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URL: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/06/14/cbs-cdc-emergency-meeting-to-discuss-rare-covid-vaccine-heart-complications/
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 * CBS: CDC Emergency Meeting to Discuss Rare Covid Vaccine Heart Complications



4 months ago
Eric Worrall

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

h/t Breitbart; A 2012 SARS Vaccine Study suggested vaccination increases the
risk of fatal heart inflammation, when the body is challenged with the actual
virus. Fast forward to today, and rare Heart complications are once again
appearing, when patients are administered SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

> CDC plans “emergency meeting” on rare heart inflammation following COVID-19
> vaccines
> JUNE 11, 2021 / 7:22 AM / CBS NEWS
> The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday that it will
> convene an “emergency meeting” of its advisers on June 18th to discuss rare
> but higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of the
> mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
> So far, the CDC has identified 226 reports that might meet the agency’s
> “working case definition” of myocarditis and pericarditis following the shots,
> the agency disclosed Thursday. The vast majority have recovered, but 41 had
> ongoing symptoms, 15 are still hospitalized, and 3 are in the intensive care
> unit.
> The reports represent just a tiny fraction of the nearly 130 million
> Americans who have been fully vaccinated with either Pfizer or Moderna’s
> doses. 
> …
> Shimabukuro said their findings were mostly “consistent” with reports of rare
> cases of heart inflammation that had been studied in Israel and reported from
> the U.S. Department of Defense earlier this year.
> …
> Read more:
> https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-19-vaccine-cdc-meeting-myocarditis-heart-inflammation/

Infection with Covid-19 without the vaccine is capable of causing heart
complications, so I am not suggesting people should cancel plans to receive the
vaccine. I personally know a senior doctor who is furious that stories of Covid
vaccine complications are taken out of context, that Covid vaccines are no worse
than flu vaccines, in terms of their side effects. But obviously it is a
priority to investigate any reports of problems.

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"In my opinion, this new CDC Guideline breaks the back of the oppressive
Covid-19 Panic Power Grab by presidents, governors, city councils and mayors who
have reveled in their free pass to rule by executive order under emergency
powers without oversight by elected law makers. "

May 15, 2021

In "Covid News"


Roughly two-thirds of U.S. residents don’t believe the CDC’s official tally for
the number of Covid-19 deaths. This distrust, however, flows in opposing
directions. A nationally representative survey conducted by Axios/Ipsos in late
July 2020 found that 37% of adults think the real number of C-19 fatalities in
the U.S.…

September 17, 2020

In "Coronavirus"


The adenovirus vector vaccine is safe because the adenovirus can’t replicate in
human cells or cause disease, and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can’t cause
COVID–19 without the rest of the coronavirus.

February 27, 2021

In "Covid News"

Tags: CDC, Covid-19


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Wayne Townsend

June 14, 2021 6:05 pm

The problem with the heart inflammation is not that it is a frequent side effect
(it’s not). It is that it is a side effect more frequent with people (read
children/young adults) who are unlikely to need the vaccination at all. In a
cost-benefit ratio, that looks heavy on rare costs compared to rarer benefits.


Bryan A

Reply to  Wayne Townsend
June 14, 2021 10:03 pm

The problem is one of how do you tell which 1 in a million will be adversely
affected by the vaccine? With 310,000,000 doses administered in the U.S. and
160,000,000 fully immunized with no adverse reactions 226/160,000,000 is so
small a fraction it is literally a one in a million chance .0001% vs a 10%
chance of infection and a subsequent 1.8% chance of dying from the disease

Last edited 4 months ago by Bryan A


Reply to  Bryan A
June 14, 2021 10:36 pm

Good analysis, except that the risk of myocarditis is mostly among young
children and the risk of them dying from the disease is much much less than
1.8%. Closer to .01 percent. Then you end up with a disease and a vaccine that
have similar risk/rewards.



Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 1:47 am

Sounds like the risk of dying from this is 0.000000%. What is the chance of
heart complications for young children from COVid? Article doesn’t say any
children are part of the 220. Compare this symptom to odds dying, and getting
other serious symptoms of covid to be accurate.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 6:12 am

The Hippocratic Oath is no longer in effect?


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  Carlo, Monte
June 15, 2021 8:55 am

Monte, no, it gets tossed out the window when there is a panic (justified or
not) to grant Emergency Use Authorization to a brand new class of drugs (e.g.,
mRNA-based with PEG microencapsulation) and with less than a full year to see
what long-term complications might develop from the general population, not a
limited test group, receiving such a new drug.

See, according to the above article, the CDC/NIH/NIAID “follow the science”
personnel have known, or should have known, about the potential for vaccines
against SARS-like viruses having the potential to cause heart-related
complications in persons receiving such vaccines as long as nine year ago.

Yet now—only now?—they deem it necessary to call an emergency meeting to
investigate the “appearance” of this SARS-CoV-2 vaccine side effect.

Just unbelievable!


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
June 15, 2021 11:27 am

Indeed. And the panic has been purposely maximized by inflating the infection
rates with the bogus PCR test, and by prohibiting doctors from treating infected
patients early, thereby artificially increasing mortality rates.



Reply to  Carlo, Monte
June 15, 2021 1:11 pm

What I would like to know is: when in the past have we ever defined a “case” of
something (cold, flu, etc) based on a test (i.e. PCR)?

How many “cases” would there have been if we used the same criteria?


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  TonyG
June 15, 2021 3:54 pm

Good questions, for which there will likely never be any reliable answers.



Reply to  TonyG
June 16, 2021 11:17 pm

Strep throat for last decade or so.



Reply to  Gordon A. Dressler
June 16, 2021 11:13 pm

Guess what also causes heart related complications the SARS viruses.
So get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine instead.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 17, 2021 7:01 am

No thanks!


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 17, 2021 1:08 pm

Thanks, but I’ll take my chances with the virus, not any of the
currrently-experimental vaccines being pushed upon the public.



Reply to  Carlo, Monte
June 16, 2021 11:02 pm

It is still in effect. Doctors everyday do cost benefit analysis on individual
patients. How is this different? I suppose you would argue amputating a leg to
save a patients life from an untreatable infection is harm. Vaccinating and
saving people, children included, from death vs. causing a few heart
inflammations which can also be caused by a virus such as COVid is no different.
Do you think the administration of polio vaccines was a violation of the
hippocratic oath? Half the pills given by DRs warn they may cause serious side
effects. Is every single DR who prescribes these violating the hippocratic oath?
Why would you even make such a comment?


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 19, 2021 4:13 pm

ironargonaut posted: “Doctors everyday do cost benefit analysis on individual

Sounds nice, but do you have any evidence—any evidence at all—that that
statement is true?



Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 9:09 pm

> What is the chance of heart complications for young children from COVid?

Don’t know about heart disease but apparently COVID induces strokes in young
adults (20-30) at a frequency that it was picked up in NYC during the first wave
cause strokes are usually very rare at that age.

Would be important to know what the risk is compared to the heart complications.



Reply to  Ron
June 16, 2021 10:51 pm

So possible heart complication w/vaccine possible stroke w/o vaccine. Yet,
pointing out that no one has died from these heart complications, that may be
temporary causes everyone to go in a tizzy and down rate my comment. I guess
facts don’t matter to some.


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 19, 2021 4:25 pm

ironargonaut posted: “Yet, pointing out that no one has died from these heart
complications . . .”

In response, I’ll just point out this verbatim information obtained today from
(my underlining emphasis added):
“Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 310 million
doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December
14, 2020, through June 14, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,343 reports
of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. . . . recent
reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen
COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low
platelets—which has caused deaths.”

I do believe the sands are shifting under your feet.


Tom Abbott

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 17, 2021 5:02 am

“What is the chance of heart complications for young children from COVid?”

I read yesterday that about 50 percent of seriously ill Wuhan virus patients,
and about 25 percent of mildly ill patients, and a little less than 20 percent
of asymptomatic patients were experiencing complicatins from the Wuhan virus
infection. I don’t know how those figures break down with children.

Also, those complications include much more than just heart inflammation.

The best course of action, without using a vaccine is to treat anyone, including
children, with HCQ/Ivermectin or something similiar (there are lots of new
alternatives, with more to come), and the key to all this is to treat anyone
with therapeutics as soon as they show an infection.

The prudent thing is if you get infected, get this Wuhan virus out of your body
as soon as possible and that means taking therapeutics as soon as possible.

Currently, the American Medical Associations advises that if you get infected,
you stay home and let the virus run its course. That looks to me like some of
the worst medical advice evah!

Therapeutics like HCQ and Ivermectin will eliminate the virus from your body
four or five days earlier than if you took no medications. That four or five
days might be critical to your future health.

India is having great successs with administering Ivermectin and this has caused
the infection rate to plummet, and they are prescribing it for children, too.
One Indian State is having all its people take Ivermectin as a preventatie and
that includes children.

The Official American Medical Establishment has dropped the ball on the Wuhan
virus badly. TDS writ large. I should add that many doctors do treat the Wuhan
virus as soon as possible, but they have no official blessing and a lot of
official roadblocks to doing so. Outrageous!

Their stupid directions concerning treating the Wuhan virus has cost the lives
of countless innocent citizens, and the health of many others, into the future
as long as this policy stands. Medicine and politics are a deadly combination.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Tom Abbott
June 17, 2021 7:03 am

> Currently, the American Medical Associations advises that if you get infected,
> you stay home and let the virus run its course. That looks to me like some of
> the worst medical advice evah!



Eric Vieira

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 4:24 am

The main thing here is: the disease hits mainly elderly over 80 with
comorbidities. The vaccine should protect them, but there are many reports of
vaccinated elderly getting Covid = failure. They also have less side-effects
from the vaccine because their immune system isn’t that reactive. In the case of
younger people with a healthy immune system, the benefit/risk ratio is not that
good. The side effects observed are more frequent, and worse. The risk due to
the disease on the other hand is much lower.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Bryan A
June 15, 2021 3:36 am

fully immunized

Are you ??? No, you aren’t.



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 3:46 am

no you obviously arent
and a UK ship had the same issues


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 9:00 am

In the US, we are see the appearance of the word “breakout” more and more
frequently in the news.

It is soft-speak for the lack of effectivity of current COVID-19 vaccines to
prevent post-vaccination infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and/or its variants.



Reply to  Bryan A
June 15, 2021 4:18 am

“No adverse reactions” is quite a step for a vaccine with more reports than the
combined totals of all vaccines for the last several years. Around here, the
second Pfizer shot seems to put most people down for a day or two.


Gordon A. Dressler

Reply to  Spetzer86
June 17, 2021 1:24 pm

And the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) compiles and summarizes
reports that are:
— voluntarily submitted,
— admitted to being grossly underreported,
— admitted to be running 3-4 weeks behind being up-to-date*.

* Accessed just today (via https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html? ), here’s
the current statement:
“Last updated: June 11, 2021.
( * Data contains VAERS reports processed as of 6/4/2021 )”


paranoid goy

Reply to  Bryan A
June 15, 2021 4:36 am

I find it amusing how you divide 226 by 160 and get one, but every other number
you mention is evangelically accurate, straight from the Gospel of St. Baal
Gates as disseminated by his Holey Profit, Antonchrist Frauci.
You sure has some heads for numbers, bro’…


Desert Bob

Reply to  Bryan A
June 15, 2021 9:13 am

How do you know that there are only 226 cases? With the suppression of adverse
reports by the media, that could easily be off by a factor of 10, 100, or 1,000;
especially if there are many cases that don’t require hospitalization.

I know a 93 year old who may have had myocarditis 2 weeks after her first jab.
There was evidence of heart damage based on blood enzymes but it was chalked up
to some sort of heart attack though there were no other signs or symptoms of a
heart attack – in fact, the medical personnel who attended her were initially
puzzled by her signs and symptoms.

It put her in a nursing home for a month after her hospital stay. Without public
knowledge that myocarditis is a side effect of the vaccine, no one is looking
for the connection. There could be thousands or tens of thousands of cases, each
being called a fluke, a coincidence, a one-off. With public notice that
myocarditis is a possible side effect, we may see a big increase in reports of

Did she have a COVID vaccine reaction? No one knows and it has not been reported
to VARES. The money question for her is: should she get the second jab? It could
be fatal. Maybe a 50% or 90% probability of being fatal. That’s worse than her
odds with the disease.

There are rumors of nursing homes having higher than usual fatality rates after
giving residents a COVID vaccine. Did those events actually occur? If they did,
are they anything unusual or a mere statistical fluctuation? I’d sure like to

With the full-court press that is suppression of adverse reports in the media
and the it’s difficult to make an informed decision.



Reply to  Desert Bob
June 16, 2021 6:50 am

“There are rumors of nursing homes having higher than usual fatality rates after
giving residents a COVID vaccine. Did those events actually occur? If they did,
are they anything unusual or a mere statistical fluctuation? I’d sure like to

As has been noted several times, VAERS is showing a massive increase in reports
of adverse effects since the introduction of the Covid vaccines. Many are saying
it’s because so many people are self-reporting, which hasn’t happened before.

