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 * Perry and Zack were great to work with throughout our car buying process. We
   would recommend buying here again....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-02-2023

 * I had a great experience here. Very refreshing! Definitely recommend!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-28-2023

 * We stopped into Northgate after reviewing their website and finding that
   vehicle match. We were greeted by Herman and the rest is history. Herman is
   the best sales person I have ever worked with. He l...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-27-2023

 * Zak was great. He is very knowledgeable. I would definitely work with him
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-26-2023

 * Herman did an incredible job. Worth the drive to save money and have a
   professional help you in your car purchase....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-26-2023

 * I had step rails put on my new Ram. The team was fast and I was out the door
   before they stated....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * Went to Northgate today and came out with my dream car!! Zak helped us out so
   much to help me get a price I could afford. Couldn’t recommend this much
   place more! So happy with the service here and LO...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * They did a great job at North gate. On my car. I would recommend them To
   anybody who have a car problem....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * I’ve purchase several Jeeps from Northgate their customer service keep bring
   me back for new Jeep purchases & servicing....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-19-2023

 * I was checked in promptly and work done as promised....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-19-2023

 * Mike in sales and Dustin in finance are great people. We purchased 2 new
   vehicles and they made the whole experience fantastic. I would definitely buy
   from this dealer again. The prices were great (MS...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-19-2023

 * Great service team! Appreciate the care you took while serving my Jeep!
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-18-2023

 * Always helpful and friendly and they stand by their work and products....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-18-2023

 * Zak was great to work with!! Love my Ram truck!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-16-2023

 * First time Jeepers with a million+1 questions….Zak was amazing!!! He is very
   knowledgeable and was so easy to work with!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-15-2023

 * Vince, is the man to go see for any pursches he is first class and great guy
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-12-2023

 * I'm looking to buy, if I knew you had a vehicle that would take me as far or
   further than my 1998 Chili Pepper Red 5.2 318 V8 Magnum Dodge Durango I'd buy
   today, If...The Price is Right...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-10-2023

 * Zak Hein was really professional! I couldn’t be more happy with my purchase
   of my 2022 keep! Thank you for you help and kindness!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-08-2023

 * Had an oil change done. No problems, pretty quick....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-07-2023

 * The auto repair representative was very professional. My problem was solved
   very quickly....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-06-2023

 * Sales was great ! Service was great ! Satisfied customer 👍🏼...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-05-2023

 * Today, I swung by Northgate Chrysler Dodge Jeep after work. I was on the
   quest for a new car. I had in mind what I was looking for and my price range
   as far as the overall vehicle and my monthly payme...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-04-2023

 * Very nice. Only complaint I have is for an oil change and tire rotation it
   too 1.5 hours....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-03-2023

 * Great people, great experience, great dealership! Perry was excellent!! Made
   the sale with no pressure... Love no haggle pricing and very fair way dealing
   with customers....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-01-2023

 * I sold my car here and I thought the service from the sales team and Marcus
   especially who assisted me with toro was were absolutely fantastic. I got a
   pretty good deal as well. They were willing to b...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-30-2023

 * Tyler Ward was very helpful and pleasant!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-29-2023

 * I recently had my car serviced by Northgate Chrysler. They kept me up-to-date
   on its status and returned it to me all nice and clean!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-28-2023

 * That Mike Hennen kid is handsome AND helpful...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Zak went above and beyond.. I love my new Challenger.. Will be back for
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Zak was great!!!!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Mike Hennen is great!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Mike Hennen was very helpful! Fun fast and easy!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Greeted. They knew me and my car-Dodge. Got to work with oil change and tire
   rotation and was on my way back to work....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Zak sold me a new truck! I love it and he was GREAT!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * Zac sold me a Jeep and I love it...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-27-2023

 * They are great with keeping you updated on what they are doing. Had to go in
   for an overheating problem and they got me in right away and had it finished
   2 days later....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-24-2023

 * Worked with zack he made the process so easy...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-23-2023

 * Excellent timely service....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-21-2023

 * My experience here was great. I worked with Zak and he made sure everything
   went very smoothly. I can't wait to drive my new Challenger....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-20-2023

 * Courteous and fast friendly....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-20-2023

 * Easy to make my appointment and quick serve while I waited! Buying my Jeep
   from Northgate was my best car purchase ever!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-17-2023

 * I brought in my 2021 Jeep Wrangler for Auto Body service repair from an
   accident. I spoke with Charlie who explained the process and what was needed
   from the other drivers insurance who was at fault. ...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-16-2023

 * Goods service...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-13-2023

 * Service was on time and completed when state staff was polite and helpful...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-12-2023

 * Very nice very clean an well managed friendly staff 👍...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-12-2023

 * I purchased my Jeep at another dealership in NKY and had it serviced there
   twice. I found their work to be shoddy and their customer service to be
   lacking. For that reason I took my business to Nor...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-10-2023

 * Pete Pannier and his service team are awesome!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-08-2023

