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Leo Edwards
Inverloch3996 | @realty
0472 523 445
Home Price & Features Make An Offer Description Amenities Photos Floor Plans
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Leo Edwards
Inverloch3996 | @realty
0472 523 445



Leongatha South, VIC 3953

$1,585,000 - $1,700,000

3 Beds
3 Baths
214 M2
Lot 57 acres


Make an offer


This sale is being facilitated by transparent negotiation. The property can sell
to any qualified buyer at any time.

Contact Leo ASAP to avoid missing out.

Located opposite the South Gippsland Golf Club and situated on 57 acres of lush,
green land, this once in a lifetime rural property offers an enviable lifestyle
with lots of income potential from the stunning and established 71 row Pinot
Vineyard and adaptable accommodation options (current Planning Permit for a
Cellar Door & Group Accommodation).

As you drive up the long, winding driveway, your breath will be taken away by
the very special views of this stunning residence, you can feel the peace and
tranquillity that this property has to offer. The beautiful parklike grounds
provide a sense of seclusion and privacy, perfect for a family to relax and
enjoy a quality lifestyle. The interior of the main residence has a range of
features, including built in wardrobes, dishwasher, plantation shutters with
large glass doors and windows to take in the views. You will love how the
combination of high ceilings, and open plan living areas create a warm and
inviting atmosphere. The reverse cycle aircon and open fireplace, ensure you are
comfortable all year round. Nearby to the house is a delightful office/studio
with bathroom facilities, panel heating and reverse cycle air conditioning. 

The outdoor spaces are the real highlight of this property. Enjoy time outdoors
on the decks and take in the stunning vistas overlooking pristine dams with a
solar powered fountain and take in the serenity. This property is the perfect
combination of luxury living and rural lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a
family home, a business opportunity, or just an escape from the hustle and
bustle of city life, this property has it all - you could drive your buggy home
straight from the 18th Hole! Don't miss out on this opportunity to own your own
piece of paradise. Enquire now for an inspection and make this property your
very own.


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Built-in Appliances


Family Room

Outside Access

Sun Room

Air Conditioning

Built-in Vanities




Island Countertops

Raised Elevation

Recessed Lighting

Separate Shower


Self-Contained Studio

Water Tanks



Plantation Shutters

Solar Hot Water


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 * Site Plan
 * Main Residence
 * Office / Studio



Landchecker Report.pdf
Statement of Information.pdf


 * Map
 * Street View
 * Schools
 * Parks
 * Bars
 * Restaurants
 * Coffee
 * ATMs
 * Gyms

150 Holgates Road
Leongatha South, VIC 3953
3 Bed | 3 Baths



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Licensed Real Estate Agent / Auctioneer
Inverloch3996 | @realty

