Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On May 05 via manual from IL — Scanned from IL

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

Name: notifications-form

<form name="notifications-form">
  <div id="settings-smartlist-notification-tag-list">

Name: claim-form

<form name="claim-form" id="edit-claim-form" class="form-content" onsubmit="event.preventDefault(); sendAskClaimForm();">
  <p class="note">Please provide us the following information. Note that you need to have an email in this organization in order to claim the profile.</p>
  <div id="claim-input-wrapper">
    <div class="input-container">
      <label id="claim-name-label" for="claim-name">Name*</label>
      <input id="claim-name" name="claim-name" required="" data-field-required="required" labelid="claim-name-label" data-validate-element-id="validation-claim-name" type="text" maxlength="80">
    <div class="input-container">
      <label id="claim-email-label" for="claim-email">Work Email* (please provide your email in the organization)</label>
      <input id="claim-email" name="claim-email" required="" data-field-required="required" labelid="claim-email-label" data-validate-element-id="validation-claim-email" type="email" maxlength="80">
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      <label id="claim-position-label" for="claim-position">Position*</label>
      <input id="claim-position" name="claim-position" required="" data-field-required="required" labelid="claim-position-label" data-validate-element-id="validation-claim-position" type="text" maxlength="80">
    <div class="input-container">
      <div class="label-with-length">
        <label for="claim-notes">Notes</label>
        <!-- <div><span id="note-length">0</span>/200</div> -->
      <textarea id="claim-notes" name="claim-notes" rows="2" data-validate-element-id="validation-claim-notes" type="textarea" maxlength="200"></textarea>
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            <div class="finder-about-conainer">Finder is provided courtesy of Startup Nation Central, a non-profit organization that promotes Israeli innovations around the world.</div>
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                <h2 style="font-size: 1.8rem;">Password must contain:</h2>
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                  <span>8 characters</span>
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                  <span>Uppercase letter (A-Z)</span>
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                  <span>Lowercase letter (a-z)</span>
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                  <span>Digit (0-9)</span>
            <div id="password-div" class="login-field">
              <input id="signup-password" name="password" type="password" tabindex="-1">
              <div> Password must contain at least 8 characters, one digit, one uppercase and one lowercase letter. </div>
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20.3366 60.3926 19.8809C60.2604 19.4206 60.1943 18.9215 60.1943 18.3838ZM61.459 18.2402V18.3838C61.459 18.7529 61.4954 19.0993 61.5684 19.4229C61.6458 19.7464 61.762 20.0312 61.917 20.2773C62.0765 20.5234 62.2793 20.7171 62.5254 20.8584C62.7715 20.9951 63.0654 21.0635 63.4072 21.0635C63.8265 21.0635 64.1729 20.9746 64.4463 20.7969C64.7197 20.6191 64.9362 20.3844 65.0957 20.0928C65.2598 19.8011 65.3874 19.4844 65.4785 19.1426V17.4951C65.4284 17.2445 65.3509 17.0029 65.2461 16.7705C65.1458 16.5335 65.0137 16.3239 64.8496 16.1416C64.6901 15.9548 64.4919 15.8066 64.2549 15.6973C64.0179 15.5879 63.7399 15.5332 