That could very well be the case, but it seems to me that anomalous reporting
like this should at least warrant a serious investigation.


Paul Jackson

Reply to  Desert Bob
June 16, 2021 11:25 am

I enrolled in the CDC’s V-Safe program after getting my first Moderna injection,
last I heard from them as after I reported leg swelling after the second shot.
Most likely the swelling is co-incidental, but I suspect the CDC’s reaction
isn’t. My suspicion is there is no side-effect that you would get from the
vaccine that you wouldn’t be as likely to get from the virus, but if you want
medical advice, talk to your personal Doctor, not some TV Clown-Doctor



Reply to  Bryan A
June 15, 2021 9:25 am

Was there any vaccine granted for mass vaccination in human history when more
than 100 people died the same day of receiving a vaccination?



Reply to  James
June 16, 2021 11:28 pm

That is easy to figure out. Yearly death rate US. Death rate: 869.7 deaths per
100,000 population. Divide 869 by 365 equals 2.38 by day per 100,000 so to get
100 people to die on same day as vaccine you would only need to inoculate 50 X
100,000 or 5million people. Since a larger number then that get the flu vaccine
every year your answer is YES!


Leo Smith

Reply to  Wayne Townsend
June 14, 2021 10:38 pm

How are you going to limit the spread of a virus if you have left 50% of the
population out?

Vaccination isn’t there to protect you, it’s there to protect the rest of
society from you.

It’s called ‘unselfishness’



Reply to  Leo Smith
June 14, 2021 10:50 pm

Then stay home in a bubble.

Your fear and ridiculous scolios-level twisting that vaccines protect others not
yourself, ends immediately where my freedoms begin.



Reply to  Ruleo
June 16, 2021 12:17 pm

Your freedoms are not worth the lives of others. Selfishness is no excuse.



Reply to  Leo Smith
June 14, 2021 10:53 pm

Oh contraire … if the ‘rest of society’ is vaccinated then they clearly don’t
need protection from the selfish ones as they already have protection.
PS … I’ve had the AstraZeneca jab.



Reply to  Streetcred
June 14, 2021 11:31 pm

Astra? Then probably you have no protection



Reply to  Leo Smith
June 14, 2021 11:30 pm

Right. Eliminate all unvaccinated and you are well off!



Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 3:29 am

This kind of reasoning is called stuck on stupid.


paranoid goy

Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 4:39 am

…and if you are “fully vaccinated” but still fear the “pathogen”, is it called
‘stupidity’, or are you just showing doubt in your new religion? Doubt and faith
do not match, pick your shovel…


Gerald Machnee

Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 8:33 am

The solution has been around for a year but too many still have TDS:
I again post the peer-reviewed report on Ivermectin showing its efficacy:
Here is a study that was just released:
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the
Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
It is here for the reading:


In summary, based on the totality of the trials and epidemiologic evidence
presented in this review along with the preliminary findings of the Unitaid/WHO
meta-analysis of treatment RCTs and the guideline recommendation from the
international BIRD conference, ivermectin should be globally and systematically
deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.


Tom Abbott

Reply to  Gerald Machnee
June 17, 2021 5:16 am


“A 97% decline in Delhi cases with Ivermectin is decisive – period. It
represents the last word in an epic struggle to save lives and preserve human
rights. This graph symbolizes the victory of reason over corruption, good over
evil, and right over wrong. It is as significant as David’s victory over
Goliath. It is an absolute vindication of Ivermectin and early outpatient
treatment. It is a clear refutation of the WHO, FDA, NIH, and CDC’s policies of
“wait at home until you turn blue” before you get treatment.”

And what do we get from the American Medical Association? Answer: Silence. What
does this result in? Unnecessary deaths and health complications.

It is a Huge Scandal. Maybe one of the biggest in History.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom Abbott

Tom Abbott

Reply to  Tom Abbott
June 18, 2021 4:02 am

I should add that Pfizer says they have a new therapeutic, in pill form, that
they claim can stop the Wuhan virus and any other corona virus dead in its

Pfizer says they think this new medication will be available by the end of this

In the meantime, there are a dozen or more therapuetics that show effectiveness
against the Wuhan virus.

We should be using these alternatives as much as possible. Do NOT let the Wuhan
virus run its course in your body. Treat it as soon as possible and shorten its
stay in your body. This gives you the best chance for a successful outcome.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom Abbott

Jeffery P

Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 8:46 am

Herd immunity comes from both vaccines and prior infection. Insisting on
healthy, low-risk people getting vaccinated is called foolishness.



Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 9:29 am




Reply to  Leo Smith
June 15, 2021 10:06 am

> Vaccination isn’t there to protect you, it’s there to protect the rest of
> society from you.

What you just wrote violates every single medical norm and law.


Richard Page

Reply to  Wayne Townsend
June 15, 2021 8:33 am

It’s interesting to see how the comments are playing out on this subject – still
a lot of strong feelings about this. You should always take into account the
risks and hazards of taking a course of action. Having said that, the original
strain of the virus was infecting more of the older age groups but the recent
variants seem to be targeting the younger age groups – just goes to show how the
data changes over time.
Plus, as far as side-effects go, most of them really aren’t that much. I’ve had
both Pfizer vaccinations and had a mild fluey feeling and a pain in the arm that
I only needed to take 1 lot of paracetamol for – had a mild ache there for a day
or so the first time and about 4 days the second. How on earth anyone can
inflate that to being out for 3 days I just can’t imagine – unless it’s a way of
‘pulling a sicky’ from work! Bunch of malingerers and shirkers, perhaps? Those
people who have had serious side effects from these vaccinations must be
sickened when they come across stories like that.



Reply to  Wayne Townsend
June 15, 2021 9:52 am

I agree with you Wayne – but I would say it is “all risk, no reward”, especially
for kids 12 to 18 who are the current target of government drug-pushers here in
Alberta and elsewhere. For the record, I have advised our government that they
are criminally negligent and a criminal case is being prepared against them.
I’ve done a man-year of research on Covid-19 and my predictive track record is
excellent – infinitely better than the Covid-alarmists who to date have been
wrong about everything.
There was never any justification for the Covid-19 lockdowns, as I published way
back on 21&22March2020. Nailed it 15 months ago.
Here is another expert opinion that the 1Q2020 Covid-19 lockdowns were NOT
Asymptomatic COVID spread used to shut down the economy and close schools
was false
by aletho
By Paul Elias Alexander, PhD | Trial Site News | June 14, 2021

Following is a long video interview with Dr Mike Yeadon, former CSO and VP of
I published virtually all the same conclusions many months ago, based on
available uncorrupted data. The hard part was finding data that was  uncorrupted
– there is a mountain of Covid-19 fraud in the literature – fraudulent wrong
Former Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer
Video: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-219-in-harms-way/
Recorded June 10, 2021
Dr Mike Yeadon starts at 1hour:30:00minutes = 1:30:00
Covid-19 is not significantly more dangerous than a typical seasonal flu.
Covid-19 is typically dangerous only to the very elderly.
The lockdowns were not justified and were harmful.
There are effective treatments for Covid-19, including early treatment with
hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
These treatments were vilified, and the failure to use these early treatments
cost lives.
PCR test not a good test for diagnosing Covid-19, and gives many false positives
since it is being used with too many amplification cycles.
People with no symptoms were not carriers, asymptomatic transmission was another
big lie.
The wearing of masks was not necessary or effective.
Transmission of Covid-19 occurred care homes, hospitals and other places where
the elderly are confined – not outdoors, etc.
Natural immunity to Covid-19 from those who had the illness is very strong and
People who were infected with the Sars-Cov-1 virus seventeen years ago are still
immune to Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19).
The variants are not significantly different from the original Sars-Cov-2 virus
– those who had the original Covid-19 illness are immune to the variants.
The Covid-19 “vaccines” were known to cause blood clots, based on previous
It is reckless to give the Covid-19 injections to pregnant women.
Polyethylene glycol, which is included in the “vaccines”, causes dangerous
anaphylactic shock in some people.
Lying about these facts is widespread in government and the media.
My comments:
There was no significant deadly Covid-19 “epidemic” in the USA, Alberta or
Canada to mid-2020, and no justification for the panic, the lockdowns of the
workforce and students, and the destruction of our economies – just as I
correctly published more than one year ago, on 21&22 March 2020:
21March2020 – Allan MacRae
LET’S CONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: Isolate people over sixty-five and those
with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under
sixty-five. This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older
people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.

22March2020 – Allan MacRae
This full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and
their minimum-wage employees – young people are telling me they are “financially
under the bus”. The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65’s. A far
better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance,
and get “herd immunity” established ASAP – in months not years. Then we will all
be safe again.…
All we really needed to do was over-protect the very elderly and infirm – the
high-risk population – which we failed to adequately do. What a debacle!

The evidence of serious criminal activity is overwhelming.



June 16, 2021 7:28 pm

From: Aletho News
Sent: June-16-21 10:39 AM
Subject: Hancock: “We Have No Duty Of Care At All To Vaccine Refuseniks!”
Speaking in the House of Commons this afternoon, Health Secretary Matt Hancock
suggested that people who refuse a covid-19 jab, will be refused treatment on
the NHS. Hancock was responding to a question from Tory MP” 

Respond to this post by replying above this line


New post on Aletho News




Hancock: “We Have No Duty Of Care At All To Vaccine Refuseniks!”

by aletho

By Richie Allen | June 16, 2021

Speaking in the House of Commons this afternoon, Health Secretary Matt Hancock
suggested that people who refuse a covid-19 jab, will be refused treatment on
the NHS.

Hancock was responding to a question from Tory MP Liam Fox about the vaccine
status of those currently receiving hospital treatment for the so-called Delta

Hancock said:

“I think that there is a material difference between the states responsibility
to offer the vaccine to all adults and the duty that we have when somebody has
not been offered the vaccine is greater than the duty we have when we have
offered a vaccine but somebody has chosen not to take it up. And there is a
material difference between those two situations.”

Hancock’s colleague Andrea Leadsom interjected and said:

“Can I take (it) one step further? If I choose not to say, not to have a yellow
fever jab when I am going to a place that suffers yellow fever, the government
of the United Kingdom takes no interest whatsoever in my illness status. So when
my right honourable friend says that he has less of a duty, surely what he means
is that he has no duty at all. It is for people to take up the vaccine.”

Hancock replied:

“Up to a point and the point is should you take that as an absolute principle,
then there is a challenge, should there be an overwhelming demand on the NHS
that would impact on others. And of course with a communicable disease, there is
an impact on others in terms of spreading the disease so we do have to have an
eye to that.

That’s why I phrased it as I did. But in terms of the argument that my right
honourable friend is putting, I think she and I concur in the broad thrust of
the case being made.”

Nobody in the chamber batted an eyelid. The Secretary of State for Health said
that those who refuse a covid-19 vaccine, might be left to die if they contract
a respiratory infection and the NHS is otherwise engaged, presumably treating
those with vaccine injuries. Welcome to dystopia.


On Jun 16, 2021, at 11:12, Allan MacRae wrote to his physician friends:
What was that doctors’ thingee again – the Hyppopotamus Oath, or something?
So this Handcock prick says docs can refuse treatment? I don’t think so.
Regards, Allan
From: Dr Dave
Sent: June-16-21 12:37 PM
To: Allan MacRae
Subject: Re: Hancock: “We Have No Duty Of Care At All To Vaccine Refuseniks!”
Puh-lease! Hancock is not a doctor, he’s a politician. I think the only oath
they take is to cover each other‘s asses. And he’s dead wrong about the health
system not caring for people who didn’t take precautions… All the time we look
after people who did not wear a seatbelt or a helmet while bicycling, of which
one of my friends makes a habit of… [ouch!]
Generally, the more severe injury suffered due to lack of precautions is
punishment enough for the hapless patient. The example he used is also not good,
because the risk benefit ratio of the vaccine is nowhere near as clear as say
wearing a seatbelt.
Allan again:

Exactly Dr Dave! 
This Handcock pr!ck ejaculated “WE HAVE NO DUTY OF CARE AT ALL TO VACCINE
REFUSENIKS!”. Totally false!
Handcock is just trying to create more panic among the idiots – a wolf
stampeding the sheep – and nobody in the House of Commons contradicted him!
Best, Allan.



June 17, 2021 1:45 am

Finally, some rare common sense from the UK. Finally!

