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I must admit I’m late to the party, but I am here, nevertheless. I came across a
couple of your video interviews and clips which totally overwhelm me.  It was as
if you were talking to me.  I love your charisma, your sense of humor, and your
candor. I can tell sir; you are a man’s man. #allhetro.

First off, let me tell you I agree with a lot of what you say.   There are some
well thought out points.  Also, you are very articulate.  I have come to many of
the same conclusions as you through years of observing people. Trial and error,
studying human behavior, using my own wits, personal research, and just my
curious nature about people.  I can also say early on, I did not take a lot of
things personal.  So, I never elicit an emotional response (later on that).

When I first heard you speak, I agreed with everything you said. You basically
told my whole life story about my marriage in the DJ Akademis interview.  It
resonated with me. I knew that I was linked in this in some sort of way because
it resonated with me so much, I cried (man tears of course).    After much
thought, I realized some of the things you are saying are true, but some are not
done in the spirit of truth.   I heard one of your interviews where you
discussed your debate style, which is to elicit an emotional response, and even
an intellectual one.  But what your message lacks is a spiritual compassion. 
And here is where I can help fill in the blanks.

The main reason for this open letter is a concern of mine and that is the threat
of your message.  Your mission and your organization’s presence and teachings
are not only dangerous to the human race, but they also challenges the
sovereignty of God himself.  I heard you mention the failures of Christianity.
As a Christian, let me clear up what it means to be a man made in God’s image
versus a man that is made in his own.

I too Section

I was touched by your “final address”.   The reason it resonated with me was the
story you told about being bullied on the bus and the advice your father gave. 
It sounds like this experience had a tremendous effect in your growth and the
successful outcome taught you a valuable lesson about people.   I too have a
very similar story where I was bullied up to the sixth grade.  It did not stop
until I said enough and learned how to stand up for myself. 

I too grew up with an aggressive father that believed violence and taking things
in your own hands were the way to handle problematic situations.

I too section grew up bullied by my own race of people.

I too came to my dad to ask for advice of handle this problem with my bullies.

I too had a deciding moment in my life where I said, “enough is an enough” and I
took care of John Harris myself in the 3rd grade.

I too grew up in a Masculine dominated Society (American Football) dealing with
my sometimes-tyrannical football coaches and their egos.

I too grew up in a competitive sport where you had to compete with “friends” for
Position.  To be #1.

I too grew up in a masculine environment, sometimes toxic.

I too grew up very angry in a society where young black males where not treated
the greatest.

These are the reason your message resonated with me. I do not wish to go in
details, but these are easily verifiable too plus there is no honor in what I am


First off let me tell you who I am.

My name is Chad Sennette. I grew up in Houston, Texas and played collegiate
American football for Southern Methodist University in Dallas from 1995-1999. 
Long story short, I experienced what I call social mobility in the United States
and have a unique perspective on the African American plight as a child growing
up in the 80s-90s being influenced by the African American culture, Hip Hop
culture, and Houston Culture/Houston Hip hop culture.  As you can probably
discover, Houston has always had a music scene, which has a major influence on
culture or sub cultures.  We’ve had many great artists come out of Houston. 

Originally, I grew up on the North Side of Houston before my father moved us to
the much different South Side.  I was privileged to be awarded a scholarship to
SMU as a football athlete. If you don’t know, SMU is an all-white university
with a very limited amount of minority students, most of which are athletes. 
Get the picture.  However, I also grew up in a Christian Household.  My father
was not a very good Christian but a great father, not so much of a husband.  He
was a great provider.  With that being said, I was allowed to dabble in between
the Christian world and the male dominated world of Football.  I always kept my
Christian identity and made sure to take the time to understand more about God,
religion, history of man and how they all tie in.

So, there is a lot that I do agree with.

But here is where you and I differ.

I am a Christian, but I am open minded.  As I have told you I grew up in a
religious family studying the bible since I was young.  And I was fortunate
enough to earn a football scholarship to play at Southern Methodist University
where I studied history, religion, and psychology. I have read parts of the
Koran, but I am no expert.  What I do remember is Jesus being named in the
Koran.  The second part I remember and it puzzled me how the Koran told
men/reader that it was ok to beat on women or hit a woman.  Well sir, something
about that did not sit right with me.  Although I am no saint and I have many
situations where I WANTED to hit a woman.  I never have.  And that is FACTS. 
Why would I beat up someone I know I can dominate.  There is no honor in that.
No virtue. 

I am by no means an expert in any field.  And as you can see English and grammar
were not my favorite subjects in school.   However, my accomplishments and
achievements are facts. As with you, these facts are easily verifiable so I will
not waste time listing them.  Please allow me the benefit of the doubt and a
level of respect among the world of “alpha man” and incline your ear to accept
these words as my truth.     I have also had a high level of success with women
maybe not on your level. But I have always I believed I dated far past what I
believe a man like me is capable of.  I taught myself how to be good with

I learn this by reading, studying, observing women’s behavior, trial, and error,
but most of all I know the story of Adam and Eve and how that plays in dating

But as far as looks.  I consider myself a 7.  I have always hung around very
attractive men.  Me being the self-proclaimed runt (physically speaking all my
boys were 9/10) but what they didn’t have what I had and I developed.  I
delivered a personality.  I became very good in conversations and with words. 
Therefore, I have always made females feel comfortable around me.  In a lot of
ways I had more success being less attractive by making women feel comfortable
around me.  I understood early on how to make people feel comfortable around
me.   I have always had a knack for studying human behaviors.

I have also read many pick up artists’ books, like Mystery Method, 3% Man, and
The Game by Neil Strauss. I have adopted what I call “playing the long game”. 
That is my personal technique.

I do this not an as attempt to get closer or to manipulate. I really do care. I
do believe in love and the union between a man and woman.  And I have lived long
enough to know, that everything under the sun, all man has accomplished, all of
man’s endeavors and successes, mean nothing when we think about the people we
love, the people we care about.   So, I have concluded in my life, that LOVE IS
really the only reason to live.   I have seen many of your videos where you take
up for women against men that displayed misogynist behavior.  I can see you do
care for women. I can see also care about injustices. And I guarantee if people
knew all my ideas about how I view monogamy and marriage, they will say the same
thing about me. So, I don’t rebuke all that you say.   There is a lot of truth
with where you say we are at in this point and time.  A man does want to feel
like a man in his castle.

But I notice a technique you use and one you mentioned in one of your
interviews.   First, you seem to know your audience very well.   You know how to
see the interest of a group of people and use it as a platform to spread your
message.   It’s like you’re some sort of Machiavelli.  You know how to excite an
emotional response which you advised.  But the technique of using one’s emotions
to turn into puppets of your master plan is cruel.  A term that can be used to
describe this type of behavior is gaslighting. I pray that your aim with your DJ
Akademis interview was not to gaslight the African American males.  Many of us
will stand up for Christianity and the lessons on how it teaches us to be.  Many
who do not share Christian views as well. But as a I mentioned the common
denomination between Judaism, Islam and Christianity is all the religions hold
the first five books of the bible as inspired by God.   Therefore, I will use
the reasoning from the books we all considered as inspired.   I implore you to
please leave the African American Christian males out of your fight.  While your
plight may have been difficult and you and I share similar blood that can
testify to some of the most atrocities in human history, please understand our
interest is not with a misogynist, egomaniac manic overcompensating and using
his platform to push the public consciousness to a path of destruction.   Many
men have tried throughout history.  And if this is your aim, I am here to
advise, you will not succeed in this endeavor.

I do notice sometimes notice you use religious theology and sometimes you use
evolution arguments.  I do believe that you should take this time to really
understand what your message is. 

First off, with this discussion of Alpha men vs Beta Men. Let me just say, I
have always considered myself a go getter. I took pride in my roles throughout
my life. However, life did not go as expected, but in all my accomplishments,
one of my biggest ones is that I raised a US Marine. It was hard, first off, it
was my stepson.  By your implications, I am a “Beta Male” that took care of
someone else’s child.   It does sound good in theory, but the biological father
was not some sort of Alpha male.  In fact, sir, he was a dope fiend.   A
homeless dope fiend. I choose not to go in depth about this man, because he is
not the point.  The point is about the role I played in this young man’s life. 
I get what you said about the gorilla and male energy.  But the bible says for a
man to train his son in a way he should go. In other words we are here to
provide the direction for the next generation.

In my studies I learn many people testified about being at Adolf Hitler
rallies.   They testified it was almost like he had the ability to hypnotize
people thru his speeches. He has been labeled a great orator.  There have been
many men that have mastered this quality. I would like to include you in that
group as well.  However, please be warned, there are some people that cannot be
hypnotized.   Some people that hold the truth in their own hearts and cannot be
open to suggestions.  Those that understand some truth cannot be told, it must
be revealed.