Mobile: 0472 523 445
Leo's Bio
Web: inverlochatrealty.com.au
"Excellent, stress free and transparent. The sale of our property was a very
easy and stress free process, we have Leo to thank for that. He was very honest
and transparent with us through the entire process which gave us great
confidence. He also has very impressive marketing skills, which enabled him to
get the right buyer through the door. Thank you!"
Troy & Kelly - Leongatha
Leo's marketing skills and knowledge of the local market helped us to achieve an
above market price
Chelsea & Jamie - Inverloch
A fresh and exciting experience - brilliant marketing and a great result for us.
Kevin & Amy - Leongatha
"My real estate adventures started nearly 40 years ago with my first house. I've
been buying and selling ever since and a good agent makes so much difference to
the success of both transactions. Leo was calm, efficient, knowledgeable and
handled the photography and digital marketing campaign with great success. His
appraisal was accurate for the market and he achieved a relatively quick sale
and got a very good result for me. Leo is a great communicator and always
follows through. I'd say he's a very good agent, one of the best I've ever dealt
Susan - Cowes
"We had a great experience selling our property with Leo Edwards. He produced a
video of our property showcasing the fabulous location of our house to the beach
which is something we never would have received from any of the other agents in
the area. This led to us finding a buyer from Melbourne wanting a rental
property in Inverloch. He was professional and easy to work with all the way and
kept us fully informed. Thanks for your great service and especially for seeing
outside the square when it came to our property. It was a pleasure to have
worked with you."
Jodie - Inverloch
"Excellent, stress free and transparent. The sale of our property was a very
easy and stress free process, we have Leo to thank for that. He was very honest
and transparent with us through the entire process which gave us great
confidence. He also has very impressive marketing skills, which enabled him to
get the right buyer through the door. Thank you!"
Troy & Kelly - Leongatha
Leo's marketing skills and knowledge of the local market helped us to achieve an
above market price
Chelsea & Jamie - Inverloch
A fresh and exciting experience - brilliant marketing and a great result for us.
Kevin & Amy - Leongatha
"My real estate adventures started nearly 40 years ago with my first house. I've
been buying and selling ever since and a good agent makes so much difference to
the success of both transactions. Leo was calm, efficient, knowledgeable and
handled the photography and digital marketing campaign with great success. His
appraisal was accurate for the market and he achieved a relatively quick sale
and got a very good result for me. Leo is a great communicator and always
follows through. I'd say he's a very good agent, one of the best I've ever dealt
Susan - Cowes
"We had a great experience selling our property with Leo Edwards. He produced a
video of our property showcasing the fabulous location of our house to the beach
which is something we never would have received from any of the other agents in
the area. This led to us finding a buyer from Melbourne wanting a rental
property in Inverloch. He was professional and easy to work with all the way and
kept us fully informed. Thanks for your great service and especially for seeing
outside the square when it came to our property. It was a pleasure to have
worked with you."
Jodie - Inverloch
"Excellent, stress free and transparent. The sale of our property was a very
easy and stress free process, we have Leo to thank for that. He was very honest
and transparent with us through the entire process which gave us great
confidence. He also has very impressive marketing skills, which enabled him to
get the right buyer through the door. Thank you!"
Troy & Kelly - Leongatha


12 Youll Grove
Inverloch, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 2 Baths
13 Seastar Street
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
115 Buffalo North Road
Buffalo, VIC 3958
5 Beds / 4 Baths
Coming Soon
29 Lavington Street
Inverloch, VIC 3996
6 Beds / 2 Baths
88 Woodland Heath Drive
Inverloch, VIC 3996
4 Beds / 2 Baths
3 Runnel Drive
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
39 John Flagg Rise
Inverloch, VIC 3996
111 Mckenzie Street
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
2/572 Cape Paterson Road
Cape Paterson, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 2 Baths
166 Holgates Road
Leongatha South, VIC 3953
5 Beds / 3 Baths
17 Cooper Lane
Inverloch, VIC 3996
6 Beds / 4 Baths
12 Cuttlers Circuit
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
3 Beds / 2 Baths
17 Pinnacle Close
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
47 Bayview Avenue
Inverloch, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 1 Bath
45 Arbuthnots Road
Tarwin Lower, VIC 3956
4 Beds / 2 Baths
1134 Tarwin Lower Road
Middle Tarwin, VIC 3956
4 Beds / 2 Baths
4 Goochs Road
Jumbuna, VIC 3951
4 Beds / 3 Baths
16 North View Drive
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
8 Noonlower Close
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
112 Viminaria Road
Harmers Haven, VIC 3995
3 Beds / 2 Baths
8 Moonah Way
Inverloch, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 2 Baths
3 Seadragon Street
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
8 Williamsons Walk
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
7 Bandicoot Court
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
8 Stargazer Avenue
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
3 Beds / 2 Baths
44 Shandley Street
Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
51 Lohr Avenue
Inverloch, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 2 Baths
19 Bird Street
Inverloch, VIC 3996
4 Beds / 2 Baths
4 Sunlight Boulevard
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
1 Seaberry Court
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
3 Beds / 2 Baths
390 Stuchberry Road
Inverloch, VIC 3996
4 Beds / 2 Baths
57-69 Kookaburra Drive
Koonwarra, VIC 3954
4 Beds / 2 Baths
51 Anchor Parade
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 ½ Baths
3/582 Cape Paterson Road
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
2 Beds / 1 Bath
9 Seastar Street
Cape Paterson, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 ½ Baths
13 Bird Street
Inverloch, VIC 3996
5 Beds / 2 Baths
42 Wallace Street
North Wonthaggi, VIC 3995
4 Beds / 2 Baths
15 Dalmont Bay Court
Inverloch, VIC 3996
4 Beds / 2 Baths
45 Murrays Road
Inverloch, VIC 3996
4 Beds / 3 Baths
10 Veronica Court
Leongatha, VIC 3953
55 Dixon Street
Inverloch, VIC 3996
3 Beds / 2 Baths



