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Contact Us

Walton Roofing has a strong commitment to quality and service. We look forward
to working with you in the future to help you solve your roofing needs.

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FW Walton Inc. (Walton Roofing) has a strong commitment to quality and service.
We ensure that excellence is central to your operations and satisfaction is
foremost to our customers by utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and
systems. Commercial and Industrial structures have particular needs and concerns
when building maintenance and upgrades are required. The design and
specifications of a construction project and how well it is executed will
determine the success or failure of that project. To achieve optimum results,
Walton offers a variety of services which includes Inspection Reports,
Maintenance Programs, Project Management and Full Service Repairs.

Ultimately our goal is to ensure we achieve the maximum quality, years of
service and longevity for every project undertaken. We remain committed to
maintaining quality service for our customers.

We look forward to working with you in the future to help solve your roofing

Interested in joining the Walton team? We’re hiring!



Patrick Walton

Vice President

Tony Walton

Corporate Secretary and Treasurer

Jean Walton

Vice President

Mark Beckendorf

Operations Manager

Josh Walton

Walton Roofing in action

See some of our roofing projects

View case studies
 * Houston
 * San Antonio
 * Dallas
 * Austin


 * Roofing
 * Waterproofing & Restoration
 * Sheet Metal
 * Coating & Spray Polyurethane Foam
 * Repair & Maintenance
 * Plumbing
 * RoofAware
 * 24/7 Emergency Roof Repair


 * Our Projects
 * Industry News
 * About Us
 * Safety
 * Partners & Manufacturing
 * Testimonials
 * Careers
 * Scholarship Application


 * Industrial & Petrochemical Roofing
 * Church Roofing
 * Commercial Roofing
 * Dallas Roofing Services


Office hours:
Monday - Friday
6 AM - 6 PM

Corporate office:

8350 Mosley Rd.
Houston, TX 77075

Tel: (713) 674-9777

After hours: 1 (888) 712-0870


 * Industrial & Petrochemical Roofing
 * Church Roofing
 * Commercial Roofing
 * Dallas Roofing Services


 * Industrial & Petrochemical Roofing
 * Church Roofing
 * Commercial Roofing
 * Dallas Roofing Services

Residential services

Visit Walton Residential Services LLC

Free consultation

Schedule yours today to see how we can help you.

© FW Walton, Inc.


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