 * The best purchasing experience I have ever had. My salesman was extremely
   helpful and respectful of my situation and my constraints. Everyone pitched
   in and helped me the transition from my old car to...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-07-2023

 * There was no pressure to buy. We test a few vehicles and the sales person,
   Herman, was able to talk about the key differences. He let us talk in private
   when needed. Very respectful....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-07-2023

 * The repairs were great. The van looks new...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-07-2023

 * Zak was the bomb...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-06-2023

 * Zak was great love my mini van...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-06-2023

 * Bent over backwards to make the deal happen. Very pleased with the
   professionalism of the sales team. They followed up the day after to see if
   there were any issues and was concerned if I liked the tr...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-05-2023

 * Perry did an amazing job helping me with my 2nd purchase there and I couldn't
   be happier! He answered all of my questions fully. I'm a repeat customer and
   I will continue to be a repeat customer! Than...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 06-02-2023

 * Great people excellent dealership. Herman is the bomb...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-27-2023

 * Great place. Wonderful people. I highly recommend that you give this
   dealership a try. Returned for another visit. Herman was very helpful and the
   purchase process was very smooth. Thanks for everyth...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-26-2023

 * Zak is the best love my truck...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-25-2023

 * Zak is the best.. the man...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-25-2023

 * The staff was very professional and helpful especially Demarius who helped
   make my purchase experience extremely smooth....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-22-2023

 * Oil change was quick and done well...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-22-2023

 * Went to Northgate today to work with Tyler on a Jeep gladiator. We couldn't
   make the deal happen but Tyler was a pleasure to work with as well as
   Mackenzie and the staff was laid back and friendly. Iv...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-16-2023

 * Service department personnel where very helpful....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-12-2023

 * Zak was FANTASTIC. Super service, no pressure sales, easiest car purchase I
   have ever made....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-10-2023

 * Took my car here for recall service. Fairly nice waiting area...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-10-2023

 * Bought my very first car from them and Shane was wonderful very helpful in
   the whole process. I will definitely be back and if anybody ever looking for
   a car go here and make a request for Shane....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-10-2023

 * Had my oil changed and everything is good everyone is friendly and got my car
   right in for the service ....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-06-2023

 * Zac was amazing! Went above and beyond for me....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-05-2023

 * Zak was awesome! Went above and beyond to get me into the car....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-02-2023

 * Was on my way driving to Florida had problem with car unable to drive car at
   high speed. Called dealership in Lexington was able to drive the car there
   the mechanic was so nice look at the car right a...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 05-01-2023

 * I had a great experience there yesterday. Perry was great and I never once
   felt pressured into anything by anyone. They even worked some magic with my
   bad credit score and got me a very affordable p...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-27-2023

 * Vince Depaola was friendly, knowledgeable and most importantly NOT pushy like
   some can be. Would buy from him and Northgate again....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-19-2023

 * Zak sold me a mini van and I love it...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-16-2023

 * I’ve always wanted a Dodge Charger, it’s been my dream car since I was a
   child.. I was shopping around and made a stop at Northgate, on March 27th I
   was referred to Demaris, and from the 27th-April 12...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-14-2023

 * Kyle and Team at Northgate Chrysler Dodge Jeep took my car as a walk in and
   replaced an oil sensor switch within a few hours. They worked with my
   warranty company and kept me informed. At the end of t...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-13-2023

 * Mr herman great sales person i been working with him for 18 yrs...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-13-2023

 * Good and fast service...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-12-2023

 * Best place to buy a vehicle or have it serviced. I have purchased over 10
   vehicles over the years....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-12-2023

 * Every time I go every one is friendly and helpful....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-12-2023

 * Car was washed as a treat and there was good communication throughout the
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-08-2023

 * Our salesman, Herman, is an amazing person! He cares about the customer as a
   person, not just a sale! This is our second car we've gotten from Herman! He
   made buying a car enjoyable and not so stressf...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-06-2023

 * Just purchased our second car from Northgate. Super easy to work with....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-05-2023

 * Very helpful, was able to get what I wanted without hassle...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-05-2023

 * Express oil change was quick. I was on my way in under 50 minutes....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-03-2023

 * Zak was amazing! Very helpful and knowledgeable.. love my new car!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 04-01-2023

 * Great personal service........
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-27-2023

 * Zak is perfect .. love my jeep...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-26-2023

 * Zak was great I love my jeep...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-26-2023

 * Zak was great.. Love my jeep...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-26-2023

 * Great salesman, great deal, great experience overall. Perry had me out the
   door with a new Grand Cherokee fast and at a price better than anywhere else.
   Would highly recommend....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-25-2023

 * As a traveling automotive inspector, I appreciate the level 2 charger by the
   service drive every time I'm called out....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-25-2023

 * We worked with Zak! He did an amazing job!! Thanks again, Zak!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-23-2023

 * We purchased 3 jeeps from Northgate and worked with Zach this time, he was
   great! Such a pleasure to work with! Thank you so much!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-22-2023