63.4209 15.5332C63.0745 15.5332 62.776 15.6061 62.5254 15.752C62.2793 15.8932 62.0765 16.0892 61.917 16.3398C61.762 16.5859 61.6458 16.873 61.5684 17.2012C61.4954 17.5247 61.459 17.8711 61.459 18.2402ZM69.7305 14.6035V22H68.459V14.6035H69.7305ZM68.3633 12.6416C68.3633 12.4365 68.4248 12.2633 68.5479 12.1221C68.6755 11.9808 68.8623 11.9102 69.1084 11.9102C69.3499 11.9102 69.5345 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140.432 24.8779 140.086 24.7959C139.744 24.7184 139.407 24.584 139.074 24.3926C138.746 24.2057 138.47 23.9528 138.247 23.6338L138.91 22.8818C139.22 23.2555 139.544 23.5153 139.881 23.6611C140.223 23.807 140.56 23.8799 140.893 23.8799C141.294 23.8799 141.64 23.8047 141.932 23.6543C142.223 23.5039 142.449 23.2806 142.608 22.9844C142.772 22.6927 142.854 22.3327 142.854 21.9043V16.2305L142.971 14.6035ZM137.878 18.3838V18.2402C137.878 17.6751 137.944 17.1624 138.076 16.7021C138.213 16.2373 138.407 15.8385 138.657 15.5059C138.912 15.1732 139.22 14.918 139.58 14.7402C139.94 14.5579 140.346 14.4668 140.797 14.4668C141.262 14.4668 141.667 14.5488 142.014 14.7129C142.365 14.8724 142.661 15.1071 142.902 15.417C143.148 15.7223 143.342 16.0915 143.483 16.5244C143.625 16.9574 143.723 17.4473 143.777 17.9941V18.623C143.727 19.1654 143.629 19.653 143.483 20.0859C143.342 20.5189 143.148 20.888 142.902 21.1934C142.661 21.4987 142.365 21.7334 142.014 21.8975C141.663 22.057 141.253 22.1367 140.783 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53.96 20.291C54.1377 20.5417 54.3587 20.7399 54.623 20.8857C54.8874 21.027 55.195 21.0977 55.5459 21.0977C55.8923 21.0977 56.1953 21.027 56.4551 20.8857C56.7194 20.7399 56.9382 20.5417 57.1113 20.291C57.2845 20.0404 57.4144 19.7533 57.501 19.4297C57.5921 19.1016 57.6377 18.7529 57.6377 18.3838V18.2266C57.6377 17.862 57.5921 17.5179 57.501 17.1943C57.4144 16.8662 57.2822 16.5768 57.1045 16.3262C56.9313 16.071 56.7126 15.8704 56.4482 15.7246C56.1885 15.5788 55.8831 15.5059 55.5322 15.5059C55.1859 15.5059 54.8805 15.5788 54.6162 15.7246C54.3564 15.8704 54.1377 16.071 53.96 16.3262C53.7868 16.5768 53.6569 16.8662 53.5703 17.1943C53.4837 17.5179 53.4404 17.862 53.4404 18.2266ZM65.2871 14.6035H66.4355V21.8428C66.4355 22.4945 66.3034 23.0505 66.0391 23.5107C65.7747 23.971 65.4056 24.3197 64.9316 24.5566C64.4622 24.7982 63.9199 24.9189 63.3047 24.9189C63.0495 24.9189 62.7487 24.8779 62.4023 24.7959C62.0605 24.7184 61.7233 24.584 61.3906 24.3926C61.0625 24.2057 60.7868 23.9528 60.5635 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20.3366 60.3926 19.8809C60.2604 19.4206 60.1943 18.9215 60.1943 18.3838ZM61.459 18.2402V18.3838C61.459 18.7529 61.4954 19.0993 61.5684 19.4229C61.6458 19.7464 61.762 20.0312 61.917 20.2773C62.0765 20.5234 62.2793 20.7171 62.5254 20.8584C62.7715 20.9951 63.0654 21.0635 63.4072 21.0635C63.8265 21.0635 64.1729 20.9746 64.4463 20.7969C64.7197 20.6191 64.9362 20.3844 65.0957 20.0928C65.2598 19.8011 65.3874 19.4844 65.4785 19.1426V17.4951C65.4284 17.2445 65.3509 17.0029 65.2461 16.7705C65.1458 16.5335 65.0137 16.3239 64.8496 16.1416C64.6901 15.9548 64.4919 15.8066 64.2549 15.6973C64.0179 15.5879 63.7399 15.5332 63.4209 15.5332C63.0745 15.5332 62.776 15.6061 62.5254 15.752C62.2793 15.8932 62.0765 16.0892 61.917 16.3398C61.762 16.5859 61.6458 16.873 61.5684 17.2012C61.4954 17.5247 61.459 17.8711 61.459 18.2402ZM69.7305 14.6035V22H68.459V14.6035H69.7305ZM68.3633 12.6416C68.3633 12.4365 68.4248 12.2633 68.5479 12.1221C68.6755 11.9808 68.8623 11.9102 69.1084 11.9102C69.3499 11.9102 69.5345 11.9808 69.6621 12.1221C69.7943 12.2633 69.8604 12.4365 69.8604 12.6416C69.8604 12.8376 69.7943 13.0062 69.6621 13.1475C69.5345 