Do NOT give your children any of these Covid-19 injections – that is the safest
path at this time. The probability of under-18’s dying of Covid-19 is one in a
million. The probability of serious complications from the injections is higher
and we still don’t know the final stats on the injections – I say it will get
much worse. Based on current information, the injections are dangerous – DON’T

By Lily Zhou
June 16, 2021 Updated: June 16, 2021

The UK’s official advisory body on vaccines will not recommend the government
extend its CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccination programme to
under-18s, a cabinet minister said on Wednesday.
Asked about the issue of vaccinating children against COVID-19 on the BBC’s
“Breakfast” programme, International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said that “the
government will look very closely at the JCVI’s recommendations,” referring to
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.
“It is my understanding that they are not recommending the vaccination of
under-18s and we will be saying more in due course about that,” she said.
The UK’s medicines regulator, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA), has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use among
children aged 12 and over in the UK.
When asked on Monday if the government was planning to vaccinate children,
government chief medical officer Chris Whitty said that “you wouldn’t want to
vaccinate [children] unless the vaccine is very safe. And vaccines are now being
licensed in some countries, and we’re accruing safety data on the safety of
these vaccines in children.”
He added that “there are two possible reasons you would want to vaccinate
children, potentially, but with caution.”
One of them is if the child is at high risk of serious harm if they contract
COVID-19, Whitty said, adding that he believes JCVI will be bringing forward
advice on which groups they think are at “particularly high risk” of getting
severe COVID-19.
“And those children specifically should be vaccinated,” he said.
“But the wider question is around also the effect on children’s, particularly,
education,” Whitty added, implying vaccinating children would help prevent their
education being disrupted.
Calum Semple, a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for
Emergencies, told BBC Radio 4’s “Today” programme that the risk of children
dying from COVID-19 is “one in a million.”
“We know in wave one and wave two put together there were 12 deaths in
children—in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland put together—and that is rare
because there are about 13 to 14 million children in the UK,” the child health
and outbreak medicine professor said.
Semple said that vaccinating children is “something that we do so happily for
flu, but actually, flu does make some very young children very sick too.”
France said on Tuesday that children as young as 12 are invited to get
vaccinated, and the United States started doing so from mid-May.
The Commission on Human Medicines, a public body that advises the UK government
on medicinal products, said more than 2,000 children were involved in a clinical
trial to determine the safety of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

My comment to date:
Those authorities who are promoting the injections for minors do not have
adequate data at this time to make that conclusion – they are grossly, probably
criminally negligent.

Last edited 4 months ago by ALLAN MACRAE

Carlo, Monte

June 17, 2021 7:05 am

Fauci & Co. are guilty of war crimes of violating the international biological
weapons treaty.



June 19, 2021 4:47 pm



Hi Jo and thank you for this post.


Nailed it again.

Regards, Allan

From: Allan MacRae
Sent: June-16-21 8:24 AM
To: Jo Nova
Subject: RE: How to tell what’s true?


The gross mismanagement of the false Covid-19 pandemic since January 2020 cannot
be simply ascribed to gross incompetence by government and health authorities.

I knew about the Dr Fauci involvement about one year ago – he originated the
gain-of-function virus research and offshored it to Wuhan when it was declared
illegal in the USA. But the lockdown scam is global-scale – much bigger than
just Dr Fauci.

A year ago I concluded that the Covid-19 virus originated from the Wuhan lab and
not at the wet market. The only question then was “did the virus jump from the
Wuhan lab, or was it pushed?”



John Tillman

June 14, 2021 6:19 pm

People who’ve had COVID shouldn’t get vaccinated. Test for antibodies first.

Not just the mRNA vaccines but at least some vector vax, ie AZN’s and JNJ’s,
have rare cardiovascular side effects, especially in women under 50.

OTOH, the old-fashioned Chinese SinoVac shot is barely effective. The other
vector vax, ie Russian Sputnik and Chinese-Canadian CanSino, probably show these
effects as well.

It appears that viral debris, to include the spike protein, can produce various
side effects as well, accounting for the instances of long haul syndrome.

Remarkably, clinical studies have found that antiparasitical drug ivermectin,
shown to have antiviral activity against at least positive sense,
single-stranded RNA viruses and some DNA, can prevent COVID, treat it on out
patient and in patient bases and alleviate long haul syndrome. Among its actions
is binding to the spike protein.

That said, were I in the US, I’d opt for JNJ, since it’s a single dose shot.

Last edited 4 months ago by John Tillman


Reply to  John Tillman
June 14, 2021 6:55 pm

Ivermectin could also help with feed efficiency and decrease the impact of
fleas, ticks, and other parasites. You might want to take a heartworm test
first, just in case.

Actually, ivermectin and moxidectin have been used by WHO to treat River
Blindness in humans and should be relatively safe at the approved dosage range,
but neither compound should just be played with as there are potential



Reply to  Spetzer86
June 14, 2021 10:55 pm

I don’t understand then why the vermin of the left don’t want Ivermectin … seems
perfect for them !

Last edited 4 months ago by Streetcred

Gerald Machnee

Reply to  Streetcred
June 15, 2021 8:35 am

Its called BIg Pharma. Ivermectin is off the patent and is very cheap so they do
not make money. Vaccines have made a bunch more billionaires. How many CDC
people get money from the vaccines?


Tom Abbott

Reply to  Gerald Machnee
June 17, 2021 5:25 am

I believe you are correct, Big Pharma is the problem. They make lots of money on
vaccines and on expensive treatments like Remdisivir and don’t make any money
off Ivermectin or hydroxychloriquine.

Sadly, I think it is as simple as that.



Reply to  Spetzer86
June 14, 2021 11:04 pm

I have no idea about moxidectin, but ivermectin is very widely used (4 billion
doses have been taken since 1992 with very low levels of side effects and only a
couple of dozen associated deaths – probably more to do with the parasitic worms
that were killed than the ivermectin). Ivermectin won’t repel fleas and ticks,
but it may kill them if they bite you. It has been used to against scabies and
head lice. An ‘incidental’ effect of using ivermectin for parasite control has
been improved malaria control seemingly from mosquitocidal effects.

The amount of evidence indicating that ivermectin is an excellent prophylactic
and early treatment for covid seems overwhelming, but in the Anglosphere it is
still not recommended and often is actually banned. I can’t get it in Australia.
This seems to be due to the nefarious interference of pharmaceutical companies
trying to protect their vaccines and preventatives under development – and of
course, our corrupt public health bodies.

This comment is ‘Awaiting for approval’ and I wonder why and also question the

Last edited 4 months ago by DaveW


Reply to  DaveW
June 15, 2021 3:53 am

stock agents you ask for injectable Ivomec cattle product
take 2ml for every 100kg body weight
just use needle syringe to extract then add it to water or juice to drink it
Im taking 1.5ml for 3 days once every 3 mths
no side effects
plaquenil given for my RA yrs ago nearly blinded me in 22 days and left me with



Reply to  DaveW
June 15, 2021 9:38 am

In the email updates, “…comment has been posted by the DaveW”, so it seems
likely the folk who wrote a lot of this code are not native English speakers.

You were flagged because your post contained the word “k!ll”.



Reply to  TonyG
June 15, 2021 2:10 pm

Thanks TonyG. I’d just gotten used to not being able to use our genus name (you
know, the H word) in Disqus. Even the Deteriorata was not fully able to
encompass the absurdity of our future.


Tom Abbott

Reply to  DaveW
June 17, 2021 5:28 am

“This comment is ‘Awaiting for approval’ and I wonder why”

You used the k-word: k!lling.

Substituting a “!” for the “i” will keep it out of moderation.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tom Abbott


Reply to  Spetzer86
June 15, 2021 3:50 am

its damned hard to take too much ivermectin
data I read for the LD50 ended up being around 1,000mg per kg bodyweight. if you
took the oral version youd be throwing up well before you got there. and pills
at 12.5mg each would take serious effort to do too



Reply to  John Tillman
June 14, 2021 7:02 pm

Prevent a virus, or do you mean ameliorate once infected?



Reply to  John Tillman
June 14, 2021 7:16 pm

Exactly right, John T. and where did all the drive to test disappear to?

JNJ is probably a good choice especially if one has O+ type blood as the
propensity for clotting is reduced.



Reply to  John Tillman
June 15, 2021 1:52 am

Apparently you haven’t read the real world study from Brazil where 75% of a town
was vaccinated and cases dropped tremendously. That was the sinovac vaccine.


paranoid goy

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 4:50 am

Apparently you haven’t read the real world study from planet Earth, where
“cases” drop drastically wherever the PCR (it’s not a test!) multiplication
cycles are stopped FOR THE VACCINATED, before the test can pick up the gene
sequence contained in genome #8 of all humans, the one that looks just like the
computer-generated sequence published as “uniquely covid”. The unvaccinated
still get PCR “tested” until that false positive appears.
That is for any “approved” (no they’re not) (genetic manipulators masquerading
as)vaccines wherever your government is taking part in this Bolshevik frackfest.



Reply to  paranoid goy
June 16, 2021 11:42 pm

Put words in others mouths much? What the F do PCR tests have to do with less
dead bodies? Deaths dropped. Look it up before you start spouting BS.


Eric Vieira

Reply to  John Tillman
June 15, 2021 3:49 am

Vector vaxes are also mRNA vaccines. They just use viruses as the vector instead
of nano-particles. In the end, it’s the same story: The payload goes into cells
of the vasculature where the circulation is slow (e.g. venous capillaries).
These cells start to produce spike protein and get attacked by the body’s immune
system which leads to thrombosis. Where this happens in the body is Russian


Tom Abbott

Reply to  Eric Vieira
June 17, 2021 5:33 am

“Where this happens in the body is Russian roulette…”

That is what it looks like.



Reply to  John Tillman
June 15, 2021 9:34 am

“Test for antibodies first.”

From what I’ve read, the antibodies only show up in a test for a few months
afterward. Doesn’t mean immunity goes away, just that you won’t see the
antibodies if you test for them after that.

I absolutely agree with your first sentence.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  TonyG
June 15, 2021 3:05 pm

There are studies of infected people a year ago, tested several times ’til know
taking probes out of the marrow proving an at least one year immunity.



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 3:50 pm

Krishna – isn’t that T-cell?

I don’t doubt the immunity, it’s just that I recall reading that the antibodies
don’t show up in tests after a few months.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  TonyG
June 16, 2021 8:33 am

Right, after verified 11 month the immunity for COV-19 is still present and able
to produce T-cells.
Nevertheless, “authorities” demand vaccinations, and to be seen as healed ends
after 6 month. That’s crazy !


Richard Page

Reply to  John Tillman
June 15, 2021 3:20 pm

The clinical trials involving Ivermectin were small and had mixed results. The
best results appear to have been at higher doses than are usually prescribed,
meaning side effects would be greatly increased. However, at normal doses, it
didn’t prevent covid infections but did reduce recovery time and reduce
incidences/severity of acute respiratory problems. You pays yer money and makes
yer choice.


Ron Long

June 14, 2021 6:19 pm

Eric, good and timely report. So, 226 heart inflammation cases being reviewed,
out of 130 million? That’s 1 in every 575,000, give or take a few. Searching for
heart inflammation rates related to common flu vaccination suggests a rare to
not common rate, something like the Covid vaccine. Better to be cautious, but
scaring some sector of the population into not getting the vaccines is not



Reply to  Ron Long
June 14, 2021 7:25 pm

The deaths are piling up too, just not being reported. In Colorado, we’ve had a
hand full of young people passing away shortly after vaccination, most within a
week. For example, a 15 year old boy that was seemingly healthy died of a heart
attack two days after the Pfizer jab.


Leo Smith

Reply to  Scissor
June 14, 2021 10:39 pm

Dont tell me, someone kneeled on his neck.



Reply to  Scissor
June 14, 2021 10:42 pm

That is interesting. I hadn’t heard anything about that and I tend to see
everything that crosses the wire on COVID. But maybe I missed that 15 yr old
death and the handful of you people dying in Colorado. Do you have any
documentation that supports those events?



Reply to  StevenF
June 14, 2021 10:52 pm

Spend one day on Patriots.win

Hundreds of documentation and citations.


Rich Davis

Reply to  Ruleo
June 15, 2021 2:44 am

Is Operation Warp Speed a Trump success or not?

Based on some comments here, it sounds like the nefarious Anthony Fauci tricked
Trump into backing the k!ller jab, the Fauxi Final Solution?

I’ve been fully-vaccinated since early April (Pfizer). Not dead yet. (Just
pinin’ for the fjords)



Reply to  Rich Davis
June 15, 2021 5:57 am

The vaccines may offer a value proposition based on your risk profile. The same
as any toxic, possibly pathogenic, product. A large minority, perhaps majority,
have preexisting or naturally developed immunity. Ideally, there would be
individual assessments of risk and benefit.


Rich Davis

Reply to  n.n
June 15, 2021 8:49 am

Perfect is the enemy of the good.

How much debt are we piling up with free covid tests and free vaccines and
extended/expanded unemployment driven by unreasonable lockdowns when it’s not
all that certain that covid-19 is a serious risk for most people? Not to mention
bogus stimulus and “infrastructure” spending bills.

