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🎥 the Times said it: no better way to start the year 🤩 🤩 🤩

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   delivery + local pickup
    * for local deliveries + pickup, check out these locations!
      * New York
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         * W&D Commissary
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     not local? no problem, we ship nationwide!
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   Nationwide Shipping
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         * belgian hot cocoa
         * Spekuloos cookies
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         * Bryant Park
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         * Herald Square
         * Mus. of Natural History
         * The Battery
         * W&D Commissary
      * Colorado
         * Denver Union Station
         * Park Meadows Mall
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        * corporate gifting
     * shop dinges
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        * belgian hot cocoa
        * Spekuloos cookies
        * pearl sugar
        * egift card
     not local? no problem, we ship nationwide!
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   * for local deliveries + pickup, check out these locations!
     * New York
        * Bryant Park
        * Flatiron
        * Herald Square
        * Mus. of Natural History
        * The Battery
        * W&D Commissary
     * Colorado
        * Denver Union Station
        * Park Meadows Mall
     * Minnesota
        * Mall Of America
     not local? no problem, we ship nationwide!
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shop wafels > santa's chocolinis {12}


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Regular price $69.95
Regular price Sale price $69.95
Unit price /  per 
Sale Sold out
Shipping calculated at checkout.

Dinges bells, dinges bells, dinges all the way!! A dozen of our prettiest
chocolinis all dressed up for the holidays. We’ve taken our mini liège wafels,
dipped them in real belgian chocolate, and hand-decorated them…one by one! Real
belgian chocolate waffle pralines. Gotta love them. Give the gift of dinges…they
will be the talk of the party!

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12 x Santa's chocolinis (on insulated packagings of 6 each)


 * Shipping to NYC Tri-State: 

Orders received on Monday through Friday BEFORE our 11am cut-off, ship the same
day. Orders received after the 11am cut-off, or during the holidays/weekend,
will ship the next business day . Our standard shipping service is Fedex Ground
or Fedex Express Saver, typically 2 business days in the tri-state.

 * Nationwide, beyond the NYC Tri-State:

We ship Monday through Wednesday, except holidays, so that your product doesn’t
“sit” over the weekend. We recommend that for all nationwide orders, you select
a delivery day that is 2-4 business days ahead of your desired date for an
on-time arrival.


Fridge: when received (and not immediately devoured),  store your waffles in the
fridge and enjoy them within 10 days of the ordering date. 

Freezer: you may also store your waffles (airtight) in the freezer and spread
the joy for up to two months. 

How to reheat: there aren’t many things the Queen and King agree on, but they do
share an aversion to microwaving wafels! Here’s the royal way to warm them up,
from room temperature:

In the oven, for 10 minutes at 300 °F
In the toaster, at lowest (warming) setting - for two cycles

No need to reheat the chocolinis, they are meant to be eaten at room

Topping with dinges:

At the Belgian Wafel Academy, many Master & PhD courses are dedicated to this
topic. There are many rules, and Belgians are very strict about their “dinges”
rules. Here in America however, we can put as many toppings as we like. We’d
recommend our signature spekuloos spread, Belgian chocolate fudge, whipped cream
and fresh strawberries or bananas. Listen to your inner dinges voice! 

Once opened, our spreads jars remains great for at least 6 weeks. Although, to
give them a long and happy life we recommend to store them in the fridge.  Stir
the contents well before spreading the goodness!


Traditional liege wafels contain: wheat (gluten), dairy, eggs, yeast, and may
contain traces of soy, nuts

Gluten free liege wafels contain: dairy, eggs, yeast, and may contain traces of
soy, gluten, nuts. 

Vegan liege wafels contain: wheat (gluten), yeast and may contain traces of
dairy, eggs, soy, nuts

Should I count the calories?

The approximate calorie count is 190 cal for a wafelini and 380 cal for a
traditional Liège wafel, but you know what they say: "Don’t count the calories,
just make the calories count!"    

I’m seeing dark spots on the edge of my wafels, did you burn them? Our wafels
are made the traditional way with imported pearl sugar. The melted / boiling
sugar in our irons can leave caramelized (darker) spots. This is a good thing,
typical for Liège wafels 


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