One thing I do know about the Big 3 religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism;
they all believe in the first Five books, the Torah.   Therefore, I will use the
reasoning from the books we all considered as inspired to reason with you.


Let’s go back to the story of Adam and Eve.  I believe what happened in the
Garden of Eden has direct implications on the relationship between man and
women, which affects dating, relationship, including marriage between male and

Allow me to take you back to the story of Adam of Eve in the garden.

In fact Genesis states that once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree that their eyes
became open to knowing good or bad.   In Genesis 3:22 it states that God had to
kick them out from the garden to listen to what he said.  Man has become like us
knowing good and bad and let’s put him out the garden so he may take from the
tree of life and live forever.  It is my opinion that that was the serpent’s
plan to have man live forever in a state which would have made God a liar.  But
that is just an opinion.

But let’s focus on the part where God says that they have become like us knowing
good and bad.

And their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked.

I believe the conscience kicked in.

There was no need for a conscience although God being the great designer placed
a conscience as a fail-safe.  I have wondered many times.  Satan did not know of
this conscience because he was not a part of the designing of man.

Let just say it was the conscience that developed or used in another capacity. 
I wondered many times why there would be a need for a conscience if you obey.  
There would be very little use for a conscience if they only thing you knew was
to obey.   But man decided otherwise and now each individual conscience is
allowed to determine for themselves what is good or bad.  God did not destroy
man but allowed a time to show man independent of God does not know good from
bad.   We have tried every form of government for man to dictate his own path
and all great nations have failed.

Does Man have become like us knowing good from bad and let us put they may not
reach out the tree of life and live forever (in a fallen state).    Eyes Open-
When man was created, God said let’s make man in our Image.  So clearly, he was
taking to someone.   But what the being in ne serpent was not presence at the
time of design eyes open could it be the conscious that Was not needed if they
open God and by eaten.

Why did they hide?  Were they ashamed?

God asked why are you were hiding?   Adam said, we are naked.

God ask, how do you know that?  Then asked, who told you that?  That was some
knowledge that they were not supposed to know.  Please note, that at this point
because man entered sin, they could no longer talk to God in holiness.  He knew
something was off.   He knew something had changed.  The way they look and spoke
was not in union with God.  Their actions made them independent of God.

But let me point out the curse that God placed on the women.  Despite the
increase in birth, God also stated in Genesis, “You will have a craving for your
husband and he will dominate you”. tated of affairs.   Worldly women that tried
to be “the apple of her man’s eye” or to get his attention and focus.  And when
she gets it, she not only doesn’t know what to do with it, she subconsciously
feels that this man is a low value man because a high value man’s focus should
be on “tending to the fields” or making a living.

After much thought, the word curse might be an inaccurate word.   Thinking that
instead of God cursing them maybe he was telling them the consequence since he
knows his creation.  That the woman made to be the supporter and nurturer was
made to have more emotional reason.  And the man was made to provide and
protect. Which would align with the scripture.   Husband continues loving their
wives and wives continue respecting their husband.   Maybe God was telling them
the consequence of them choosing to live a life independent of him that
humankind has the right to choose for themselves what is good and what is bad.

When the woman is not properly aligning with her higher purpose, she wants to be
the “apple” of a high value man’s eye.  It is my theory when women say I don’t
want to settle translate into IF I am the apple of a high value man’s eye then I
must be high value by proxy.  This is where we are at.

Today men, including myself are profiting off the curse/consequence placed on
Eve. Even women today don’t know exactly why they crave the attention of a man.
In fact, many are trying to find alternative means to fulfil this need.  It is
my belief that through ignorance we have reverse engineered the curse on Eve to
glorify our own selfish wants and desires.  No matter what females may say, a
man’s focus should never be on a woman.  His focus should be on God and his
purpose to be a provider and a protector (till the ground all the days of his
life or his work).

But I believe it really comes down to God’s sovereignty.  Does God have the
right to tell us what is good or evil or should we able to choose ourselves? 
Does God have a right to rule over us and set us how to live?

The rebellion simply questioned God’s sovereignty to rule mankind.  And instead
of destroying mankind, he allowed a time to show man independent of God is a not
a life worth living.

So it concerns me when you say you are reconstructing your sentences (as if
rewritten language and concepts to make your truths more palatable).

However, when God placed curses on men and woman, I believe they have modern day

It is true that dating and the relationships between men and women are
changing.  Society, gender roles, all influence the relationship between men and

It is true that women may have the desire to be “the apple of her man’s eye”
which I believe is due to the curse/consequence placed when God cursed Eve
saying she will have a craving for her husband.  

What is the apple of your eye sir?  Is it ego?  Is it women?  Or is it
Christ-like?   We all must choose.  We all have a choice.  And I implore you to
make the right one.

Message to Christian men

One day I was taking a shower, and a single thought came into my head.  “Chad
your focus should never be on a woman.”   I realized then, my focus is mine. 
Your focus is the thing you idolized.  And our focus should be on God and the
things that he purposed us to do.  And since God is love, should we not focus on
the loving things.

You mentioned that everything in the modern world was created as a distraction. 
I am here to tell you that the ego can also be a distraction against the will of
the Greater Good and against God.

I am a Christian. I believe we are here to become more “Christ-like”.  With all
your power, with all your influence, what type of man will you be?  With all
your fame?

In today’s society, I believe there is a divine collective consciousness that is
awakening.  But I also see there is a force reminding us of the old way doing
things.  I believe man has a higher self. A self that is ascending.   I believe
the world is waking up in this sort of collective consciousness, where we will
all arrive at the same place at the same time.  But we can’t ascend into the
greater dimensions thinking about the old way and about the past.  The past is
filled with injustices, false teaching, false ways of being. What about the
greater good (not to be confused with the common good)?  The ego is a hell of a
thing because we can do the exact same act, but with different intentions.  Some
do it for ego, some do it for the greater good.  But God has said “ I say put
life and death before you and you must choose life in order”.  And we have a
choice sir every day, to use our gifts and talents for ego/death or for the
greater good (life).

I implore men of today to view women as Christ views and handles the church.  I
agree with a lot of men that a man is the head of the woman as Christ is the
head of man.  Meaning that 2 people I must bow to, and that Is God and Jesus
Christ, and that is it.  No man or woman.   But your humanity is shown in the
things you have been placed in charge of.

At the end of the day, all resources under the sun originate with creation and
God and at the end of the day, to all things belong to God, i.e pay back to God
things to God and Caesar things to Caesar.

 But we must show the same love and respect that is extended to us as submission
of Christ.

You mentioned that Islam is the answer to the worlds problem.  Compassion is.  I
know now we must hold women in a higher esteem than we hold ourselves.  We will
never get to enlightenment demeaning anyone, especially women.  We must learn to
balance the energy in harmony.

There is a spirit that keeps us looking back, looking at the old way of doing
things.  If I can implore you to read the story of Lot’s wife.

She looked back despite divine warning.  Therefore, she became a pillar of salt.

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How Toxic Masculinity can become Anti-Christian/Anti-Christ-like

I must admit I’m late to the party, but I am here, nevertheless. I came across a
couple of your video interviews and clips which totally overwhelm me.  It was as
if you were talking to me.  I love your charisma, your sense of humor, and your
candor. I can tell sir; you are a man’s man. #allhetro.

First off, let me tell you I agree with a lot of what you say.   There are some
well thought out points.  Also, you are very articulate.  I have come to many of
the same conclusions as you through years of observing people. Trial and error,
studying human behavior, using my own wits, personal research, and just my
curious nature about people.  I can also say early on, I did not take a lot of
things personal.  So, I never elicit an emotional response (later on that).

When I first heard you speak, I agreed with everything you said. You basically
told my whole life story about my marriage in the DJ Akademis interview.  It
resonated with me. I knew that I was linked in this in some sort of way because
it resonated with me so much, I cried (man tears of course).    After much
thought, I realized some of the things you are saying are true, but some are not
done in the spirit of truth.   I heard one of your interviews where you
discussed your debate style, which is to elicit an emotional response, and even
an intellectual one.  But what your message lacks is a spiritual compassion. 
And here is where I can help fill in the blanks.

The main reason for this open letter is a concern of mine and that is the threat
of your message.  Your mission and your organization’s presence and teachings
are not only dangerous to the human race, but they also challenges the
sovereignty of God himself.  I heard you mention the failures of Christianity.
As a Christian, let me clear up what it means to be a man made in God’s image
versus a man that is made in his own.

I too Section

I was touched by your “final address”.   The reason it resonated with me was the
story you told about being bullied on the bus and the advice your father gave. 
It sounds like this experience had a tremendous effect in your growth and the
successful outcome taught you a valuable lesson about people.   I too have a
very similar story where I was bullied up to the sixth grade.  It did not stop
until I said enough and learned how to stand up for myself. 

