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March 9, 2022


The landscape for remote monitoring solutions is complex and quickly evolving.
The Top 50 Remote Monitoring Companies is a new report by AVIA Connect
showcasing 50 remote monitoring companies who have proven real market traction,
enabling you to find a remote monitoring solution that addresses your health
system’s unique needs.

March 9, 2022


The landscape for remote monitoring solutions is complex and quickly evolving.
The Top 50 Remote Monitoring Companies is a new report by AVIA Connect
showcasing 50 remote monitoring companies who have proven real market traction,
enabling you to find a remote monitoring solution that addresses your health
system’s unique needs.



February 22, 2024


March 24, 2023


November 17, 2022




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February 22, 2024
Top Digital Front Door Companies Report 2024
AVIA Marketplace's 2024 Top Digital Front Door Companies, including: Why the
digital front door matters What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top
digital front door companies
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February 21, 2024
Buyer’s guide to the digital front door
What is the digital front door? Digital front door describes a set of
interactive and transaction-ready capabilities to enable digital interactions
between patients and health systems throughout the care journey, from
pre-service to follow-up and payment. When leveraged appropriately, a digital
front door strategy can improve patient experiences, drive access, and reduce
(or eliminate) reliance on paper-based workflows and manual processes.
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February 14, 2024
Navigating the Future of Rural Healthcare: Insights from the AHA Rural Health
Recently, I had the privilege of attending the AHA Rural Health Conference, a
gathering that brings together healthcare professionals, administrators, and
advocates from across the nation to address the unique challenges and
opportunities within rural healthcare. The experience was not only enlightening
but also deeply inspiring, highlighting the resilience, innovation, and
dedication of those at the forefront of rural health. Reflecting on the
conference, I’d like to share three key themes and takeaways that resonated with
me, in the hope of offering some insights and encouragement to others navigating
this vital field.
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January 9, 2024
In AI we trust? Not without finding its clinical puzzle piece.
Generative AI solutions offer incredible opportunities for the healthcare
industry to improve care across multiple dimensions and provide accessible and
engaging user experiences. It makes sense that healthcare entities want to
implement these tools quickly to attain the promised benefits and avoid falling
behind their competitors. But these technologies might still fall short of the
hype, with significant shortcomings that may overshadow the advantages for many
potential customers.
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January 5, 2024
A new era for health systems: AI-based solutions for superior care
Consumers continue to expect more with each healthcare experience, and providers
are grappling with how new market solutions can cater to non-loyal patients.
Health systems operate in a progressively competitive environment as the supply
of available healthcare services has grown. Meanwhile, consumers have adapted
their lifestyles over the past three decades to a fast-paced, competitive, and
accessible market. As a result, today’s healthcare consumers have a wide array
of choices at their disposal, including a burgeoning array of telehealth options
that can serve patients in any location.
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December 18, 2023
A buyer’s guide to solution interoperability
Solution interoperability is the ability of different healthcare industry
software systems, devices, and applications to communicate with each other,
seamlessly exchange data and information, and work together in a coordinated
fashion. It is the central nervous system that powers health system business
objectives and strategy. Until relatively recently, interoperability was largely
an IT function with a point-to-point approach. Policy changes like the 2014
HITEC Act and the 2016 21st Century Cures Act established broader data sharing
standards and created the necessary regulatory framework to support effective
and secure information sharing. In 2020, the Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued the Cures Act Final Rule, which
clarified and enforced regulations related to information sharing among
healthcare organizations and patients’ access to their electronic health data.
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December 18, 2023
A buyer’s guide to virtual nursing
Virtual nursing is the ability to remotely provide nursing services through an
electronic platform. Nurses (RNs and NPs) provide a variety of virtual tasks
while assessing, planning and evaluating patient outcomes, intervening as
appropriate utilizing the Nursing Process. The key difference is they are
interacting virtually. We are currently seeing a rising interest in providing
Virtual Nursing bedside support to staff nurses.
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December 14, 2023
Top Patient Education Companies Report
AVIA Marketplace's Top Patient Education Companies Why patient education matters
What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top patient education companies
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December 14, 2023
Top Patient Billing and Payment Companies Report 2024
AVIA Marketplace's Top Patient Billing and Payment Companies Why patient billing
and payment matters What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top patient
billing and payment companies
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December 14, 2023
Top Prior Authorization Companies Report 2024
AVIA Marketplace's Top Prior Authorization Companies Why prior authorization
matters What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top prior authorization
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December 14, 2023
Top Interoperability Companies Report
AVIA Marketplace's Top Interoperability Companies Why interoperability matters
What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top interoperability companies
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December 14, 2023
Top Virtual Visit Companies Report
AVIA Marketplace's Top Virtual Visit Companies Why virtual visits matter What
leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top virtual visit companies
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December 14, 2023
Top Virtual Nursing Companies Report
AVIA Marketplace's Top Virtual Nursing Companies Why virtual nursing matters
What leading solutions offer AVIA Marketplace’s top virtual nursing companies
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October 26, 2023
Patient Engagement 2.0: How Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Health Queries
From providing quick, relevant, and legitimate responses to health questions to
streamlining essential tasks, AI chatbots are revolutionizing how patients
interact with healthcare providers and provide unique new opportunities for
health systems to enhance operations with digital tools.
Read More
October 24, 2023
Selecting Digital Therapeutics: A Step-by-Step Framework for Health Systems
Digital therapeutics represent an exciting opportunity for health systems to
improve patient engagement, outcomes, and access to care. These software-based
solutions use technology like mobile apps, sensors, and data analytics to help
prevent, manage, and treat a growing range of medical conditions. However, with
an influx of companies offering digital therapeutics, health systems face
challenges in identifying the right solutions that are evidence-based, integrate
smoothly, and align with organizational goals.
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Top Remote Monitoring Companies Report | 2023

Top Prior Authorization Companies Report | 2023

Top Conversational AI Companies Report

Patient Engagement 2.0: How Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Health Queries

Q&A with Steve Hendrix of m.Care: Improving outcomes with accessibility

Q&A with Joshua Liu of SeamlessMD: Empowering patients in self-care


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AVIA Marketplace is brought to you by AVIA, a trusted company and community of
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