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Inverloch3996 | @realty
Inverloch, 3996

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Licensed Real Estate Agent / Auctioneer, Inverloch3996 | @realty
Mobile: 0472 523 445



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Licensed Real Estate Agent / Auctioneer
Inverloch3996 | @realty
Mobile: 0472 523 445
Leo Edwards is a fully licensed real estate agent & auctioneer based in
Inverloch Victoria, and the founder of www.inverloch3996.com a regional online
platform reaching up to 30,000 people weekly who either love, or would love to
live in Inverloch.
He has worked Internationally creating marketing campaigns for some of the
largest real estate developments in the world before making the sea change to
Inverloch with his wife Janelle & son Alfie in 2014. He holds regional
qualifications with the Real Estate Institute of Victoria, The Australian School
of Business & Law as well as International qualifications with both The
Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment and The Chartered Insurance
Leo is also the founder of www.3996studio.com a platform dedicated to helping
other forward thinking real estate agents market their properties more
effectively and achieve better results for their vendors in an increasingly
digital world.


Licensed Real Estate Agent / Auctioneer, Inverloch3996 | @realty
Mobile: 0472 523 445
"My real estate adventures started nearly 40 years ago with my first house. I've
been buying and selling ever since and a good agent makes so much difference to
the success of both transactions. Leo was calm, efficient, knowledgeable and
handled the photography and digital marketing campaign with great success. His
appraisal was accurate for the market and he achieved a relatively quick sale
and got a very good result for me. Leo is a great communicator and always
follows through. I'd say he's a very good agent, one of the best I've ever dealt
Susan - Cowes


"We had a great experience selling our property with Leo Edwards. He produced a
video of our property showcasing the fabulous location of our house to the beach
which is something we never would have received from any of the other agents in
the area. This led to us finding a buyer from Melbourne wanting a rental
property in Inverloch. He was professional and easy to work with all the way and
kept us fully informed. Thanks for your great service and especially for seeing
outside the square when it came to our property. It was a pleasure to have
worked with you."
Jodie - Inverloch


"Excellent, stress free and transparent. The sale of our property was a very
easy and stress free process, we have Leo to thank for that. He was very honest
and transparent with us through the entire process which gave us great
confidence. He also has very impressive marketing skills, which enabled him to
get the right buyer through the door. Thank you!"
Troy & Kelly - Leongatha


Leo's marketing skills and knowledge of the local market helped us to achieve an
above market price
Chelsea & Jamie - Inverloch


A fresh and exciting experience - brilliant marketing and a great result for us.
Kevin & Amy - Leongatha



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 * shane harvey
   Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positive experience after having our ...
   Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positive experience after having our house
   on the market previously for over 4 months with another real estate he had
   our property sold within 2 weeks on the market. Leo used innovative
   strategies and up to date marketing tools to sell our property. Easy going
   and hard working. What a positive experience. Highly recommend
   Leo@Inverlochrealty! Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positiv ...
   read our reviews
   2024-03-26 07:59:23 powered by goodreviews

