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 * icon-smart-phone Created with Sketch. Ways to Bank


A place where our customers come first, offering smart solutions and value,
where we believe in being at the forefront of useful innovation for convenience,
while maintaining a courageous spirit to find new ways to make dreams possible.


Why Join Us

At every stage of your life, we are your partner in progress. Enjoy hassle free
banking, save and invest for the future, access affordable loans and insure your
hard earned assets today.

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Get loans at the best rates

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Stay safe, bank from anywhere

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Customised service

Online Account opening

Welcome to a world of simplicity and convenience

All you need is an ID,  a clear selfie and a photograph of your signature. 
It's fast, secure and easy. 

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Stanbic MediProtect

Your Health is your wealth

Take charge of your health today with our health plan, and have the peace of
mind that all your medical expenses that may arise, are covered.

Read more information


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Get up to 20% off your purchases at select merchants

With a Gold or Premium card, you can enjoy amazing discounts at select merchants
from airtravel, hotels, gyms, spas, resturants, household items and so much

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Featured Accounts and Solutions
Everyday Account

A current bank account that allows you to transact whenever you want without
monthly charges.

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Ez Dimes Student Account

An exciting student account specifically designed to help one save towards
making their dreams come true. It is ideal for a young person between 18- 25
years of age who are studying either in high school, university, college, or any
other tertiary institution.

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Affluent Banking

We recognize that you lead a busy life and require customized banking solutions
to move forward. Let us take care of your needs with exclusive services that
suit your lifestyle and take you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

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Unsecured Personal Overdraft

In need of cash to meet your day to day business needs? Take up the Unsecured
Personal Overdraft and pay back directly from your current account. It is a
convenient short-term borrowing facility ideal for unplanned business expenses

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PureSave Account

Build your savings culture so that you are able to invest in your dreams. You
can have more than one pure save account, available in multiple currencies with
competitive interest rates.

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Stanbic App

Manage your bank account and transact using our app any time, wherever you are.
With 24/7 global access, you can do all your personal banking using your

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Download the FlexiPay App

FlexiPay wallet is designed to meet the lifestyle needs of everyone using smart
(App) and feature (USSD) mobile phones. On USSD, dial *291# to register and

You can load and withdraw money from an agent, mobile wallet (MTN and
Airtel)  merchant and ATM channels. FlexiPay is available to both business and
individual customers.

No need for a bank account. Download FlexiPay and enjoy these transactions FREE
of charge.

 * Send or receive money from other FlexiPay wallet
 * Send money to other bank account
 * Pay a FlexiPay registered merchant
 * Fund FlexiPay wallet from your bank account
 * Deposit  cash on the FlexiPay wallet
 * Send money to other Stanbic wallet or Stanbic account

Rates, Fees, Notices & Key Documents

We offer you the best competitive rates for all our products and services. View
& download key documents


Branch Operating Hours

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Asset Disposal Notice

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2021 Pricing Guide - Consumer and High Net worth


2021 Annual Report & Financial Statements

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Dormant Accounts March 2022

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How to Receive Money From Abroad ( SWIFT CODE)

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Personal Loan Application from

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RTGS Application Form

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Terms and Conditions

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General Enquiries
 * Local
   0800 250 250
 * International
   +256 312 224 600

Report Unethical Behaviour
 * Local
   0800 200 160

Get to know us
 * Investor relations
 * Who we are
 * How to Report Unethical Behaviour
 * Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited


Join our international team and you could move your career forward from the

 * View opportunities
 * Graduate Training Programme

We need your feedback

Got a compliment or complaint?

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First Name
Telephone Number
Email Address
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Standard Bank App

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 * Conditions of access
 * Disclaimer
 * Privacy Statement
 * Information Security
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Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Uganda. Customer
deposits are protected by the Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda upto
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