I too grew up with an aggressive father that believed violence and taking things
in your own hands were the way to handle problematic situations.

I too section grew up bullied by my own race of people.

I too came to my dad to ask for advice of handle this problem with my bullies.

I too had a deciding moment in my life where I said, “enough is an enough” and I
took care of John Harris myself in the 3rd grade.

I too grew up in a Masculine dominated Society (American Football) dealing with
my sometimes-tyrannical football coaches and their egos.

I too grew up in a competitive sport where you had to compete with “friends” for
Position.  To be #1.

I too grew up in a masculine environment, sometimes toxic.

I too grew up very angry in a society where young black males where not treated
the greatest.

These are the reason your message resonated with me. I do not wish to go in
details, but these are easily verifiable too plus there is no honor in what I am


First off let me tell you who I am.

My name is Chad Sennette. I grew up in Houston, Texas and played collegiate
American football for Southern Methodist University in Dallas from 1995-1999. 
Long story short, I experienced what I call social mobility in the United States
and have a unique perspective on the African American plight as a child growing
up in the 80s-90s being influenced by the African American culture, Hip Hop
culture, and Houston Culture/Houston Hip hop culture.  As you can probably
discover, Houston has always had a music scene, which has a major influence on
culture or sub cultures.  We’ve had many great artists come out of Houston. 

Originally, I grew up on the North Side of Houston before my father moved us to
the much different South Side.  I was privileged to be awarded a scholarship to
SMU as a football athlete. If you don’t know, SMU is an all-white university
with a very limited amount of minority students, most of which are athletes. 
Get the picture.  However, I also grew up in a Christian Household.  My father
was not a very good Christian but a great father, not so much of a husband.  He
was a great provider.  With that being said, I was allowed to dabble in between
the Christian world and the male dominated world of Football.  I always kept my
Christian identity and made sure to take the time to understand more about God,
religion, history of man and how they all tie in.

So, there is a lot that I do agree with.

But here is where you and I differ.

I am a Christian, but I am open minded.  As I have told you I grew up in a
religious family studying the bible since I was young.  And I was fortunate
enough to earn a football scholarship to play at Southern Methodist University
where I studied history, religion, and psychology. I have read parts of the
Koran, but I am no expert.  What I do remember is Jesus being named in the
Koran.  The second part I remember and it puzzled me how the Koran told
men/reader that it was ok to beat on women or hit a woman.  Well sir, something
about that did not sit right with me.  Although I am no saint and I have many
situations where I WANTED to hit a woman.  I never have.  And that is FACTS. 
Why would I beat up someone I know I can dominate.  There is no honor in that.
No virtue. 

I am by no means an expert in any field.  And as you can see English and grammar
were not my favorite subjects in school.   However, my accomplishments and
achievements are facts. As with you, these facts are easily verifiable so I will
not waste time listing them.  Please allow me the benefit of the doubt and a
level of respect among the world of “alpha man” and incline your ear to accept
these words as my truth.     I have also had a high level of success with women
maybe not on your level. But I have always I believed I dated far past what I
believe a man like me is capable of.  I taught myself how to be good with

I learn this by reading, studying, observing women’s behavior, trial, and error,
but most of all I know the story of Adam and Eve and how that plays in dating

But as far as looks.  I consider myself a 7.  I have always hung around very
attractive men.  Me being the self-proclaimed runt (physically speaking all my
boys were 9/10) but what they didn’t have what I had and I developed.  I
delivered a personality.  I became very good in conversations and with words. 
Therefore, I have always made females feel comfortable around me.  In a lot of
ways I had more success being less attractive by making women feel comfortable
around me.  I understood early on how to make people feel comfortable around
me.   I have always had a knack for studying human behaviors.

I have also read many pick up artists’ books, like Mystery Method, 3% Man, and
The Game by Neil Strauss. I have adopted what I call “playing the long game”. 
That is my personal technique.

I do this not an as attempt to get closer or to manipulate. I really do care. I
do believe in love and the union between a man and woman.  And I have lived long
enough to know, that everything under the sun, all man has accomplished, all of
man’s endeavors and successes, mean nothing when we think about the people we
love, the people we care about.   So, I have concluded in my life, that LOVE IS
really the only reason to live.   I have seen many of your videos where you take
up for women against men that displayed misogynist behavior.  I can see you do
care for women. I can see also care about injustices. And I guarantee if people
knew all my ideas about how I view monogamy and marriage, they will say the same
thing about me. So, I don’t rebuke all that you say.   There is a lot of truth
with where you say we are at in this point and time.  A man does want to feel
like a man in his castle.

But I notice a technique you use and one you mentioned in one of your
interviews.   First, you seem to know your audience very well.   You know how to
see the interest of a group of people and use it as a platform to spread your
message.   It’s like you’re some sort of Machiavelli.  You know how to excite an
emotional response which you advised.  But the technique of using one’s emotions
to turn into puppets of your master plan is cruel.  A term that can be used to
describe this type of behavior is gaslighting. I pray that your aim with your DJ
Akademis interview was not to gaslight the African American males.  Many of us
will stand up for Christianity and the lessons on how it teaches us to be.  Many
who do not share Christian views as well. But as a I mentioned the common
denomination between Judaism, Islam and Christianity is all the religions hold
the first five books of the bible as inspired by God.   Therefore, I will use
the reasoning from the books we all considered as inspired.   I implore you to
please leave the African American Christian males out of your fight.  While your
plight may have been difficult and you and I share similar blood that can
testify to some of the most atrocities in human history, please understand our
interest is not with a misogynist, egomaniac manic overcompensating and using
his platform to push the public consciousness to a path of destruction.   Many
men have tried throughout history.  And if this is your aim, I am here to
advise, you will not succeed in this endeavor.

I do notice sometimes notice you use religious theology and sometimes you use
evolution arguments.  I do believe that you should take this time to really
understand what your message is. 

I raised an US Marine. It was hard, first off, it was my stepson.  By your
implications, I am a “Beta Male” that took care of someone else’s child.   It
does sound good in theory, but the biological father was not some sort of Alpha
male.  In fact, sir, he was a dope fiend.   He is a dope fiend.  A homeless dope
fiend. I choose not to go in depth about this man, because he is not the point. 
The point about is the role I played in this young man’s life.  I get what you
said about the gorilla and male energy.  Let me not lie,  but everyday coming
home I hated it. I hate coming home taking all my money to a house that I was
not treated as though I was the king. A king who sacrificed for his family. A
man that would protect his family from outside harm.  No sir I was attacked from
within from the enemy through modern day reality women shows and anti-male
rhetoric.  I felt like a part of me was dying. 

In my studies I learn many people testified about being at Adolf Hitler
rallies.   They testified it was almost like he had the ability to hypnotize
people thru his speeches. He has been labeled a great orator.  There have been
many men that have mastered this quality. I would like to include you in that
group as well.  However, please be warned, there are some people that cannot be
hypnotized.   Some people that hold the truth in their own hearts and cannot be
open to suggestions.  Those that understand some truth cannot be told, it must
be revealed.

One thing I do know about the Big 3 religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism;
they all believe in the first Five books, the Torah.   Therefore, I will use the
reasoning from the books we all considered as inspired to reason with you.


Let’s go back to the story of Adam and Eve.  I believe what happened in the
Garden of Eden has direct implications on the relationship between man and
women, which affects dating and marriage between male and female.

Allow me to take you back to the story of Adam of Eve in the garden.

In fact Genesis states that once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree that their eyes
became open to knowing good or bad.   In Genesis 3:22 it states that God had to
kick them out from the garden to listen to what he said.  Man has become like us
knowing good and bad and let’s put him out the garden so he may take from the
tree of life and live forever.  It is my opinion that that was the serpent’s
plan to have man live forever in a state which would have made God a liar.  But
that is just an opinion.

But let’s focus on the part where God says that they have become like us knowing
good and bad.

And their eyes were opened and they realized they were naked.

I believe the conscience kicked in.

There was no need for a conscience although God being the great designer placed
a conscience as a fail-safe.  I have wondered many times.  Satan did not know of
this conscience because he was not a part of the designing of man.

Let just say it was the conscience that developed or used in another capacity. 
I wondered many times why there would be a need for a conscience if you obey.  
There would be very little use for a conscience if they only thing you knew was
to obey.   But man decided otherwise and now each individual conscience is
allowed to determine for themselves what is good or bad.  God did not destroy
man but allowed a time to show man independent of God does not know good from
bad.   We have tried every form of government for man to dictate his own path
and all great nations have failed.

Does Man have become like us knowing good from bad and let us put they may not
reach out the tree of life and live forever (in a fallen state).    Eyes Open-
When man was created, God said let’s make man in our Image.  So clearly, he was
taking to someone.   But what the being in ne serpent was not presence at the
time of design eyes open could it be the conscious that Was not needed if they
open God and by eaten.

