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Capt. Terry Frankford of. Reelin and Chillin Charters will talk about catching
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After in China, and elsewhere in Asia, he developed a growing awareness of—an
"awakening," as he later described it—and an empathy for the miserable plight of
the peoples of these lands. During the s in China he became convinced of the
necessity for radical revolutionary social and political change there, and for
determined resistance to Japanese aggression—the two being interrelated. While
he put his primary faith for this in the Chinese Communist revolutionaries, he
did not discard his bedrock "American" convictions which included strong
aversion to imperialism but instead linked them to the vastly different
circumstances and imperatives of the struggle for human betterment and national
survival he found in China and in colonial Asia.

His own ingrained sense of compassion arid social justice served often as the
cementing factor. Writing to his father in of his outrage and discouragement at
the depressing state of affairs in China, he observed, "Perhaps this country is
too much for anybody with a background of passionate faith in the idea of
Justice and fair-play for every man as the keystone of the conduct of human

In sharp contrast to the corruption, greed, and demoralization he had witnessed
in most of China, Snow found the Chinese Communists he first encountered in to
be "men of probity and selflessness. Yet the exigencies of later Chinese
Communist politics and policies could cause them to set aside the special
relationship when Snow's independent views did not suit them.

The s decade of China's Soviet alignment and the xenophobia of the late s
Cultural Revolution were two such examples. In any case, it is probably fair to
say that Snow, who arrived in China with neither a missionary zeal to save it
nor a revolutionary passion to change it, had a greater impact on that country
than any other nonofficial Westerner active there in the critical years of
revolutionary and anti-Japanese conflict.

Through the s and most of the s, as Snow wrote of war and revolution in Asia and
Europe, of Japanese and Nazi aggression, of Chinese and Soviet communism, and of
the collapse of colonial empires, his viewpoint and sympathies, communicated in
compelling and evocative. This was best exemplified by the great influence of
his classic pathbreaking account of Chinese Communism, Red Star , and by his
subsequent decade-long role as a major wartime correspondent and associate
editor of that most "American" of mass-circulation magazines, the Saturday
Evening Post hereafter, the Post.

Snow tended to view himself as a kind of intermediary between his American
homeland and the revolutionary forces he felt he had come to know and
understand. His American-style idealism and Asian-style radicalism proved a
strong combination in this regard. In the sharply changed situation of the s,
the linkages Snow symbolized were torn apart by the pressures of the new world
of cold war. As the China historian John Fairbank put it, Snow was "mugged" by
the cold war. Snow was turned off by, and isolated from, the zealously
anti-Communist and illiberal American political-ideological climate prevailing
in those years.

He had been "professionally destroyed" by his "refusal to climb onto the cold
war bandwagon all these years," he wrote Jim Bertram, his New Zealander friend
from the China days. He was equally separated from a revolutionary new China now
closely aligned with the Soviet-led "socialist camp. The fact that Snow early on
could perceive the nationalist or Titoist potential of the Chinese revolution
did not endear him to either contending side, and he saw himself becoming
"persona non grata in all camps.

He saw the new China as the logical culmination of the extended revolutionary
process there. And even the apparent validation of his Sino-American
bridge-building efforts in the final year of his life would have its ironies for
him. For much of the s Snow, in the domesticity of a fulfilling new marriage and
family, occupied himself in his Hudson Valley home north of New York City
writing his "me-moirs" as he called it. It "ended up as a kind of personal view
of history more than personal history," he noted.

As he did so, the effect of the frontier on those roots and on that America took
on a special meaning for him. Writing to his brother in , Ed noted. It held its
own despite the rise of a big-business-dominated America in which "the
individual no longer really count[s] for much.


Experience" In an affirmation of his lifetime "free lance" spirit, he declared
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overseas. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Especially the Pancake, French
toast, Omelets! When he is not completely caught up with new film and TV
releases, Akhil …More. PLA Ed wrote admiringly of Powell to Mildred for "his
fierce and courageous fight for fair-play and equality to the Chinese" against
the opposition of the local foreigners. Alley had developed a badly suppurating
red eye, was dressed in crumpled khakis, and was dusty and bedraggled from rain
pouring through the broken roof of his car. To initiate communication, please
enter a valid email address to receive your temporary password. It was "one of
the best newspaper libraries in the Far East," Powell's son, Bill, later

Snow's vision of an earlier frontier America of enterprising, self-made citizens
applied most convincingly to the history of his own pioneer forebears. The Snows
had found opportunity and success in the settlement and development of the
agrarian Midwest. But for many others, as recent revisionist historians of the
American West have emphasized, there was a darker and seamier side of
exploitation, injustice, and discrimination, and also often of personal failure.

Nevertheless, it was through his own family background that Snow could find the
verities and values he sought. The Snow family went back to a founding ancestor
of English stock, William Snow. Originally from North Carolina, he had settled
in the Cumberland region of Kentucky, then still part of Virginia, in the late
eighteenth century.

