
Professionally Formulated Extra Strength Herbal Detox Drink – Enhanced with
Ginseng Extract & Milk Thistle Extract - Plus Sticker : Health & Household
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High Voltage Double Flush Tropical OrangeHigh Voltage Double Flush Tropical

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Flavor Name: Tropical Fruit

Brand Detoxify Flavor Tropical Fruit Unit Count 20 Fl Oz Item Form Liquid Item
Weight 24 Ounces Item dimensions L x W x H 3 x 3 x 8.13 inches Special
Ingredients Ginseng Product Benefits Detoxing Age Range (Description) Adult
Number of Items 1

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 * HIGH TOXICITY CLEANSE: Xxtra Clean is an extra strength dietary supplement
   designed to support full body cleansing for high toxicity*
 * NATURAL DETOXIFICATION: Formulated with powerful ingredients to support your
   body’s natural detoxification process*
 * FULL SYSTEM CLEANSING: Supports 4 Factors of Full System Cleansing including
   circulatory, digestive & urinary as well as restorative health processes*
 * SUPERIOR INGREDIENTS: Enhanced with a proprietary herbal blend including
   vitamins & minerals
 * FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS: For best results, be sure to read and follow
   instructions carefully



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    Moon Recipe for Detox, Cleansing, PH Balance and Odor Control
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*Disclaimer:Detoxify products are dietary supplements. Statements made about
these products have not been evaluated by the Foodand Drug Administration.
Detoxify products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
Further, Detoxify products are not intended for any unlawful purpose, and we
disclaim any and all representations or references to any such purpose by any
party including but not limited to distributors, retailers and consumers. Any
discussion of illegal activity will end the conversation.

PreCleanse The Stuff Extra Detox -Fruit Flavor Green Clean Ready Clean Mega
Clean Polisorb Digestive Tract Relief
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 * Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
 * Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 3 x 3 x 8.13 inches; 1.5 Pounds
 * Item model number ‏ : ‎ 1687102
 * Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 10, 2004
 * Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Detoxify
 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B009K6YVDW

 * Best Sellers Rank: #18,210 in Health & Household (See Top 100 in Health &
    * #135 in Detox & Cleanse Weight Loss Products

 * Customer Reviews:
   3.8 3.8 out of 5 stars 5,682 ratings

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Pregnant or breast-feeding women should consult their physician before taking
this product.


Filtered water, fructose, fruit pectin, citric acid, natural flavor, potassium
sorbate, fruit and vegetable juice for color.


1. Take XXtra Clean to begin your weekly cleansing program.2. Shake well and
drink entire contents of bottle.3. Wait 15 minutes. Refill bottle with water,
shake and drink4. Urinate frequently5. Continue to drink plenty of water during
the day6. Eat light meals including fruit, vegetables and fiber during your
cleansing program.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This
products is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any

Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health



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Customers like the detoxification of the supplement, saying it cleanses the
system. They also find the instructions clear and easy to follow. However, some
customers report side effects, including nausea, constipation, and diarrhea.
They say the supplement can also cause burning sensations. Opinions are mixed on
taste and quality.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

DetoxificationInstructionsTasteQualityPerformanceValuePain reliefBurning
32 customers mention23 positive9 negative

Customers like the detoxification of the nutritional supplement. They mention
that it does cleanse the system, and is good for just general body cleanse. Some
say that it's a great cleaner in a bottle, and that it works well.

"...This product is great for helping with cleaning your system...." Read more

"...Keep in mind that this does not mask results but rather detoxify's your
system...." Read more

"Do not buy this product. It’s trash & not a detox" Read more

"...Tried it a few days prior to the actual test and the strips came back
clean...." Read more

14 customers mention11 positive3 negative

Customers find the instructions for the nutritional supplement clear, easy to
follow, and simple.