 * Alison Dixon
   Just sold our property with Leo and couldn't be happier with the servi ...
   Just sold our property with Leo and couldn't be happier with the service he
   provides. His commitment to "getting the job done" was amazing and I know we
   achieved the best possible price. What really impressed me was the fact that
   I was able to deal directly with Leo. He kept me informed at all times during
   the sale process and being a local, really has a great handle on what is
   happening with real estate locally. Five star service, that's for sure.
   Thanks so much, Leo Just sold our property with Leo and could ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-24 00:59:58 powered by goodreviews

 * Chris Spencer
   Leo was open and honest throughout our buying experience. He has a wea ...
   Leo was open and honest throughout our buying experience. He has a wealth of
   knowledge and is a true professional of the industry. I would highly
   recommend Leo if you are wanting to sell or looking to buy! Leo was open and
   honest throughout our bu ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-18 00:28:38 powered by goodreviews

 * Grahame Treloar
   Leo worked very hard in an extremely competitive market to sell out ho ...
   Leo worked very hard in an extremely competitive market to sell out home.
   Thanks Leo for making our journey easier in difficult times. Kaye and Grahame
   👍 Leo worked very hard in an extremely comp ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-18 00:23:51 powered by goodreviews

 * Andrea Evans
   We had the pleasure of working with Leo as our real estate agent durin ... We
   had the pleasure of working with Leo as our real estate agent during the
   process of selling our house, and we couldn't be more satisfied with the
   level of service he provided. Leo's honesty was a standout quality that truly
   set him apart. From the initial consultation to the closing of the sale, he
   consistently communicated openly and transparently, ensuring we were
   well-informed at every step. We are grateful for Leo's unwavering support
   throughout the entire journey. Leo was there for us, offering guidance,
   reassurance, and a calming presence. His professionalism and positive
   attitude made the entire process smoother than we could have anticipated. We
   had the pleasure of working with Leo a ...
   read our reviews
   2024-01-22 22:51:52 powered by goodreviews

 * Mariana Lashansky
   Leo and Janelle read completely well our personalities and found the p ...
   Leo and Janelle read completely well our personalities and found the perfect
   place for us. Very approachable and responsive. Leo and Janelle read
   completely well our ...
   read our reviews
   2024-01-11 03:38:26 powered by goodreviews

 * Daniela Pansino
   Leo the legend! He steered the ship very well in a very difficult mark ...
   Leo the legend! He steered the ship very well in a very difficult market.
   Highly recommend this guy! Leo the legend! He steered the ship very ...
   read our reviews
   2023-11-27 22:10:05 powered by goodreviews

 * Maureen Willson
   I had interviewed 3 real estate agents, the first two demonstrated old ... I
   had interviewed 3 real estate agents, the first two demonstrated old tired
   real estate sales strategies which I didn’t want. Leo was a breath of fresh
   air. His marketing strategy was exactly what we were after and he underpinned
   his strategy with data driven evidence, all highly transparent. He was
   readily available and very engaging and captured our property with incredible
   videography and photography expertise which helped it sell four days after
   going on the market! I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. No regrets
   whatsoever and very happy the traditional sales had nothing to do with our
   property sale. I had interviewed 3 real estate agents, t ...
   read our reviews
   2023-10-26 00:34:05 powered by goodreviews

 * Rod Thomson
   Leo took the time to show us multiple properties that fitted our requi ...
   Leo took the time to show us multiple properties that fitted our requirements
   and assisted with additional inspections at short notice. The online offer
   and sales process was easy to complete. Leo took the time to show us multiple
   pro ...
   read our reviews
   2023-09-17 10:52:08 powered by goodreviews

 * Sally Thomson
   Finding a special retreat in Cape Paterson was made very easy by Leo w ...
   Finding a special retreat in Cape Paterson was made very easy by Leo who
   showed us a variety of places, responded promptly to all our questions and
   gave us a lot of individual time both in person and online. Finding a special
   retreat in Cape Paterso ...
   read our reviews
   2023-09-17 08:22:57 powered by goodreviews

