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"Every story should be told; No matter how painful it may be."

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 * The Echo and The Dragon
 * OOC


Miqo'te Keeper / Summoner / Male / 5'6.5''

Age: Twenty-Five
Hair: Blond with streaks of a darker shade. His bangs swept to one side.
Eyes: Blue with a scar running down his right eye.

Job: Adventurer
Fears: Fire, Being Alone

Orientation: OmnisexualMartial Status: Engaged

Personality: A young Miqo'te finally able to make a life for himself, Cayden is
a shy and timid person who doubts his own capabilities. Living such a sheltered
life has made him very curious about the world around him, always asking a
million questions, especially if something piques his interest. He's very
friendly and will do anything for the people who matter most to him, going
through hell for his friends to make sure they're okay. Building some confidence
over the past few moons, Cayden has found himself more willing to be teasing in
nature and come back with witty and fun come backs. Making someone pout or blush
in his teasing has become part of the fun.

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 * The Echo and The Dragon
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Elha Shadowstepp had a difficult pregnancy and birth. Fearful that her first
child for her new found family may not survive, it became a miracle that the
baby born was healthy. Unfortunately the birth came with consequences, multiple
doctors said that having more kits was a risk to both mother and child's health
and survival rate. Heavily burdened with the realization she could have no more
kids, Elha dumped the traditional naming of the Keepers of the Moon and named
her one and only child and son, Cayden. A fighter.

When Cayden was barely a year and a half a fire broke out in the middle of the
night of the Shadowstepp home. Too young to escape his crib himself and parents
unable to get to him in the blazing heat. They had accepted the worst for their
son. The baby Miqo'te would have died if a brave adventurer hadn't busted
through the nursery and saved him. Cayden suffered from many injuries that
night, but none as bad as the psychological trauma it caused him. The fear and
feeling of the smoke and hot air caused him to become mute for the first
fourteen years of his life. Refusing to talk to anyone.

Unclear if the fire was accidental or sabotage, Cayden's parents feared for
their child's life. After he refused to speak they became over protective of
their only child, especially after he refused to speak. From then on, they made
sure they always knew where he was, and kept an eye on him in fear of danger. He
did make friends growing up, but if his parents felt they were dangerous he
wasn't allowed to see them again. As a family they learned sign language to be
able to communicate. All of this solitude left Cayden daydreaming about leaving
one day, getting to make his own choices and becoming a hero like the adventurer
that had saved him.

Throughout his teen years, Cayden's daydreams started to affect his sleep too
and after purchasing a spellbook in Limsa Lominsa, decided to take his life into
his own hands. At age twenty, he left his parents over-protectiveness to start
his own adventure and perhaps meet the one that saved his life... or the one
that burned down his home.

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 * The Echo and The Dragon
 * OOC


Elha Shadowstepp

Mother. After the incident when he was young she became overly protective of him
not wanting to loose her only child. Despite how she stood in his way growing
up, he does love her and know it was valid paranoia that made her act the way
she did. Since he left he hasn't contacted her but sends gil to help the family.

Kami'li Tiren

Father. Much like his mother, he cared for his son and worried about him not
talking for so long. He was less strict then his wife and wanted his son to make
his own choices and mistakes. Presently he reassures his wife that Cayden is
doing fine and they can look into retirement.

Khae'lyn Ayonzla

Fiancee and Mate. A man he met by fluke while hanging around the inn during the
off hours. Being caught trying to learn to dance, Khae offered to teach him and
the two became fast, close friends. Friendship changed quickly to realizing he
had a fond affection for him and after an accidental reveal to Miko, it came to
the light that he was madly crushing on the Rava. Luckily, the feelings were

Miko Ayonzla

Fiancee and Mate. A fluke meeting one day at the inn lead to these two meeting
and talking, to learn they had a lot of things in common. From similar past
experiences to hobbies, Cayden found someone who just understood him completely.
After so many heart to hearts, friendship led to him starting to crush on the
Veena. After a romantic wedding, Cayden let it slip his feelings, to find out
they were reciprocated.

Dyri Ayonzla

Son. Khae and Miko adopted Dyri long before Cayden had met any of them. Upon
becoming lovers, Cayden met the young Viera and was accepted by the young boy.
Almost instantly the two of them bonded and Cayden would do anything for him.
Together they have their own memories and inside jokes that the other fathers
will never know about.

Nemyth Ambition

Friend. At first, Nemyth was a patron that frequently visited the places Cayden
worked and often came to speak to him. At first they were just talking casually
with Cayden helping him through some problems from an outsider standpoint. But
when he became a co-worker it seemed the two only got closer. After the Echo
showed him part of the Seeker's past, the two found they had quite a bit in

Gentle Bellflower

Friend. Gentle was the one that introduced Cayden to the venue he now works at
and he could not be more grateful as it made his life feel more fulfilled.
Gentle knows Cayden the longest and has seen him develop and grow. He finds he
trusts the Viera and only wishes he could be there for him more often.