Why did they hide?  Were they ashamed?

God asked why are you were hiding?   Adam said, we are naked.

God ask, how do you know that?  Then asked, who told you that?  That was some
knowledge that they were not supposed to know.  Please note, that at this point
because man entered sin, they could no longer talk to God in holiness.  He knew
something was off.   He knew something had changed.  The way they look and spoke
was not in union with God.  Their actions made them independent of God.

But let me point out the curse that God placed on the women.  Despite the
increase in birth, God also stated in Genesis, “You will have a craving for your
husband and he will dominate you”. tated of affairs.   Worldly women that tried
to be “the apple of her man’s eye” or to get his attention and focus.  And when
she gets it, she not only doesn’t know what to do with it, she subconsciously
feels that this man is a low value man because a high value man’s focus should
be on “tending to the fields” or making a living.

After much thought, the word curse might be an inaccurate word.   Thinking that
instead of God cursing them maybe he was telling them the consequence since he
knows his creation.  That the woman made to be the supporter and nurturer was
made to have more emotional reason.  And the man was made to provide and
protect. Which would align with the scripture.   Husband continues loving their
wives and wives continue respecting their husband.   Maybe God was telling them
the consequence of them choosing to live a life independent of him that
humankind has the right to choose for themselves what is good and what is bad.

When the woman is not properly aligning with her higher purpose, she wants to be
the “apple” of a high value man’s eye.  It is my theory when women say I don’t
want to settle translate into IF I am the apple of a high value man’s eye then I
must be high value by proxy.  This is where we are at.

Today men, including myself are profiting off the curse/consequence placed on
Eve. Even women today don’t know exactly why they crave the attention of a man.
In fact, many are trying to find alternative means to fulfil this need.  It is
my belief that through ignorance we have reverse engineered the curse on Eve to
glorify our own selfish wants and desires.  No matter what females may say, a
man’s focus should never be on a woman.  His focus should be on God and his
purpose to be a provider and a protector (till the ground all the days of his
life or his work).

But I believe it really comes down to God’s sovereignty.  Does God have the
right to tell us what is good or evil or should we able to choose ourselves? 
Does God have a right to rule over us and set us how to live?

The rebellion simply questioned God’s sovereignty to rule mankind.  And instead
of destroying mankind, he allowed a time to show man independent of God is a not
a life worth living.

So it concerns me when you say you are reconstructing your sentences (as if
rewritten language and concepts to make your truths more palatable).

However, when God placed curses on men and woman, I believe they have modern day

It is true that dating and the relationships between men and women are
changing.  Society, gender roles, all influence the relationship between men and

It is true that women may have the desire to be “the apple of her man’s eye”
which I believe is due to the curse/consequence placed when God cursed Eve
saying she will have a craving for her husband.  

What is the apple of your eye sir?  Is it ego?  Is it women?  Or is it
Christ-like?   We all must choose.  We all have a choice.  And I implore you to
make the right one.

Message to Christian men

One day I was taking a shower, and a single thought came into my head.  “Chad
your focus should never be on a woman.”   I realized then, my focus is mine. 
Your focus is the thing you idolized.  And our focus should be on God and the
things that he purposed us to do.  And since God is love, should we not focus on
the loving things.

You mentioned that everything in the modern world was created as a distraction. 
I am here to tell you that the ego can also be a distraction against the will of
the Greater Good and against God.

I am a Christian. I believe we are here to become more “Christ-like”.  With all
your power, with all your influence, what type of man will you be?  With all
your fame?

In today’s society, I believe there is a divine collective consciousness that is
awakening.  But I also see there is a force reminding us of the old way doing
things.  I believe man has a higher self. A self that is ascending.   I believe
the world is waking up in this sort of collective consciousness, where we will
all arrive at the same place at the same time.  But we can’t ascend into the
greater dimensions thinking about the old way and about the past.  The past is
filled with injustices, false teaching, false ways of being.   What about the
greater good (not to be confused with the common good)?  The ego is a hell of a
thing because we can do the exact same act, but with different intentions.  Some
do it for ego, some do it for the greater good.  But God has said “ I say put
life and death before you and you must choose life in order”.  And we have a
choice sir every day, to use our gifts and talents for ego/death or for the
greater good (life).

I implore men of today to view women as Christ views and handles the church.  I
agree with a lot of men that a man is the head of the woman as Christ is the
head of man.  Meaning that 2 people I must bow to, and that Is God and Jesus
Christ, and that is it.  No man or woman.   But your humanity is shown in the
things you have been placed in charge of.

At the end of the day, all resources under the sun originate with creation and
God and at the end of the day, to all things belong to God pay back to God as
Caesar things to Caesar.

 But we must show the same love and respect that is extended to us as submission
of Christ.

You mentioned that Islam is the answer to the worlds problem.  Compassion is.  I
know now we must hold women in a higher self-esteem than we hold ourselves.  We
will never get to enlightenment demeaning anyone, especially women.  We must
learn to balance the energy in harmony.

It is true that dating and the relationship between men and women are changing. 
Society, gender roles, all influence the relationship between men and women.

It is true that women may have the desire to be “the apple of her man’s eye”
which I believe is due to the curse/consequence placed upon the woman eye when
God said she will have a craving for her husband.  

What is the apple of your eye sir?  Is it ego?  Is it women?  Or is it
Christ-like?   We all must choose.  We all have a choice.  And I implore you to
make the right one.

You mentioned that everything in modern world was created as a distraction.  I
am here to tell you that also the ego can be a distraction against the will of
the Greater Good and against God.

I am a Christian. I believe we are here to become more “Christ-like”.  With all
your power, with all your influence, what kind of man will you be.  With all
your fame

There is a spirit that keeps us looking back, looking at the old way of doing
things.  If I can implore you to read the story of Lot’s wife.

She looked back despite divine warning.  Therefore, she became a pillar of salt.

Featured post
Featured 0


Within the realm of the zodiac, a gentle and complex soul resides in the form of
the Cancer, the fourth sign guided by the moon’s gentle glow. The symbol of the
crab captures the essence of Cancer’s journey – a dance of opposites in the
waters of emotions, signifying a profound quest for unity amid inner conflicts.

The term “Cancer,” stemming from Latin, translates to “crab.” This unassuming
creature holds a mirror to Cancer’s essence, reflecting the inner symphony of
opposing forces. Much like the crab’s sidelong movement, Cancer embraces the
duality within, expressing its emotions creatively and intuitively, often
unveiling hidden truths through this unique perspective.

As the celestial calendar shifts into Cancer season, a dance of contrasts and
contradictions takes its rightful place at the forefront of cosmic significance.
Just as the gentle sway of the tides influences the ebb and flow of emotions,
this pivotal juncture heralds the emergence of Cancer’s intrinsic duality onto
life’s grand stage. With the tender touch of the moon’s luminous guidance, the
dance of opposites unfurls, a symphony where vulnerability and strength
intertwine, where introspection and expression twirl hand in hand, casting a
celestial spotlight on the intricate tapestry of the Cancerian soul. Imagine a
tranquil water world where the crab and its opposite, often symbolized by other
aquatic beings, coexist. This aquatic meeting encapsulates Cancer’s internal
battle – a gentle struggle of two polarities, seeking harmony amidst the tides
of emotions.

In these tranquil waters, the crab embodies protective traits, its hard shell a
sanctuary shielding its soft essence. Likewise, Cancers enfold their vulnerable
hearts, revealing their true selves only in the safety of trust. This
guardedness is not a sign of weakness but a testament to their innate strength –
the power to act with purpose and protect when needed.

The crab’s journey also mirrors Cancer’s exploration of vulnerability. Beneath
its protective shield, the crab moves gracefully, adapting to its environment.
Similarly, Cancers wield their nurturing and loyal disposition to reach out to
their loved ones, embodying the strength that arises from embracing

The essence of Cancer’s inner conflict lies in the interplay of opposites, akin
to a serene dance in the waters. One Cancer might radiate assurance, while
another harbors uncertainty. The balance between emotional intelligence and
ignorance, between nurturing and deficiency in nurturing, forms the heart of
their struggle.

This dance of opposites, reminiscent of the yin-yang philosophy, extends to the
concept of battling cancer – not as a medical connotation but as an allegory for
confronting one’s inner discord. Like the aquatic meeting of opposing creatures,
Cancer faces its internal battle, seeking unity within itself. This allegory
teaches us that acknowledging and embracing our shadow aspects leads to a more
profound understanding of our whole self.