Do we also need to pay for everyone to get a test to check for immunity and a
battery of tests to check for risk factors? Have we lost all sense of
proportion? And all tolerance of risk?

Maybe I was reckless to get vaccinated. But I think partly I did it to help take
away the excuse that we need to keep wearing face diapers. Sure the nut jobs
will claim that because the vaccine may fail 5-10% of the time, we can never
unmask, but not enough people are going to buy that nonsense. (I hope)

Where does service to your fellow man enter into the equation? A tiny risk that
collectively pushes us over the line to herd immunity seems reasonable to me
even if I recognize that maybe the risk of the disease was never close to what
it was hyped up about. If we don’t follow through then those who don’t want a
good crisis to go to waste will be empowered to keep the assault on liberty



Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 7:17 am

He’s CDC VAERS patient ID 1242573. There is speculation that he was part of the
Pfizer trial but this is speculative.

There used to be more information in the data base but it is subject to review
and revision. Here is a news piece.




Reply to  Scissor
June 15, 2021 12:06 pm

I did find the VAERS citation. Unfortunately there is not enough information to
know what to think. Without seeing the actual case history or a review of the
case history it is hard to know what to think. Based on his age, it likely was
part of a trial for kids given that this occurred before the lowering of the
vaccination age.

I’ll have to see if I can find more information regarding this particular case.


Gerald Machnee

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 8:47 am

The media, medics and politicians are not being public about the negative



Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 12:42 pm

“But maybe I missed that 15 yr old death…”
Yes I’d like to see the reference for that?



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:00 pm

then go find it, ya nit



Reply to  DonM
June 16, 2021 12:19 pm

OK let’s speak plainly. It’s BS.



Reply to  Scissor
June 15, 2021 3:34 am

Piling up indeed. There have been more deaths reported to VAERS in only 6 months
than for all vaccines combined in the past 29 years.



Reply to  icisil
June 16, 2021 10:21 am

And serious side effects like heart attacks, neurological symptoms (paralysis),
and miscarriage are far more likely by VAERS (which is an underestimate!!). The
number of reported deaths went above 5000 in VAERS 2 weeks ago. That is 20 times
higher than the reported death rate per vaccination than the flu vaccine. It is
0.0017% (17 ppm). It is terrifying that this has not resulted in testing of
people before vaccination for immunity. This is at least needless deaths.

Ian in Vancouver



Reply to  Ron Long
June 14, 2021 7:58 pm

Ron Long
The inflamation cases are occuring in a small cohort of the total vaxed. Young
males are about 5% of the total, so your analysis is faulty and dishonest.


paranoid goy

Reply to  Billy
June 15, 2021 4:57 am

What is the usual death toll amongst teens, then? Also, precisely how many
needles into what demographic? If a hundred million older people got poisoned,
and only a million teens, then teen cases showing up as 5% is a lot.
So, then, stating a vague, unsupported number like 5% is, what was that? “…your
analysis is faulty and dishonest….”
But kudos on noticing the speck in thine brother’s eye.



Reply to  Ron Long
June 14, 2021 8:54 pm

I was just listening to a Dr. Charles Hoff who works in a small community in
British Colombia. He wrote an open letter to the province’s chief medical
officer about the alarming number of adverse effects he has seen in his
patients. Of note, life-altering complications are 1 for every 225 and out of
900 people, one death.

He says the form doctors must fill out to report an adverse effect is nine pages
long. Thus he figures most doctors won’t report adverse effects, too

Because of the open letter, he has been barred from working in the ER and he is
now under a gag order. Other doctors also are speaking out.

I am certain the higher-ups are fudging the numbers re complications post-shot.

So for me, it’s IVERMECTIN. I have a bottle on hand in case symptoms show up.



Reply to  Sunshine
June 14, 2021 10:20 pm

“ Of note, life-altering complications are 1 for every 225 and out of 900
people, one death.”

They have recalled or banned a lot of products for less than that. What is so
different now?



Reply to  RayB
June 14, 2021 10:53 pm

Narratives and $$$



Reply to  Sunshine
June 15, 2021 2:02 am

If he is gagged how did you hear him? My first clue to a tall tale is that it is
a “secret” report etc but somehow it is “common” knowledge. So in other words it
can’t be disproved


Rich Davis

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 2:50 am

Read it now before it gets taken down! “They” are furious that this got out!


paranoid goy

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 5:02 am

Ooh, we got us a new troll.
Have you considered that the guy was gagged after he rapped off at the mouth?
But hey, no arguments here, you are obviously way more clever than me, who
couldn’t even see that reference to “…it is a “secret” report etc…”
Who did you hear that from? Who told you? Do they know you are here? Did someone
follow you here? Who ARE you?
You with your secret sources…



Reply to  paranoid goy
June 16, 2021 11:55 pm

So show me a link to the letter? Since, all you seem to have is ad hominems.
Which is usually what trolls do… Yes, I am a sceptic not going to apologize for
it either.


paranoid goy

Reply to  ironargonaut
June 17, 2021 12:49 am

I was not talking about the doctor guy, I was pointing out the logical
inconsistency of your argument, and your fabrication of evidence.
I am always glad to meet skeptics, that’s how one learns, but maybe you should
be less defensive and more introspective.
Ponder on the meaning of ‘Doublethink’, it is your greatest enemy.
For now, it looks like you are being paid to be abrasive.



Reply to  Ron Long
June 15, 2021 5:01 am

Ron, how many of the 130 million were young people in the same age as the ones
getting the heartinflamation?
You are compairing apples and pears, as I remember just 9% of the vaccin was for
the age group thats got the side effect thats 12 million and that give one in
53000, rare but not that rare


Peter Sable

Reply to  Ron Long
June 18, 2021 8:54 pm

To put the Rona in perspective, less than 900 people ages 0-24 died in 2020 when
associated with a positive PCR test. That’s out of 100M young ones in the
population, and increase of 1% of the overall death rate for that young age
group. (see latest CDC 2020 mortality report)

Contrast that to the 10% increase in death rate for 65 and over. Those folks
should get the vaccine. I would if I was that old.

Then realize that there were far more than 850 additional suicides amongst the
young last year and another order magnitude more additional drug overdose deaths
in 2020.

The young have had hell inflicted on them by old people’s fear of death.

Don’t add an unnecessary (for them) vaccine to the their hell.



June 14, 2021 6:22 pm

What I think vaccine pushers need to answer is WHY this happens to some people.

In my case, I stopped getting the flu vaccine after the 3rd time of getting the
shot and taking 3 days off work to recover. Why does this happen? I will take a
chance contracting the flu over the side affects from the vaccine.



Reply to  Derg
June 14, 2021 7:49 pm

There definitely needs to be more done to figure out the relevant risk factors
for vaccine injury.

In one family in Utah, the vaccination nearly killed a father and his 17 year
old son due to blood clotting. Neither are in the clear yet. The father will
likely lose part of one lung and the son currently has two blood clots within
his brain.


mario lento

Reply to  Derg
June 14, 2021 9:00 pm

That is a very good common sense statement that no one seems to consider.


Bryan A

Reply to  mario lento
June 14, 2021 10:13 pm

Some people shouldn’t get the Flu vaccine especially those who’ve had adverse
Personally I have had the Flu vaccine yearly since 1990 with nothing more than a
sore injection site.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  mario lento
June 15, 2021 6:05 am

“First, do no harm…”


Adam Gallon

Reply to  Derg
June 14, 2021 10:10 pm

Get flu & you’ll be having a lot more than 3 days off work.



Reply to  Adam Gallon
June 14, 2021 10:24 pm

I did and it was 4 days.

Why do some people have severe reactions and in some cases death from vaccines?



Reply to  Adam Gallon
June 14, 2021 10:55 pm

I am now 20 years without a flu vaccine.

Never had the flu.

And I have worked years in shared-cubicle call centers. As bad as a preschool in
virulence environment.


Gerald Machnee

Reply to  Ruleo
June 15, 2021 8:52 am

Just keep up the Vitamin D and C and Zinc. But the “experts” will not tell you
that/ Why?


Tom Abbott

Reply to  Gerald Machnee
June 17, 2021 5:47 am

Yes, Zinc seems to be an essential for guarding against viruses. It’s also
reported to regulate blood pressure. I take Quercetin along with it, which helps
the zinc get into cells. Once zinc is in the cell, a virus cannot use that cell
to replicate.

Vitamin D is essential for many bodily functions. It is involved in something
like 200 different bodily funtions.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Adam Gallon
June 15, 2021 6:57 am

I never was vaccinated against flu, the max. I got were influenzal infects.
Couldt live with them.



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 9:16 pm

You can have the flu without knowing it. The symptoms are to similar to a common
cold cause the flu doesn’t have to be really bad. It can but it doesn’t need to
be. A cold virus can’t if you don’t have any immune deficiency.



Reply to  Derg
June 15, 2021 2:05 am

Because the CDC is too busy trying to study and claim guns deaths are a health



Reply to  ironargonaut
June 15, 2021 3:20 pm

Don’t forget, the CDC also says 41,000 deaths per year are caused by
“second-hand” smoke. It that’s not an extrapolation of God-knows-what nothing
is. 🙂


Richard Page

Reply to  Derg
June 15, 2021 3:40 pm

The thing you have to remember is that all drugs work on the ‘one size fits all’
principle – that is that they work the same way for the average majority of
people. Unfortunately, people’s bodies are different – different cocktails of
hormones, blood groups, trace elements, diets, etc, so that there will always be
a few outliers for every drug. Nobody, not even experienced doctors or
specialists, will be able to determine who is an outlier for which drug – the
best they can hope to do is limit as much of the damage as they can. If you are
expecting to find an effective drug that doesn’t affect outliers then you will
never find one – maybe in 100 or 1000 years we can tailor a drug regimen to a
specific patient but not at this time.
I speak as someone who was an outlier for one drug and suffered a side effect
that even the manufacturer didn’t know was possible.


Andrew F

June 14, 2021 6:33 pm




Reply to  Andrew F
June 14, 2021 7:04 pm

An anti-vax site. Really?



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 7:34 pm

Dr. Peter McCullough is highly cited and highly credible. You might objectively
consider the content of the video before denigrating it with your label.



Reply to  Scissor
June 14, 2021 8:09 pm

He’s a fraud….



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 8:35 pm

“Factcheck” provided by Agence France Presse – part of the colluding MSM. What
naiveté to believe their version of the “facts”.
Ask yourself first – Cui bono? What on earth would Dr McCollough and all the
other renowned scientists warning about possible harmful side effects possibly
have to gain by speaking out – other than losing their jobs?
You are clearly an unquestioning follower of the herd.


Alexy Scherbakoff

Reply to  alexei
June 14, 2021 9:11 pm

Simon has all the answers he wants. He has no need to question them or to look
any further.



Reply to  alexei
June 14, 2021 9:16 pm

You don’t have to gain anything if you have a few screws loose. He may well
believe he is on to something. But ask yourself this…. So far 302 million doses
have been administered and not a single death has been attributed to them. In my
book anyone who peddles false fear over something like these vaccines, that are
undeniably saving thousands if not tens of thousands of lives, is not worthy of
attention. Add to that he does not even work in the field of virology and so
that makes him a fake expert.


Alexy Scherbakoff

Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 9:49 pm

‘are undeniably saving thousands if not tens of thousands of lives’

Name one.


Richard Mann

Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 9:54 pm

Ask yourself this, why is a “skeptical” site (on climate) so ready to accept
“conventional wisdom” on injections. The injections don’t even have full
approval yet. They are “emergency use only”. Why inject otherwise healthy people
with a brand new technology (mRNA)?



Reply to  Richard Mann
June 14, 2021 10:07 pm

“Why inject otherwise healthy people with a brand new technology”
Huh? To stamp this damned thing out and get back to normal life. It aint going
away on it’s own and the worst case scenario is it mutates again and more lives
are lost. Did I really have to explain that? Hell, even Trump thinks it’s a good


Rich Davis

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 3:16 am

My god, Simon, good point! Maybe now you’ll reconsider. Trump supports—must be
wrong! But Biden supports, must be right!

How can it be right if Trump agrees? Trump always wrong…isn’t he? Has to be,
whole worldview depends on that one absolute truth, the only thing that is
always true…HCQ, injecting bleach…

(Simple Simon’s head explodes)

Meanwhile across the blogosphere tin foil shrapnel flies…
Trump supports, must be right! But Dementia Zhou and Fauxi support, must. be.
wrong! (Boom)

Damn inconvenient having to conform to your tribe instead of using your head for
more than a hatrack.



Reply to  Rich Davis
June 15, 2021 12:49 pm

Even Trump got the occasional thing right.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:00 pm

Your boy Dementia Joe is getting close to the drooling stage, and Harris can’t
answer a simple question without cackling.

These are great times!


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 8:04 am

Weak vaccs are a base of viral mutation.



