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By David Braue on Sep 12 2023 10:35 AM

Print article

Teachers and students are freely using ChatGPT . Photo: Shutterstock

Educational technology (EdTech) solutions risk being marginalised by ChatGPT and
other generative AI tools, an inquiry has heard, as teachers and students use it
to create lesson plans and write assignments indistinguishable from those
written by humans.

“EdTech generally has overpromised and underdelivered,” Dr James Curran, CEO of
technology education provider Grok Academy said as the House of Representatives
Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training kicked off its Inquiry
into the Use of Gen AI in the Australian Education System.

Many current EdTech resources are “honestly not that much more than PDFs,
videos, and multiple choice put in an online system,” he explained.

“Rarely do they actually do things that we know are critical in teaching” such
as explicit teaching, quality feedback, adaptation, and “actually responding to
mistakes and misunderstandings in interesting ways.”

With ChatGPT promising to fill that void, Curran flagged the “two-speed problem”
facing an education system where students are embracing Gen AI but “the teachers
that are using the technology right now don’t understand it.”

“When technology is new, that’s when it’s particularly important that you
understand how it works,” he continued, warning that pedagogically sound
educational methods risk being overwhelmed by generative AI.

“There are lots of teachers that have managed to ignore that technology exists,
and ignore that the Internet exists,” Curran said, “but I don’t think they’re
going to be able to ignore that AI is going to change so many aspects of
assessment and things in their schools.”

Despite piecemeal efforts, a lack of formal generative AI guidelines had left
teachers at a loss: more than half of teachers in a recent outreach session
reported receiving assignments that were almost certainly produced by generative
AI – but, Curran said, “their school did not have processes and policies in
place to deal with it.”

Teaching the generative AI generation

Clear rules will be crucial given that students’ use of generative AI now will
shape their journey through high school, university, and into the working world.

An Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools is expected before year’s
end – with a recent consultation paper outlining six core elements including
teaching and learning, human and social wellbeing, transparency, fairness,
accountability, and privacy and security.

An August survey, released by the Association of Heads of Independent Schools
Australia (AHISA), found that 24 per cent of primary teachers and 39 per cent of
secondary teachers are using generative AI for tasks including lesson plans,
learning design, curriculum unit outlines, rubrics for assessing student work,
and class discussion questions.

The results confirmed that generative AI “presents some complex challenges for
schools and our national school system,” AHISA CEO Dr Chris Duncan said while
lauding generative AI’s ability to help teachers “quickly develop differentiated
learning tasks for students.”

Yet Professor Julia Powles, director of the University of Western Australia Tech
and Policy Lab, warned against overstating generative AI’s benefits, arguing
that the technologies “present a grave risk of exacerbating the plight of our
educational system.”

“They use computational techniques but have no notion of truth,” she explained.
“They don’t know what they’re generating.”

“They aren’t some kind of magic silver bullet to everybody’s different
personalised needs,” she continued. “In fact, there’s a great risk that they
take you down rabbit holes quite a way from where the pedagogical basis of
learning would be.”

“We are potentially letting loose technologies that really distract us from what
we know about education, because of a lie of all-singing, all-dancing, magical,
personalised learning assistants.”

Many students agree, with a recent University of Melbourne survey of 110
students and academics finding that 85 per cent of students who hadn’t used
generative AI considered the technology as “cheating” – while 75 per cent of
academics said their universities are not ready for the technology.

Professor Nicholas Davis, co-director of the University of Technology Sydney
(UTS) Human Technology Institute (HTI), agreed – warning that “Your average
school is very poorly placed to do thoughtful procurement of these systems, so
advice and standards would be critical.”

“We need to absolutely ensure that generative AI is legal and in line with the
expectations of the community and the law when it comes to gathering and using
data,” he said, noting that “there are currently no standards for the
efficiency, effectiveness, performance, or pedagogical efficacy of EdTech and
similar products in Australia.”

Generative AI controls are, he said, “a fantastic opportunity for the federal
government to set those standards for what’s expected around the transparency of
those systems, and proving that there is some theory behind them.”

Objectivity about generative AI’s capabilities and limitations will be critical,
warned UTS Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion industry professor Leslie

“We cannot be seduced by the technology,” she told the inquiry, warning that
generative AI “is really a super fast, quite talented prediction machine that
gives us the appearance of having creativity – and it’s learning from what’s out
there, and making itself better.”

Research to date, she said, has shown that AI-driven tools like intelligent
tutoring systems “offer tremendous promise because they adapt to where a student
is at,” she said.

“More structured AI can actually have quite positive impacts,” she continued,
“when it’s very closely tied to what we know works in education…. The evidence
shows that it works better when it’s aligned.”

David Braue
David Braue is an award-winning technology journalist who has covered
Australia’s technology industry since 1995. A lifelong technophile, he has
written and edited content for a broad range of audiences across myriad topics,
with a particular focus on the intersection of technological innovation and
business transformation.

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