It was there that Ed's grandfather, Horace Parks Snow, was born in By then the
family owned a fine farm with pasture, orchards, and stables—but no slaves.

Snow's great-great-grandfather. There were some family claims of connection with
a more distant forebear who had supposedly come to New England on the second
voyage of "that capacious tub, the 'Mayflower,'" Ed wryly observed. Snow himself
was tempted to lean on this tenuous claim when, in the early s, he was apprised
of a Captain Samuel Snow from Salem, Massachusetts, who had been appointed the
first American merchant consul for the Canton trade in I Though Ed was unable to
find any evidence of a direct family link, the possible China connection seemed
too intriguing to ignore.

In Journey , he thus somewhat ambiguously, though not inaccurately, wrote of
Samuel Snow as "another Snow who had preceded me" to China. He farmed and also
ran a general store and ultimately acquired extensive holdings in Kansas,
Missouri, and Texas. His boast, as Ed was careful to emphasize, was that he had
never worked for another man a single day in his life. It was so unfamiliar that
when his native Kansas City decided to recognize him posthumously with a day in
his honor, the occasion was erroneously proclaimed as "Edgar A.

Snow Day. Snow likened these westward migrations to his own youthful urge to see
the world—"the pull of some frontier dream, some nameless beckoning freedom,
Snow's father, James Edgar J. Edgar , was born in and was raised on the farm in
Kentucky and then in Kansas.


Her mother, Mary Ann Fogarty, had come to this country with her parents from
Ireland, and her father with his parents from Silesia. Snow later noted that
though his grandfather Snow had been a wealthy landowner, his. The Snows,
Methodists and firmly anti-Papist, found this first Catholic connection most


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Edgar, in marrying the lovely Anna, had agreed to study Catholic doctrine with a
view to conversion and to have their children baptized and sent to parochial
schools. He was a thoughtful, well read person of strongly independent mind, "a
man of integrity and high principles," a sister described him. Versed in the
literary classics, he was fond of reciting favorite passages.

Snow remembered his father, apparently lost in his own thoughts, going about the
house "muttering lines of Shakespeare to himself, or quoting from Dante.


Edgar declaimed in similar fashion as he worked in his print shop on Cherry
Street in Kansas City. After editing a trade journal, J. Edgar had purchased a
small printing business. This suited both his independent spirit and his love
for the printed word. He operated this enterprise for over thirty years, content
with a modest livelihood, and with pride in the quality and uprightness of his
Snow Printing Company. Edgar "was not a hard-nosed businessman," remembered a
close Kansas City friend of Ed's, but rather "a man of ideals and dreams, a
thinker with "a soft but distant" personality.

Both Howard and Ed were often impatient at their father's lack of a strong
money-making instinct. The two youths went with "an upper middle-class crowd,"
according to their brother-in-law, Claude Mackey, and had talked their father
into buying a Cadillac. Writing from the Orient in , Ed reminisced to his sister
about the "old days" and of "Dad driving the old Cadillac. Edgar was unwilling
and unable to finance expansion of his business. Later, in China, Ed would
remain skeptical of his father's desire to modernize, even if money should come
his way through inheritance from Horace Parks.

Edgar exemplified the ideals of the pioneer-agrarian life and culture that had
nurtured him. In this, he reflected as well some of the themes of early
twentieth-century rural midwestern progressivism. Very much his.

As an insular, nativist American, he was also estranged from the country's
burgeoning metropolises with their mix of new immigrant populations. Howard who
continued to live in New York until the mids and Ed, on the other hand, found
their life in New York exciting. Edgar, however, New York seemed "a bunch of
Jews and foreigners. Although a Republican, he was for a time rather taken with
the ideas of Huey Long, though he called him "a sort of political brigand.

Edgar cautioned his sons not "to take us to expensive places to entertain us or
buy us expensive meals or suggest costly hotels You know that we are not used to
extravagance and I shall feel uneasy if you wasted any money. Yet middle
American insularity could be matched by a "sophisticated" New York
provincialism. Famed Missouri-born regionalist artist Thomas Hart Benton pointed
to the latter phenomenon when leaving New York in to live and work in Kansas

In terms not very different from J. Edgar's, he wrote, "New York, stacked up
against the rest of America, is a highly provincial place. It has such a
tremendously concentrated life of its own," he added, "that it absorbs all the
attention of its inhabitants and makes them forget that their city is, after
all, only an appendage to the great aggregation of states to the north, south,
and west. In contrast to Ed's father's somewhat unbending qualities were the
loving warmth and devotion of his mother, a woman of sweet and gentle nature
infused by a strong religious faith.