"Instructions were easy to follow. It had been 3 weeks since last exposure...."
Read more

"...has said that used this drink successfully, read directions, very simple,
you will pass. I am 6'2" and weigh 240...." Read more

"...The product was easy to use with simple instructions...." Read more

"...I'm so happy with this product though I think the instructions are a bit
lacking considering what happened to me with the first drink...." Read more

153 customers mention73 positive80 negative

Customers have mixed opinions about the taste of the nutritional supplement.
Some find it fine, while others say it's awful and has a spicy kick after

"Not the best taste in the world, but it worked great.After reading other
reviews, I knew what I could expect...." Read more

"...Drank the liquid, not terrible tasting. Didn’t burn my throat like some
others have said...." Read more

"...Consistency reminds me of fruit juice. The experience of drinking it isn't
the best but that's not what you are buying it for. Well worth the money...."
Read more

"The product tastes much better than I thought, but I did use a swimmer nose
plug so I could barely taste it...." Read more

57 customers mention33 positive24 negative

Customers are mixed about the quality of the nutritional supplement. Some
mention that it passes their test with flying colors, while others say that it
doesn't work and still tests positive.

"...I am ecstatic with the results. The shipping was extremely fast just as
advertised. I put mine in the refrigerator and the taste was not bad at all...."
Read more

"...over the course of being clean for 3.5 weeks and still tested positive on my
first test...." Read more

"...I took this drink two hours before my test. The flavor was alright, not
horrible. I just really didn't like the way it burned going down my throat...."
Read more

"...Used with predetox followed instructions exactly and still failed urine
test" Read more

428 customers mention109 positive319 negative

Customers are dissatisfied with the performance of the nutritional supplement.
They mention that it does not work, does nothing, and failed every test they
took for THC.

"...UPDATE: Did it again, followed instructions to A T!! STILL DIDN’T WORK. IT’S
BEEN 40 days now since I have toked up. Still did NOTHING...." Read more

"This product did not work for me. I was eating edible for a few months mostly
every day...." Read more

"Not the best taste in the world, but it worked great.After reading other
reviews, I knew what I could expect...." Read more

"No this product does not work, hadn’t touched anything in 2 weeks did a test
and showed up positive, ordered the detox, did what I was supposed to..." Read

109 customers mention16 positive93 negative

Customers find the value of the nutritional supplement to be poor. They mention
that it's a waste of money, useless, and not worth the risk. Some say the
product is an expensive gimmick that tastes like nothing.

"...It does absolutely nothing. Huge disappointment." Read more

"...In conclusion this product is useless...." Read more

"I read good and bad reviews on product. I think it's over priced but I took 1
hour before drug test and passed. So no complaints on my end" Read more

"...I can't stress that enough, it dilutes it too much and makes it useless.
Hence allot of negative reviews saying it doesn't work...." Read more

52 customers mention4 positive48 negative

Customers are not satisfied with the pain relief provided by the nutritional
supplement. They mention that it can cause terrible constipation, bloating, and
stomach cramps. They also say that it causes extreme bowel movements, diarrhea,
and makes their throat feel gross.

"...Still did NOTHING. All this does is make your pee clear. Which by the way,
if you want to avoid that, just take a large amount of vitamins...." Read more

"...The taste is not as bad as they say it is . Anyways it did not make me
urinate like the bottle said it would ...." Read more

"...After about five minutes I started feeling a little nauseous so I tried to
go up to the roof to look at the weather-to distract myself...." Read more

"...After about 15 minutes of drinking this detox I just exploded with diarrhea
and I felt like all the minerals had left my body...." Read more

13 customers mention0 positive13 negative

Customers are not happy with the burning sensation that the nutritional
supplement causes. They say that it burns a little down their throat, and their
whole face and lips are burning.

"...But it kind of burned on the way down, and made my tongue kind of numb...."
Read more

"Tastes like koolaid mixed with stomach acid, has a slight burn, and it's not
fun to chug 20 ounces of this stuff followed by 20 ounces of water, but..." Read

"...It does taste pretty bad and it honestly kind of burned going down, and it
made me have the runs. Eat very light meals before taking it...." Read more

"...it tastes like those flinstones vitamins lolit does burn a little down your
throat, ialmost felt like i had heart burn. i wanted to..." Read more

