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Submitted URL: http://amazon.com/Walter-Farting-Dog-William-Kotzwinkle/dp/1583940537
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Walter-Farting-Dog-William-Kotzwinkle/dp/1583940537
Submission: On August 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Walter-Farting-Dog-William-Kotzwinkle/dp/1583940537
Submission: On August 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
4 forms found in the DOMName: site-search — GET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss
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<div class="a-column a-span12 a-text-left"> <span class="a-text-bold">Gebraucht kaufen</span> <span class="a-size-base a-color-price offer-price a-text-normal">7,97 $</span> </div>
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data-csa-c-value-proposition="" data-csa-c-delivery-type="Lieferung" data-csa-c-delivery-time="Freitag, 25. August" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location=""
data-csa-c-distance="" data-csa-c-delivery-cutoff="Bestellung innerhalb 18 Stdn. 1 Min." data-csa-c-mir-view="CONSOLIDATED_CX" data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY" data-csa-c-mir-sub-type="" data-csa-c-mir-variant="DEFAULT"
data-csa-c-delivery-benefit-program-id="PAID_SHIPPING_TLC_SHIPCOST" data-csa-c-id="9jsfex-aah8qn-fx8x32-x6lijr"> Lieferung <span class="a-text-bold">Freitag, 25. August</span>. Bestellung innerhalb <span id="ftCountdown"
class="ftCountdownClass a-color-success">18 Stdn. 1 Min.</span> </span></div>
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data-csa-c-value-proposition="" data-csa-c-delivery-type="Lieferung" data-csa-c-delivery-time="Montag, 21. August" data-csa-c-delivery-destination="" data-csa-c-delivery-condition="" data-csa-c-pickup-location=""
data-csa-c-distance="" data-csa-c-delivery-cutoff="" data-csa-c-mir-view="CONSOLIDATED_CX" data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY" data-csa-c-mir-sub-type="" data-csa-c-mir-variant="DEFAULT" data-csa-c-delivery-benefit-program-id=""
data-csa-c-id="bqhv06-pampe5-6gmvv0-icbvh8"> Oder schnellste Lieferung <span class="a-text-bold">Montag, 21. August</span> </span></div>
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<div class="a-row"> <strong> Gebraucht: Akzeptabel </strong>
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<div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Zustand:</strong> Gebraucht: Akzeptabel </span> </div>
<div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Kommentar:</strong> Reading copy. Have signs of wear and previous use (Scuffs, library copy, highlighting, writing and underlining). </span> </div>
<div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-SSOFpopoverLink_ubb-content">
<p>Beim Versand durch Amazon nutzen Verkaufspartner die Logistik der Amazon-Versandzentren: Amazon verpackt und verschickt die Artikel und übernimmt den Kundenservice. <b>Deine Vorteile:</b> <em>(1) Lieferung ab 29 EUR Bestellwert
(Bücher, Bekleidung und Schuhe generell versandkostenfrei, auch zusammen mit Media-Produkten). (2) Kombinieren und sparen - bestelle bei Amazon.de oder Verkaufspartnern, die den Versand durch Amazon nutzen, wird deine Bestellung
zu einer Lieferung zusammengefasst. (3) Alle Artikel sind mit Amazon Prime für noch schnellere Lieferung bestellbar.</em></p>
<p>Wenn Sie Verkäufer sind, kann Versand durch Amazon Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Umsätze zu steigern. <a href="https://services.amazon.de/programme/versand-durch-amazon/merkmale-und-vorteile.html">Weitere Informationen zum Programm</a>
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Auf die Liste? Bitte wähle aus dem Sortiment links." class="a-button-group a-declarative a-spacing-none" data-action="a-button-group" role="radiogroup" data-csa-c-id="h5k22u-bkv7kq-272pco-7w7h46"> <span id="wishListMainButton"