 * Zach was great! He helped me with both truck purchases and my experiences
   with him were great!!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-20-2023

 * Called that morning with a question and they got me in that day to deal with
   the issue....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-18-2023

 * Great Service and great buying experience!….. Thank you all so much!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-18-2023

 * Was driving the car and it started running badly. I called the service
   department and explained what was going on and that I had children to deliver
   to school and back. Paul told me to drive on in and...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-17-2023

 * The whole service department is very helpful!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-10-2023

 * I had good experience. I had issue with a rattle in rear of jeep. Matt and
   his team did a good job of finding problem and repairing....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-06-2023

 * Staff was courteous and respectful during the buying process. Our sales
   person worked with us to get the best deal possible for our new vehicle. I
   would buy from them again in the future....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-04-2023

 * Tyler our salesman treated us so good and did not pressure us at all! The
   vehicle we Bought simply sold itself! All the others we dealt with were
   professional and easy to work with....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-03-2023

 * Perry and Zack were great to work with throughout our car buying process. We
   would recommend buying here again....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 03-02-2023

 * I had a great experience here. Very refreshing! Definitely recommend!...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-28-2023

 * We stopped into Northgate after reviewing their website and finding that
   vehicle match. We were greeted by Herman and the rest is history. Herman is
   the best sales person I have ever worked with. He l...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-27-2023

 * Zak was great. He is very knowledgeable. I would definitely work with him
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-26-2023

 * Herman did an incredible job. Worth the drive to save money and have a
   professional help you in your car purchase....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 02-26-2023

 * I had step rails put on my new Ram. The team was fast and I was out the door
   before they stated....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * Went to Northgate today and came out with my dream car!! Zak helped us out so
   much to help me get a price I could afford. Couldn’t recommend this much
   place more! So happy with the service here and LO...
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * They did a great job at North gate. On my car. I would recommend them To
   anybody who have a car problem....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-20-2023

 * I’ve purchase several Jeeps from Northgate their customer service keep bring
   me back for new Jeep purchases & servicing....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-19-2023

 * I was checked in promptly and work done as promised....
   Click here to view full review on google.com 07-19-2023

View All Specials


    * $87,540
   Quick Specs
    * Crew Cab
    * Black Exterior
    * 6.7L I6 Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine
   View Details

 * 2023 RAM 2500 TRADESMAN CREW C…
    * $58,320
   Quick Specs
    * Crew Cab
    * White Exterior
    * 6.4L V8 Heavy Duty HEMI MDS Engine
   View Details

 * 2023 RAM 2500 BIG HORN CREW CA…
    * $75,600
   Quick Specs
    * Crew Cab
    * Gray Exterior
    * 6.7L I6 Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine
   View Details

 * 2023 RAM 2500 TRADESMAN CREW C…
    * $57,990
   Quick Specs
    * Crew Cab
    * White Exterior
    * 6.4L V8 Heavy Duty HEMI MDS Engine
   View Details

 * 2023 RAM 2500 TRADESMAN CREW C…
    * $57,990
   Quick Specs
    * Crew Cab
    * White Exterior
    * 6.4L V8 Heavy Duty HEMI MDS Engine
   View Details

 1. Northgate Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc.
    8536 Colerain Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45251-2914
     * Sales: 513-866-2539

Visit us at: 8536 Colerain Ave Cincinnati, OH 45251-2914
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 * Contact our Sales Department at: 513-866-2539

 * Monday09:00AM - 08:00PM
 * Tuesday09:00AM - 08:00PM
 * Wednesday09:00AM - 08:00PM
 * Thursday09:00AM - 08:00PM
 * Friday09:00AM - 06:00PM
 * Saturday09:00AM - 06:00PM
 * SundayClosed

See All Department Hours


At Northgate CDJR we not only offer auto loans but we offer leasing deals with
flexible terms. Our customers residing in Cincinnati, OH and all the surrounding
areas should not let their finances be a hindrance to them owning the vehicle of
their choice. Get in touch with our finance experts to discuss whether you
should opt to secure an auto loan or should lease a vehicle. Whether you are
from Cincinnati, OH or somewhere else we assure you that we can help get you
behind the wheel of the Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or Ram vehicle of your choice
regardless of your credit history.

On the top of that you will be happy to know of our incentives, coupons,
cashbacks and specials we offer to our valued customers. Buy a new vehicle of
any brand such as Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or Ram from our showroom of Northgate
CDJR in Cincinnati, OH or even if you purchase a used vehicle of any other
manufacturer, you are eligible for specials.


When it comes time for manufacturer-recommended maintenance, the Northgate auto
Service team will be ready to get your vehicle up to factory standards. When you
need routine maintenance or large-scale auto repairs, we are prepared to make
your headaches disappear with our complementary shuttle and rental services to
keep you mobile while we work on your vehicle. Our Parts Department is proud to
supply genuine Mopar parts, so whether we are doing the repairs or you are
taking them home for a DIY project, you can count on us for quality.


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