Picture this delicate dance as the crab and its opposite move in perfect
synchrony. The quiet waters serve as the arena for their encounter. One side
advances, the other observes – a poetic rhythm of conflict and understanding.
The battle is not one of aggression but a gentle exploration, where each facet
comes to terms with the other. A beautiful revelation emerges: the foe is also a
reflection, a part of oneself.

As the dance reaches its crescendo, the revelation of unity prevails. This
profound moment exposes the truth that beneath the apparent differences, the
opposing forces are fundamentally interconnected. It’s an echo of Cancer’s
nurturing nature – tending to the conflicting fragments within, nurturing them
into harmony.

The journey of Cancer serves as a gentle guide, teaching us the nurturing art of
embracing our own duality. Just as the crab navigates the waters of its
existence, so does Cancer traverse the landscape of emotions. By recognizing and
nurturing their own conflicting traits, Cancers can harmonize their inner

In the end, Cancer’s dance of opposites whispers a timeless truth – that within
the depths of our being, a serene dance takes place. By nurturing our opposing
aspects and embracing the unity within, we can find solace amid the currents of
life’s emotions, guided by the gentle light of the moon.

August 31, 2023 0


High atop the majestic Seagot Mountain, a battle like no other unfolds—a battle
not of violence, but of profound symbolism and cosmic significance. It is the
Battle of Capricorn, where two beings of complete opposites find themselves on
the same mountain, drawn by fate to engage in a dance that mirrors the very
essence of existence. This encounter transcends physical combat, delving into
the realms of philosophy, self-discovery, and the eternal balance of Yin and

“Imagine ‘capricors Seagot’ as a unique blend of ‘sea’ and ‘goat,’ where the
qualities of water and earth intertwine. It’s like the coming together of two
different forces in life. On one hand, it’s about how life is always shifting
and changing, much like the waves of the sea that never stay still. Just as the
sea’s tides can be gentle or fierce, life brings us various emotions and
experiences that keep us moving. On the other hand, it’s also about the steady
and unwavering aspects of life, much like the unchanging mountains. These
mountains symbolize the unyielding parts of us that remain strong, even when
life gets tough.

This concept of ‘capricors Seagot’ provides the backdrop for a captivating story
about two individuals who are quite unlike each other. Through their
experiences, they teach us that life is a mixture of constant change and
reliable stability. Just like how the sea’s waves keep rolling in, yet the
mountains stand tall through every season. The story of these individuals helps
us see that these different parts of life can come together in a meaningful way.
‘Capricors Seagot’ is not just a term, but a powerful idea that reminds us how
the contrasting aspects of life, when woven together, create something truly

Meeting on the mountain are two beings, mirror images of opposition. One is
power incarnate, raw strength emanating from every move. The other embodies
finesse and flexibility, finding strength in yielding—a stark contrast to the
brute force of the former. Yet, despite their differences, a profound respect
and an unexpected bond of love bind them.

The duel begins not with clashing fists, but with a dance of knowledge. Each
combatant seeks to understand the weaknesses, strengths, and deepest intricacies
of the other. It’s a dance of strategy, where one seeks to outwit the other, but
in doing so, they begin to uncover the profound connection that underlies their
apparent differences.

The philosophy of Yin and Yang comes alive in their interactions. Where one is
aggressive, the other is calm and composed. One’s power is balanced by the
other’s finesse. The angry one finds solace in the serenity of the other, and
the yielding nature of the latter is fortified by the strength of the former.

As the encounter unfolds, it becomes clear that this is not merely a battle
between two individuals. It is a representation of the cosmic dance within
oneself—the struggle between light and shadow, aggression and peace. The
mountain serves as the canvas upon which they confront their own complexities,
their dual nature that both unites and opposes.

In a dramatic turn, the battle takes a surprising twist. The two adversaries
realize that their conflict isn’t solely external—it’s an embodiment of their
inner struggles. The realization dawns that the true enemy isn’t the other but
themselves. It’s a metaphorical revelation of knowing oneself deeply, including
the darkest corners of the psyche.

As they embrace this realization, the dance transforms. The aggressive moves
become measured, and the yielding ones are infused with purpose. They channel
their energies not toward confrontation, but toward preparation—together. It’s a
movement of harmony, a preparation for the ultimate unity they intuitively

Ultimately, the Battle of Capricorn concludes without the conventional clash of
swords or fists. The adversaries, now partners in a cosmic revelation, stand
together on Seagot Mountain. They acknowledge that the end is the same—unity,
oneness. Their differences have been vehicles for mutual growth and

The Battle of Capricorn isn’t a mere tale of combat; it’s a parable of life’s
intricate balance. Through the dance of opposites, it imparts the wisdom of
manifesting one’s best self. By confronting the shadow within—the traits they
despise—they embrace a higher state of being. The ancient philosophy of Yin and
Yang becomes a living truth as they transform the negative into the positive.

And so, on Seagot Mountain, the Battle of Capricorn isn’t a battle at all. It’s
a dance, a revelation, a journey toward unity. It’s a testament to the profound
truth that even in opposition, there’s harmony; even in conflict, there’s
resolution. Just as the sea meets the mountain, and power meets finesse, they
meet in perfect balance, embracing the eternal cosmic dance of life.

August 30, 2023 0


Life feels like an ongoing journey filled with challenges that often resemble
the daunting opponents I faced on the football field. It’s like facing a
towering linebacker – those moments when life tests my resolve, shakes my
confidence, and leaves me feeling a bit lost. During these times, the lessons I
learned from my days on the gridiron as a high school football player seem to
offer insights that can guide me through life’s trials with courage,
determination, and strategic thinking.

Imagine a linebacker standing on the football field, tall and imposing at 6
feet, possessing the agility of a defensive back and the raw strength of an ox.
Their hits can jolt even the most unshakable among us, leaving us disoriented
and vulnerable. Yet, it was precisely in confronting this challenge that I found
a wellspring of inspiration. During my high school years, when I was merely 5’9″
and weighed 135 pounds, I became a living testament to the fact that success
isn’t always about overpowering the odds; it’s about having the courage to face
them head-on.

As I played the roles of a strong safety on defense and a versatile player on
offense, I came to embody the essence of my journey through life’s challenges. I
stood firm in the trenches where determination and strength met, reminding me
that the size of obstacles isn’t biased – they come regardless of one’s stature.
My secret weapon throughout? Courage. When adversity stared me down, I didn’t
falter; I chose to stand my ground. Instead of shying away from fear, I embraced
it, treating it as an adversary to confront.

Beyond the realm of football, the philosophy I cultivated resonates deeply. Just
as I stood strong against those linebacker-like doubts and worries, I believe we
all have the power to rise above our insecurities. Transforming fear from a
paralyzing force into a driving energy is possible. By channeling this energy,
we can invest in understanding, preparation, and unwavering faith in our
potential. Similar to how I employed finesse and strategic thinking on the
field, we can creatively harness our strengths to overcome the most overwhelming
odds life throws at us.

Consider this: My victories weren’t solely a result of physical prowess. I
relied on my innate talents, finesse, and strategic acumen to navigate
challenges. If overpowering wasn’t feasible, I learned to outmaneuver; when
overwhelming situations arose, I outwitted them. This approach isn’t exclusive
to football; it’s a mindset applicable to life’s intricate struggles. When life
declares a task impossible, remember the lesson I learned.

Facing fear, doubt, and uncertainty head-on is key. Just as I maneuvered around
opponents towering above me, you too can navigate the hurdles strewn across your
path. Embrace your fears, as they are stepping stones to personal growth.
Confront your doubts, for they possess the potential to spark inner
transformation. The game of life celebrates those who dare with unwavering
determination, as they are the ones who ultimately achieve the extraordinary.

My journey serves as a metaphor for life’s grand narrative. As we navigate
challenges, victories, and uncertainties, my experiences offer guidance. The
football field becomes a stage where courage, strategy, and adaptability
converge, allowing us to approach life’s hurdles with newfound resilience. So,
when life’s linebacker-like challenges loom, remember my approach – embracing
fear, confronting it with audacity, and relentlessly pursuing the extraordinary.
Just as I found triumph within myself on the gridiron, you too can unearth
triumphs amid life’s ceaseless journey.