13.2842 69.3499 13.3525 69.1084 13.3525C68.8623 13.3525 68.6755 13.2842 68.5479 13.1475C68.4248 13.0062 68.3633 12.8376 68.3633 12.6416ZM73.0254 16.1826V22H71.7607V14.6035H72.957L73.0254 16.1826ZM72.7246 18.0215L72.1982 18.001C72.2028 17.4951 72.278 17.028 72.4238 16.5996C72.5697 16.1667 72.7747 15.7907 73.0391 15.4717C73.3034 15.1527 73.6178 14.9066 73.9824 14.7334C74.3516 14.5557 74.7594 14.4668 75.2061 14.4668C75.5706 14.4668 75.8988 14.5169 76.1904 14.6172C76.4821 14.7129 76.7305 14.8678 76.9355 15.082C77.1452 15.2962 77.3047 15.5742 77.4141 15.916C77.5234 16.2533 77.5781 16.6657 77.5781 17.1533V22H76.3066V17.1396C76.3066 16.7523 76.2497 16.4424 76.1357 16.21C76.0218 15.973 75.8555 15.8021 75.6367 15.6973C75.418 15.5879 75.1491 15.5332 74.8301 15.5332C74.5156 15.5332 74.2285 15.5993 73.9688 15.7314C73.7135 15.8636 73.4925 16.0459 73.3057 16.2783C73.1234 16.5107 72.9798 16.7773 72.875 17.0781C72.7747 17.3743 72.7246 17.6888 72.7246 18.0215ZM84.8447 20.6875L86.7451 14.6035H87.5791L87.415 15.8135L85.4805 22H84.667L84.8447 20.6875ZM83.5664 14.6035L85.1865 20.7559L85.3027 22H84.4482L82.3018 14.6035H83.5664ZM89.3975 20.708L90.9424 14.6035H92.2002L90.0537 22H89.2061L89.3975 20.708ZM87.7637 14.6035L89.623 20.585L89.835 22H89.0283L87.0391 15.7998L86.875 14.6035H87.7637ZM94.873 14.6035V22H93.6016V14.6035H94.873ZM93.5059 12.6416C93.5059 12.4365 93.5674 12.2633 93.6904 12.1221C93.818 11.9808 94.0049 11.9102 94.251 11.9102C94.4925 11.9102 94.6771 11.9808 94.8047 12.1221C94.9368 12.2633 95.0029 12.4365 95.0029 12.6416C95.0029 12.8376 94.9368 13.0062 94.8047 13.1475C94.6771 13.2842 94.4925 13.3525 94.251 13.3525C94.0049 13.3525 93.818 13.2842 93.6904 13.1475C93.5674 13.0062 93.5059 12.8376 93.5059 12.6416ZM100 14.6035V15.5742H96.001V14.6035H100ZM97.3545 12.8057H98.6191V20.168C98.6191 20.4186 98.6579 20.6077 98.7354 20.7354C98.8128 20.863 98.9131 20.9473 99.0361 20.9883C99.1592 21.0293 99.2913 21.0498 99.4326 21.0498C99.5374 21.0498 99.6468 21.0407 99.7607 21.0225C99.8792 20.9997 99.9681 20.9814 100.027 20.9678L100.034 22C99.9339 22.0319 99.8018 22.0615 99.6377 22.0889C99.4782 22.1208 99.2845 22.1367 99.0566 22.1367C98.7467 22.1367 98.4619 22.0752 98.2021 21.9521C97.9424 21.8291 97.735 21.624 97.5801 21.3369C97.4297 21.0452 97.3545 20.6533 97.3545 20.1611V12.8057ZM102.748 11.5V22H101.483V11.5H102.748ZM102.447 18.0215L101.921 18.001C101.925 17.4951 102.001 17.028 102.146 16.5996C102.292 16.1667 102.497 15.7907 102.762 15.4717C103.026 15.1527 103.34 14.9066 103.705 14.7334C104.074 14.5557 104.482 14.4668 104.929 14.4668C105.293 14.4668 105.621 14.5169 105.913 14.6172C106.205 14.7129 106.453 14.8678 106.658 15.082C106.868 15.2962 107.027 15.5742 107.137 15.916C107.246 16.2533 107.301 16.6657 107.301 17.1533V22H106.029V17.1396C106.029 16.7523 105.972 16.4424 105.858 16.21C105.744 15.973 105.578 15.8021 105.359 15.6973C105.141 15.5879 104.872 15.5332 104.553 15.5332C104.238 15.5332 103.951 15.5993 103.691 15.7314C103.436 15.8636 103.215 16.0459 103.028 16.2783C102.846 16.5107 102.702 16.7773 102.598 17.0781C102.497 17.3743 102.447 17.6888 102.447 18.0215ZM118.895 20.9268V22H113.918V20.9268H118.895ZM114.178 12.0469V22H112.858V12.0469H114.178ZM121.588 14.6035V22H120.316V14.6035H121.588ZM120.221 12.6416C120.221 12.4365 120.282 12.2633 120.405 12.1221C120.533 11.9808 120.72 11.9102 120.966 11.9102C121.207 11.9102 121.392 11.9808 121.52 12.1221C121.652 12.2633 121.718 12.4365 121.718 12.6416C121.718 12.8376 121.652 13.0062 121.52 13.1475C121.392 13.2842 121.207 13.3525 120.966 13.3525C120.72 13.3525 120.533 13.2842 120.405 13.1475C120.282 13.0062 120.221 12.8376 120.221 12.6416ZM124.883 