 * Natalie Kalkhoven
   Leo has been so helpful in purchasing my property, he has excellent co ...
   Leo has been so helpful in purchasing my property, he has excellent
   communication and even held the tape measure and recorded the readings. Leo
   has been so helpful in purchasing my ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-30 20:16:26 powered by goodreviews

 * Travis Wiltshire
   Leo has been easy and straightforward since the very first interaction ...
   Leo has been easy and straightforward since the very first interaction with
   him. With a unique and powerful way of selling you can't go wrong with
   Inverloch realty. Photo and promotional package is top notch! Thanks for all
   your help Leo, on what we knew would be a hard sell in current market! Leo
   has been easy and straightforward sin ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-27 05:16:56 powered by goodreviews

 * Coby Jeeves
   Can not speak highly enough of leo his professionalism in what he does ...
   Can not speak highly enough of leo his professionalism in what he does is
   second to none, hard working, quick results, and would highly recommend to
   anyone who is looking to sell their home. Can not speak highly enough of leo
   his pr ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-23 09:48:20 powered by goodreviews

 * Joanne Håkansson
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo was supportive during the wh ...
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo was supportive during the whole
   selling process which resulted in a quick, positive outcome. I have
   recommended him to other sellers who have engaged him. Thanks Leo
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-08 00:19:41 powered by goodreviews

 * chris & rod smith
   Great Service. Leo, was very approachable professional & friendly, wh ...
   Great Service. Leo, was very approachable professional & friendly, when
   buying the property Leo was very helpful and we achieved a positive outcome.
   Much appreciated thanks Leo Great Service. Leo, was very approachabl ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-05 04:27:44 powered by goodreviews

 * Luke Hynes
   Leo made our first home purchase experience enjoyable. From the get go ...
   Leo made our first home purchase experience enjoyable. From the get go it
   felt like Leo was really there to help us. He made the whole process easy and
   enjoyable with his good integrity and approachable demeanour. Leo made our
   first home purchase experien ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-03 03:07:57 powered by goodreviews

 * Matt and Jade
   Selling our home with Leo was a no brainer for us. His marketing and a ...
   Selling our home with Leo was a no brainer for us. His marketing and
   attention to detail was outstanding. Leo’s direct approach got the job done
   and we couldn’t be happier. Thanks Leo! Selling our home with Leo was a no
   braine ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-02 09:37:56 powered by goodreviews

 * Jim and Ann Warren
   I found Leo to be very transparent in his dealings with me. He was ver ... I
   found Leo to be very transparent in his dealings with me. He was very
   reassuring with my queries. The online auction held in my own home was a good
   experience with a great result and sold on the night within the month. Highly
   recommended thank you. I found Leo to be very transparent in his ...
   read our reviews
   2023-06-25 10:03:02 powered by goodreviews

 * Dave Carlos
   Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we bought our home. He was prompt ...
   Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we bought our home. He was prompt and
   courteous. He always followed up our queries and provided accurate
   information when we needed it. I feel he acted very fairly, representing our
   needs as purchasers as well as the vendors needs. I highly recommend
   Inveloch3996@realty Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we b ...
   read our reviews
   2023-03-21 06:09:25 powered by goodreviews

 * Paul Jackson
   Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak more highly of Christine - she ...
   Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak more highly of Christine - she was
   fantastic to deal with! She was open, honest and transparent throughout the
   entire process and went out of her way to keep us informed. Highly
   recommended. Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak mo ...
   read our reviews
   2023-02-03 00:02:49 powered by goodreviews

 * shane harvey
   Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positive experience after having our ...
   Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positive experience after having our house
   on the market previously for over 4 months with another real estate he had
   our property sold within 2 weeks on the market. Leo used innovative
   strategies and up to date marketing tools to sell our property. Easy going
   and hard working. What a positive experience. Highly recommend
   Leo@Inverlochrealty! Leo at Inverloch realty gave us a positiv ...
   read our reviews
   2024-03-26 07:59:23 powered by goodreviews