August 24, 2023 0


(The pledge of complete being)

I am

I have

I think

I feel

I will

I analyze

I balance

I desire

I see

I use

I know

I believe

The title “Transcending Dimensions: Navigating the Fifth Realm of Thought and
Being” suggests a deep exploration into the realms of self-awareness and
understanding. The content that follows could provide valuable insights and
tools for individuals seeking to know themselves better. Here’s how the writing
could help one come to know oneself:

 1.  Exploration of Inner Realms: The title implies a journey into the uncharted
     territories of the mind and consciousness. The writing might delve into the
     concept of the “fifth dimension” as a metaphor for exploring the complexity
     and depth of one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
 2.  Self-Reflection: The content could encourage readers to engage in
     introspection and self-reflection. It might provide prompts or exercises
     that help individuals analyze their thoughts, emotions, and motivations,
     fostering a deeper understanding of their inner world.
 3.  Awareness of Thought Patterns: By discussing concepts like “navigating the
     fifth realm of thought,” the writing could shed light on thought patterns
     and cognitive processes that often go unnoticed. This awareness can lead to
     better recognition of negative thought loops and biases, fostering personal
     growth and change.
 4.  Emotional Intelligence: Exploring feelings and emotions (“I feel”) could
     aid in developing emotional intelligence. The writing might offer
     strategies to recognize, process, and manage emotions effectively, leading
     to improved self-regulation and better interpersonal relationships.
 5.  Goal Setting and Decision Making: The inclusion of “I will” suggests a
     focus on setting intentions and making choices. The writing might guide
     readers in aligning their actions with their true desires and values,
     leading to a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
 6.  Critical Thinking and Analysis: The phrases “I analyze” and “I balance”
     indicate an emphasis on critical thinking and a holistic approach to
     decision-making. Readers could learn to evaluate situations from different
     angles, consider consequences, and strike a balance between rationality and
 7.  Cultivating Desires and Beliefs: By addressing “I desire” and “I believe,”
     the writing might encourage individuals to delve into their passions,
     dreams, and belief systems. This could help readers align their aspirations
     with their core values and understand how their beliefs shape their
 8.  Perception and Mindfulness: The title “I see” suggests an exploration of
     perception and mindfulness. The content could teach techniques to be
     present in the moment, observe thoughts without judgment, and cultivate a
     deeper connection with one’s experiences.
 9.  Knowledge and Learning: The phrase “I know” could signify a pursuit of
     knowledge and personal growth. The writing might emphasize the importance
     of continuous learning, open-mindedness, and seeking new perspectives to
     enrich one’s understanding of oneself and the world.
 10. Constructing Personal Belief Systems: “I believe” might delve into the
     formation of beliefs and how they shape an individual’s identity. Readers
     could be encouraged to critically examine their beliefs, discard limiting
     ones, and construct a belief system that empowers and supports personal

In summary, the suggested title and its subsequent content could serve as a
comprehensive guide to self-discovery and personal development. By addressing
various dimensions of the self, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, the writing
could empower individuals to embark on a transformative journey of
self-awareness and realization.

August 17, 2023 0


Matthew 2:5: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

In the tapestry of existence, where galaxies twirl and stars dance, lies a
profound truth: God is calling us home. This home is not a mere brick-and-mortar
dwelling, but a sanctuary within ourselves where we find solace, healing, and
spiritual enlightenment. It is a journey that traverses the realms of ego, past
trauma, and the pursuit of a divine connection.

At the core of our journey lies the imperative to relinquish the ego’s grip and
embrace the authenticity that resides within. The ego, fashioned by societal
norms and past experiences, often obscures our true selves. This constructed
identity can lead us astray from our purpose and inhibit our connection to the
divine. Answering God’s call requires the courageous act of surrender, peeling
back the layers that mask our true essence. Through surrender, we free ourselves
from the limitations of the ego and open the door to divine revelation. This
revelation begins with whispers of intuition and grows stronger as we shed the
ego’s illusions, paving the way for a deeper understanding of ourselves and our
place in the universe.

Life’s journey is often punctuated by moments of trauma, pain, and suffering.
Yet, these experiences, although challenging, carry within them the seeds of
transformation. God’s call beckons us to confront our past traumas, not as
burdens to bear but as gateways to healing and self-discovery. Revisiting our
youth and acknowledging the wounds we carry can be daunting, yet it is through
this process that we find the courage to release their hold on us. As we delve
into the shadows of our past, we unearth the purpose behind our pain and
suffering. This journey is not a descent into darkness, but a pilgrimage toward
the light of understanding. By navigating through our traumas, we uncover the
potential for growth, resilience, and a deeper connection with both ourselves
and the divine.

As we embrace surrender and heal the wounds of our past, we edge closer to the
ultimate homecoming – a reunion with our higher selves. This higher self,
untainted by egoic constructs and illuminated by the lessons of trauma, embodies
the essence that God intended us to embody. The unraveling of our authentic
essence unveils the profound interconnectedness of all life and the divine. In
this space of self-discovery, we realize that God’s call is not a distant echo,
but a resounding harmony within every heartbeat and every breath. Our journey
becomes a tapestry woven with threads of healing, self-realization, and divine
alignment. Through this journey, we heed God’s call not merely as an external
directive, but as an internal awakening, guiding us back to our true selves and
into the embrace of the eternal.

Surrendering the Ego: However, our journey often begins shrouded in the ego –
the construct of identity, desires, and insecurities. We are programmed by
society, upbringing, and experiences to construct an identity that often
diverges from our true nature. The ego is a veil that separates us from the
deeper truths of existence. To truly answer God’s call, we must peel back this
veil and surrender to our authentic selves.

It is through surrender that we find our path back to the divine. By
relinquishing the ego’s grip on our lives, we open ourselves to the whispers of
our soul and the universe. This is where God’s revelation starts, not in grand
sermons but in the gentle whispers that arise when the ego’s clamor subsides.

Trauma and the Journey Home: Life, however beautiful, can be marked by trauma,
pain, and suffering. These are the shadows that often obscure our path. Yet, as
paradoxical as it may seem, God uses even these shadows to beckon us home. Our
traumatic experiences, buried beneath the layers of our being, become the very
ground on which we build our journey of healing.

God calls us to revisit our past, to face the demons that have long haunted us.
This is not a journey into darkness, but a courageous step toward the light.
Through revisiting our youth, our wounds, and our scars, we unveil the divine
purpose behind our pain. In acknowledging and processing our past, we open doors
to healing and transformation.

Healing and Enlightenment: Healing is a profound act of self-love, a testament
to our willingness to heed God’s call. It is through healing that we mend the
broken pieces and restore our connection to the divine. As we embrace the wounds
of our past, we also release the weight that has kept us captive.

The process of healing brings about enlightenment. It is through this
enlightenment that we truly see the divine revelation embedded within our
experiences. We understand that our trauma and pain are not random misfortunes,
but stepping stones on our journey back to ourselves and to God.

The Ultimate Homecoming: As we progress on this journey of healing and
enlightenment, we draw closer to the ultimate homecoming – a reunion with our
higher selves, the selves that God intended us to be. It’s an unmasking of our
authentic essence, a revelation that transcends the ego and trauma.

Remember, God is not separate from our experiences. He is intricately woven into
every moment of our lives. By embracing the collective tapestry of existence, by
healing our wounds and dismantling our egos, we answer His call to return home.
Our true essence, our purpose, and our connection to the divine become clear.

In the grand design of existence, God’s call to us is a call to love, to unity,
and to rediscover the divine within ourselves. It is a journey paved with
surrender, healing, and the courage to confront our past. As we embark on this
voyage, we realize that God’s call is not just a whisper but a symphony that
resonates through every fiber of our being, inviting us to step into the embrace
of our true selves.

August 13, 2023 0


Unraveling the Dating Dialect Between Men and Women

In today’s rapidly evolving society, men and women face unique challenges in
their relationships. The traditional gender roles are shifting, and individuals
are striving to find a balance between staying true to themselves and remaining
marketable in the dating world. This comprehensive article delves into the
hardships and challenges of modern relationships and provides practical
solutions to foster healthy connections while preserving one’s authenticity.
Beyond the personal benefits, it highlights the significance of correcting
gender dynamics for stronger families, sustainable marriages, and balanced
population growth.

 1. Embracing Individuality in a Changing World:

As societal norms transform, the dynamics of relationships are changing too. In
the past, predefined roles often restricted men and women, hindering the freedom
to express their true selves. Today, it is crucial to embrace individuality and
let go of outdated expectations. Celebrating and accepting each other’s
uniqueness can create a strong foundation for a successful relationship. By
encouraging each partner to be authentic, relationships become a space of mutual
support and acceptance, fostering personal growth and emotional fulfillment.

 2. Communication and Understanding:

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Men
and women often have different communication styles, leading to
misunderstandings and conflicts. To overcome this, it is essential to cultivate
empathy and actively listen to each other’s perspectives. Creating a safe space
where both partners feel heard and understood is vital for fostering emotional
intimacy. Clear communication helps in resolving conflicts and strengthens the
bond between partners, leading to healthier relationships.

 3. Breaking Free from Stereotypes:

Societal stereotypes can unconsciously influence our behaviors and expectations
in relationships. Men may feel pressured to conform to the stereotype of being
emotionally stoic, while women might feel compelled to prioritize caregiving
over personal aspirations. Breaking free from these stereotypes allows
individuals to be authentic and true to themselves, enhancing the quality of
their connections. Moreover, dispelling stereotypes leads to a more equitable
society where both genders are free to pursue their passions and aspirations
without fear of judgment.

