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URL: https://harnes.com.sg/collections/store/products/harnes-all-in-1-baby-bottles-washer
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Featuring our All-in-1 Baby Bottles Washer, Baby Bottles Dryer Singapore, UV
Sterilizer and Storage – everything you need in one machine.

The Harnes All-in-1 Baby Bottles Washer supports your busy lifestyle. It can
dry, clean and sterilize baby bottles and accessories in approximately one hour
simply by pressing a few buttons!  

Enjoy some peace and quiet time at the end of a tiring workday after your baby
sleeps, knowing that your Baby Bottles Cleaner Singapore and accessories are
cleaned and sterilized without the hassle of hand washing them late in the

No need for any particular washing powder! The Harnes All-in-1 Baby Bottles
Washer is compatible with most food-grade baby bottles liquid cleansers in the
market unlike traditional dishwashers.

Take the leap today! We’re confident you will absolutely love your Harnes
All-in-1 Baby Bottles Washer!

Colour*Sakura PinkSnow White
Sakura Pink Snow White

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Annie Ong on Oct 05, 2023

Product broke down after less than 2 months of usage and it has to be sent in
for repair. The same case happened to my friend’s machine last year and they
gave her a replacement set while they try to fix the machine. However, there is
no loan or replacement set while they repair from now on and customer service
claim that this is one of their business progression and changes.

Overall, manual washing still cleaner than the Harnes bottle washer. Spectra
bottle also does not seem compatible to bottle washer as the logo on bottle came
off and stick onto teats. There are also limited detergent that is compatible
with machine. They also blame it on the amount of detergent we used even though
we followed their instructions.

Customer service is extremely bad. Harnes is not interested to assist on solving
my problem or needs. In addition, they are rude over email responses. I asked
what is estimated timeline for it to be fix, they did not have a response. It
has caused great inconvenience especially when we use the product for new born
feeding bottles.

When arranging for machine to be send back, they also use email and cannot be
bothered to call. As new parents, we don’t look at emails daily. Hence caused
another day of delay to have the machine back. They took total of 12-13 days to
fix the unit.

Highly not recommended.

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Wei T. on Jul 05, 2022

Save precious time! Thank you!

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Jan on Jun 25, 2022

Absolute lifesaver, I never knew how much time i spent washing countless bottles
until I started using this! Just rinse and pop them in the washer and I'm done!
I wish I had already bought this when I had my first born!!

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Elisa on Jun 08, 2022

After using for a few days, hub and I concluded that this machine does wonders!
Streamlining our manual bottles washing and sterilising process! Now we get more
time to just sit back and chill instead of spending time to wash the bottles!

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Stephanie on May 07, 2022

So much more convenient and easy to use this wonderful product than having to
hand wash the bottles for 2 kids. Thankful I got this but wished I had this

Dear Stephanine,
Thank you for your kind words. We hope that our washer has indeed helped to cut
down time on hand washing the bottles so that you get to spend extra time to
bond with your children.

- Harnes Singapore
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Love it

Review by Charmaine N. on 14 Apr 2022 review stating Love it
Extremely convenient. Would recommend to my friends!
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Wei T.
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Awesome 👍

Review by Wei T. on 4 Jul 2022 review stating Awesome 👍
Save precious time! Thank you!
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Dear Wayne,
Thank you for your kinds words! We appreciate it!
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5.0 star rating

Best Buy

Review by Charlene on 23 Jul 2022 review stating Best Buy
I can’t imagine the hassles of having to wash and sterilize the milk bottles 6
times a day. Thankful to have this wonderful product which frees up precious
time for me to spend with my baby or to be busy with other chores. The best
purchase I’ve made!
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Review by Stephanie on 7 May 2022 review stating Lifesaver!
So much more convenient and easy to use this wonderful product than having to
hand wash the bottles for 2 kids. Thankful I got this but wished I had this
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Comments by Store Owner on Review by Stephanie on 7 May 2022
Store Owner

Dear Stephanie,
It's great to know that our washer has helped you to lighten the load of washing
bottles for your 2 children.:)
Charmaine N.
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Love it

Review by Charmaine N. on 15 Apr 2022 review stating Love it
I've been using the baby washer for 2 weeks and it has been a life saver. Such a
great product!
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Dear Charmaine,
Thank you so much for your kind words!
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5.0 star rating

Wonderful product!