Ellaria Fairo

Friend. An odd first encounter one wouldn't expect got the two of them to start
talking more often. First on shift at the same venue they work at, then after
hours. Lately with their mutual friend Lokein, the two of them have been doing
jobs of an adventurer together. Cayden is hoping over time they'll grow closer.

Aluette Muscadet

Acquaintance. The first friend Cayden really made. A viera he quickly got close
with and helped him with his shy tendencies. He allowed him to hide until Cayden
got comfortable to approach others. After admitting he held a crush for the
blond, Cayden has considered him untrustworthy for not respecting his wishes.


Allagan. Meeting and working together, Cayden thought nothing differently about
the man except he was odd. That changed recently as he finds a new interest and
curiousity about the robot... and a strange pull to him that Cayden cannot seem
to explain.

Raizo Rivers

Friend. A fellow co-worker at the Inn, Cayden's relationship with Raizo is hard
to put into words. They have worked together in many different situations, both
dangerous and not and have helped each other through tough times. They clearly
care for one another and Cayden views the Rava almost as an elder brother.

Lokein Skamos

Adventure Buddy. Friends with his mates, Cayden met Lokein when he came to visit
to see how his friends were doing. Although at first shy to talk to him and
unsure if he was meeting the expectations the man had. The more they spoke, the
more he was considering him a friend of his own. Learning he was an adventurer
like himself, the two of them along with their mutual friend Ellaria often team
up for monthly missions.

Rin Softmoon

Friend. Meeting through his partner, Rin and Cayden hit it off pretty quick.
Learning that the two of them had a lot of things in common from gushing about
their respected partners, to the latest romance novel they read. Getting into an
almost competitive nature between them, the two of them are always talking about
the latest in their lives to support one another.

Cyrille Spyros

Friend. With many things in common, Cayden and Cyrille hit it off quickly as
fast friends. After a mission to help a friend went wrong both suffered mentally
and annoy one another for pushing themselves too far. Lately however these have
grown awkward between the two of them after a fight and nerves pressed against
each other.


Nemesis. In order to save his friend, Cayden surrendered himself to Xaku. He
does not trust this man, and cannot understand what he wants with him. Still
though, the things Xaku has said to Cayden makes a lot of sense, and he finds
himself agreeing with his statement and that scares him. He's positive he'll be
colliding with this man a lot more often.

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Rika / Twenty-Eight / EST / Crystal - Coeurl

 * Hello I am Rika! If you got this far, thank you for reading about my silly

 * I go by she/her but I am okay with he/him in referral to Cayden (Same with
   calling me by his name)

 * Discord RPs are my preference.

 * I am a third person, paragraph style RPer (In game may differ).

 * Even though Cayden and I have similar traits he and I are not the same. Just
   because he does or says something, does not mean it's a reflection of me.

 * As mentioned in this carrd, Cayden is happily taken and not interested in
   adding to it. If you only wish to do that, please seek out someone else.

 * Don't have time to RP but want to headcanon or just chat about our
   characters? Message me! I love that kind of stuff too.

 * Presently in MSQ: Endwalker

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 * The Echo and The Dragon



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 * Basic Info
 * History
 * Relationships
 * The Echo and The Dragon
 * OOC


Cayden works at Honey Bee Inn and Executive Lounge as a Courtesan and dancer. He
is available for ERP/NSFW services. He can be pre-booked through the venue
website or approachable when he is working!

He is also available off hours but come RP with him first if you would like to
do it then! I would prefer him to have connections. [Off Hours can be done
through the Honey Bee Inn Discord!]

Position: True Switch. Partner Preference.Top Kinks: Kissing, Foreplay,
Cuddling, Bondage
Turn Offs: Waxplay, Biting (Receiving), Choking

 * Kinklist
 * Honeybee Inn

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 * Relationships
 * Gallery
 * The Echo and The Dragon
 * OOC


"It's strange.... This has happened to me before. In a dream. It's like I knew
this was going to happen."

Cayden possesses the Echo. It is a recent discovery for him. He has found that
he is able to see people's memories or the future. It used to be only through
dreams but lately on the rare occasion it effects his day-to-day life as well.
When one moment he seems to be fine and the next his head hurts so much he
almost passes out. Unable to control the Echo and what he can and cannot see,
and feels it's unfair for him to be seeing private affairs.
Due to the Echo and being a summoner, Cayden is unable to be tainted by the
primals and in fact has a connection with them. Using their power to help aid
him in fights. And there are still more discoveries for him to learn...


"We do what we must to protect those we love, even if we become monsters in the

After an incident gone wrong, Cayden acquired part of the primal, Bahamut's
power into himself. Instead of taking control of him like a vessel, the Echo
altered him. Although he physically looks the same, he found he has a quicker
temper and traits of the dragon does come out. Slitted eyes, scales, claws, a
tail and even wings can come out of him when his power or anger is out of
control. Or when a powerful spell is used. Already loosing control once, Cayden
fears this new power and tries to not rely on it.

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