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Name: searchFormGET /en-us/Search/results

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GET /en-US/search/results

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Name: smartFeedbackForm javascript:void(0);

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junk email, regardless of the content of the message. You can add your Contacts
and other correspondents to the Safe Senders list to confirm you'll always
receive their messages in your inbox.

By default, email addresses in your Outlook contacts are considered safe senders
by the Junk Email Filter, but you can change this setting. Email messages from
safe senders are never moved to the Junk E-mail folder.


 * If you use a Microsoft Exchange Server account, mailboxes in the Global
   Address List (GAL) are also considered safe senders. This does not apply to
   Contacts and MailUsers in the GAL.

 * When you send a message to a person or organization that isn’t an Outlook
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   might be moved to the Junk E-Mail folder.

To add people to your Safe Senders List, do the following:

 1. On the Home tab, click Junk, and then click Junk E-mail Options.

 2. On the Safe Senders tab, check the Automatically add people I e-mail to the
    Safe Senders List box.


 1. Click the Mail icon, and then click the Home tab.

 2. In the Delete group, click Junk, and then click Junk Email Options.

 3. On the Safe Senders tab, clear the Also trust email from my Contacts check


Overview of the Junk Email Filter



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