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 8:53 am

that’s actually what Luc Montagnier is saying, but the hue and cry is
incredible, until of course he is eventually proved right this autumn, when it
all comes back with a new version which evades all the current vaccines (as I am
more or less certain it will).



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 12:50 pm

“Weak vaccs are a base of viral mutation.”
That is about as crazy as I have ever read. Please, please provide a reference
for that gem.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 2:06 pm

The internet is full about


John Endicott

Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 16, 2021 8:36 am

There’s only 3 things the internet is full of: Porn, Cat videos, and



Reply to  John Endicott
June 16, 2021 12:22 pm

That’s funny… but you missed golfing videos to get rid of your slice.


paranoid goy

Reply to  Simon
June 17, 2021 12:33 am

You will not believe how much information you gave away with those thirteen
little words…
The alternative, that I really am paranoid, does exist.
Isn’t life cool?


Paul C

Reply to  Simon
June 16, 2021 6:38 am

The example usually given for a leaky vaccine is the case of (the normally
fatal) Mareks disease in chickens. Flocks were culled to stamp out the disease.
In Asia the vaccine was used because flocks were infected, but the vaccinated
birds survive. The virus mutates to more virulent and deadly (to chickens)
forms, and has become widespread with multiple mutations spreading globally.



Reply to  Simon
June 16, 2021 7:41 am



For Simon, here’s 2 studies that suggest that imperfect vaccination programs can
lead to worse strains.


John Endicott

Reply to  Richard Mann
June 16, 2021 6:43 am

> The injections don’t even have full approval yet. They are “emergency use
> only”.

Only until the red-tape is taken care of, both Pfizer & Moderna have recently
submitted the paperwork for full approval, which will take months to work it’s
way through the bureaucracy, but is seen as very likely to be granted.


Gary Vasey

Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 9:55 pm




Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 9:56 pm

no death attributed to covid vax? so, they can hide any death that may be caused
by the vax but if you die from covid-like symptoms (even without a blood test)
or died after testing positive during last 30 days (as in at least 1 state did)
then its automatically covid??? the whole medical science community has been
corrupted… it’s evil what’s happening…. I see preteen kids masked up inside
stores today and its pathetic… I blame parents and schools and media for scaring
these kids with so much hyped info about the lethality of covid, which other
than sickly old people, kills at a rate similar to a bad flu season.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:08 am

Ever hear of the Hippocratic Oath, Simon the Simple Shill?


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 8:02 am

Typical denier position, attac the messenger, not the message.
The message Simon can’t target on, no ability.


Gerald Machnee

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 8:55 am

Not a single death? Nonsense as usual from a troll.



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 9:42 pm

factckeck.org…. an anti-truth site… really????



Reply to  goracle
June 14, 2021 9:43 pm

I’ll wager they get a whole lot more right than the anti vax site above.

Last edited 4 months ago by Simon


Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 11:00 pm

By implication they then get a whole lot wrong as well … some ‘fact’ checker,


Rich Davis

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 3:24 am

Yeah, let’s never think for ourselves. Appeal to authority, adopt the party
line, conform to our tribal expectations.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:54 am

sorry simon, factcheck.org is slanted to the left in their “fact checking”… BTW,
dr mcculluh is not an anti-vaxer… he himself has been vaccinated… the data show
that the younger you are, the less likely you are to be affected by covid, so
why take the shot if only 4% of all covid deaths are in those under 50 (and this
is based on the official inflated covid death count)… also, you do not need 100%
of population to be vaccinated since over 100 million americans and illegal
aliens already caught covid naturally and have covid antibodies… anyone who says
that antibodies from a vaccine are more effective than antibodies from naturally
caught covid (like factcheck.org did) is an idiot and a liar who wants to spread
propaganda… additionally, anyone who says that you should take the vaccine even
though you recovered from covid earlier this year (like factcheck.org did) is
working for pravda.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:11 pm

not sure about that… factcheck.org is definitely a tilts heavily left site…
they’ve been wrong a number of times because of they base their “fact check” on
their ideology and not truth.

regardless whether or not it’s an anti-vax site, dr mcculluh has taken the covid
vaccine and is not an anti vaxxer… his credentials are impeccable. I’m not
saying he can’t be wrong, only that he’s 100% correct on covid.


Fred Middleton

Reply to  goracle
June 16, 2021 5:53 am

factCheck – malarkey. Tool to re-direct…. Joe-ie goebbels would be so pleased at
class room attention level.



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 10:28 pm

The interesting thing about factcheck and similar sites is that you can always
predict their response to any cited event or observation. It will be 100% in
tune with received opinion on the subject – without fail. Anyone blindly quoting
their ‘facts’ needs a course in critical thinking. The cardiologist in question
has published more than 1000 papers and it the most cited in the world in his


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 6:58 am

He has 40 peer-reviewed journal publications on the Wuhan virus.

How many do you have?



Reply to  Carlo, Monte
June 15, 2021 12:53 pm

“He has 40 peer-reviewed journal publications on the Wuhan virus.”:


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 4:00 pm

Yes, really.



Reply to  Carlo, Monte
June 16, 2021 12:22 pm

Reference please?


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 7:33 am

Interview in English, German subs

I know a fraud, a big one, it’s called Simon.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 8:37 am

Simon says he’s a fraud.

Dr. McCullough is a world renowned physician currently affiliated with the Texas
A&M University College of Medicine. He has over 100,000 citations and over
50,000 since 2016.

His h-index is 116.

“What is a Good h–Index? Hirsch reckons that after 20 years of research,
an h–index of 20 is good, 40 is outstanding, and 60 is truly exceptional. In his
paper, Hirsch shows that successful scientists do, indeed, have high h-indices:
84% of Nobel prize winners in physics, for example, had an h–index of at least


Gerald Machnee

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 8:54 am

Factcheck is the fraud. Only people who cannot understand good science go to
factcheck for their onesided opinions as opposed to research. Media are guilty
of this problem too..


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Scissor
June 15, 2021 6:07 am

Was wondering if Simon the Simple Shill would put in an appearance, and here he
is, spouting the MSDNC party line.

Last edited 4 months ago by Carlo, Monte


Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 7:36 pm

Could be Trump Russia colluuuusion am I right Simon?

You of all people should be the last person making accusations.


joe belford

Reply to  Derg
June 14, 2021 7:47 pm

Proof of collusion:



Reply to  joe belford
June 14, 2021 7:56 pm

Lol…proof 😉

How much did Mueller spend ? He found nothing.

You are a clown show like Simon. Anyone with half a brain could see Trump wasn’t
going to make Russia money like the Democrats and Republicans previously.
Hillary was their goose just like Biden is today.



Reply to  Derg
June 14, 2021 9:46 pm

Huh? Russia didn’t want to make money from Trump. They wanted an incompetent in
the White House and he was their first choice.



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 10:09 pm

Simon you really are stupid. Honestly, you believe in fairy tales, so I will
call you out on your BS. Remember when you were shocked to learn that Trump
closed the border?

Omg, do we laugh at your stupidity.



Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 11:02 pm

They achieved their aim, Trump out and the totally incompetent half-wit Biden in
… laughing stock of the world except with the terminal left.

Last edited 4 months ago by Streetcred


Reply to  Streetcred
June 14, 2021 11:22 pm

“laughing stock of the world except with the terminal left.…” I think you will
find the world ( Except Putin)breathed a sigh of relief when the Donald left the
White House.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 12:04 am

Simple Simon, living up to his nickname.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 3:15 am

Merkel loves Putin and Russia’s natural gas…you are a clown show Simon. Dumb as
in dumb.



Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 1:59 pm



Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 4:02 pm

Which is a non sequitur.


Tom Abbott

Reply to  Simon
June 17, 2021 6:16 am

Simon presumes to speak for the world.


Barry Sheridan

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 12:31 am

Surprising comment Simon. You now have a President and Vice-President, neither
of whom can be considered competent. The former due to obvious dementia and
latter due to inadequate ability. As for insulting Mr. Trump, he worked 12-14
hours a day for all Americans, reducing the impact of government regulation,
reducing the tax burden while setting the conditions for greater numbers of jobs
across America, in this he was entirely successful. If that is your
interpretation of incompetence then the US needs more of it.



Reply to  Barry Sheridan
June 15, 2021 11:50 pm

He worked hard alright…. getting out of bunkers on the golf course and screwing
porn stars.



Reply to  Simon
June 16, 2021 2:04 pm

But most of his policies were spot on fool.



Reply to  joe belford
June 15, 2021 7:56 am

You probably won’t bother replying, but here goes.

The article states “Manafort and Kilimnik “discussed the status of the Trump
Campaign and Manafort’s strategy for winning Democratic votes in Midwestern
states” and that “months before that meeting, Manafort had caused internal
polling data to be shared with Kilimnik“.

Perhaps someone could explain how polling data and campaign strategy during an
election is dangerous to be shared. Maybe it is, but I can’t fathom yet how…

anyone with a guess. Also, what happens when American politicians travel around
the world to support opposition candidates. Is that collusion or interference?


Tom Abbott

Reply to  chickenhawk
June 17, 2021 6:22 am

“Perhaps someone could explain how polling data and campaign strategy during an
election is dangerous to be shared. Maybe it is, but I can’t fathom yet how…”

It is no danger at all. The radical Left is just trying to insinuate that any
interaction between Trump officials and anyone in Eastern Europe has to be
dishonest and criminal. This is one of the few interactions, so they focus on
it. It’s nothing. Unless you have the Leftwing Media trying to make something
out of it every day. Then it becomes something: A False Reality.

If they really want to uncover dishonesty and criminality in Eastern Europe,
they should focus on the Biden Crime Family and their influence peddling.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Tom Abbott
June 17, 2021 7:09 am

Instead they look the other way while the alleged “president” drools his way
through rare public appearances.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Andrew F
June 15, 2021 6:59 am

Wake up, best hint to give you !


Krishna Gans

Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 9:40 am

Ther comment was for Simon not Andrew, sorry !



June 14, 2021 6:42 pm

This may appear as anti-vaccer talk, but how many cases would it take before
people should be worried about taking the shot(s)? For the good of millions, how



Reply to  Glenn
June 14, 2021 7:12 pm

Let’s consider how much research has actually been done to study adverse
reactions on these “vaccines” that are being pushed and rushed onto everyone.

Could you guess how many studies involving an autopsy of deceased vaccinated
patients have been published? Could you guess how many patients such studies

The answer is one and one. A little on the deficient side wouldn’t you say?




Reply to  Scissor
June 14, 2021 10:58 pm

This isn’t really study. It is a case report of an autopsy. The results are
interesting. The individual received the first vaccine and was admitted to the
hospital 2 weeks later with diarrhea and ultimately renal insufficiency. While
in the hospital he got COVID from a roommate who had COVID and died from renal
insufficiency a few days later. He only got one vaccine dose and by the time he
got COVID it is likely his immune system was not able to mount an adequate
immune response which is why they found the virus all over his body.

I doubt seriously that this is the only autopsy ever performed on a post
vaccinated individual who died after vaccination. But it may be the only person
who subsequently got COVID and died and was autopsied. I don’t know. I haven’t
look at the literature.


paranoid goy

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 5:28 am

> I doubt seriously that this is the only autopsy ever performed…

I heard rumour where anyone dies of covidiocy, they wrap the body up, trachea
pipes, IV’s, plasters and all, and it goes straight for “disposal” via mostly
unattended funeral.
While I find it impossible to prove the non-existence of autopsies, neither can
I find any records of completed autopsies.

Last edited 4 months ago by paranoid goy


Reply to  paranoid goy
June 15, 2021 12:12 pm

There have been lots of unattended funerals, which is terrible. But autopsies
have been performed as appropriate.


paranoid goy

Reply to  StevenF
June 17, 2021 12:40 am

I merely report hearsay from a friend of family that has family working in a
hospital. Open gossip, if you will. But where do we find these reports, because
every one openly reported, has a headline containing “the first” or “the only so
far” etc. By now, we would expect the vaxxinators to be flooding us with proof.
Instead they give us propaganda and Law.


paranoid goy

Reply to  Glenn
June 15, 2021 5:15 am

Soon, you will be invited to the Afternoon Hate, where you will learn that
“we’ve always had people dying after vaccination, the Eastasians/ Eurasians/
Oceanians are taking our money and sending us bad vaccines”, and you will step
forward to spit on the effigy of the darn foreign devil who infected your
“Imagine, if you, Orwill, the future of mankind, as a never-ending series of
medical interventions, forever!”


Richard Page

Reply to  Glenn
June 17, 2021 7:22 am

You should always be worried about taking any shot, no matter how safe. In this
case it’s not just about the tiny chance of dying from COVID, but the high
chance that you could pass it on to others. The only way to eliminate this virus
is to prevent it from spreading. I’m supportive of anyone who wants to just
protect themselves, takes preventative medicines and couldn’t care less if
anyone else catches it, but I weighed up the risks and opted to have both
vaccine shots for myself. The data we have at the moment indicates that young
children are low risk for death and low risk for transmission so I’m very much
against the vaccination of young people but we’ll have to see what the variant
data tells us – at first glance it seems to show the variants are infecting
younger age groups than the original strain.