 * Alison Dixon
   Just sold our property with Leo and couldn't be happier with the servi ...
   Just sold our property with Leo and couldn't be happier with the service he
   provides. His commitment to "getting the job done" was amazing and I know we
   achieved the best possible price. What really impressed me was the fact that
   I was able to deal directly with Leo. He kept me informed at all times during
   the sale process and being a local, really has a great handle on what is
   happening with real estate locally. Five star service, that's for sure.
   Thanks so much, Leo Just sold our property with Leo and could ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-24 00:59:58 powered by goodreviews

 * Chris Spencer
   Leo was open and honest throughout our buying experience. He has a wea ...
   Leo was open and honest throughout our buying experience. He has a wealth of
   knowledge and is a true professional of the industry. I would highly
   recommend Leo if you are wanting to sell or looking to buy! Leo was open and
   honest throughout our bu ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-18 00:28:38 powered by goodreviews

 * Grahame Treloar
   Leo worked very hard in an extremely competitive market to sell out ho ...
   Leo worked very hard in an extremely competitive market to sell out home.
   Thanks Leo for making our journey easier in difficult times. Kaye and Grahame
   👍 Leo worked very hard in an extremely comp ...
   read our reviews
   2024-02-18 00:23:51 powered by goodreviews

 * Andrea Evans
   We had the pleasure of working with Leo as our real estate agent durin ... We
   had the pleasure of working with Leo as our real estate agent during the
   process of selling our house, and we couldn't be more satisfied with the
   level of service he provided. Leo's honesty was a standout quality that truly
   set him apart. From the initial consultation to the closing of the sale, he
   consistently communicated openly and transparently, ensuring we were
   well-informed at every step. We are grateful for Leo's unwavering support
   throughout the entire journey. Leo was there for us, offering guidance,
   reassurance, and a calming presence. His professionalism and positive
   attitude made the entire process smoother than we could have anticipated. We
   had the pleasure of working with Leo a ...
   read our reviews
   2024-01-22 22:51:52 powered by goodreviews

 * Mariana Lashansky
   Leo and Janelle read completely well our personalities and found the p ...
   Leo and Janelle read completely well our personalities and found the perfect
   place for us. Very approachable and responsive. Leo and Janelle read
   completely well our ...
   read our reviews
   2024-01-11 03:38:26 powered by goodreviews

 * Daniela Pansino
   Leo the legend! He steered the ship very well in a very difficult mark ...
   Leo the legend! He steered the ship very well in a very difficult market.
   Highly recommend this guy! Leo the legend! He steered the ship very ...
   read our reviews
   2023-11-27 22:10:05 powered by goodreviews

 * Maureen Willson
   I had interviewed 3 real estate agents, the first two demonstrated old ... I
   had interviewed 3 real estate agents, the first two demonstrated old tired
   real estate sales strategies which I didn’t want. Leo was a breath of fresh
   air. His marketing strategy was exactly what we were after and he underpinned
   his strategy with data driven evidence, all highly transparent. He was
   readily available and very engaging and captured our property with incredible
   videography and photography expertise which helped it sell four days after
   going on the market! I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. No regrets
   whatsoever and very happy the traditional sales had nothing to do with our
   property sale. I had interviewed 3 real estate agents, t ...
   read our reviews
   2023-10-26 00:34:05 powered by goodreviews

 * Rod Thomson
   Leo took the time to show us multiple properties that fitted our requi ...
   Leo took the time to show us multiple properties that fitted our requirements
   and assisted with additional inspections at short notice. The online offer
   and sales process was easy to complete. Leo took the time to show us multiple
   pro ...
   read our reviews
   2023-09-17 10:52:08 powered by goodreviews

