www.gov.scot Open in urlscan Pro
2600:9000:206f:2800:1d:bd19:1e40:93a1  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www2.gov.scot/About/Government/online-payments
Effective URL: https://www.gov.scot/payment/
Submission: On November 22 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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The Scottish Government receive payments from various bodies in respect of both
invoiced and non-invoiced items.

To enable us to identify your payment we require some information. It would be
helpful if you could complete the appropriate fields below before being
transferred to the Worldpay site where your payment details will be taken.

We accept DEBIT and CREDIT CARD payments with a value limit of £5,000. It should
be noted that the Scottish Government do not hold any personal or card details.

St Andrew's House
Regent Road

Tel: 0131 244 7325

Email: online_payments@gov.scot


Payment Reference

Customer ID - invoice number

Payment Reference cannot contain spaces


Amount cannot be less than £0.01

Amount cannot be more than £5000.00


Please advise of reason for payment if non-invoiced item.

Email address

Your email address for payment confirmation.

Email address is not in a valid format

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