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By Elizabeth Lawrence, DSFH, CNHC. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
Published on 10th September, 2021

Anxiety is one of the most common reasons clients seek hypnotherapy support and
it can prove very effective, but just how does this work?  


During hypnosis, you have the chance to fully relax your body and mind. Many
clients describe drifting pleasurably between sleep and wakefulness or say that
their body feels heavy. Time can take on a different quality with a 25-minute
hypnosis session feeling like just a couple of minutes. These are all perfectly
natural responses. After a hypnotherapy session clients often feel recharged and
ready to face the week ahead; it's a bit like a massage for the mind! 

I like to make hypnosis a very enjoyable and personalised experience for my
clients. I often ask whether they would prefer to relax on a beach, in a log
cabin in a snowy winter, or in a Mediterranean orange grove. This can then form
the basis of a unique hypnotherapy experience to promote maximum relaxation.  

I give all clients a relaxation track to listen to between sessions which helps
them to continue to access this sense of relaxation and calm at home.  


Our brains are naturally prone to look for the dangers and negatives in our
lives. This is down to evolution. The first job of our brain is to keep us
alive, so we have to be alert to threats. I always explain this to clients so
that they can take the pressure off themselves for feeling anxious; it's a very
natural and normal response! 

However, this inbuilt negative reaction means we have to consciously make the
effort to look for the good in our lives. When you are thinking positively or
feeling grateful for what you already have in your life, you can not be worrying
at the same time. Hypnotherapy can encourage you to start to think in this
happier and grateful way more often. Some people see themselves as born
worriers, perhaps explaining that they picked this up from their parents.  But
it is never too late to begin to change these habits. It is possible to change
the way you think (neuroscience proves this) and hypnotherapy supports this


During our REM (rapid eye movement) sleep at night our brains are very active
processing the events of the day and filing them away. This explains the old
adage 'sleep on it and you'll feel better in the morning.' It is often true that
things don't seem as bad the next day, or when we are able to think more

However, when we are under pressure or are sleeping badly, we have a deficit of
this kind of sleep. The state of hypnosis is similar to REM sleep and
hypnotherapy will allow you the extra processing time you may need. I often like
to compare the brain to a computer and, like a computer, our brains work better
when we have fewer tabs open. A hypnotherapy session gives you the opportunity
to shut some of those tabs down, in a similar way to a really good night's


When life is getting on top of you, whether that is due to worries over work,
health, or family, your stress levels can rise. During times of high stress,
your anxiety can also increase. Lowering your overall stress levels helps lower
your anxiety levels. 

Hypnotherapy can also help you reduce your stress by supporting you to get
better sleep. During the hypnosis session, you will probably find your breathing
become deeper and more regulated and blood pressure may be lowered. This all has
the impact of reducing stress in your body.


When we are feeling resilient, we feel stronger and more able to deal with
challenges in our lives. And, feeling better equipped to face difficulties in
our lives means we worry less. By reducing stress, you are better able to cope
with life, and your resilience is naturally increased.  

During a hypnosis session, your brain is receptive to positive and beneficial
messages. You may be reminded about how well you have coped with challenges
before and how you can continue to do so. I often remind clients about the
importance of taking time for themselves, so that they can best support others,
or that many of the things they worry about won't actually happen. Many clients
feel that during hypnosis, they access the part of themselves that knows how to
handle things, no matter what life may have in store, and they remember just how
resilient they can be.  


Hypnosis is not a magic wand to make your anxieties vanish overnight. But
hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in helping you develop a more resilient and
positive mindset allowing you to enjoy life more fully. 

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles
published on Hypnotherapy Directory are reviewed by our editorial team.

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High Peak, Derbyshire, SK22
Written by Elizabeth Lawrence, DSFH, CNHC. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy &
High Peak, Derbyshire, SK22

Elizabeth Lawrence is a solution focused hypnotherapist based in the Peak
District in Derbyshire. She offers both face to face and online sessions (via
Zoom.) She supports clients with a range of issues including anxiety and
phobias. Elizabeth also runs popular group programmes on weight loss and

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