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OKTOBER 2001 von William Kotzwinkle (Author), Glenn Murray (Author), Audrey Colman (Illustrator) & 0 mehr 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 5.073 Sternebewertungen Teil von: Walter the Farting Dog (6 Bücher) Alle Formate und Editionen anzeigen Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Try again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A New York Times best-seller! Warning: This book may cause flatulence. Walter is a fine dog, except for one small problem: he has gas. He can't help it; it's just the way he is. Fortunately, the kids Billy and Betty love him regardless, but Father says he's got to go! Poor Walter, he's going to the dog pound tomorrow. And then, in the night, burglars strike. Walter has his chance to be a hero. A children's beloved classic, this story will have kids rolling on the floor with laughter. Adults are permitted to laugh too. Mehr lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous page 1. Lesealter Kundenempfehlung: 3–7 Jahr(e) 2. Teil der Serie Walter the Farting Dog 3. Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe 32 Seiten 4. Sprache Englisch 5. Schuljahr Kindergarten - 4 6. Lexile-Bewertung AD490L 7. Abmessungen 25.4 x 0.94 x 28.58 cm 8. Herausgeber Frog Children's Books 9. Erscheinungstermin 10. Oktober 2001 10. ISBN-10 1583940537 11. ISBN-13 978-1583940532 12. Alle Details anzeigen Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEITERE ARTIKEL ENTDECKEN Seite 1 von 6 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 6 Previous page 1. Walter the Farting Dog: Banned from the Beach William Kotzwinkle 4,8 von 5 Sternen 987 Taschenbuch 113 Angebote ab 1,33 $ 2. MerryMakers Plüschtier Walter der Pupzhund, 20,3 cm 4,6 von 5 Sternen 944 14,00$14,00$ 10,70 $ Versand 3. Dragons Love Tacos Adam Rubin 4,8 von 5 Sternen 18.169 Gebundene Ausgabe Bestseller Nr. 1 in Gruselgeschichten für Kinder 181 Angebote ab 1,49 $ 4. No One Likes a Fart Zoe Foster Blake 4,8 von 5 Sternen 939 Gebundene Ausgabe 102 Angebote ab 1,18 $ 5. Dragons Love Farts: They're More Fun Than Tacos! Hollywood Kay 4,7 von 5 Sternen 1.168 Taschenbuch Bestseller Nr. 1 in Mittelalterliche historische Literatur für Kinder 12,59$12,59$ 9,18 $ Versand Next page WAS KAUFEN KUNDEN, NACHDEM SIE DIESEN ARTIKEL GESEHEN HABEN? Seite 1 von 1 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 1 Previous page 1. Günstigster Preisin dieser Reihe von Produkten MerryMakers Plüschtier Walter der Pupzhund, 20,3 cm 4,6 von 5 Sternen 944 14,00$14,00$ 10,70 $ Versand 2. Höchste Bewertungin dieser Reihe von Produkten The Wonky Donkey Craig Smith 4,8 von 5 Sternen 80.666 Taschenbuch 168 Angebote ab 1,15 $ 3. Dieser Artikel: Walter the Farting Dog William Kotzwinkle 4,7 von 5 Sternen 5.073 Gebundene Ausgabe 274 Angebote ab 1,35 $ 4. Walter the Farting Dog: Banned from the Beach William Kotzwinkle 4,8 von 5 Sternen 987 Taschenbuch 113 Angebote ab 1,33 $ 5. Walter the Farting Dog:… William Kotzwinkle 4,8 von 5 Sternen 557 Gebundene Ausgabe 16,99$16,99$ Erhalte es bis Freitag, 25. August 10,52 $ Versand Nur noch 1 vorrätig – bestellen Sie bald. 6. Rough Weather Ahead for Walter the Farting Dog William Kotzwinkle 4,8 von 5 Sternen 520 Taschenbuch 91 Angebote ab 1,30 $ 7. Walter the Farting Dog Goes on a Cruise William Kotzwinkle 4,8 von 5 Sternen 518 Taschenbuch 93 Angebote ab 1,30 $ 8. How to Catch a Dinosaur Adam Wallace 4,8 von 5 Sternen 13.941 Gebundene Ausgabe Bestseller Nr. 1 in Abenteuer für Kinder 141 Angebote ab 1,49 $ 9. Dragons Love Tacos Adam Rubin 4,8 von 5 Sternen 18.169 Gebundene Ausgabe Bestseller Nr. 1 in Gruselgeschichten für Kinder 181 Angebote ab 1,49 $ Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG DES VERLAGS MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD! The New York Times bestseller EXCERPTS: WALTER MEETS HIS FAMILY Betty and Billy brought Walter home from the dog pound. 'Nobody wanted him,' said Billy. 'But we love him,' said Betty. 'Well, he smells awful,' said their mother. WALTER GOES TO THE VET He's probably just a little nervous,' said Mother, hopefully. 'His stomach must be upset.' But Walter's stomach wasn't upset. Walter's stomach was fine. He felt perfectly normal. He just farted a lot. WALTER SAVES THE DAY 'He saved the silverware!' cried Mother. 'He saved the VCR!' cried Father. 'Good dog, Walter! You're our dog, even if you do fart all the time.' And so the family learned to live with Walter, the hero dog. REZENSIONEN DER REDAKTION AMAZON.DE We hold this truth to be self-evident: farting makes kids laugh. Walter, an apologetic-looking dog adopted from the pound, passes gas morning, noon, and night, no matter what he eats, whether it's a 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuits, cat food, or fried chicken. On the bright side, "If Uncle Irv let one slip, he just went and stood near Walter." When Father reaches the limit of his patience with Walter's flatulence, he decides the pooch is once again pound-bound, despite Betty and Billy's