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this old house is a castle to me


“I am bored,” Cass said it loudly and he said it firmly, always a bit dramatic.
He looked exasperated, turning to face Giancarlo and grabbing him at the
shoulder. “And if you don’t find us something to do, I’m going to do everything
I can to make it your problem,” he swore, staring at the other.

0 AnmerkungenMai 25, 2024

#threads.giancarlo#by cassius


“Do you prefer summer or winter?” Cass asked her out of the blue, looking up at
the sky as he did so. “None of that fall or spring crap, everyone loves fall and
spring. But just between summer and winter, which do you prefer?” He looked at
her finally, raising a brow. “Are you one of those layer-up-as-much-as-you-can
types, or a as-little-clothing-as-possible kinda gal?”

0 AnmerkungenMai 25, 2024

#threads.luxanna#by cassius


Izan may not have been the brightest guy at the commune, but he was good at a
handful of things that he knew of. Baking was one, though he hadn’t baked
anything other than pretzels with Addison in a while. Painting was another, and
one that he usually kept to himself. The other was languages, and while he
didn’t necessarily flaunt it, he was proud to be able to speak to many people,
no matter their language. Sign language wasn’t his most fluent, by any means,
but he knew enough to hold a conversation with Heather, and he hoped he was
improving just with the practice.

Are you doing okay? He asked her when he knew she was looking at him, smiling
happily just to see her.

0 AnmerkungenMai 25, 2024

#threads.heather#by izan

1.262 AnmerkungenMai 25, 2024

110 AnmerkungenMai 25, 2024


> she was listening intently to her brother, a soft but concerned look on her
> features. being reunited with her siblings was one of the best things to
> happen to her, but watching her baby brother like this hurt her heart. she
> just didn't plan on mentioning it. "theoretically it could be here," she
> began, choosing her words carefully, "but that depends on if you crashed in
> huntsville or not. do you want me to try and help you look for it?"


“I don’t know where we crashed,” he frowned as he tried to recall what, exactly,
had even caused them to crash. The memory just wasn’t there. He remembered being
in a car, watching the trees pass by out the passenger window. He remembered
pumping gas, though he didn’t remember stopping. He even remembered the rings on
the driver’s fingers, but Gideon couldn’t remember who the driver even was.
“Yeah, I’d appreciate that. I just want to search it, see if any of my stuff is
still there,” he explained, smiling at Pip. “I think it was a red car.”

2 AnmerkungenMai 24, 2024

#threads.pip#by gideon

He smiled at the younger man. "If that's alright. Though you don't have to turn
off the music. I'm the one intruding. I can just wait in the living room, you
don't have to worry about playing host or anything."


“It’s fine,” Gideon said, leading the way to the living room, where the music
was coming from anyway. He turned it down so it was barely audible, and then
looked at Edgar again. “Do you need a glass of water, or anything? I can’t
really go to my room right now,” he explained, shrugging. “So it’s not playing
host or anything, it’s just…being a host, I guess.”

4 AnmerkungenMai 24, 2024

#threads.edgar#by gideon

"Probably not matches specifically, but the library is a magical place; they
might have some sort of survival guide we can look into improving, fire wise."
Link paused to take a drag of his cigarette. "I think it's just a type of rock?
So I guess we'd have to go out and scour the woods."


Gideon nodded. That made some sense. He was pretty sure he’d seen people
starting fires with rocks in tv shows and movies and stuff. “I guess I’ll search
the library first. That way maybe I can at least see an example of what it is
I’m supposed to be looking for,” he reasoned.

36 AnmerkungenMai 24, 2024 gideon

Thomas Doherty photographed by Hadar Pitchon for Behind the Blinds Magazine
Issue 10 2021.

73 AnmerkungenMai 24, 2024


Alex barely had time to register the sound of Lennon's voice before she was
being tackled to the ground and littered with kisses. When Lennon pulled back
she knew he was saying something but she wasn't paying attention, just looking
at him with her own relief. Her eyes burned with tears as she reached up and
touched his face, confirming that he was real. "I am so glad you're alive." She
croaked before sitting up and pulling Lennon into another hug. She clung to him,
holding him tightly like he might slip through her fingers if she let him go.

She had to eventually though and when she looked at him again she let out a
shaky breath. "I'm sorry it took so long." Alex blinked away her tears. Wiping
her eyes she looked back at the car before nodding. "She's here. I had to bring
her. There's no one..." Alex looked down and tried to even out her breathing.
"It's just us now. I had to bring her."


Lennon was glad he was alive, too. Or rather, he was glad that Alex was here to
confirm it. Sometimes it was difficult to determine whether or not he’d died and
this was some weird afterlife. But if Alex and Penny were both here now, what
were the chances of that? It broke his heart that Penny was here, though. He
never would’ve wished that one his niece. Becoming an uncle had been one of the
proudest moments of his life, up until he’d become a parent. Which also seemed
like news he needed to break to his sister. Carefully, he stood up, pulling her
up too before he brushed himself off.

“Where are you guys staying?” He asked, though he was turning to look over his
shoulder, seeing if Onyx was safe. The baby was in the arms of the person he’d
asked to watch him, and Lennon smiled gratefully before looking back at his
sister. He wanted to ask her what she meant about the ‘just us’ comment, but he
also didn’t want to push her into a conversation she wasn’t ready to have. “Do
you want to stay here? Liam and I can make room. Hell, you can have the bed,
I’ll sleep on the floor if I have to,” he said, reaching to grab her hand, not
wanting to let her go again.

3 AnmerkungenMai 23, 2024

#threads.alex#by lennon
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