James Donald Bailey

June 14, 2021 7:18 pm

I read that those heart problems were in teens and young adults under 24.
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee June 10, 2021
Meeting Presentation – COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Updates (fda.gov)
check out p 18.

Oh, and VAERS is the one spreading those ‘out of context’ vaccine complications,
showing many more deaths than other years. My query gave 4534 deaths this year
through June 4th to the COVID vaccines.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) About (cdc.gov)

These people, with axes to grind, say 5888. They may be better at searching the
database than I.
Mortality (openvaers.com)
The graph on that page is jaw dropping.



Reply to  James Donald Bailey
June 14, 2021 8:45 pm

Thank you. VERY interesting. If not for the hysteria many of the vaccines would
never have been approved.



Reply to  James Donald Bailey
June 14, 2021 10:15 pm

Yes. These 6000 deaths caused by the vaccine shots must be compared to 600,000
covid-19 deaths.



Reply to  Alex
June 14, 2021 10:59 pm

There was no “600,000” deaths.


That’s the CDC number*.

So 1 death for every 5 saved.




Last edited 4 months ago by Ruleo


Reply to  Alex
June 14, 2021 11:16 pm

Edit: I was not clear in my point. Complete re-write for clarity.

There was no “600,000” deaths. (actual deaths with Covid 375k*)

But let’s take your number 600k. (CDC admits only 5.5% of that 375k died from
Covid btw)

That makes 30,000, from your 600k, directly died from Covid

Going with your number still.

1 death for every 5 saved.

Going with CDC numbers, that’s 1 death for every 3 saved.





Rich Davis

Reply to  Ruleo
June 15, 2021 4:03 am

So let me see if I understand your position:

Given two choices (and accepting your worst-case numbers):

Option 1:
Vaccinate and net 4 out of 5 deaths are avoided

Option 2:
Don’t vaccinate and net 4 out of 5 deaths are allowed to happen

You choose Option 2

Because 80% is not good enough, might as well go with 20% success rate?

Or 1 death is UNACCEPTABLE. You prefer 4 deaths.

Let me know where I’m going wrong here.


Sebastian Magee

Reply to  Rich Davis
June 15, 2021 6:58 am

1/5, means it is acceptable and recommendable that people at high risk of death
by COVID take it. The rest of the population that have less than 1/5 of the risk
should not. That’s where you are wrong. The risk of this illness is far from a
uniform spread on the population, is closer to an exponential distribution with


Tim Groves

Reply to  Rich Davis
June 17, 2021 12:30 am

Hi Rich! Would you rate all deaths as equal?

For instance, is the death of a 98 year old with a terminal illness who dies
from Covid-19 equivalent to the death of a 19 year old and apparently healthy
individual who has to undergo a heart transplant and then dies within two months
of getting her second Moderna jab?

Or is it equivalent to the death of a year-old infant who dies after drinking
its mother’s milk following the mother’s Pfizer jab?



Reply to  Alex
June 15, 2021 3:54 am

No, they must be compared to deaths from other vaccines, which at the current
rate is running about 50 times normal (based on approx 200 deaths per year for
all vaccines pre-2021 and 5000 deaths in 6 months for covid vaccines).


Rich Davis

Reply to  icisil
June 15, 2021 9:12 am

Why not compare it to deaths from skydiving mishaps? Or direct meteor strikes?
How is a comparison to other vaccines relevant to the question of which decision
results in fewer people dying? Why is it relevant to anything beyond the
question of whether this set of vaccines are riskier than the average of all

The claim is that 5 times more people would die from covid-19 than would die
from the vaccine. Both numbers vanishingly low. If correct, then just
considering lives and not costs it should be a no-brainer choice for “society”.
For nearly all individuals, the relative risk is different from the average. So
I get that for some subgroup, the risk of dying from covid is all but zero while
the risk of dying from the vaccine is higher, though still practically zero.


Doc Chuck

Reply to  Rich Davis
June 15, 2021 1:21 pm

Rich, your reference to a ‘one size fits all’ vaccine response mentality (even
as alternative contributions of Ivermectin and other therapeutic means of
blunting the viral impact are systematically ignored) does bring to mind a
similarly skewed climate change narrative parallel that obscures presumed
fearsome regional and global high temperature trends that are actually quite
flat (including the tropics themselves) over the past century but that are so
conveniently hidden within a global average elevation (even irrespective of
whether ‘adjustments’ have been made) that mostly reflects warming nightly lows
recorded in high northern and subarctic latitudes as we have beneficially for
the residents thereabouts lifted out of an earlier ‘little ice age’. Boggled
juvenile minds on a very costly march indeed. Excuse me now while I buy my new
electric toy to save the planet for y’all!


Patrick MJD

June 14, 2021 7:41 pm

In Australia there were 910 reported deaths attributed to COVID-19. What is
little reported, especially in the media and universally rejected by people who
don’t read well, is that 210 people died as a direct result of taking the one of
the three vaccines available. I also read someone had a leg amputated due to
blood clots. Even without considering my blood condition I will never take any
of these rushed in to service “COVID-19” vaccines.

Last edited 4 months ago by Patrick MJD

Craig from Oz

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 14, 2021 8:06 pm

In interest of fairness, the 210 dead have, with a few exceptions, died WITH
vaccines, not FROM.

Also in the interest of fairness, the vast majority of China Virus deaths are
also WITH, not FROM, so pretty much apples to apples if you ask me.

The other point being largely hushed up is that when you do have an adverse
reaction to a vaccine, you get the full nine course banquet. Vaccines CAN and
HAVE put people into intensive care.

They are at best Very Low Risk, but the moment anyone suffers an adverse
reaction, they are not safe and also remember vaccines are not a cure.


Gary Vasey

Reply to  Craig from Oz
June 14, 2021 9:57 pm

And many of those dying from COVID died with it not from it…. these vaccines are
not safe. How can anyone not see that?



Reply to  Gary Vasey
June 15, 2021 1:47 pm

“these vaccines are not safe. How can anyone not see that?”
Umm because they are. 310 million shots in the US, no deaths. Israel had huge


Patrick MJD

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 5:52 pm

Israel had over 10,000 test positive after having the vaccine.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 9:01 pm

Once again you don’t tell the full story. Those 10,000 had not had their second
shot. In fact tests on those who had received both shots showed what has been
known and that is their antibody levels after 21 days give them nearly complete
immunity against the virus.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 9:25 pm

The vaccines are designed to prevent hospitalization and death, not infection or
spread. If they do so, very good, but that was not the intention or the criteria
designing and testing them.



Reply to  Simon
June 16, 2021 7:53 am

To report on the efficacy of vaccines the manufacturers use RRR (Relative Risk
Reduction). For the Pfizer covid vaccine it is an impressive-sounding 95%.
However, another metric is ARR (Absolute Risk Reduction). In his clinical paper
published by the US Government in February, Ronald Brown states that the ARR for
Pfizer is an unimpressive-sounding 0.7%, and that this means that 142 people
need to be vaccinated to prevent one covid infection.
In correspondence to The Lancet in March, Piero Olliaro of Oxford University
says the 95% RRR Pfizer figure does not mean that 95% of people are protected
from disease with the vaccine.
And a 2011 Food and Drugs Administration document says science supports the
provision of “absolute risks, not just relative risks. Patients are unduly
influenced when risk information is presented using a relative risk approach;
this can result in suboptimal decisions. Thus, an absolute risk format should be



Reply to  Craig from Oz
June 14, 2021 10:09 pm

Sorry, but are the highest risk vaccines ever. Unprecedented.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 14, 2021 8:11 pm

“What is little reported, especially in the media and universally rejected by
people who don’t read well, is that 210 people died as a direct result of taking
the one of the three vaccines available.”
BS…Evidence please?


Patrick MJD

Reply to  Simon
June 14, 2021 10:13 pm

This has not been reported in the media;


The last I heard in the Australian media was 2 deaths attributed to vaccines and
clotting, last one was just over a week ago.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 12:59 pm

So if it hasn’t been reported in the media, that means you got it from somewhere
else? Or…. you made it up? Which is it?


Patrick MJD

Reply to  Simon
June 15, 2021 5:53 pm

I got the information from the official Govn’t website, http://www.tga.gov.au.
So, you didn’t read the article at the link I see.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 9:02 pm

I read it. It said nothing like what you claimed. I wanna know where you could
possibly have got that “ 210 people died as a direct result of taking the one of
the three vaccines available”?


John Endicott

Reply to  Simon
June 16, 2021 6:58 am

He got it by misreading the very link he cites. It states “the TGA has received
210 reports of deaths following immunisation”. That’s death with the vaccine,
not deaths from the vaccine. 93% of the deaths where among senior citizens and
many were of elder care patients. In otherwords they could have died from causes
that had nothing to do with the vaccine IE for all anyone knows they would have
died from the same causes with or without getting the vaccine. The cited link
also goes on to say “To date, the observed number of deaths reported after
vaccination is actually less than the expected number of deaths.” and “Apart
from the single Australian case in which death was linked to TTS, COVID-19
vaccines have not been found to cause death.”

As much as it pains me to agree with simple simon, the fact is it’s little
reported because what Patrick claims doesn’t match the facts as reported by the
very goverment link he cites as backing up his false claim.

Last edited 4 months ago by John Endicott

Robin Craig

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 14, 2021 8:22 pm

Actually, in Australia the deaths following vaccination are less than expected
to occur anyway. If one wishes to take a lesson from the stats, the vaccines are
anti-death! 😀



Patrick MJD

Reply to  Robin Craig
June 15, 2021 2:15 am

Healthy one day, jab the next, dead the next day, or at the very least, an
amputation. And now we have a fourth, Novavax, being pushed here in Australia.

I will take my chances with SARS-COV-2 thanks!


John Endicott

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 16, 2021 7:44 am

“Healthy one day, jab the next, dead the next day,”

The data (from your own link) doesn’t back up your claims. By all means, if you
don’t want the vaccine, don’t get it. But don’t make shit up to justify your

As Robin pointed out, the deaths were less than would normally be expected
(again, according to your own source), of the 210 deaths, only one was
determined to be as a result of the vaccine – the other 209 were thus “with” and
not “from” deaths, meaning it’s more accurate to say “healthy one day, dead the
next jab or no jab” and it should be noted 93% of them were older people and
many of them elder care patients (you know, the group most likely to be “healthy
one day and dead the next” under normal circumstances).

Again, it’s one thing to say you don’t want the vaccine (that’s your choice, and
you should have the freedom to so chose) it’ something else entirely to make
shit up to justify that choice.



Reply to  Robin Craig
June 15, 2021 4:14 am

note careful NO numbers mentioned here
Myocarditis and pericarditisThe TGA continues to investigate a small number of
Australian cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and
pericarditis (inflammation of the membrane around the heart) following
vaccination with Comirnaty. There is no indication at the moment that these
cases are due to the vaccine but the TGA is collaborating with international
medicine regulators on this issue.



Reply to  Robin Craig
June 15, 2021 6:13 am

anti-death? pro-life or pro-choice?



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 6:58 pm

I’m more afraid of contracting stupidity than I am contracting the Wuhan Flu!



Reply to  Bill
June 16, 2021 6:52 am

Well, it DOES appear to be spreading at pandemic levels, with no end in sight.


John Endicott

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 16, 2021 7:32 am

Patrick, It’s ironic that you should cast the “people who don’t read well” stone
considering it’s you who apparently didn’t read well. The very government link
you cite does not state anything like your claim of ” 210 people died as a
*direct result* of taking the one of the three vaccines available”

What it actually said is “the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following
immunisation”. As anyone who does read well can tell you they’re talking about
“deaths with” which is not the same thing as your (caused by misreading) claim
of “deaths (directly) from” .Someone who got the jab and then died in a car
accident the next day would be a person who “died following immunization”, but
they would not be someone who “died as a direct result of immunization”. Do you
not see the difference between what was said and what you claimed? because
anyone who does read well can.

And if that wasn’t clear enough to people who read well, the report further goes
on to say “To date, the observed number of deaths reported after vaccination is
actually less than the expected number of deaths.” (which one wouldn’t expect to
be the case it the vaccine was *causing* significant numbers of death) and more
tellingly “Apart from the single Australian case in which death was linked to
TTS, COVID-19 vaccines have not been found to cause death.” So not only doesn’t
it claim 210 died as a direct result of the vaccine, they *explicitly said* only
one person was determined to have died as a result of the vaccines.

Last edited 4 months ago by John Endicott

Writing Observer

June 14, 2021 7:56 pm

Had to dig up the link I came across the other day to a Japanese study (someone
leaked it, it is a confidential Pfizer report from the animal testing phase).