pleading. Poor Walter knows his days are numbered and "He resolved to hold in his farts forever." That very night, two burglars break into Walter's family's house, and (you can see where this is going) Walter gasses the burglars with a "hideous cloud" that forces them to drop their loot and run into the clutches of the police officers, "choking and gasping for air." The next morning Father and Mother discover Walter has saved the day--or at least their silverware and VCR. "And so the family learned to live with Walter, the hero dog. And that is the end of our tail." (Or is it? Fans will be pleased to discover the next book Walter the Farting Dog: Trouble at the Yard Sale.) Audrey Colman's highly stylized illustrations, imbued with a surreal, Monty Pythonesque collage look, are as absurdly comical as this silly story that is purely powered by natural gas. (Ages 5 to 8) --Karin Snelson A Q&A with Illustrator Audrey Colman Q: How did you become interested in children's book illustration? Why did you decide to illustrate this particular book? A: I didn't plan to do children's book illustration. As a freelance artist, I regularly sent out art samples to various businesses. I sent art to North Atlantic Books in hopes of doing book jackets, and approximately a year later they approached me with Walter the Farting Dog by William Kotzwinkle. I was very excited because I was a big fan of Kotzwinkle's (not-for-children) book, Dr. Rat, about the wretched reality of the lives of laboratory animals. I'd recommended this book to many over the years and I would never have passed up an opportunity to work on a project with Kotzwinkle. Of course, it wasn't exactly an animal rights-themed picture book, but I expected that we'd agree on how animals would be depicted. Q: Many people think "potty humor" is inappropriate in literature. Do you think there's a benefit? A: If it encourages reading and laughing, it's beneficial. Q: Everyone is asking about the spider that shows up throughout the book. Is there a particular story you’d like to share about the spider? A: I'm often asked where the spider is on the Fart-Free Biskwee page in Walter the Farting Dog. Sometimes I say that he's hiding in the cupboard on that page, but the truth is that I just forgot that one. I tried to be careful not to leave out the spider in subsequent books so I wouldn't have to apologize again. (Who knew that so many people would notice my goof?) In any case, sorry for my mistakes and any ensuing confusion! Q: Walter the Farting Dog spent an incredible 75 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list after it was first released in 2001, and there is even a Walter plush toy--that farts when you squeeze it. Are you surprised with how well this book has been received by parents and kids alike? A: Of course! It's been ten years and five Walter books in the series later, and I'm still not always sure which ingredients are responsible for a book's success or failure! VON PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Here's a companion to Taro Gomi's Everyone Poops, albeit with less educational value. Walter, a fat gray dog with an apologetic look on his face, comes home from the pound with two children. He has incurable gas, and his family decides to take him back. The night before he is to go, Walter sadly devours "the 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him fart more.... A gigantic gas bubble began to build inside him." Wouldn't you know, two burglars break in, and Walter's liability becomes his asset. Predictable stuff, but Kotzwinkle (Trouble in Bugland) and education writer Murray know their audience. Their simple strategy just keep saying "fart" should have children rolling in the aisles during read-aloud. Newcomer Colman likewise fixates on one visual gag, Walter with steam blasting out his backside. Unlike Babette Cole, whose Dr. Dog takes a mock-scientific approach to digestion, Colman specializes in reaction shots; in her surreal collages of photos and patterns, people hold their noses and a cat glances at the culprit. Yes, this lowbrow endeavor could be a crowd-pleaser but, like its topic, its disruptive effects will tend to linger. Ages 4-8. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. FROM BOOKLIST Ages 5-8. Has there ever been a more self-explanatory title? The family that brings Walter home from the pound quickly discovers his problem. Will a change of diet work? No. And, unfortunately, Walter doesn't seem to have much self-control when it comes to his failing: on the night before he is to be taken back to the pound, he eats a 25-pound bag of dog biscuits ("Even though he knew they made him fart more, he couldn't resist them . . . Very tasty"). When burglars break into the house, Walter puts his blasting ability to good use, and the family comes to value him just as he is. This is similar to Dav Pilkey's Dog Breath (1994), but centering on a more offensive orifice. Is there any reason to purchase this, besides the fact that kids will find it hysterical? The dialog is clever (though two writers--one of whom is veteran author Kotzwinkle--seems excessive), and the art is quite ingenious. Seemingly computer-conceived characters--including Walter complete with a permanently abashed expression--are unique efforts, as are the smoothly colored backgrounds. All in all, it's a gas. Ilene Cooper Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved PRESSESTIMMEN A New York Times Bestseller! "Is there any reason to purchase this, besides the fact that kids will find it hysterical? The dialog is clever...and the art is quite ingenious. Seemingly computer-conceived characters—including Walter complete with a permanently abashed expression—are unique efforts, as are the smoothly colored backgrounds. All in all, it's a gas." —Booklist “Kotzwinkle and education writer Murray know their audience. Their simple strategy – just keep saying ‘fart’ – should have children rolling in the aisles during read-aloud… Colman specializes in reaction shots; in her surreal collages of photos and patterns, people hold their noses and a cat glances at the culprit.” —Publishers Weekly “This children’s book is a delight… The story, by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray, is well-written and eminently readable, both to oneself and aloud, and the art by Audrey Colman is perfectly suited to the subject matter.” —Comics Buyer’s Guide “Walter, a loveable and preternaturally gaseous canine, has brought dog flatulence (and as a result, flatulence in general) to the fore like never before… Walter is hailed by kids and grownups alike.” —Chicago Sun-Times “A silly, heart-warming story on its own, Walter really comes to life through Colman’s whimsical, funny illustrations.” —Oakland Tribune “A whimsical story about one of the more embarrassing aspects of animal (and human) behavior.” —Poetry Flash “[Walter the Farting Dog] gives readers and listeners a chance to indulge in what is usually an off-limits topic, one of those things that everybody does but which all are supposed to disavow any knowledge of.” —The Education Digest “When you put this cute story together with the wildly original artwork by Audrey Colman, you get an irresistible book that is as hilarious as it is touching… As well as being quite amusing… Walter the Farting Dog has a good message and illustrations that will make all readers smile.” —Curled Up With A Good Kid’s Book “Spending at least 75 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller List, Walter the Farting Dog is a delightful children’s book with a title that elicits giggles that continue throughout the book… On its surface, this story may seem to have very little redeeming social value except to be an entertaining book to read to or with your kids (or someone else’s). But if you look a little deeper into its content, perhaps there is more to be learned from Walter. Maybe some of those little imperfections that make kids feel different are really things to be proud of. Maybe even some of the unpleasant things about us can work in our favor…even if you have to look really, really, really hard to see how.” —Paw Prints Magazine AUTORENKOMMENTAR The saga of the rejected mutt who becomes a hero mirrors the publishing history of this book, which was rejected for eleven years before tooting to the top of the bestseller lists. ÜBER DIE AUTORENSCHAFT UND WEITERE MITWIRKENDE William Kotzwinkle is the author of many children's books, including Trouble in Bugland, E.T. The Extraterrestrial and E.T. The Book of the Green Planet. His books for adults include The Bear Went Over the Mountain, The Fan Man, Fata Morgana, and The Exile. He is the two-time winner of the National Magazine Award for Fiction and the World Fantasy Award. His books are published all over the world. Glenn Murray spends a lot of time in schools where he often mixes business with pleasure by reading to elementary classes. He has written radio dramas