Review by Jeffrey on 8 Apr 2022 review stating Wonderful product!
Finally, we can spend less time washing and more time with the kids!
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Store Owner

Dear Jeffery,
Yeah to spending more time with children as well as more time to rest and relax
after a long day at work!
Verified Reviewer

5.0 star rating


Review by Denise on 9 Mar 2022 review stating Ms
Bought the item before the installment option is out. Wish could do installment.
Very Helpful machine. Having a new born and a 3 yr old means having at at least
8 bottle to wash during the day. So this is very helpful when things go crazy
unable to wash due to the craziness. This bottle washer helps me and my husband
to ensure all bottles are clea...Read MoreRead more about review stating Ms

n and sterilize. This is pricer but it can use any bottle washing detergent,
hence, it is money saving in a long run. Read LessRead less about review stating

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Comments by Store Owner on Review by Denise on 9 Mar 2022
Store Owner

Dear Denise,

Thank you for your honest review. We are glad that the Harnes All-in-1 baby
bottles washer has help lighten the workload at home, giving you and your
husband more time to spend with your new born and toddler.

Once again, thank you for putting your trust in us and allowing us to be part of
your parenthood journey.
Verified Reviewer

5.0 star rating

Amazing and efficient product

Review by Janice on 7 Mar 2022 review stating Amazing and efficient product
Harnes is really good. In a childcare setting, we have many bottles to wash a
one go. With Harnes, it really help us to save a lot of time in washing the
bottles. We can spend more time with the infants and back to our lesson
planning. It is really easy to use. All our educarers managed to learn it
immediately. However, if there will be more slots...Read MoreRead more about
review stating Amazing and efficient product

will be better. Read LessRead less about review stating Amazing and efficient

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Comments by Store Owner on Review by Janice on 7 Mar 2022
Store Owner

Dear Janice, thank you for your kind words and feedback.

We are glad that the Harnes All-in-1 baby bottles washer has help lighten the
workload of the teachers during this period of time where the center is doing
the upmost best to ensure the safety, health, and hygiene of all children and

We will work with our development team to explore possibilities to up the
capacity of the washer to cater for the needs of schools ☺️
Verified Reviewer

2.0 star rating

Does not meet expectation

Review by Ck on 21 Mar 2023 review stating Does not meet expectation
I was very excited with my purchase but the product did not meet my expectation.
The concept of the product is great but unfortunately it falls short on
function. Items are not dry even after the 90-min deep function which supposedly
already has a longer drying time. I was told it requires both a 90-min cycle and
additional 40-min drying cycle (mo...Read MoreRead more about review stating
Does not meet expectation

re than 2 hours) for the items to be completely dry. Wish this was made known
upfront cause it feels like I’m using a lot of electricity just to get my items
washed and dried properly. I’m not very sure how much cost savings there are
compared to traditional hand washing. Read LessRead less about review stating
Does not meet expectation

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Comments by Store Owner on Review by Ck on 21 Mar 2023
Store Owner

Hi Clara,
The 90min cycle has better drying effect as compared to the 70min cycle.

The dryness of the items will depends on various factors:
- placement of items
- activation of store function
- duration of storage

During the washing cycle, the washer is completely wet, so generally when the
washer completes its full cycle of wash, dry and sterilise, there will be some
water droplets at the side and the cover of the washer but the interior of the
bottles will be dry.

Lastly, we want to thank you for your review and feedback which contribute to
our R&D efforts to improve our product.

Thank you 🙏

5.0 star rating

Truly an All-in-1 time saver

Review by Mel on 15 Jul 2022 review stating Truly an All-in-1 time saver
This machine saves so much time! With the press of a button I can wash, dry and
sterilise my babies' bottles!
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5.0 star rating

Must have for busy parents!

Review by Jan on 24 Jun 2022 review stating Must have for busy parents!
Absolute lifesaver, I never knew how much time i spent washing countless bottles
until I started using this! Just rinse and pop them in the washer and I'm done!
I wish I had already bought this when I had my first born!!
On http://harnes.com.sg
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Comments by Store Owner on Review by Jan on 24 Jun 2022
Store Owner

Dear Jan,
Thank you for your kind words. We are glad that the Harnes All-in-1 Baby Bottles
washer is able to help to lighten your workload at home. Thank you once again
for your support!
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