The mRNA “vaccines” do not stay at the injection site – they are soon found all
through the body.

My entire family is vaccinated – with J&J. I was downright obnoxious on not even
considering the Pfizer or Moderna “vaccines.”


Adam Gallon

Reply to  Writing Observer
June 14, 2021 10:19 pm

Vaccine doesn’t stay in injection site, but moves all around the body.
Were you born stupid or just studied hard at night school?


Walter Sobchak

June 14, 2021 8:33 pm

Post hoc ergo procter hoc is a fallacy. You also need to know how many people
would have developed the condition without having been vaccinated, ad they did
before December 2020.


Rich Davis

Reply to  Walter Sobchak
June 15, 2021 4:13 am

What Walter said

Except for the procter part (propter)


Alexy Scherbakoff

June 14, 2021 9:09 pm

So let me get this straight. The covid vaccine:
Won’t cure covid
Won’t prevent me getting covid
Won’t prevent me passing on covid to others
May lessen symptoms of covid
May prevent me from dying of covid
I may have adverse effects 
I may die
Cool! Sign me up for a jab of all the vaccines.



Reply to  Alexy Scherbakoff
June 14, 2021 11:29 pm


No vaccine cures a disease.

It does prevent you from getting COVID. That is where the 90% effectiveness
comes from for the mRNA vaccines for example. But it doesn’t protect everyone.
But no vaccine does.

If you are one of the people who has a vaccine failure and you get COVID you can
pass it on to others.

Yes, it seems that even the people who still get COVID have a less virulent
(less symptoms) illness.

Yes, the vaccines seems to prevent people from dying of COVID.

All vaccines have adverse effects. This one is no different. The adverse
reaction numbers seem about the same. What is different is the absolute
craziness of people reacting to what is difficult to interpret data, much of
which is wrong. Unfortunately, it is difficult to know what is actually wrong
because the data is so hard to get and to interpret.

Yes, it is theoretically possible that you could die. It is also theoretically
possible that you could win the lottery. It is also theoretically possible that
you could die the day you win the lottery. Those all have probabilities. But
they are so small that it is unlikely that any of those would occur. But they
could. On the other hand, we have given more than 2 billion vaccinations
worldwide. If there was a real serious risk, the number of deaths would be much
larger and pretty obvious.

It is necessary to understand that we have given these vaccines preferentially
to older, less healthy individuals. People most at risk of dying from COVID.
Also the same people most at risk of dying on any particular day. It is not
surprising in the millions of elderly people vaccinated that many died in the
days following vaccination. In some it was just pure random chance. But in
others, it may have been the stress (however small) of vaccination that pushed
otherwise vulnerable people over the edge into a death spiral. But those
individuals were pretty much on deaths doorstep and something else may have
pushed them over the edge.

Are there some people who died who don’t fit that profile? Of course. I’ve seen
the summary data, it isn’t clear what to make of it. It isn’t clear cut one way
or the other. I want to trust the people who have seen the individual case data
and state that there aren’t clear patterns but maybe in this day and age we
shouldn’t trust anyone. But the reality is that I don’t have the time or desire
to check every detail myself. So I have to trust others and use my knowledge to
make some sort of informed decision, even if informed with less than full

But isn’t that what we do everyday in life? Every time we go through a green
light we are trusting other people. Heck, in those situations we don’t have the
opportunity to even weigh the evidence that the other driver can be trusted. We
go through and hope for the best.



Reply to  StevenF
June 14, 2021 11:37 pm

I would like to make one other point. Here in the US, we are currently at a 7
day moving average of about 12,000 new cases a day. Down from a high of around
400,000 cases a day just back in January. Around half the population has had at
least one vaccination. Add to that the people who have gotten COVID and are
immune, and we are well on the glide path to full herd immunity.

I think this shows two things. One that having been infected and recovered does
contribute to herd immunity. Two, that the vaccines also contribute to herd
immunity and likely have provided the lion’s share of the contribution.


Alexy Scherbakoff

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 12:35 am

They are suggesting that if you had covid, you should have the vaccine anyway



Reply to  Alexy Scherbakoff
June 15, 2021 4:16 am

yeah not one but two!
risk of creating a serious immune response, not just a nudge



Reply to  Alexy Scherbakoff
June 16, 2021 8:02 am

Read this




Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 8:58 am

except you forgot one key factor in your argument.
Covid is seasonal just like FLU.

it’s not an accident the sars-cov panic takes over as Autumn and winter comes,-
then dissipates in summer when everyone wants to get plenty of Vitamin D
enhancing sunshine and lots of other minerals and vitamins.


Alexy Scherbakoff

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 12:46 am

You haven’t really disagreed with the things I said. Your bottom line is that
you should trust someone. My bottom line is to trust no one, even crossing a
road on a green. My life circumstances have led me to be like that, particularly
dealing with the medical profession.
I am not discouraging anyone to have a vaccine. I choose not to have one, at the



Reply to  Alexy Scherbakoff
June 15, 2021 12:16 pm

Fair enough. But you are trusting people all the time.


Patrick MJD

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 3:39 am


It does prevent you from getting COVID.”

No that is incorrect.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 6:37 am

Bingo—the proverbial ignored elephant.



Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 15, 2021 12:19 pm

OK, I’ll bite. How does it not prevent you from getting COVID. If in a well done
controlled trial, a significant number of individuals in a control group get
COVID and a significant number of individuals in the study group don’t get
COVID, how do you argue that it didn’t prevent getting COVID? Or are you arguing
that it doesn’t prevent you from being exposed to COVID? I’m actually somewhat
confused by your assertion.


Patrick MJD

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 5:57 pm

The vaccine reduces risk from developing the COVID-19 disease, won’t stop you
contracting the virus.


Rich Davis

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 16, 2021 3:27 am

As I said above, that is a distinction without a difference. Meaningless



Reply to  StevenF
June 16, 2021 8:05 am

The Pfeizer covid vaccine efficacy study published Dec 2020 concludes that it’s
efficacy is 95%.
This 95% figure is striking when you compare it with similar studies on
influenza vaccines which report efficacy figures ranging from 4% to 81%.
Another issue is the potential conflicts of interest among the researchers
conducting the study. These are listed on a separate document which is an
incredible 89 pages long. The majority have shares and careers in Pfeizer My
findings with the Moderna vaccine study are similar.
Can we have studies where the future wealth of the researchers doesn’t depend on
what they write in the conclusion?


Tim Groves

Reply to  GeoffM
June 17, 2021 12:55 am

The makers and the media love talking about the relative risk reduction, which
is disingenuous as most people (perhaps 80% of us) will handle Covid-19 without
symptoms and the numbers that will get seriously ill (a few percent) or die with
or from it (less than 0.2%) are in the same ballpark as for bog-standard

A commentary in Lancet Microbe clarified that trials on tens of thousands of
people showed absolute risk reductions for Covid-19 vaccine trials that are
miniscule—a reduction in the risk of getting severe Covid of 1.2% for Moderna
and 0.84% for Pfizer.

Why subject yourself to an experimental medical intervention that may ruin or
end your life when your risk of getting ill with Covid-19 is small and can be
further reduced by increasing your blood vitamin D levels, and there are several
safe and effective treatment options?


Rich Davis

Reply to  Patrick MJD
June 16, 2021 3:25 am

On what basis are you making that claim? Because there is a finite failure rate?
Because it doesn’t prevent a virus from entering your body if one is out there?

Those are distinctions without a difference. It does substantially eliminate the
risk of subsequently being infected sufficiently to cause life-threatening
illness. It does so in two ways: by training your immune system to attack the
virus if encountered in the future so that the virus is contained before it can
cause illness; and when enough of the population is vaccinated, by denying the
virus any hosts where it can replicate, thus reducing the opportunity for

If you dispute those points, please explain your evidence.



Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 4:13 am

No, they do not prevent you from getting COVID. They are claimed to only reduce
symptoms. So basically, Tamiflu for covid.



Reply to  icisil
June 15, 2021 12:21 pm

Obviously we’ve read very different studies. The ones I have read both showed an
overall reduction in the number of cases (controlled versus study group) and a
reduction in the severity of symptoms in those in the study group who did get


Rich Davis

Reply to  icisil
June 16, 2021 3:34 am

No, it is not claimed to treat symptoms. It is exactly the same as any other
vaccine. It trains the immune system to attack the virus. If any virus is out
there it can infect you and will likely replicate k!lling some of your cells.
The critical question is whether your immune system will react fast enough to
avoid an uncontrollable spread. No vaccine is a physical barrier to infection.


paranoid goy

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 5:27 am

> That is where the 90% effectiveness comes from…

No, that’s a lie. The “90% effectiveness” is “at lessening the symptoms of a
future covid infection” You will still get sick, just maybe less so.
But first, we’ll have to find that darn virus, prove it exists, so we can
actually test all these wonderful concoctions that are so wonderful the
manufacturers need special state protection from being sued shitless.


John Endicott

Reply to  paranoid goy
June 16, 2021 7:54 am

“No, that’s a lie.”

So nice of you to self label your post. thanks.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 8:48 am

The 90% is only a relative security, the absolute is about around 1 – 2 %


Krishna Gans

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 8:52 am

But they could. On the other hand, we have given more than 2 billion
vaccinations worldwide. If there was a real serious risk, the number of deaths
would be much larger and pretty obvious.

We are in the 7th month or so of vaccination. Did you consider unknown
sideeffects after a year or two ? Noone has an idea about longtime effects.
The now vaccinated are the crash test dummies.

Last edited 4 months ago by Krishna Gans


Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 12:24 pm

Sure. One never knows. But it isn’t like histology/physiology is a complete
unknown. I would bet money that the unknown side effects based on a completely
new concept that we don’t know about will not ever materialize. But you are
right, no one will ever really know till we go through the period.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 8:59 am

Every time we go through a green light we are trusting other people.

You do ?? I don’t. Before crossing a road, green light or not, I look around, I
always did.
I remember a corner in France, I always crossed with red light, because people
turning right did never pay attention to people crossing the street. 😀
Learning by experience not to trust everybody.



Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 15, 2021 12:26 pm

Of course you are. Even when you look both ways and start to go through the
light, you are trusting that others will come to a stop. Just like you trust
people to stop and look before entering the road in front of you. Yes, you can
drive defensively but only to a point. You eventually have to trust the other
person on the road.


Krishna Gans

Reply to  StevenF
June 15, 2021 2:10 pm

I don’t trust, I control, always aware of idiots or sleeper.


Rich Davis

Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 16, 2021 3:42 am

If you won’t say trust, then you must say hope. You hope that there won’t be
someone speeding into the intersection that you can’t detect in time to avoid.
But then you should realize that you are trusting enough of the population not
to be reckless so that your guess about the risk of staying on the road will be


John Endicott

Reply to  Krishna Gans
June 16, 2021 7:57 am

The point is you have no control over the idiots or sleepers. What control you
have over your own actions only limits the potential of having an accident with
the idiots or sleepers, it doesn’t eliminate it no matter how vigilent you think
you are.


Tim Groves

Reply to  StevenF
June 17, 2021 1:05 am

Steven and Rich, your trustingness is commendable, but I suppose you don’t
extend it to the point of gullibility by trusting every con-artist who promises
you benefits if you’ll just do what he asks?

So, at what point does trusting medical advice from people who are not qualified
to practice medicine reach a level that can be described as gullibility?

I submit that with the Covid-19 vaccines, we are just about there. And thinking
about this entire issue, I am reminded of Sir Humphrey Appleby said: “the
history of the world is the triumph of the heartless over the mindless.”  



Reply to  StevenF
June 16, 2021 7:59 am

Watch this from 17 mins please.




June 14, 2021 9:16 pm

slow zombies it is



June 14, 2021 10:48 pm

Over 5 thousands deaths per VAERS (more than all 15 years prior combined) and
you have to gall to say the experimental jab is no worse than seasonal flu

Did I read that right?



June 14, 2021 11:03 pm

This is OT but is interesting (Article + 2 videos)




Reply to  JohnK
June 14, 2021 11:45 pm

John, thanks for that, very interesting.


Peta of Newark

June 14, 2021 11:28 pm

Headline:”CDC Emergency Meeting to Discuss Rare Covid Vaccine Heart
Typical contemporary science. i.e. Go into blind panic mode over something rare.

I’ll put up some of my reasons, there’ll be plenty more, add your own

1) Cause & Effect error. What they are seeing is ‘diversity’ in action. Thus
when Covid itself came along, either we all died or none of us died

2) Who are these people with ‘rare’ complications?