for the CBC, as well as articles on Canadian history and technology. He recently worked with the Lung Association on their Flight for Life project, raising awareness from coast to coast about air quality and the environment. Audrey Colman is an artist and designer living in Berkeley, California. Her art has been featured in a variety of products from magazines, posters, and other print work to multi-media projects. This is her first children's book. She is also the author and illustrator of Francine, Francine the Beach Party Queen! Visit her art at goodartstudio.com. LESEPROBE. ABDRUCK ERFOLGT MIT FREUNDLICHER GENEHMIGUNG DER RECHTEINHABER. ALLE RECHTE VORBEHALTEN. [OUTSIDE THE HOME]Betty and Billy brought Walter home from the dog pound. “Nobody wanted him,” said Billy.“But we love him,” said Betty.“Well, he smells awful,” said their mother. “I think you’d better give him a bath.”[IN THE BATHROOM]Mother walked in and said, “He still smells awful.” And that’s when they got the first clue. The tell-tale bubbles in the water.“He’s probably just a little nervous,” said Mother, hopefully. “His stomach must be upset.”But Walter’s stomach wasn’t upset. Walter’s stomach was fine. He felt perfectly normal. He just farted a lot. Mehr lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUKTINFORMATION * Herausgeber : Frog Children's Books (10. Oktober 2001) * Sprache : Englisch * Gebundene Ausgabe : 32 Seiten * ISBN-10 : 1583940537 * ISBN-13 : 978-1583940532 * Lesealter : Kundenempfehlung: 3–7 Jahr(e) * Lexile-Bewertung : AD490L * Schuljahr : Kindergarten - 4 * Artikelgewicht : 499 g * Abmessungen : 25.4 x 0.94 x 28.58 cm * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 5,368 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher) * Nr. 35 in Kinderbücher über Manieren * Nr. 71 in Hunde für Kinder (Bücher) * Nr. 100 in Selbstwertgefühl für Kinder (Bücher) * Kundenrezensionen: 4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 5.073 Sternebewertungen Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. VIDEOS Hilf anderen, mehr über dieses Produkt zu erfahren, indem du ein Video hochlädst! Ihr Video hochladen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN To report an issue with this product, click here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ÜBER DIE AUTOREN Folge Autoren, um Neuigkeiten zu Veröffentlichungen und verbesserte Empfehlungen zu erhalten. Previous page 1. Folgen WILLIAM KOTZWINKLE Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. American novelist William Kotzwinkle is a two-time recipient of the National Magazine Award for Fiction, a Book Critics Circle award nominee, a winner of the World Fantasy Award, the Prix Litteraire des Bouquinistes des Quais de Paris, the PETA Award for Children's Fiction, and he wrote the narration for Michael Jackson's E.T. record which won a special children's Grammy. Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors 2. Folgen GLENN MURRAY Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Entdecke mehr Bücher des Autors, sieh dir ähnliche Autoren an, lies Autorenblogs und mehr Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors 3. Folgen AUDREY COLMAN Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. "I was working full-time as a graphic designer in San Francisco while creating the art for the first Walter the Farting Dog book, followed with the story & art for Francine Francine the Beach Party Queen!. It was exhausting. The art improved when I was able to quit my job & work night & day on the rest of the Walter series." "A Mac computer with Photoshop & a 4" x 5" Wacom tablet are my tools. Some words people have used to describe my art: ugly, wacky, clever, scary, whimsical, vibrant, and creepy. I'd just call it brightly colored with a dash of odd." Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors 4. Folgen EDUARDO BOHÓRQUEZ Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Entdecke mehr Bücher des Autors, sieh dir ähnliche Autoren an, lies Autorenblogs und mehr Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZUGEHÖRIGE PRODUKTE MIT KOSTENLOSER LIEFERUNG BEI BERECHTIGTEN BESTELLUNGEN GESPONSERT | TESTE PRIME FÜR UNBEGRENZTEN SCHNELLEN, KOSTENLOSEN VERSAND Seite 1 von 1Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 1 Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte 1. Feedback What Should Danny Do? School Day (The Power to Choose Series) (Power to Choose, 2) Adir Levy Fun & interactive book is a "must-have" on every bookshelf. Parents, teachers and kids are raving about Danny! 