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POST /google-sheets/salesforce#gf_26

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275,000+ users on Google Marketplace


Automatically sync Salesforce with Google Sheets using Coefficient’s one-click
connector. And, write-back data when you need. Save 45% of the time you spend in


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Trusted by over 20,000 companies

Sales teams find Coefficient a “revolutionary, game changer”
They’re automating data imports, exports, and scheduled reports to efficiently
track territories, reps, commission payouts, forecasting, data quality, and so
much more right inside of their spreadsheets
Next-level data transparency

“A super simple, effective way to get live reports to share with the team
without having to export documents constantly.”
Jillian Holt Revenue Operations @ Headway
Simplified data blending

“We’re joining commercial data from Salesforce with product usage data from
Tableau. Coefficient offers an efficient way to aggregate multiple datasets
without coding in one place in close to real-time.”
Christopher Maimone Account Management @ Earnest Analytics
Bypassed Report Limitations

“Salesforce reporting is annoying and limiting. Coefficient allows us to report,
analyze, and manipulate data with automated Google Sheets imports and Salesforce
writebacks. It’s saved me a crazy amount of time and allowed me to easily create
live models in Sheets.”
Grant Guerrero CS Strategy & Operations @ Qualified
Sales teams find Coefficient a “revolutionary, game changer”
They’re automating data imports, exports, and scheduled reports to efficiently
track territories, reps, commission payouts, forecasting, data quality, and so
much more right inside of their spreadsheets
Next-level data transparency

Simplified data blending

Bypassed Report Limitations

“Salesforce reporting is annoying and limiting. Coefficient allows us to report,
analyze, and manipulate data with automated Google Sheets imports and Salesforce
writebacks. It’s saved me a crazy amount of time and allowed me to easily create
live models in Sheets.”
Grant Guerrero CS Strategy & Operations @ Qualified
“We’re joining commercial data from Salesforce with product usage data from
Tableau. Coefficient offers an efficient way to aggregate multiple datasets
without coding in one place in close to real-time.”
Christopher Maimone Account Management @ Earnest Analytics
“A super simple, effective way to get live reports to share with the team
without having to export documents constantly.”
Jillian Holt Revenue Operations @ Headway

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 * Connect to Salesforce in one click
   Connect to Salesforce, and start pulling data into Google Sheets, in seconds.
   Coefficient’s pre-built Salesforce Connector saves time, eliminates manual
   work, and gets teams up-and-running fast.

 * Import Objects and Reports with no-code UI
   Import data from Salesforce Objects, including Account, Contact, Lead, and
   Opportunity, and Custom Objects in Salesforce that you’ve created. Pull data
   from your Salesforce Reports, including any row or field, to build on what
   you’ve already created. Coefficient automatically links reports in Sheets to
   the underlying report in Salesforce, so you can quickly toggle views.

 * Write custom SOQL queries
   Maximize the flexibility of your analysis by importing Salesforce data into
   Sheets using custom SOQL queries.

 * Pull large Salesforce data sets into Sheets
   Pull all the Salesforce data you need into Sheets in a single import without
   limitations on the number of rows you can import at one time.


 * Dynamically add or remove columns
   At any point, easily add or remove columns from your data import, even if
   your data is already in Google Sheets.

 * Automatically fill down formulas for new rows
   Automatically copy down formulas as you add new rows to avoid manual
   replication with each data import.

 * Keep track of historical data with Snapshots
   Before each data refresh, Coefficient automatically duplicates a copy of your
   current Sheet so you can store, track and experiment with historical data, if
   you so choose.

 * Pull Opportunity History data
   Analyze your sales funnel in greater detail by importing historical Sales
   Opportunity data from Salesforce into Sheets.

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 * Update data automatically
   Maximize your time and automatically refresh your data in a single click, or
   schedule data updates to refresh hourly, daily or weekly so your team will
   never miss a beat.

 * Launch pre-built Salesforce dashboards in Sheets
   Build your Salesforce dashboards in Google Sheets — and never build them
   again. Live dashboards use fresh Salesforce data synced from your source
   system to ensure that visualizations and reports are always up-to-date.

 * Monitor spreadsheet data directly from Slack/email
   Monitor your latest reports & KPIs with Slack and email alerts. Easily set up
   alerts for cell value or condition changes, and/or have key dashboards and
   reports sent to stakeholders at predefined times.

 * Power Google Slide decks with real-time Salesforce data
   Display real-time Salesforce data and dashboards in your Google Slide decks
   for presentations and sharing.

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 * Update Salesforce data directly from Sheets
   With Coefficient’s Salesforce Google Sheets connector, you can insert,
   update, upsert, and delete Salesforce records directly from Google Sheets.
   Pull data into Sheets, edit the data and add to the data, and then
   automatically push these updates in bulk back to Salesforce. No more hours of
   copy-pasting — now you can automatically export data back to Salesforce.

 * Auto-map columns to object fields
   Coefficient helps you save time by automatically mapping data to their
   correct corresponding fields and column headers so you don’t have to

 * Push data from other systems into Salesforce
   Enrich your Salesforce data by pushing data from other systems into
   Salesforce with Coefficient. Simply import data from other systems into
   Google Sheets and export it back into Salesforce, all without ever needing a
   direct connection between Salesforce and the other system.