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Trust the product
Okay let me begin by giving a little background , been a heavy user for a few
years now, always trying to get the highest thc pen I could get from the
dispensary , got to the point where I wouldn’t even get high anymore unless I
took a “blinker” . Needless to say I finally scored a opportunity at a dream job
, I was suppose to go take a drug test a week before however , knowing how
nervous I was I told them I got Covid , been 3 weeks since I last used and I’m
suppose to get a drug test next week on Monday . I was going to use a product
called “quick fix “ , basically synthetic urine . I had used it once in the past
but not for a dream job like I mentioned so I never stressed much about it . It
did pass me with lab Corp in CA. This time around it’s a whole different story
since I really want to get in, so I went on Reddit and Google like anyone would
and saw good and bad reviews. Some people swearing it helped them pass while
others saying it failed them . I wasn’t going to take that chance so a friend of
mine mentioned this would work . I bought 2 bottles since I have a week to
prepare myself I read comments like you are now saying to follow instructions
closely as well as some people saying it didn’t help. Keeping that in mind I
tried chugging the whole 20oz but I guess I did it too fast cause I felt
nauseous after only having 1/4 left . Thinking I messed it all up I decided to
proceed and finish the rest of it , waited 15 minutes and filled the bottle up
again and drank it . I didn’t get any side effects like loose stools as some
people mentioned . The taste is not as bad as they say it is . Anyways it did
not make me urinate like the bottle said it would . Knowing I messed up I
ordered another bottle to try and re due everything again . Night came and it
was 10:30 I got the urge to urinate so I said screw it I’ll take a test to see
what happens and long behold NEGATIVE , the first test I took just being curious
if my system would clear it. However , it didn’t. I’ll update this later but as
of now even only drinking 1/4 i showed negative and it had been 4 hours since I
drank it . I will retry tomorrow trying the whole bottle . I really think it’s
just a matter of keeping it in your system so your body fully absorbs it .
Anyhow just felt like I wanted to share this as I know I ain’t the only one
who’s going through something like this . Best of luck to you all.


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5.0 out of 5 stars It didn't NOT work??
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2022
Flavor Name: Tropical FruitVerified Purchase
About me for comparison purposes: 5'9", 160lbs, in shape (thai boxer), edible
consumer (don't smoke)(always consume less than 5mg up to 5 nights/week for the
past 10 mo), 1-2 TB acv in ~3c of water EVERY morning for the past year or so
(this may have contributed to what's below)

I needed to do a drug screening for a new job, and there was no room for error.
Stopped taking edibles 14 days before the test.
Bought the home testing kit and scored negative on each try (about 5-10) during
the course of a week and a half.
Didn't trust the home test. Brought this product to flush me before the
I didn't experience any side effects. No upset stomach. No irregular pooping. No
vomiting. Nothing.
Taste wasn't nearly as bad as some people mentioned. Not saying they are
complainers, but it tastes like a Hug (small drink from back in the day);
definitely nothing to vomit after.
I followed the directions to a tee, even set alarms for the follow up drink,
Got a little scared when I initially didn't have to pee, then the flood gates
opened: Here was my schedule:

645- drink
700 - refill with water and drink
715 - poop
802 - first pee
822 - second pee
846 - 3rd pee
1005 - piss test (4th pee) - color was light, but not completely clear (too
diluted is bad) (also read somewhre that you want to use the 3rd or 4th
pee...not sure how accurate this is).
1135 - home piss test - pass

Got the results from my new job. Passed. All good. I think it worked, but I def
can't say that it didn't work because I 100% had THC in my system. For a heavy
partaker, I would use a 5 day cleansing in addition to this if able, along with
acv (apple cider vinegar) every morning.

