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Submission: On August 17 via api from IE — Scanned from CA

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      <span class="province-selector-option" role="link" tabindex="0"></span>
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    <input id="a96123eb-65ba-48eb-ace8-40ba468c2b4f" type="radio" name="province-2649e203-bc8d-4015-ad0d-ef9ee3e0389e" value="YT" data-di-id="#a96123eb-65ba-48eb-ace8-40ba468c2b4f">
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At Bell, we value the trust you place in us when sharing your personal
information. We make every effort to be transparent about what information we
collect, why we collect it, what we do with it and with whom we might share it.
This is our commitment to you:
 1.  We commit to being accountable to you for how we collect, use and disclose
     your personal information.
 2.  We will inform you of the ways your personal information is being
     collected, used or disclosed. We may do this through our Privacy Policy,
     our Terms of Use or our websites.
 3.  We only collect, use or disclose your personal information if we have your
     consent, or in circumstances where your consent isn’t necessary (such as an
     emergency situation).
 4.  We only collect your personal information in fair and legal ways. We limit
     our collection of your personal information to the purposes identified in
     advance to you.
 5.  We use or disclose your personal information for the reasons it is
     collected, when it is otherwise allowed, or as required by law. We keep the
     information only as long as we need to, or as required by law.
 6.  We correct your personal information when you inform us of mistakes or let
     us know updates are required.
 7.  We do our best to keep your personal information safe, and ensure we use
     appropriate physical, technical and administrative safeguards appropriate
     to the sensitivity of the information. If we transfer your personal
     information to our suppliers we ensure your information is appropriately
 8.  We make information available to you about our information management
     policies and practices.
 9.  We will provide you with access to the personal information we hold about
     you upon written request, unless restricted by law.
 10. We are here to listen, and to help. If you have concerns, please contact us
     at privacy@bell.ca .

We’ve updated our Privacy Policy, effective August 2, 2021.
Download the Privacy Policy
The updated policy includes the following clarifications:
 * How your information may be used by third parties acting on our behalf,
   including for operational purposes and marketing campaigns.
 * That your personal information may be collected, used or disclosed to
   prevent, detect or suppress fraud, protect your account and secure our
 * When your information may be disclosed to third-party smart home voice
   command integration providers, should you choose to sign up for such

View the previous version of our Privacy Policy (PDF 435 KB)

View the previous version of our Privacy Policy applicable to Bell Smart Home
and Bell Business Security and Automation (PDF 558 KB)


Find out what information we collect,
how we use it and the choices you have.
Learn how we collect and use data
See our FAQs
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 * Legal and regulatory
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Bell is Canada's largest communications company, providing consumers and
business with solutions for all their communications needs.


Bell Fibe TV, the best TV service, provides stunning 4K picture and
high-fidelity sound. Using fibre optic technology, Bell Fibe TV brings the best
TV experience right to your door – no dish required.

The Bell Fibe TV app lets you access live TV and on-demand television content
using your Bell Streamer or by downloading the Fibe TV app on Amazon Fire TV,
Android TV, Apple TV or by Google Cast using your Google Chromecast.

Bell Satellite TV provides a great variety of HD and 4K channels, the best
receivers and the best image quality – making it the leader in digital satellite
TV service in Canada.


Choose from the latest iPhone devices from Apple, Samsung devices, Google
phones, tablets and other popular smartphones. Stay connected on the Bell
5G-capable network with blazing-fast speeds, coast-to-coast coverage and clear


Command the fastest upload speeds with Bell Fibe Internet on Canada’s largest
fibre optic network. Bell's high-speed home Internet lets you share photos and
videos with upload speeds of up to 940 Mbps and download speeds of up to 1.5
Gigabits per second.


If you are looking for reliable home phone services, Bell Home phone guarantees
exceptional services at all times or you get your money back.


Looking for new products and services from Bell? See the latest Bell promotions
and offers or visit a Bell store to learn more.


As Canada's leading trusted technology advisor, Bell Canada delivers end-to-end
solutions to our small and medium-sized business (SMB) customers, from business
Internet to business Mobility services and long distance solutions.

Bell Business Markets is committed to delivering the integrated solutions large
organizations need to increase productivity, sustain profitable growth, maximize
service differentiation and minimize risk in today's challenging environment.


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