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 * Osho - Just the other day somebody wrote me a question about one of the
   disciples of Shivananda. He is well known in America, in Europe -- Vishnu
   Devananda is his name. Up to now he has been claiming that he goes on
   receiving messages from his late Master, Shivananda. Only recently he has
   confessed that somebody in his own organization was deceiving him, giving him
   messages as if they were coming from the late Master, Shivananda.
 * In the first place Shivananda was not a Master at all; he was only a teacher
   and a very ordinary teacher, a third-rate teacher. He was talking old
   rubbish. But a man like Vishnu Devananda who is worshipped by thousands of
   people in Europe and America -- particularly in Spanish countries he has a
   great following -- he can be deceived by someone in his own organization.
   Somebody was playing tricks on him. And these tricks are not new.
 * Madame Blavatsky used to play the same trick upon the Theosophists, and great
   Theosophists like Colonel Olcott and others were deceived. It was found out
   only later on that she had managed it through a servant; a servant used to
   hide on the roof. Just think... the roof of Buddha Hall and a sannyasin
   hiding there, and in the middle of the discourse a letter drops! And Madame
   Blavatsky used to claim that these letters had come from divine Masters,
   particularly from Master K. H., Kuthumi, who is the head of all the Masters,
   who is a direct mediator between God and the earth. Only later on did the
   servant confess before the court that he was hiding on the roof where there
   was a small place from which to drop the letters, and those letters were
   written by Madame Blavatsky herself. And then the experts on writing found
   out that that was true -- all the letters were written by Blavatsky herself.
 * Now somebody in Vishnu Devananda's own organization has been deceiving him
   for years. But these are the foolish people...
 * One of the very famous Americans, Baba Ram Dass, was deceived for one year
   continuously by a woman who said that she was delivering messages from Ram
   Dass's late Master, Neem Karoli Baba. And the messages were not just ordinary
   messages -- tantric messages, "The Master has said make love to me!" So Baba
   Ram Dass was making love to the woman, and for one year continuously it went
   on. It seems people want to be fooled!
 * There are people who want to befool, there are people who are ready to be
   befooled. This world is full of such people, and they have been thought
   religious, esoteric, occult -- all kinds of beautiful names have been given
   to these fools.
 * It is good that Vishnu Devananda has confessed that somebody in his own
   organization was deceiving him, but what does it show? It shows one thing:
   that Vishnu Devananda is a fool. If somebody in his own organization, his own
   disciple can deceive him, then what integrity has he got and what
   consciousness? He should drop being a Master, he should stop initiating
   people. He has lost all right to. In the name of religion so much stupidity
   has happened in the world that if religion disappears as it is, man will be
   immensely benefited.
 * Just the other day I was reading that in Arabian countries at least one
   thousand women are killed every day, for SMALL things; just the suspicion is
   enough. If the husband suspects that the wife is having some relationship
   with somebody -- and can you find a husband who does not suspect, or can you
   find a wife who does not suspect? -- then that is enough reason to kill the
   woman. And Islamic law allows it; it is not murder. You are killing your own
   woman, your own wife -- it is like destroying your own chair! Who can prevent
   you? It is your own chair. You can burn your bicycle -- so you have burnt
   another menstrual cycle! So what is wrong with it? Thousands of women are
   killed every day, in the twentieth century, in the name of Islamic law. We
   have not really evolved; we are still as primitive as we have ever been.

Posted by *UNIVERSE* at 29.3.12
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