10.532 Gebundenes Buch 13,19 $ 2. Feedback It's not easy being a Lazy Bug: A Hilarious Story For Teaching Kids The Value of In... Pragya Tomar 824 Taschenbuch 12,99 $ 3. Feedback Gomer the Gassy Goat: A Fart-Filled Tale (Fart-Filled Tales) Hayley Rose 1.655 Taschenbuch 12,88 $ 4. Feedback Poppy the Pooting Panda: A Funny Rhyming Read Aloud Story Book About a Panda Bear T... Humor Heals Us 144 Taschenbuch 12,91 $ 5. Feedback Pete the Pooting Pufferfish: A Funny Story About a Fish Who Poots (Farts) (Farting ... Humor Heals Us 75 Taschenbuch 12,91 $ 6. Feedback I Choose to Try Again: A Colorful, Rhyming Picture Book About Perseverance and Dili... Elizabeth Estrada 798 Bestseller Nr. 1 Taschenbuch 11,14 $ 7. Feedback I Choose to Calm My Anger: A Colorful, Picture Book About Anger Management And… Elizabeth Estrada 2.396 Taschenbuch 11,62 $ 8. Feedback Fritz the Farting Reindeer: A Story About a Reindeer Who Farts (Farting Adventures) Humor Heals Us 5.320 Taschenbuch 12,66 $ 9. Feedback Fairy the Farting Unicorn: A Story About a Unicorn Who Farts (Farting Adventures) Humor Heals Us 695 Taschenbuch 12,91 $ 10. Feedback No, Muffin, No! Erika Luise Reigner Find out what this funny dog named Muffin tries to eat and save yourself money and trips to the vet! This book is a must if you have kids and a dog. 29 Taschenbuch 9,50 $ Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIE BEWERTEST DU HEUTE DEINE ERFAHRUNG BEIM KAUF VON BÜCHERN AUF AMAZON? Sehr schlecht Schlecht Weder noch Gut Großartig Sehr schlecht Weder noch Großartig VIELEN DANK FÜR IHR FEEDBACK. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KUNDENREZENSIONEN 4,7 von 5 Sternen 4,7 von 5 5.073 globale Bewertungen 5 Sterne 85% 4 Sterne 9% 3 Sterne 3% 2 Sterne 1% 1 Stern 2% So funktionieren Kundenrezensionen und -bewertungen Kundenbewertungen, einschließlich Produkt-Sternebewertungen, helfen Kunden, mehr über das Produkt zu erfahren und zu entscheiden, ob es das richtige Produkt für sie ist. 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It has nice bright illustrations and it's easy to read. A win-win for my young readers! Bilder in dieser Rezension REZENSIONEN MIT BILDERN Alle Kundenbilder anzeigen REZENSIONEN FILTERN NACH * Deutsch * Englisch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Rezensionen sortieren nach Spitzenrezensionen Neueste zuerst Spitzenrezensionen SPITZENBEWERTUNGEN AUS USA Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen DERZEIT TRITT EIN PROBLEM BEIM FILTERN DER REZENSIONEN AUF. BITTE VERSUCHE ES SPÄTER ERNEUT. Tracy roger 5,0 von 5 Sternen Hilarious Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 23. Juli 2023 Verifizierter Kauf So funny Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen T 5,0 von 5 Sternen Strange but cute book Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 7. Juli 2023 Verifizierter Kauf My 3yr old loves this book. Cute farting dog is hilarious at this age. Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Susie Sagun 5,0 von 5 Sternen Hilarious!!! Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 23. Januar 2023 Verifizierter Kauf This was a gift for my seven-year-old grandson who is a good reader. It was for Christmas, and he immediately read it through the entire family after he opened it. There is a good amount of reading to give a young reader practice, but it really holds the attention and it’s funny for grown-ups and children alike!! We will definitely be buying the other books in the series. Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Beverly H. 5,0 von 5 Sternen Great book for boys! Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 1. Januar 2023 Verifizierter Kauf I bought this for my nephews when it first came out and now I am buying it for my grandsons. It is hilarious! This is a "read a loud that" encourages boys to read. I only wish they still made the original sized stuffed Walter ( 12" tall) that made the sound. Buy this book to read to your 4 -7 year old! Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Kari 2,0 von 5 Sternen Don't waste your time Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 29. Juli 2023 Verifizierter Kauf I rarely review books on here, but feel the need to speak up about this one. Heard about it from my daughter's preschool teacher, and got it because, well, what little kid doesn't love a fart joke? So while our children find the story mildly entertaining, the illustrations terrify them, and honestly the premise seems like an obvious rip off of an earlier, much more clever book by Dav Pilkey (which we also have and enjoy much more.) Disappointing at best, it's hard to believe this even got published in the first place! Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Caroline 5,0 von 5 Sternen Book Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 8. März 2023 Verifizierter Kauf Hilarious! Weiterlesen Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Madi 5,0 von 5 Sternen A literary classic Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 9. April 2022 Verifizierter Kauf This book is an absolute classic, one that rivals that of Moby Dick, The Great Gatsby, Little Women, and Great Expectations. As a child, when my mom got this book- I remember my brother and I laughing so hard because the whole book is absurdly funny! For those saying that this book is garbage- I feel sad for you that a goofy children's book struck a cord that deep. My memories of this book are of my mom reading this to my brother and I and us giggling uncontroably. It's a goofy book that makes light of life- it is a classic in our household. Weiterlesen 6 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen shelly mccaffrey 5,0 von 5 Sternen One of my favorites! Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 15. November 2022 Verifizierter Kauf This book just kills me! And there’s a little spider hiding on almost every page that even a two year old has fun looking for. It’s a classic! Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Nützlich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weitere Rezensionen ansehen SPITZENREZENSIONEN AUS ANDEREN LÄNDERN Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen nina 5,0 von 5 Sternen Fun story Rezension aus Australien vom 21. April 2021 Verifizierter Kauf Very cute story! Grandkids loved it. Weiterlesen Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen XF2013 5,0 von 5 Sternen ぷぷぷ Rezension aus Japan vom 31. Oktober 2003 Verifizierter Kauf 笑いがとまらん。。 なんじゃこの絵本は。もう最高。 ゲラゲラ笑えます。(それだけ自分の精神年齢が低いということかも?) 絵はCGで描かれたちょっと不気味系です。正直かわいい絵ではないので好き嫌いが分かれるかも。 でもストーリーのあまりの下らなさに思わず吹き出してしまうでしょう。こんなくだらない絵本もあるのだなぁとある意味感心しちゃいました。(真面目な人には向かないかも) 英文はそれほど難しくないと思います。ただし最低限fartの意味だけはおさえとかないとダメですよー。 Weiterlesen 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen marsha 5,0 von 5 Sternen 独特な絵、ユニークなお話 Rezension aus Japan vom 30. Oktober 2003 Verifizierter Kauf おならの話は子ども達に受けます。さらに、独特な絵を見ながら、様々な話題の話ができます。特に、家の中のもの、衣服、色、表情、人を描写する形容詞などもストーリーとは関係ないのですが、話題にできます。絵本を使って英語を教えようとしている人にはおもしろい材料になるでしょう。個性を尊重すべきことも学べるかな。 Weiterlesen Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Tally 5,0 von 5 Sternen Walter The Farting Dog Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 2. März 2022 Verifizierter Kauf My friends purchased this book may many years ago whilst in America for their grandchild and I loved it ! From memory the illustrations have changed (I liked the originals better) . Purchased for our two youngest grandchildren. Walter The Farting Dog will not disappoint !! Weiterlesen Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen Mr. L. M. Mcivor 2,0 von 5 Sternen Oddly illustrated, strangely written Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 21. Mai 2011 Verifizierter Kauf It may be because my son is only 2, but he really didn't get anything out of this book. It might be more suitable for older children, but I didn't think much of it myself. I bought the book largely because of good reviews, but the illustrations are really quite strange. The story itself is written with a slightly different style of humour than other books, so it may or may not suit. Again, for us, it just didn't resonate. My son really enjoys books by Maurice Sendak and Julia Donaldson, but this is of a very different style. Weiterlesen Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weitere Rezensionen ansehen Deine zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen › Browserverlauf anzeigen oder bearbeiten Nachdem du Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen hast, findest du hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. Deine zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen › Browserverlauf anzeigen oder bearbeiten Nachdem du Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen hast, findest du hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. 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