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APRIL 2023

“It’s okay to have fun”. A phrase that was used in the past to promote LabVIEW.
And many programmers will agree with this, it is fun to program in LabVIEW. And
to have some more fun, here’s a question for you. What is the outcome of this
LabVIEW program? Please submit the answer via this form and from the correct
answers we will select a winner from each country we serve. The winners will all
get a nice present!


For this edition we received a nice question from Rikard Borst from Husqvarna in
Sweden. Thanks Rikard!


Here’s the question:


If you run the program, what will be the Value?

Click here to view the quiz question in large format (PDF)




And here is the last question and answer. This easy question was created within
our team, but could be a bit tricky.


If you run the program, what will be the values in “Loop1 and Loop2”?

The right answer is:

Loop 1 depends on when the stop button is pressed. The number will be i+3. It
will not have any digits behind the dot as the Loop1 indicator is an Integer
Once the stop button is pressed the second loop will run 0*pi = 0 (Here i=0
because the loop stops immediately)
Loop 1 = i+3
Loop 2 = 0*pi = 0

Another good answer is if you do not press stop then the Loop1 value will
continue to increase until it reaches the upper limit of an Int32, i.e.
2147483647. And Loop2 will be 0.00


Here are the winners:

 * Netherlands    Albert Geven                        Fontys Hogescholen
 * Denmark        Thomas Lehnemann              MAN Energy Solutions
 * Sweden          Glenn Norberg                      Qestit
 * Norway           Per Asbjørn Østensen            NTNU
 * Belgium          Seppe van Dyck                    Ghent University


They have (or will) received the gift.


Do you want to challenge the newsletter readers? Send your question to
ni@cnrood.com and who knows, we might use it. Let’s have some fun!


* Disclaimer: prices are limited to quiz participants from the Nordics, Benelux
and Baltics countries.




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Cookie Policy

To make our website even better, we use functional and analytical cookies.
Information from this website and your preferences are stored in these cookies
by your browser.


Essential cookies are strictly necessary to guarantee the proper functioning of
the website.


With this you allow us to collect anonymous data about the use of the website
with third party cookies, such as the number of clicks and the behavior of
visitors on the website. In addition, we can also perform marketing-related
actions via this option. By activating this cookie, you help us to further
improve your experience.


With this you allow us to collect marketing-related data via third party
cookies. By activating this cookie, you help us to further improve your

Privacy Policy

Read more about the use of cookies on this website in our privacy policy.

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