csob-cz-ia.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://csob-cz-ia.com/
Effective URL: https://csob-cz-ia.com/
Submission: On March 04 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form method="POST" novalidate="" autocomplete="off" class="form ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-touched">
  <div class="form-group widget">
    <div class="col-xs-12 m0 p0 alerts">
      <div class="widgetsTitle hidden-xs">
    <div class="ang-tab-content ang-is-active">
      <div class="ang-component ang-c-form-row">
        <div class="ang-b-form-row-caption">
          <label id="text05" for="username" class="ang-label">Uživatelské jméno</label>
        <div class="ang-b-form-row-content">
          <div class="ang-frm-full">
            <div class="ang-component ang-c-input-field">
              <div class="ang-form-field">
                <input id="username" name="username" type="text" tabindex="0" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="input-enter-value-msg-0001" aria-labelledby="inputUsernameLabel" authshautofocus="" aria-required="true"
                  class="ang-input ng-pristine ng-valid ng-touched" aria-invalid="false">
              <auth-ui-tooltip class="ahe-customtag">
                <div aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="ang-component ang-c-information-tooltip ang-is-info ang-is-on-top ang-is-on-left">
                  <div class="ang-icon">
                  <div role="tooltip" class="ang-information-tooltip-bubble ang-is-info">
                    <div class="ui-tooltip-content">Are you in internet banking for the first time and haven‘t registered your username yet? Use your identification number, which was sent to you by e-mail and is stated in the Agreement on ČSOB
                      Identity in its place.</div>
      <div class="ang-component ang-c-form-row">
        <div class="ang-b-form-row-caption">
          <label id="text06" for="password" class="ang-label">Heslo</label>
        <div class="ang-b-form-row-content">
          <div class="ang-frm-full">
            <div class="ang-component ang-c-password">
              <div class="ang-form-field">
                <input id="password" name="password" type="password" tabindex="0" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="password-enter-value-msg-0002" aria-required="true" class="ang-password ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid" aria-invalid="true">
              <auth-ui-tooltip class="ahe-customtag">
                <div aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="ang-component ang-c-information-tooltip ang-is-info">
                  <div class="ang-icon">
                  <div role="tooltip" class="ang-information-tooltip-bubble ang-is-info">
                    <div class="ui-tooltip-content">Are you in internet banking for the first time and haven‘t registered your password yet? Use the one-time code you received in the SMS in its place. If you’ve forgotten your registred password o rit
                      has been blocked, you can restore it using the link below.</div>
      <auth-ui-controls-wrapper class="ahe-customtag">
        <div class="ang-component ang-c-controls">
          <div class="ang-b-optional-action">
            <div class="ang-component ang-c-controls">
              <div class="ang-b-primary-action">
              <div class="ang-b-secondary-action">
          <div class="ang-b-primary-action">
            <auth-flfe-lib-action-button class="ahe-customtag">
              <div class="ang-component ang-c-btn ang-is-primary">
                <button type="submit" class="ang-btn" id="text08">Přihlásit</button>
          <div class="ang-b-secondary-action">
            <auth-flfe-lib-action-button class="ahe-customtag">
              <div class="ang-component ang-c-btn ang-is-link">
                <a type="button" class="ang-btn" id="text07">Odblokování/změna hesla</a>

Text Content

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 * Kontakty 495 800 111
 * English EN



Access to your account has been requested by service provider:
 * Heslo
 * Certifikát

Uživatelské jméno
Are you in internet banking for the first time and haven‘t registered your
username yet? Use your identification number, which was sent to you by e-mail
and is stated in the Agreement on ČSOB Identity in its place.
Are you in internet banking for the first time and haven‘t registered your
password yet? Use the one-time code you received in the SMS in its place. If
you’ve forgotten your registred password o rit has been blocked, you can restore
it using the link below.
Odblokování/změna hesla

Jak na první přihlášení Jak na Smart klíč

Stáhněte si mobilní bankovnictví ČSOB Smart

 * www.csob.cz
 * O skupině ČSOB
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 * Ochrana osobních údajů

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 * Průvodce bezpečností
 * Nápověda
 * Archiv zpráv

© Československá obchodní banka, a. s.