www.mailing.energysistem.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.mailing.energysistem.com/Terms/RU5H
Submission: On August 24 via manual from MX — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST ./RU5H?codigoidioma=RU5H

<form method="post" action="./RU5H?codigoidioma=RU5H" id="Form1">
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                    <!--<OCULTO><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="690px">
                                                <div style="position:relative;width:665px;height:auto !important;min-height:21px;height:21px;left:0px;top:0px;border:solid 0px #000;float:left;font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;text-align:left;color:#00418F;">Recibir Comunicaciones Bimbo - <span style="font-family:Arial;font-size:13px;text-align:left;color:#00418F;"><u>Declaraciones de Privacidad y Confidencialidad</u></span> - Removerse</div>
                    <div style="position:relative;width:690px;height:25px;left:0px;top:0px;border:solid 0px #000;float:left"></div>
                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="690px">
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                              <span id="lblTexto"><b>Listed below, expressed through Privacy and Confidentiality Statements, you will find details related to newsletter deliveries, from Energy Sistem to its users.<br><br>
					It's important to keep in mind that you can request your removal from our emailing lists at any time, thus interrupting future deliveries.</b><br><br> The use of the subscription policy by the users approval (Double Optin), implemented by
                                Energy Sistem, answers to <b>the best Email Marketing related international practices</b>.<br><br><br>
                                <b>Privacy and Confidentiality Statements</b><br><br> The following statements, intend to inform users about the scope of the overall protection of personal data stored in files, registers, banks or data bases; or
                                other technical means of data processing, in pursuit of a proper respect for the right of personal privacy, as well as to the free access of information about these people that may eventually be registered.<br><br> In
                                this way, in light of the set goal, Energy Sistem ensures that the data collected through the website, will always be treated in a way that preserves the aforementioned protective order that the personal data
                                protection establishes. <br><br> The confidentiality of the private communications between Energy Sistem and the users, will involve keeping the information in files, banks or data bases, so that access by users or
                                third parties will be restricted.<br><br><br>
                                <b>Willfulness in data delivery</b><br> These statements are meant to inform users about the personal data processing, carried out by Energy Sistem, in order for them to freely and voluntarily determine the approval
                                that will include them in the company's delivery list.<br><br><br>
                                <b>Purpose of the collected data</b><br> The collection and processing of personal data has an ultimate purpose of provision, management, administration, customization, update and improvement of the content available
                                through communication deliveries (newsletters) done by Energy Sistem. Moreover, the data may also be used to send personalized pieces of communication to the users, in terms of content and services provided by the
                                business. <br><br><br>
                                <b>Use Authorization</b><br> The user that provides their personal information expressly authorizes Energy Sistem for the use of such data in the listed purposes. <br><br><br>
                                <b>Data owner's rights</b><br> In addition, and as a consequence of the guarantee of protected rights, allowing the access at all times to the information by people linked to the registered data, is also expressed as a
                                purpose. In this way, the user will be able to exercise rights of data access, modification or cancellation.<br><br> Once the data entry is done, Energy Sistem will proceed to personal data modification, deletion or
                                update when needed. <br><br> Deleting data won't be carried out if there's a possibility of causing damage to the rights or legit interests of a third party, or when there's a legal obligation to keep data.<br><br>
                                <b>The right to require data correction:</b> Initially, this right may be exercised in the presence of phoniness, inaccuracy, imprecision or misleading nature of the data. Its recognition involves the preservation of
                                the information's accuracy, which contributes to the quality of the collected data.<br><br>
                                <b>The right to require data update:</b> The update rests on preserving the data's validity, that is, the correspondence of the fraction of information that represents the timeframe in which it's provided.<br><br><br>
                                <b>About Cookies</b><br> Energy Sistem could eventually use cookies, which will be installed in the user's computer when he or she browses through the website. Their purpose is to make online navigation easier and to
                                help Energy Sistem gather information that will contribute in improving services and content.<br>The cookies used by Energy Sistem will never provide a user's personal information, who will always keep full anonymity,
                                even to Energy Sistem, given that they don't provide information leading to the user's identification.<br><br>
                                <b>Adopted security Politics</b><br> When it comes to files, banks or data bases that contain personal information, Energy Sistem takes all the logic and physical security measures required by the regulations that come
                                as a result of the adequate prudence and diligence of the third party's protection, who have deposited their trust in Energy Sistem.<br><br><br>
                                <b>Sending messages and communications</b><br> Some of the pieces of communication sent by Energy Sistem will include: news to present a product, service, corporate information, content that may be of interest,
                                messages to confirm subscriptions, to notify changes in terms and conditions or in the Privacy Policy.<br>If at some point you decide you don't want to receive our deliveries anymore, you'll be able to unsubscribe
                                automatically through a link included in all our emails.<br><br>
                                <b>Exceptions to our stock of Personal and miscellaneous information</b><br> In compliance of our legal obligations, your personal information - or any other type of specific data about you or your account that's
                                available to us, in an intentional or casual way - may be revealed to third parties in order to fulfill legal procedures, such as a search warrant, court order, subpoena or administrative authority's requirements (that
                                may be considered valid under applicable laws). <br>Also, not only for our protection, but for your and other user's one, your personal information may be disclosed in a case that presents an attempt of security
                                breach, physical danger or threat against you, us or a third person.<br><br></span>
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
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                    <div style="position:relative;width:665px;height:4px;line-height:4px;left:0px;top:0px;border:solid 0px #000;float:left; background-color:#02418E;">&nbsp;</div>