16.1826V22H123.618V14.6035H124.814L124.883 16.1826ZM124.582 18.0215L124.056 18.001C124.06 17.4951 124.135 17.028 124.281 16.5996C124.427 16.1667 124.632 15.7907 124.896 15.4717C125.161 15.1527 125.475 14.9066 125.84 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142.588 20.8311C142.898 20.6488 143.169 20.4049 143.401 20.0996L144.167 20.708C144.007 20.9495 143.805 21.1797 143.559 21.3984C143.312 21.6172 143.009 21.7949 142.649 21.9316C142.294 22.0684 141.872 22.1367 141.385 22.1367ZM150.401 20.5645V11.5H151.673V22H150.511L150.401 20.5645ZM145.425 18.3838V18.2402C145.425 17.6751 145.493 17.1624 145.63 16.7021C145.771 16.2373 145.969 15.8385 146.225 15.5059C146.484 15.1732 146.792 14.918 147.147 14.7402C147.507 14.5579 147.909 14.4668 148.351 14.4668C148.815 14.4668 149.221 14.5488 149.567 14.7129C149.918 14.8724 150.215 15.1071 150.456 15.417C150.702 15.7223 150.896 16.0915 151.037 16.5244C151.178 16.9574 151.276 17.4473 151.331 17.9941V18.623C151.281 19.1654 151.183 19.653 151.037 20.0859C150.896 20.5189 150.702 20.888 150.456 21.1934C150.215 21.4987 149.918 21.7334 149.567 21.8975C149.216 22.057 148.806 22.1367 148.337 22.1367C147.904 22.1367 147.507 22.0433 147.147 21.8564C146.792 21.6696 146.484 21.4076 146.225 21.0703C145.969 20.7331 145.771 20.3366 145.63 19.8809C145.493 19.4206 145.425 18.9215 145.425 18.3838ZM146.696 18.2402V18.3838C146.696 18.7529 146.733 19.0993 146.806 19.4229C146.883 19.7464 147.002 20.0312 147.161 20.2773C147.321 20.5234 147.523 20.7171 147.77 20.8584C148.016 20.9951 148.31 21.0635 148.651 21.0635C149.071 21.0635 149.415 20.9746 149.684 20.7969C149.957 20.6191 150.176 20.3844 150.34 20.0928C150.504 19.8011 150.632 19.4844 150.723 19.1426V17.4951C150.668 17.2445 150.588 17.0029 150.483 16.7705C150.383 16.5335 150.251 16.3239 150.087 16.1416C149.927 15.9548 149.729 15.8066 149.492 15.6973C149.26 15.5879 148.984 15.5332 148.665 15.5332C148.319 15.5332 148.02 15.6061 147.77 15.752C147.523 15.8932 147.321 16.0892 147.161 16.3398C147.002 16.5859 146.883 16.873 146.806 17.2012C146.733 17.5247 146.696 17.8711 146.696 18.2402ZM155.016 14.6035V22H153.744V14.6035H155.016ZM153.648 12.6416C153.648 12.4365 153.71 12.2633 153.833 12.1221C153.961 11.9808 154.147 11.9102 154.394 11.9102C154.635 11.9102 154.82 11.9808 154.947 12.1221C155.079 12.2633 155.146 12.4365 155.146 12.6416C155.146 12.8376 155.079 13.0062 154.947 13.1475C154.82 13.2842 154.635 13.3525 154.394 13.3525C154.147 13.3525 153.961 13.2842 153.833 13.1475C153.71 13.0062 153.648 12.8376 153.648 12.6416ZM158.311 16.1826V22H157.046V14.6035H158.242L158.311 16.1826ZM158.01 18.0215L157.483 18.001C157.488 17.4951 157.563 17.028 157.709 16.5996C157.855 16.1667 158.06 15.7907 158.324 15.4717C158.589 15.1527 158.903 14.9066 159.268 14.7334C159.637 14.5557 160.045 14.4668 160.491 14.4668C160.856 14.4668 161.184 14.5169 161.476 14.6172C161.767 14.7129 162.016 14.8678 162.221 15.082C162.43 15.2962 162.59 15.5742 162.699 15.916C162.809 16.2533 162.863 16.6657 162.863 17.1533V22H161.592V17.1396C161.592 16.7523 161.535 16.4424 161.421 16.21C161.307 15.973 161.141 15.8021 160.922 15.6973C160.703 15.5879 160.434 15.5332 160.115 15.5332C159.801 15.5332 159.514 15.5993 159.254 15.7314C158.999 15.8636 158.778 16.0459 158.591 16.2783C158.409 16.5107 158.265 16.7773 158.16 17.0781C158.06 17.3743 158.01 17.6888 158.01 18.0215Z"
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Home > Multinationals > Johnson Controls
Claimed by owner • Last Update 19.10.2023 Edit Profile • Suggest Edits • Claim
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Hidden Profile undefined terms of use
Public on NYSEFeb, 1979