Coefficient is a sidebar app for Google Sheets. Coefficient connects to any data
source, imports live data into Google Sheets, automates spreadsheet workflows,
and exports data into your business systems.

Connect any data source or business system to Google Sheets and pull data in a
single click.

Automate spreadsheet refreshes and data processes to power live reports and

Trigger Slack and email alerts to notify your team members of any changes or
important insights.

How to Sync Salesforce to Google Sheets


Deploy pre-built Salesforce dashboards in Sheets for key use cases.


Track your biggest accounts and stay on top of key contacts


Monitor how much new pipeline your sales teams are creating on a daily, weekly


Keep your sales team competitive by comparing how teams and individuals stack-up
on all of…


Monitor where you're winning and losing the most deals. Identify where to
double-down and where…


Leverage our free sales opportunity pipeline dashboard in Google Sheets, based
on your Salesforce CRM…


Launch pre-built dashboards in Google Sheets for all of the core charts,
metrics, and filters…


Compare monthly results for pipeline creation, win rates, average deal age, and
much more, with…


See how your sales forecast has fluctuated over the past day, week, month, or


Set your own company sales targets by team or opportunity type and easily track

See all templates
People Coefficient

275,000+ users on Google Marketplace

“Tremendously helpful tool that has sped up my workflow. I can’t even imagine
doing data analysis without Coefficient now.”
Alex Pan Unity
“I love Coefficient! It makes my work easier!”
Bryan Michael Vinluan Task Us
“Great tool – helped us solve our weekly client reporting data refresh issues
and allowed us to get data into Google Sheets for our Account Managers.”
Ellen Cooper Cincotta Pixability
“Coefficient streamlined sharing and updating my team with all the data they
need in a quick and easy way.”
Zachary Jimenez Manager, Commercial ADR Team
“Absolutely STUNNING! The hourly schedule option for imports means I don’t have
to manually build out reports. It’s so good.”
Marcelle Ehlers Head of Digital Marketing
“Eliminates repeat work for ‘tech’ folks and ensures ‘non-tech’ folks can use
Tushar Garimalla Aspire
“Tremendously helpful tool that has sped up my workflow. I can’t even imagine
doing data analysis without Coefficient now.”
Alex Pan Unity
“I love Coefficient! It makes my work easier!”
Bryan Michael Vinluan Task Us
“Great tool – helped us solve our weekly client reporting data refresh issues
and allowed us to get data into Google Sheets for our Account Managers.”
Ellen Cooper Cincotta Pixability
“Coefficient streamlined sharing and updating my team with all the data they
need in a quick and easy way.”
Zachary Jimenez Manager, Commercial ADR Team
“Absolutely STUNNING! The hourly schedule option for imports means I don’t have
to manually build out reports. It’s so good.”
Marcelle Ehlers Head of Digital Marketing
“Eliminates repeat work for ‘tech’ folks and ensures ‘non-tech’ folks can use
Tushar Garimalla Aspire
“Awesome product. Coefficient improved my productivity so much!”
Chamroeun Kong Food Panda
“What an amazing app! Coefficient makes integrating some of the most complex
systems unbelievably simple! Set up your integrations in less than a minute.”
Yonatan Schvimer Sr. Product Manager
“This is a great tool! I’ve been able to cover forecasting infrastructure gaps
and will continue to leverage Coefficient to join disparate data.”
John Choi SR. Manager, Revenue Operations
“This really is an amazing tool for automating our reporting and alerts.
Coefficient has helped me save so many hours!”
Abrar Khan Business Analyst (RevOps)
“It’s become the only Google Sheets extension I need to use anymore.”
Nathaniel Fritz Candid Care
“Coefficient is exactly what we needed, after trying several different options
on the market. This is a fantastic solution and I’m thrilled it’s available.”
Douglas Weltman InfoSum
“Awesome product. Coefficient improved my productivity so much!”
Chamroeun Kong Food Panda
“What an amazing app! Coefficient makes integrating some of the most complex
systems unbelievably simple! Set up your integrations in less than a minute.”
Yonatan Schvimer Sr. Product Manager
“This is a great tool! I’ve been able to cover forecasting infrastructure gaps
and will continue to leverage Coefficient to join disparate data.”
John Choi SR. Manager, Revenue Operations
“This really is an amazing tool for automating our reporting and alerts.
Coefficient has helped me save so many hours!”
Abrar Khan Business Analyst (RevOps)
“It’s become the only Google Sheets extension I need to use anymore.”
Nathaniel Fritz Candid Care
“Coefficient is exactly what we needed, after trying several different options
on the market. This is a fantastic solution and I’m thrilled it’s available.”
Douglas Weltman InfoSum

See what all the excitement is about…

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 * No credit card required

We Always Keep Your Data Secure
Coefficient does not save or store any of your data
Connect securely with Google account credentials
Stay within the security protocols of your existing systems
Learn more about our commitment to data security
275,000+ users on Google Marketplace
Let's get started!
Connect your live Salesforce data to Sheets in less than 60 seconds.
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Trusted By Over 20,000 Companies

©2023 Coefficient

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