 4. Embracing Vulnerability:

Vulnerability is often misunderstood and seen as a weakness, particularly among
men. However, opening up emotionally and expressing vulnerability is a powerful
way to connect on a deeper level with a partner. It allows for greater emotional
bonding and fosters trust in the relationship. Embracing vulnerability leads to
more authentic and intimate connections, creating a safe space for both partners
to share their fears, hopes, and dreams.

 5. Redefining Roles:

Modern relationships require a mutual understanding and agreement on each
partner’s roles and responsibilities. Rather than assuming traditional gender
roles, couples should redefine these roles based on their unique strengths and
interests. A balanced division of labor can alleviate stress and ensure both
partners feel valued and appreciated. When both men and women share
responsibilities, it leads to a more harmonious and supportive environment for
raising a family.

 6. Emphasizing Emotional Intelligence:

Both men and women can benefit from developing emotional intelligence. This
involves recognizing and understanding emotions, both in oneself and in the
partner. By enhancing emotional intelligence, individuals can communicate their
needs effectively and respond empathetically to their partner’s emotions,
creating a harmonious and supportive relationship. Emotionally intelligent
individuals are better equipped to handle conflicts and work together as a team,
leading to stronger bonds between partners.

 7. Nurturing Independence:

While being in a relationship is enriching, it is essential to maintain a sense
of independence. Individuals should continue pursuing their passions, hobbies,
and personal growth, even when committed to a partner. This self-sufficiency not
only enhances personal fulfillment but also contributes positively to the
relationship’s dynamics. When both partners nurture their independence, they
bring a sense of completeness and happiness to the relationship, leading to a
healthier and more fulfilling partnership.

 8. Flexibility and Adaptability:

In an ever-changing world, relationships must be flexible and adaptable. Life’s
challenges, career shifts, and personal growth can impact the dynamics of a
relationship. Couples should be open to change and willing to adapt together,
ensuring they grow in harmony with each other. By being flexible, couples can
weather challenges and transitions, strengthening their bond over time.

The Ripple Effect: Correcting Gender Dynamics for Stronger Families, Sustainable
Marriages, and Balanced Population Growth

Beyond the personal benefits of fostering healthy relationships between men and
women, addressing the challenges and hardships associated with gender dynamics
holds far-reaching implications for families, marriages, and population control.

 1. Stronger Families:

Healthy relationships between men and women form the foundation of strong
families. When both partners are encouraged to be authentic and true to
themselves, it fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding, and
support. In such families, children witness positive role models and learn the
value of open communication and empathy. These qualities contribute to the
emotional well-being and development of the next generation, creating a cycle of
healthy relationships for the future.

 2. Sustainable Marriages:

Traditional gender roles can sometimes lead to an uneven distribution of
responsibilities within marriages. This can place excessive pressure on one
partner and cause feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction. By redefining
roles and encouraging equal participation in decision-making, couples can create
more sustainable marriages. Shared responsibilities and mutual understanding are
vital for maintaining long-lasting, fulfilling partnerships.

 3. Balanced Population Growth:

Gender dynamics play a crucial role in population control. Societies with
entrenched gender stereotypes may experience imbalances in population growth.
For instance, in some cultures, the preference for male children has led to
skewed gender ratios, with significant implications for social stability and
future demographics. By promoting gender equality and challenging stereotypes,
we can contribute to a more balanced and sustainable population growth.

 4. Breaking Cycles of Dysfunction:

Challenging and correcting gender imbalances in relationships can break cycles
of dysfunction and unhealthy patterns passed down through generations. When men
and women can openly communicate, express vulnerability, and embrace their
individuality, they create healthier family environments. This, in turn,
positively impacts the emotional and psychological well-being of children,
reducing the likelihood of perpetuating negative behaviors in the future.

 5. Socio-Economic Advantages:

A society that promotes gender equality in relationships benefits from increased
productivity and economic growth. When both men and women have the freedom to
pursue their passions and career aspirations, it leads to a more skilled and
diverse workforce. Additionally, equitable gender dynamics can reduce the gender
pay gap and contribute to a more prosperous society overall.

Navigating the complexities of men and women relationships in an ever-changing
society can be both challenging and rewarding. Embracing individuality, breaking
free from stereotypes, and fostering effective communication are essential for
nurturing healthy connections. By emphasizing emotional intelligence, redefining
roles, and nurturing independence, couples can create resilient partnerships
that stand the test of time. Correcting the hardships and challenges associated
with gender dynamics not only benefits individuals but also strengthens
families, sustains marriages, and contributes to balanced population growth. The
ripple effect of these positive changes extends far beyond the confines of our
personal lives and into the fabric of society, fostering a more harmonious and
equitable world for generations to come.

July 26, 2023 0


In today’s world, we find ourselves caught up in a web of individualism and
self-preservation, disconnected from one another and the true essence of
humanity. This shift towards a self-centered mindset has been perpetuated by
those in power, the elites who manipulate our minds and control the masses for
their own gain. In this article, we will delve into the problems plaguing our
society and explore the path towards unity, community, and collective
consciousness – a concept rooted in the Christ consciousness and the idea of

 1. The Illusion of Individuality: Our society has become consumed by the
    pursuit of personal desires and achievements, creating a stark contrast to
    the teachings of Christ and the concept of unity consciousness. The elites
    have fostered a culture of individualism, constantly bombarding us with
    distractions and promoting the ego as the driving force behind success. We
    have become like hamsters on a rat wheel, endlessly chasing after material
    possessions, status, and validation, while neglecting the true essence of
    our being – our connection to one another.
 2. The Manipulation of Mass Consciousness: The elites understand the power of
    collective consciousness and its potential to bring about significant
    change. They use various strategies to manipulate and control the masses,
    keeping them divided and disconnected. By sowing seeds of fear, stress, and
    division, they create a state of mass psychosis, making it easier to control
    and influence public opinion. It is through this manipulation that they
    maintain their grip on power and prevent the emergence of a united, awakened
 3. Earth’s Cycles and the Age of Prosperity: Throughout history, the Earth has
    gone through cycles of prosperity and turmoil. As we move into uncertain
    times, it is important to acknowledge that we are exiting an age of
    prosperity. It is during these transitional periods that we often witness
    the rise of deceptive forces, represented by the metaphorical figure of
    Lucifer transforming into an angel of false light. This false light blinds
    us to the truth, leading to ignorance and a deviation from the path of unity
    and collective consciousness.
 4. The Antichrist Figure and Prophecy: Biblical prophecies have long foretold
    the coming of an Antichrist figure – a man of perdition who embodies the
    spirit of deception and leads humanity astray. In times of crisis and
    upheaval, such figures often emerge, offering false promises and solutions.
    It is crucial to recognize these deceptive forces and their attempts to
    steer us away from the path of unity and collective consciousness.
 5. The End Times and the Call for Unity: As we witness lockdowns, plagues,
    famine, and disease, it is easy to succumb to fear and despair. However,
    throughout history, humanity has always come together in times of turmoil.
    It is during these moments that the best of humanity emerges, showcasing
    acts of compassion, unity, and collective action. We must remember that in
    the face of adversity, we have the power to rise above and reconnect with
    one another, embracing the Christ consciousness and the principles of unity
    and love.

Conclusion: In this age of uncertainty, it is imperative that we awaken to the
true nature of our existence. We must recognize the manipulations of the elites,
the distractions of the ego, and the importance of collective consciousness. By
reconnecting with one another and embracing the principles of unity, community,
and love, we can counter the forces of division and reclaim our power as a
united humanity. Let us remember that ultimate control lies in the hands of a
higher power, and through faith, compassion, and collective action, we can
navigate through these turbulent times and emerge stronger than ever before.

June 15, 2023 0

In the twilight of days, chaos runs its course,

Confusion abounds, as hysteria takes its force.

Deception spreads like wildfire, a venomous tide,

As darkness seeks to devour, truth tries to hide.

The Antichrist arises, wearing a deceitful guise,

Promising false salvation, whispering twisted lies.

Many will come to deceive, their masks well-worn,

But fear not, dear soul, for truth shall be reborn.

Amidst the tempest, a flicker of hope shall arise,

A beacon of light, piercing through the guise.

The Christ consciousness awakens, guiding the way,

To lead humanity towards a brighter, new day.

Though the world may tremble, and hearts may quiver,

Know that divine love will forever deliver.

For in the depths of despair, when all seems lost,

God’s presence endures, regardless of the cost.

Hold fast to the truth, let not illusions sway,

Stay anchored in faith, for it shall light your way.

The path may be rugged, strewn with trials and strife,

But trust that God’s wisdom shall guide you to life.