 * Are they overweight
 * How much exercise and fresh air do they get
 * What is their status of Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamins B, C and D
 * Do they smoke, drink and or take cannabis
 * Are they in a chemically induced chronic depression
 * <over to you>

In other words, were these people simply walking talking heart attacks who
tripped over a grain of sand on the side-walk – Covid Vaccine being = that grain
of sand

Taking the definition of Myocarditis as ‘Inflammation’ and ‘electrical
The Main Players in there are:

 * Zinc – Without adequate Zinc inside you, your immune system goes crazy =
 * Vitamin C. Linus Pauling had it well sussed concerning heart disease and
   Vitamin C
 * Magnesium: A massively important neurotransmitter, especially for your heart
 * Vitamin B Hugely important for functioning of our nervous (electrical) system
   and also in the business of ‘protein’ – including ‘protein spikes’ i.e.
   Immune systems
 * Chronic depression. Well known. Those folks simply give up hope and stop
   taking care of themselves. Quite effectively = suicide.

I see nothing or nobody looking at the simple bare necessities, any one of which
could be taking down those people rather than the vaccine.

What I see is a repeat of Climate Science = a fixation powered by exaggeration
(mendacity) fake Empathy and Good Intentions on something so mindnumbingly
trivial as to defy belief.
Not unlike what propels CliSci
i.e. The vanishingly small (=Zero to Three Decimal Places) Emissivity of Carbon
Dioxide Gas

What is The Problem here?
Why the incessant Witch Hunting?
What is anyone/everyone trying to prove?


Vincent Causey

June 14, 2021 11:41 pm

What we have learned is that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is the part that
causes the disease symptoms known as COVID-19. The reason this is important is
because it was previously assumed that the SP was simply like a “key” that opens
the door of the cell membrane. Therefore it is hardly surprising that a vaccine
that forces the body to produce uncontrolled SP will lead to Covid like

The other thing we learned is that the vaccine doesn’t remain in the shoulder
like it was thought, but enters the blood stream and spreads to organs of the
body. This begins to be observed within 15 minutes which was the earliest time
interval measured. Notably it accumulates in the testes and ovaries but also
liver, spleen and to some extent the heart. The effects of myocarditis are
permanent in that the heart cells that die do not grow back, much like the
effect of a heart attack.

If any other medication in history had this number of adverse effects (there are
more than in the entire history of VAERS for all previous vaccines combined) the
trial would be stopped immediately. What is happening parallels what has
happened with the climate change agenda – mass vaccination for its own sake has
become a state religion and the maxim “first do no harm” has been completely


Hatter Eggburn

June 14, 2021 11:54 pm

The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact between the US and the EU, United in their passion
to kick post-Brexit Britain, first manifested itself in the lynching of the
AstraZeneca vaccine. Last week it took form again as Irish Biden’s essentially
racist support for the EU’s land grab of Northern Ireland.

All the reasons for this United attack against the AZ vaccine are bogus. Data
from the rollout of millions of vaccines administered consistently show the AZ
vaccine to be at least as effective as the Pfizer and other vaccines, and to be
superior in its longer term T cell based immunity. The big noise about blood
clots has fallen silent after clinicians have now learned to manage the cases
and dramatically reduce the ill effects and mortality. Meanwhile some of the
side effect of the Pfizer jab hitherto hidden by the company’s legal thugs, are
now leaking into the media.

Britain is now in the position of Poland in the 1930s, sandwiched to the east
and west by large powers that hate and resent the nation’s new found
independence – and who would like to extinguish that independence as soon as


Rob Piper

June 15, 2021 2:37 am

See the following link to see doctors & nurses discussing covid vaccine injuries


very old white guy

June 15, 2021 2:53 am

Was just reading an article from the UK. Based on their yellow card system of
reporting adverse effects from vaccines, they are suggesting that all covid
vaccines be stopped immediately.



Reply to  very old white guy
June 15, 2021 7:10 am

Would appreciate if you could give details, I would like to read that myself.


Eric Vieira

June 15, 2021 3:40 am

That “Senior Doctor” doesn’t seem to be very well informed wrt. side effects
from the mRNA vaccines. By the way that goes for many other Doctors too.. If
they rely only on official reports or MSM for information, then no wonder. By
the way, Doctors who are well informed, and openly act on this are, or will be
probably cancelled.


Bruce Cobb

June 15, 2021 4:47 am

Music to the vaccinatards (those refusing to take the covid vaccine, due to
their own selfish, and retarded “reasons”) ears, I suppose. We’ve never gotten a
flu shot, and I can’t remember the last time I had the flu. We’re healthy, take
vitamins, walk etc. But, as soon as the covid vaccine was available, we took it.
Go figure.


Carlo, Monte

Reply to  Bruce Cobb
June 15, 2021 6:40 am

Does the pfizer injection prevent you from getting a WuhanFlu infection?


Tom in Florida

June 15, 2021 5:10 am

All medications and vaccines come with a long list of possible side effects and
conditions to be watchful for. Most serious side effects happen only rarely. But
they do happen. The caveat is ALWAYS : “your doctor has prescribed this
medication because he or she has judged the benefit to you is greater than the
risk from side effects”.



Reply to  Tom in Florida
June 15, 2021 5:43 am

Tom you can stop taking a pill if you get side effects, but if you take the jab
and get a side effect you have to live with it there is nothing you can do to
stop it, the vaccin is a part of the rest of your life with or without side

Thats the diffrens from other medications.


Tom in Florida

Reply to  Uffe
June 15, 2021 2:47 pm

While your point is taken it was not what I said.
Understand that EVERYTHING you put into your body has possible side effects. The
caveat is whether or not what you are putting in is better than not putting it
in at all. You and your doctor should make that decision.



June 15, 2021 6:09 am

Here is yet another report:

CDC says vaccine link to heart inflammation is stronger than previously thought

It appears the problem occurs in those under 30 which, as I understand it, is a
cohort that generally does not suffer severe issues from CV-19. On the other
hand, I think the data we are dealing with is full of errors, delays and
revisions that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get valid analysis. It’s
all very frustrating.


Jeffery P

June 15, 2021 8:43 am

All the Covid-19 vaccines are approved for emergency use. Perhaps use should be
limited to emergencies. That is, people who are highly vulnerable should get
vaccinated. Young, healthy people? Probably not.



June 15, 2021 10:04 am

> I personally know a senior doctor who is furious that stories of Covid vaccine
> complications are taken out of context, that Covid vaccines are no worse than
> flu vaccines, in terms of their side effects

Shameful plug was NOT needed.


Leo Goldstein

June 15, 2021 11:13 am

They must stop vaccinating minors, at least. Healthy minors (<18) derive no
benefits from it. Younger people get worse side effects. Minors gets immunity by
exposure. Most of the kids probably have immunity, except in the areas where
schools stayed closed for the whole year

Even those minors who get infected, shed only very small amounts of the virus.

COVID-19 vaccination of young healthy people is madness.



Reply to  Leo Goldstein
June 15, 2021 12:53 pm



Leo Goldstein

June 15, 2021 11:33 am

This sounds like a classical vaccine associated enhanced disease (VAED).
“Enhanced disease” means worsened conditions of the patient.

This is an “enhancement” of the second kind – “enhanced” pathology. The first
kind is when sub-neutralizing antibodies help the virus to enter the cells
instead of preventing that.


Kevin R.

June 15, 2021 12:16 pm

Are the numbers different than what the normal numbers of the general population
would be?


Richard Mann

June 15, 2021 3:46 pm

Salk Institute,
April 30, 2021.



June 15, 2021 6:28 pm

As Salk Institute pointed out, it’s the HIV Inserted GOF Spike Proteins that
cause the damage not the virus. These spikes were meant to stay in the muscle
but have been shown to enter the vascular system and even cross the blood brain
barrier. In men they accumulate in the heart , in women they accumulate in the


Joe H

June 16, 2021 12:18 am

On US VAERS the deaths recorded against.CV19 vaxx are greater than all 70 other
vaxxes combined over the last 30 years! I understand VAERS is quite a deficient
reporting system (severe under reporting) but even in a noisy system a clear
signal will still be visible. To state that this vaxx is as safe as flu vaxx is
arrant nonsense. VAERS staff estimate the CV vaxx is responsible for around 20k
deaths in US.


Paul C

June 16, 2021 7:08 am

And now in the UK they appear to be initiating compulsory vaccination.
First they came for the care home staff……
As the trials have not been completed, all the vaccines are still experimental.
This would appear to be another clear contravention of the Nuremberg code. The
ten principles for medical experimentation on human subjects keep it clear and
simple, but they appear determined to break as many as possible. I believe that
in some jurisdictions, the death penalty can be applied for breach of this code.





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     2021 › 09 › 13 › the-media-is-lying-about-greenland-and-climate-change
     The mainstream media is hell-bent on instilling climate fear among the
     masses. This means that they can never get over their obsession with
     weather events in the Arctic, which is one of their favorite subjects for
     projecting a climate catastrophe.  

     2021 › 09 › 27 ›
     The second US academic in two months, Alexandra Souverneva, has been
     arrested and accused of serial arson in California. Last month California
     Professor Gary Maynard was arrested in a separate incident, and accused of
     being a serial arsonist. Neither of the accused to my knowledge has been
     convicted of arson crimes.

     2021 › 10 › 03 ›
     The Washington Post’s suggestion that Antarctica “continues to warm
     rapidly” is also contradicted by recent studies showing the entire South
     Pole continent has in fact cooled since data recording began in the 1950s.

     reference-pages › sea-ice-page

     2021 › 09 › 27 ›

     2021 › 10 › 04 › facebook-outage-appears-to-be-a-dns-hack
     I'm not an IT expert, but I decided to check. Our users can probably
     provide more detail.

     2021 › 09 › 15 ›

     2021 › 10 › 02 › the-new-pause-that-goes-on-giving
     Why does these long Pauses matter? It is not just that they cause
     entertaining conniptions among the ungodly (just watch the pompous,
     pietistic whining by the lavishly-paid trolls who seek to disrupt these
     threads day after day, convincing none but themselves).

     2021 › 09 › 26 ›
     The green energy future is not green at all, a stunning new documentary
     shows how corrupt and destructive it is to our environment.

     2021 › 09 › 22 › facebook-fact-checkers-just-censored-peer-reviewed-science
     Dr. Willie Soon an Dr. Ronan Connolly discussing the chilling effect on
     scientific inquiry, of Facebook's apparent policy of shutting down mentions
     of published, peer reviewed papers their inexpert fact checkers don't like.

     2021 › 09 › 22 › solar-update-september-2021
     This figure also shows a flat trend through the 1970s cooling period
     followed by a 40 year long downtrend in activity. Whatever solar processes
     caused the Modern Warm Period and the mild warming we all enjoyed in the
     second half of the 20th century, they are declining and the Sun is
     returning to its normal, colder state.

     2021 › 10 › 17 ›
     You think FFF kids are mad at their parents for trashing the planet? That’s
     nothing compared to their anger when you ask them to walk the talk.

     2021 › 09 › 19 ›
     In an effort to hold the IPCC accountable, I have compared actual measured
     temperatures with two of their scenarios from the AR4 report in 2007. The
     B1 and A2 scenarios. See Appendix “A” for the relevant section of the AR4

     2021 › 09 › 26 › europe-is-switching-back-to-coal-to-survive-bleak-winter
     Europe’s embarrassing coal comeback will make any Net Zero demands almost
     impossible for politicians from the UK and Europe not least because they
     are also dealing with the growing fear of a voter backlash from the cost of
     Net Zero and rising energy bills.

     2021 › 10 › 05 ›
     The “climate emergency” claim hyped by Scientific American and other
     political climate alarmist entities is based on the completely fallacious
     statement that “the planet is heating up way to fast” with that flawed
     claim representing nothing but politics and propaganda that is disproved by
     actually measured global temperature anomaly temperature measurements
     between 1988 and 2021 as well as being directly contradicted by the more
     than 5 year-long declining global temperature anomaly data presented by all
     5 major global temperature anomaly measurement systems between 2016 and

     2021 › 10 › 16 › failed-serial-doomcasters

     2021 › 09 › 17 › friday-funny-hilarious-letter-to-the-editor

     2021 › 09 › 19 ›
     As energy prices in Europe go through the roof, factories are beginning to
     shut down and food is disappearing from the shelves. Welcome to green
     Britain, offering a foretaste of what life will be like under Net Zero
     conditions – poorer, colder, hungrier – unless Government changes course.

     2021 › 10 › 01 ›
     Some comments on the WUWT article noted that the HadCRUT5 measurement
     system had not yet updated its official data record for July 2021. At the
     time of prior article HadCRUT5 was two months behind the other 4 global
     monthly temperature anomaly systems which had already reported monthly
     anomaly data updates for both July and August 2021.

     2021 › 09 › 20 › record-power-prices-blackouts-hit-germany
     The Germans have broken a record again. Drastically increased wholesale
     prices and expensive emission rights are driving electricity prices in
     Germany to ever new record levels. In addition, of course, there are also
     high taxes and levies for renewable energies and the network charges, which
     we have already listed in our article “This is why we have the most
     expensive electricity in the world”.

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   of UN climate meeting
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   Preaches…All Hell Broke Loose!
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