Based on data collected from different sources by our team,
there are indicators that suggest that this company is no longer active.
However, this information may not be accurate. If you believe this information
should be updated, please contact us.
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Johnson Controls

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Israeli Portfolio
Mar 16, 2022

Johnson Controls OpenBlue technologies make Discount Group's new Israel
headquarters a sustainable, efficient and user-experience oriented campus
Feb 25, 2018

Johnson Controls seeks startups for innovation program
Sep 15, 2011

Tyco International buys Visonic for $100m


Johnson Controls, a global multi-industrial company, and Tyco combined in
September 2016 to create Johnson Controls International Plc, a global leader in
building products and technology, integrated solutions, and energy storage.

In 2011, the Israeli company Visonic, a manufacturer of home security systems
and components, was acquired by the former Tyco. It continued operating as a
subsidiary of Tyco Security Products, today part of the Visonic R&D group, a
division of Johnson Controls International.
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United States


Mar 16, 2022

Johnson Controls OpenBlue technologies make Discount Group's new Israel
headquarters a sustainable, efficient and user-experience oriented campus
Feb 25, 2018

Johnson Controls seeks startups for innovation program
Sep 15, 2011

Tyco International buys Visonic for $100m


Show all team members
Shelly Bloch
VP HR, Israel

Danny Rettig
Senior Director of Engineering

Ron Ziv
Innovation and ATE GL

Yohai Falik
Manager Internal Innovation

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Public Offering
Feb 1979
Stock Exchange

Valuation Undisclosed
Public Offering
Jul 2021
Stock Exchange

Valuation Undisclosed


Johnson Controls Open Innovation
Foreign Corporate Accelerator

Magos Systems
Perimeter Security Radars
Business Model:B2G, B2B
Funding Stage:Mature
Home Security Systems
Business Model:B2C
Funding Stage:Acquired



( 2 )
Company Name Description Founded Business Model Employees Funding Stage Raised
Magos Systems
Perimeter Security Radars 2007 B2G, B2B 11-50 Mature $1M
Home Security Systems 1973 B2C 51-200 Acquired Undisclosed






Petah Tikva, Israel
Zarhin St 13, Ra'anana, Israel


Princeton, NJ, USA


innovation-center smart-home security home-security



Petah Tikva, Israel
Zarhin St 13, Ra'anana, Israel


Princeton, NJ, USA



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