Remember, dear soul, the power within your core,

Connected to the Source, forevermore.

In the face of deception, stand firm and strong,

For God’s love reigns supreme, where you belong.

So, as chaos unfolds and confusion abounds,

Seek the stillness within, where peace surrounds.

The Antichrist’s reign may seem mighty and vast,

But God’s sovereignty prevails, it shall not last.

Hold onto hope, for a brighter day shall dawn,

Where love conquers hate, and truth’s veil is drawn.

With Christ consciousness as our guiding light,

Humanity shall rise, embraced by divine might.

In the end, the darkness fades, and the truth prevails, A

s God’s grace unfurls, humanity’s spirit sails.

Do not be fooled by the illusions that unfold,

For God is in control, His love will never grow cold.

June 14, 2023 0


In waters deep, God gazed with wonder

His reflection dancing, rippling under.

A glimpse of divinity, profound and true,

Yet a tale of ignorance and ego I’ll share with you.

A spirit being born in ignorance’s embrace,

Lost in the illusions of time and space.

Entwined in the false light, its ego’s delight,

Unaware of the truth, veiled from sight.

The mirrored self, the ego’s domain,

Claiming God’s throne, it sought to reign.

But the journey awaited, a lesson profound,

As the false light crumbled, ego met the ground.

In the depths of despair, ego took its last breath,

Surrendering to the void, embracing ego death.

A metamorphosis ensued, a rebirth of the soul,

As ignorance unraveled, truth took control.

Through the ashes of ego, a new light emerged,

The spirit awakened, its essence surged.

Beyond the veil of illusion, it began to see,

The true light within, eternal and free.

The false light, a guide on this sacred quest,

Leading the spirit, as it sought its best.

With every step taken, wisdom’s whispers heard,

As the spirit discovered its divine word.

Through trials and tribulations, it came to know,

The depths of its being, the seeds it did sow.

No longer deceived by the ego’s illusion,

The spirit embraced truth, in divine fusion.

And as God looked upon this transformation,

A smile graced the heavens, a divine affirmation.

For in the grand scheme, the spirit had found,

Its way back to truth, with love profound.

Ignorance’s dance, a necessary part,

To awaken the spirit, with a gentle heart.

The false light’s gift, a catalyst to grow,

And in its embrace, the true light did glow.

So let us honor the journey of the soul,

As it navigates through ignorance, seeking its goal.

For in the end, it’s the path we traverse,

That leads us to truth, and the love we deserve.

As God gazes upon his mirrored reflection,

Awareness awakens, dispelling the deception.

And the spirit, reborn from the ego’s demise,

Embraces the true light, as love crystallizes.

June 13, 2023 0


Embracing Life’s Duality: Navigating Bipolar Disorder with Strength and

Within the intricate tapestry of existence, the Law of Polarity governs the ebb
and flow of life. For individuals living with bipolar disorder, this law takes
on a profound significance. Bipolar disorder encompasses a spectrum of emotional
extremes, embodying the very essence of polar opposites. In this article, we
explore the complexities of bipolar disorder and the duality it brings, while
shedding light on the strength and resilience required to navigate this journey.
Furthermore, we will address the importance of support and provide coping
mechanisms to assist those facing the challenges of bipolar disorder.

The Essence of Polarity

At its core, the Law of Polarity suggests that every aspect of life exists on a
continuum, with opposing forces coexisting and complementing each other. This
law teaches us that without darkness, we cannot appreciate light, and without
hardship, we cannot truly value ease. By recognizing the inherent duality in all
things, we gain a deeper understanding of life’s complex and interconnected

The Yin and Yang of Life

One of the most familiar representations of the Law of Polarity is the concept
of yin and yang from ancient Chinese philosophy. Yin represents the feminine,
passive, and receptive aspects, while yang embodies the masculine, active, and
assertive qualities. Together, they form a harmonious unity, symbolizing the
interdependence and balance required for existence.

Yin and yang remind us that opposites are not enemies but rather partners, each
relying on the other for the dynamic equilibrium that sustains life. In
recognizing the interplay of yin and yang within ourselves and the world, we can
find a sense of acceptance and peace. When we encounter challenges, we can trust
that they are part of a larger tapestry, contributing to our growth and eventual

Embracing Polarity in Personal Growth

The Law of Polarity has profound implications for personal growth and
self-realization. Every obstacle we face presents an opportunity for growth and
learning. Adversity can lead to strength, failure to resilience, and loss to
newfound wisdom. By acknowledging the existence of polarities and their inherent
connection, we can view life’s challenges as catalysts for our personal

The law teaches us to seek balance, not by eliminating one extreme, but by
understanding and integrating both ends of the spectrum. By embracing the full
spectrum of our experiences, we gain a broader perspective and develop a deeper
appreciation for the richness of life.

Harmonizing Relationships and Society

The Law of Polarity extends beyond our personal journeys and permeates the
fabric of our relationships and society as a whole. Recognizing that opposing
viewpoints can coexist and contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive world is
essential for fostering understanding and harmony. By seeking common ground and
appreciating the value of differing perspectives, we can bridge divides and find
collective solutions that benefit all.

Furthermore, embracing the Law of Polarity encourages us to cultivate empathy
and compassion. Just as we experience moments of darkness, others may be facing
their own struggles. By acknowledging and understanding their pain, we can
extend kindness and support, fostering a more compassionate and interconnected

The Law of Polarity is an age-old wisdom that invites us to perceive life’s
contrasts as essential components of our journey. By embracing and understanding
this profound principle, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with greater
resilience and grace. In recognizing the beauty and interconnectedness of
opposites, we unlock the potential for personal growth, harmonious
relationships, and a more compassionate society. Embrace the dance of duality,
for within it lies the transformative power to illuminate our path and enrich
our lives.

The Bipolar Rollercoaster: Embracing the Pendulum of Emotions

Living with bipolar disorder means embarking on a perpetual rollercoaster ride
of emotions. The intense highs of manic episodes can be exhilarating, fueling
boundless energy and creative bursts. Yet, lurking beneath the surface lie risks
of recklessness and impulsivity that can lead to adverse consequences.
Conversely, the depths of depression are profound, suffocating individuals with
hopelessness and despair. However, it is crucial to remember that bipolar
disorder is not a choice or a character flaw—it is a neurobiological condition
that requires understanding and support.

Embracing Strength and Resilience: Harnessing the Power Within

Navigating the challenges of bipolar disorder necessitates unwavering strength
and resilience. It involves seeking treatment, building a support network, and
implementing coping mechanisms to promote stability. Medication, therapy, and
lifestyle adjustments are essential tools for managing bipolar disorder and
maintaining emotional equilibrium.

Self-awareness and self-care play pivotal roles in this journey. Identifying
triggers and learning coping mechanisms tailored to individual needs can help
individuals manage mood swings effectively. Establishing routines, maintaining a
balanced lifestyle, engaging in creative outlets, and practicing mindfulness can
all contribute to finding stability amidst the unpredictable tides of bipolar

Shattering Stigma and Extending Compassion: Supporting Those in Need

One of the greatest obstacles individuals with bipolar disorder face is the
stigma surrounding mental illness. The misconceptions and judgments perpetuated
by society can further isolate those already grappling with the complexities of
their condition. It is vital to foster understanding and compassion, challenging
societal norms and reshaping perceptions.

By sharing personal stories and experiences, we can dismantle barriers and
create safe spaces for individuals to express their struggles and triumphs.
Supporting mental health initiatives and advocating for accessible resources are
instrumental in empowering individuals living with bipolar disorder. Together,
we can break down the walls of stigma and pave the way for a more inclusive and
empathetic society.

Extending a Helping Hand: Coping Mechanisms and Support

For those facing the challenges of bipolar disorder, it is crucial to remember
that you are not alone. Seeking support from professionals, such as therapists
and support groups, can provide invaluable guidance and a safe space to discuss
experiences. Building a support network of friends and loved ones who understand
and embrace the complexities of bipolar disorder can offer comfort and stability
during difficult times.

Additionally, developing healthy coping mechanisms can be instrumental in
managing mood swings and maintaining emotional well-being. Regular exercise,
practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises,
maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and engaging in creative outlets are
all effective strategies. Finding a sense of purpose and setting realistic goals
can also contribute to a sense of stability and fulfillment.

Living with bipolar disorder means traversing the depths of despair and soaring
to the heights of euphoria. It demands resilience, strength, and unwavering
self-care. By embracing the duality of this condition, we can navigate its
challenges with grace and courage. Breaking down stigmas and fostering
understanding paves the way for a more compassionate society that supports
individuals facing the complexities of bipolar disorder. Remember, there is
strength within you, and with the right support and coping mechanisms, you can
find stability and lead a fulfilling life despite the pendulum of emotions.

June 8, 2023 0


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