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 * Air Quality Improvement

 * Plant Care Level: Low

 * Watering Needs: Low

 * Lighting Needs

   Looking for a low-maintenance houseplant to spruce up your space without a
   big commitment? Look no further than the infamous ZZ, Zamioculcas, plant,
   also known as the zanzibar gem. Characterized by their shiny, oval-shaped
   deep green leaves, ZZ plants make excellent additions to any home or office.
   ZZ plants are notorious for being low-maintenance, easy-to-care-for
   houseplants that even gardeners with the blackest of thumbs can keep alive.
   All they need to thrive is adequate light, and a good watering every couple
   of weeks. However, don’t worry too much about forgetting to water your ZZ
   plant. They grow from rhizomes which help them to store water under the soil,
   making them a ‘drought-tolerant’ plant.
    * Do best in bright, indirect light.
    * Should be watered once the soil dries out completely.
    * Considered good air purifiers, as they have the ability to remove large
      amounts of toxins such as benzene, toluene, and xylene from the air.
    * Potted in growing containers.
    * Shipping and handling can be very tough on live plants, so please be sure
      to open and check your plant right away. Our team waters each plant before
      it is shipped and wrapped, so it may not need to be watered right away. We
      strongly recommend allowing 3-4 weeks for your plant to acclimate to its
      new home before re-potting it.
    * American Plant Exchange and Greg.app have teamed up to bring you beautiful
      plants paired with easy plant care. Every order receives 3 Months Free of
      the Greg. app. With Greg, grow plants with confidence and find new friends
      along the way.
    * Each of our plants are unique just like you. They come in various shades,
      heights, and sizes. Our product photos give you the best representation of
      the plant you may receive, but they may look slightly different upon
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   Overall18'' H X 4'' W X 4'' DBase/Stand Height - Top to Bottom6'' HBase/Stand
   Depth - Front to Back6'' DHeight at Delivery (Estimated Range)15-18 HOverall
   Product Weight3 lb.Base/Stand Width - Side to Side6'' W

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