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          <h3 class="mbr-section-subtitle mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-7"><strong>إتمشوا معانا&nbsp;</strong></h3>
          <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-4"> كل حى فى مصر فعلا " حى" بناسه و تراثه المعمارى و الأحداث اللى عاشها و علشان كده إحنا فى الجهاز القومى للتنسيق الحضارى صونا على قد ما نقدر تراث مصر فى سلسلة ذاكرة المدينة اللى مش ممكن تنسى اللى
            بناها و جملها و عاش فيها .وقررنا نتمشى سوى فى شوارع الذاكرة و نفتكر مين <a href="" class="text-primary" target="_blank">عاش هنا</a>&nbsp;و
            <a href="" class="text-primary" target="_blank">حكاية شارع</a></p>
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          <h3 class="mbr-section-subtitle mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-4" style="text-align:left;"><strong>Walk with us</strong></h3>
          <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-4" style="text-align:left;">In Egypt, every neighbourhood is indeed alive through its residence, architectural heritage and the events that it witnessed. <br>That’s why we, at the National
            Organization for Urban Harmony (NOUH) safeguarded as much as possible, Cairo Heritage, in our series titled ‘Memory of the City’. And how can a City ever forget those who built, decorated and lived in it? <br>We decided to walk down
            memory lane and remember the “<a href="" class="text-primary" target="_blank">story of a street</a>”, its name and who “<a href="" class="text-primary" target="_blank">lived here</a>
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Text Content

إتمشوا معانا 

كل حى فى مصر فعلا " حى" بناسه و تراثه المعمارى و الأحداث اللى عاشها و علشان كده
إحنا فى الجهاز القومى للتنسيق الحضارى صونا على قد ما نقدر تراث مصر فى سلسلة
ذاكرة المدينة اللى مش ممكن تنسى اللى بناها و جملها و عاش فيها .وقررنا نتمشى سوى
فى شوارع الذاكرة و نفتكر مين عاش هنا و حكاية شارع


In Egypt, every neighbourhood is indeed alive through its residence,
architectural heritage and the events that it witnessed.
That’s why we, at the National Organization for Urban Harmony (NOUH) safeguarded
as much as possible, Cairo Heritage, in our series titled ‘Memory of the City’.
And how can a City ever forget those who built, decorated and lived in it?
We decided to walk down memory lane and remember the “story of a street”, its
name and who “lived here “once. 

شاركونا ذكريات مدينتكم



جميع حقوق الملكية محفوظة للجهاز القومى للتنسيق الحضارى طبقا ً للقانون 2020 ©