Edgar soon decided against conversion to Catholicism, a stance that grew into
overt opposition. This became a major strain on family harmony, even taking such
needling forms as J. Edgar's insistence on eating meat on Fridays while the rest
of the family ate fish. Though he acquiesced in a parochial education for
Mildred and Howard who were five and three years old when Ed was born , he
insisted on public school for his younger son. Ed, however, did receive full
religious instruction after school and went. As a running counterpoint to this,
J. Edgar subjected Ed to Sunday afternoon "sermons" of his own—usually carefully
selected readings from such authors as the celebrated orator and agnostic Robert

In a letter to his father from China in , in which he "went on at length on
things Chinese and otherwise," Ed good-humoredly reminded J. Edgar of "all the
verbosity to which you were wont to treat me when I was a young and helpless
unsophisticate. While his father's views left their mark, it was equally Ed's
naturally skeptical "from Missouri" temperament that kept him from adherence to
any organized system of proclaimed truth and faith, religious or secular.

During his last, often troubling trip to China in , Snow observed in his diary
that the all-pervasive "Little Red Book" of Mao quotations was "like the cross
and the rosary.


In a article on Gandhi's assassination, Snow characterized himself as "an
agnostic and pragmatist, an ex-Catholic turned Taoist, a Hegelian fallen among
materialists"—the last presumably referring to his bent for a Marxist-influenced
dialectical approach to world affairs. In any event, while Mildred and Howard
remained "fairly good" Catholics, he would be regarded on the maternal side of
the family as "the lost black sheep. Ed's mother's death in , and the poignant
circumstances surrounding it, ended any remaining links to the church for him.

Hospitalized for surgery in the Catholic-run Evangelical Hospital in Kansas
City, Anna contracted peritonitis after some three weeks there, went into a
coma, and died. As his father wrote of these sad events to Ed in China, it
seemed there may have been some neglect and incompetence by her doctors and
nurses, compounded by the callous insensitivity of one of the nuns in dunning
the family for payment of the hospital bill in the presence of the sick woman.

In voicing his sorrow and bitterness at all this, Ed's father inevitably saw it
as further vindication of his views. Anna had taught Ed to respect "all priests
and nuns as good and kind," he wrote. Now "Fate chose a cruel and tragic time to
disillusion her. With his mother's death, Ed was never. Her passing severed his
closest bond to home and made an early return to America less urgent. Snow
continued to maintain an affectionate correspondence with his widowed father.


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tend to be risky for both the client and the prostitute, from a legal
perspective when it is in a region where street prostitution or solicitation is
prohibited by law, or also from a safety perspective.

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These areas may be targets for surveillance and arrests by law enforcement. Some
male prostitutes solicit potential clients in other public spaces such as bus
terminals, parks and rest stops. Male prostitutes may attempt to work in gay
bathhouses , adult bookstores or sex clubs , but prostitution is usually
prohibited in such establishments, and known prostitutes are often banned by

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A male prostitute may work in a male brothel , also known in some places as a
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frequented by aristocrats when male homosexuality was illegal in the United
Kingdom. Arthur Corbett , who worked in the City of London , and was addicted to
cross-dressing , as telling her in "There's a male brothel, I pay the boys to
dress me up, then masturbate me.

In order to work in a legal brothel in Nevada , a cervical exam is required by
law, implying that men could not work as prostitutes. In November , Heidi Fleiss
said that she would partner with brothel owner Joe Richards to turn Richards'
legal Cherry Patch Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada , into an establishment that
would employ male prostitutes and cater exclusively to female customers, a first
in Nevada. Until , when all prostitution in Rhode Island was outlawed, Rhode
Island did not have a law prohibiting male sex workers. In January , the first
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Women who spend time with male escorts while on vacation may be any age, but are
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have been reported cases where female clients have been blackmailed by gigolos
they visited. As in all forms of prostitution, male prostitutes and their
clients can face risks and problems.

Teenagers and runaways engaging in sex work have shown to be particularly at
risk. A masters thesis reported that , male prostitutes were under the age of
For clients, risks may include: fear of social stigma and family or work
problems if their activities with prostitutes do not remain secret;
health-related risks; being robbed; or, very rarely, being blackmailed or
injured. Research suggests that the degree of violence against male prostitutes
is somewhat lower than for female sex workers. Men working on the street and
younger men appear to be at greatest risk of being victimized by clients.

This is especially true when clients hire sex workers through an established
agency or when they hire men who have been consistently well reviewed by
previous clients. The pimp is relatively rare in male prostitution in the West,
where most prostitutes generally work independently or, less frequently, through
an agency. Factors like the difference in age , in social status and in economic
status between the sex worker and his client have been cited as major sources of
social criticism.

The older member in such relationships may be referred as a "sugar daddy" or
"sugar momma"; the young lover may be called a "kept boy" or "boy toy". They may
be at a higher risk for health problems and abuse. Offering support and health
care to such stigmatized people can be difficult due to a reluctance to disclose
information about their work to health care professionals, which can also make
male prostitutes difficult to identify in order to reach out to. In recent
years, some organizations directed specifically at helping male sex workers have
been founded and some studies have begun on this little-studied population.

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