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32 people found this helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Doesn’t work
Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2022
Flavor Name: Tropical FruitVerified Purchase
Been 39 days since I’ve smoked. Yes, you read that right. 39 days. Didn’t work.
Followed the instructions on the bottle to a T. If this doesn’t help someone who
hasn’t smoked in 39 days, you might want to just try to wait till you’re
actually clean. Took three at home drug tests, all positive for thc, still.
Drank the liquid, not terrible tasting. Didn’t burn my throat like some others
have said. Fifteen minutes later, I drank a full 16 ounce bottle of water.
Within a very short period, I had to pee. Peed two times, took my first at home
test on the third pee. Thought Hmmmm, might need to wait till the next pee.
Tried again on the fourth. Still negative. Wanted to wait to see how things went
after drinking the water again another two hours later, cause it does tell you
to drink more two hours later. Drank another bottle, as instructed. Waited till
I had to pee again. Still positive. I definitely did this within the five hour
window. I conducted the test at home and was home all day. Also didn’t even eat
anything before or during this process. So mad. Don’t waste your money. They
must be making it differently at this point, or have changed the formula. I
don’t know, I wouldn’t put my money on this. I don’t know what to do now. I
thought 39 days would be plenty of time to clean out, took lab test a few days
ago, was testing positive. (Fml) Thought I’d try this stuff out. No go.

UPDATE: Did it again, followed instructions to A T!! STILL DIDN’T WORK. IT’S
BEEN 40 days now since I have toked up. Still did NOTHING. All this does is make
your pee clear. Which by the way, if you want to avoid that, just take a large
amount of vitamins. You cannot overdose on B vitamins, so take as many as you
think you need. But I would not even bother with this. It does absolutely
nothing. Huge disappointment.

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23 people found this helpful
Conscious Consumer
5.0 out of 5 stars FOR THOSE SEEKING!!!! READ!
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2024
Flavor Name: Tropical FruitVerified Purchase
I wanted to leave this review today, which is the actual day that I took this
detox drink. I’m in occasional “partaker” - I do edibles but every now and then
I’ll do a puff or two sporadically - not a heavy partaker and not a light one
(somewhere in between) - I can go a few weeks without. So, I landed a pretty
good position that has amazing hours and the workload is not stressful, which is
what I was aiming for - living in California, I didn’t know that this would be
such a huge deal, but I had to do the pre-employment “physical”. I had about two
puffs off of a small Indica “j” on Sunday June the 9th and still haven’t taken
anything up until today (still not partaking).
After reading and scouring like many of you have, (trust me I understand) I
decided to purchase some niacin about three days ago and started taking B12 5000
mg three days ago as well. This morning I took a drink at 6:15 AM (the taste
really wasn’t that bad for me), and immediately 15 minutes later, I drink water
as indicated by refilling the bottle. I also decided to take two B12’s 5000 mg
and two niacin while I drank the water that was refilled in the bottle. I ended
up urinating about three times prior to taking my test. I was scheduled for a 9
AM physical and didn’t end up taking the urination test until 10:30 AM. Of
course, like you I was sweating bullets, but everything was negative. Clear
across the board - needless to say I’m a believer in this drink.
I will say that I was a little better with my eating these past 3 to 4 days
prior to taking the test today. I did a half a gallon of water three days ago
and just kept drinking water whenever I thought about it - I ate salad and some
fruit. I did have a McDonald’s meal though 2 days ago…an occasional chocolate
snack and I had a huge piece of French toast the day before I took the test for
breakfast. I did have a nectarine this morning prior to taking the test and a
couple of sips of coffee.
Be mindful that my urine was clear this morning and that gave me pause for
concern but at the same time I was menstruating (sorry about the TMI, but this
is for those who may need the info)…. So I didn’t have to worry about the color.
I really hope that this helps someone because I read all kind of reviews and I’d
really don’t leave reviews at all unless it’s something that works and this
definitely did. Good luck to you guys.

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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Worked great!
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2024
Flavor Name: Tropical FruitVerified Purchase
Not the best taste in the world, but it worked great.
After reading other reviews, I knew what I could expect. I felt a bit nauseous,
but ate something light and was just fine after half hour.
Tested myself at the two hour mark and was completely clean from both THC and
Adderall (which tests positive for amphetamines).
Would definitely recommend to others and use again myself.

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Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Worked great!
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2024
Not the best taste in the world, but it worked great.
After reading other reviews, I knew what I could expect. I felt a bit nauseous,
but ate something light and was just fine after half hour.
Tested myself at the two hour mark and was completely clean from both THC and
Adderall (which tests positive for amphetamines).
Would definitely recommend to others and use again myself.

Images in this review



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