Text Content



Listed below, expressed through Privacy and Confidentiality Statements, you will
find details related to newsletter deliveries, from Energy Sistem to its users.

It's important to keep in mind that you can request your removal from our
emailing lists at any time, thus interrupting future deliveries.

The use of the subscription policy by the users approval (Double Optin),
implemented by Energy Sistem, answers to the best Email Marketing related
international practices.

Privacy and Confidentiality Statements

The following statements, intend to inform users about the scope of the overall
protection of personal data stored in files, registers, banks or data bases; or
other technical means of data processing, in pursuit of a proper respect for the
right of personal privacy, as well as to the free access of information about
these people that may eventually be registered.

In this way, in light of the set goal, Energy Sistem ensures that the data
collected through the website, will always be treated in a way that preserves
the aforementioned protective order that the personal data protection

The confidentiality of the private communications between Energy Sistem and the
users, will involve keeping the information in files, banks or data bases, so
that access by users or third parties will be restricted.

Willfulness in data delivery
These statements are meant to inform users about the personal data processing,
carried out by Energy Sistem, in order for them to freely and voluntarily
determine the approval that will include them in the company's delivery list.

Purpose of the collected data
The collection and processing of personal data has an ultimate purpose of
provision, management, administration, customization, update and improvement of
the content available through communication deliveries (newsletters) done by
Energy Sistem. Moreover, the data may also be used to send personalized pieces
of communication to the users, in terms of content and services provided by the

Use Authorization
The user that provides their personal information expressly authorizes Energy
Sistem for the use of such data in the listed purposes.

Data owner's rights
In addition, and as a consequence of the guarantee of protected rights, allowing
the access at all times to the information by people linked to the registered
data, is also expressed as a purpose. In this way, the user will be able to
exercise rights of data access, modification or cancellation.

Once the data entry is done, Energy Sistem will proceed to personal data
modification, deletion or update when needed.

Deleting data won't be carried out if there's a possibility of causing damage to
the rights or legit interests of a third party, or when there's a legal
obligation to keep data.

The right to require data correction: Initially, this right may be exercised in
the presence of phoniness, inaccuracy, imprecision or misleading nature of the
data. Its recognition involves the preservation of the information's accuracy,
which contributes to the quality of the collected data.

The right to require data update: The update rests on preserving the data's
validity, that is, the correspondence of the fraction of information that
represents the timeframe in which it's provided.

About Cookies
Energy Sistem could eventually use cookies, which will be installed in the
user's computer when he or she browses through the website. Their purpose is to
make online navigation easier and to help Energy Sistem gather information that
will contribute in improving services and content.
The cookies used by Energy Sistem will never provide a user's personal
information, who will always keep full anonymity, even to Energy Sistem, given
that they don't provide information leading to the user's identification.

Adopted security Politics
When it comes to files, banks or data bases that contain personal information,
Energy Sistem takes all the logic and physical security measures required by the
regulations that come as a result of the adequate prudence and diligence of the
third party's protection, who have deposited their trust in Energy Sistem.

Sending messages and communications
Some of the pieces of communication sent by Energy Sistem will include: news to
present a product, service, corporate information, content that may be of
interest, messages to confirm subscriptions, to notify changes in terms and
conditions or in the Privacy Policy.
If at some point you decide you don't want to receive our deliveries anymore,
you'll be able to unsubscribe automatically through a link included in all our

Exceptions to our stock of Personal and miscellaneous information
In compliance of our legal obligations, your personal information - or any other
type of specific data about you or your account that's available to us, in an
intentional or casual way - may be revealed to third parties in order to fulfill
legal procedures, such as a search warrant, court order, subpoena or
administrative authority's requirements (that may be considered valid under
applicable laws).
Also, not only for our protection, but for your and other user's one, your
personal information may be disclosed in a case that presents an attempt of
security breach, physical danger or threat against you, us or a third person.