 * Sally Thomson
   Finding a special retreat in Cape Paterson was made very easy by Leo w ...
   Finding a special retreat in Cape Paterson was made very easy by Leo who
   showed us a variety of places, responded promptly to all our questions and
   gave us a lot of individual time both in person and online. Finding a special
   retreat in Cape Paterso ...
   read our reviews
   2023-09-17 08:22:57 powered by goodreviews

 * Natalie Kalkhoven
   Leo has been so helpful in purchasing my property, he has excellent co ...
   Leo has been so helpful in purchasing my property, he has excellent
   communication and even held the tape measure and recorded the readings. Leo
   has been so helpful in purchasing my ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-30 20:16:26 powered by goodreviews

 * Travis Wiltshire
   Leo has been easy and straightforward since the very first interaction ...
   Leo has been easy and straightforward since the very first interaction with
   him. With a unique and powerful way of selling you can't go wrong with
   Inverloch realty. Photo and promotional package is top notch! Thanks for all
   your help Leo, on what we knew would be a hard sell in current market! Leo
   has been easy and straightforward sin ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-27 05:16:56 powered by goodreviews

 * Coby Jeeves
   Can not speak highly enough of leo his professionalism in what he does ...
   Can not speak highly enough of leo his professionalism in what he does is
   second to none, hard working, quick results, and would highly recommend to
   anyone who is looking to sell their home. Can not speak highly enough of leo
   his pr ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-23 09:48:20 powered by goodreviews

 * Joanne Håkansson
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo was supportive during the wh ...
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo was supportive during the whole
   selling process which resulted in a quick, positive outcome. I have
   recommended him to other sellers who have engaged him. Thanks Leo
   Professional, engaged and personable. Leo ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-08 00:19:41 powered by goodreviews

 * chris & rod smith
   Great Service. Leo, was very approachable professional & friendly, wh ...
   Great Service. Leo, was very approachable professional & friendly, when
   buying the property Leo was very helpful and we achieved a positive outcome.
   Much appreciated thanks Leo Great Service. Leo, was very approachabl ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-05 04:27:44 powered by goodreviews

 * Luke Hynes
   Leo made our first home purchase experience enjoyable. From the get go ...
   Leo made our first home purchase experience enjoyable. From the get go it
   felt like Leo was really there to help us. He made the whole process easy and
   enjoyable with his good integrity and approachable demeanour. Leo made our
   first home purchase experien ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-03 03:07:57 powered by goodreviews

 * Matt and Jade
   Selling our home with Leo was a no brainer for us. His marketing and a ...
   Selling our home with Leo was a no brainer for us. His marketing and
   attention to detail was outstanding. Leo’s direct approach got the job done
   and we couldn’t be happier. Thanks Leo! Selling our home with Leo was a no
   braine ...
   read our reviews
   2023-08-02 09:37:56 powered by goodreviews

 * Jim and Ann Warren
   I found Leo to be very transparent in his dealings with me. He was ver ... I
   found Leo to be very transparent in his dealings with me. He was very
   reassuring with my queries. The online auction held in my own home was a good
   experience with a great result and sold on the night within the month. Highly
   recommended thank you. I found Leo to be very transparent in his ...
   read our reviews
   2023-06-25 10:03:02 powered by goodreviews

 * Dave Carlos
   Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we bought our home. He was prompt ...
   Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we bought our home. He was prompt and
   courteous. He always followed up our queries and provided accurate
   information when we needed it. I feel he acted very fairly, representing our
   needs as purchasers as well as the vendors needs. I highly recommend
   Inveloch3996@realty Leo was a pleasure to deal with when we b ...
   read our reviews
   2023-03-21 06:09:25 powered by goodreviews

 * Paul Jackson
   Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak more highly of Christine - she ...
   Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak more highly of Christine - she was
   fantastic to deal with! She was open, honest and transparent throughout the
   entire process and went out of her way to keep us informed. Highly
   recommended. Fantastic͏ Experience I couldn't speak mo ...
   read our reviews
   2023-02-03 00:02:49 powered by goodreviews

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