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23,662,061 Downloads Last Updated: Jul 15, 2022 Game Version: 1.19   +1
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Xaero's World Map mod adds a self-writing fullscreen map to your Minecraft
client. Works as a separate mod but is a lot better with Xaero's Minimap. The
reason why it's available separately is to keep Xaero's Minimap as light-weight
as possible. This mod is mostly client-sided. Installing it on the server side
is optional for some additional features like world identification.

The mod is still in development! Please report any bugs that you encounter or
otherwise they probably won't get fixed. 

Make sure your world is optimized (Singleplayer - Edit - Optimize World) for the
Minecraft version you're playing (repeat after every Minecraft update). It takes
A LOT longer to generate singleplayer maps from unoptimized world saves.



Thank you!


 * A self-writing world map (as opposed to manual paper maps). You can create
   multiple maps on the same server address and switch between them either
   manually or automatically.
 * Works in Singleplayer, Multiplayer and on Realms.
 * Intuitive interface. Open the map screen by pressing M. Move the map around
   with your mouse and zoom in/out using the mouse wheel, similar to Google
   Maps. All relevant controls are listed in a tooltip on the map screen and you
   can customize a lot of them.
 * Optional automatic multiple world detection on servers.
 * Displays chunk claims and ally players from the Open Parties and Claims mod.
   Lets you claim or forceload chunks directly from the map.
 * Resource pack support. Changing the resource packs causes the whole world map
   to regenerate.
 * Cave dimensions support (for example the Nether).
 * Optional vanilla maps mode, which makes the world map look like the vanilla
   paper maps.
 * Terrain shading customization.
 * "Footsteps" that show you your most recent path taken.
 * Settings that can help improve the performance of the mod when necessary.
   Although in most cases the mod should perform great by default.
 * Xaero's Minimap integration. The minimap mod will display chunks provided by
   the world map. The world map mod will display waypoints from the Xaero's
   Minimap mod. Also works with the Better PVP mod. You can create, edit
   and teleport to the waypoints without leaving the map interface.
 * Potion effects to control the usage of the world map for the players on your
   server/map. The following potion effects exist as of writing
   this: xaeroworldmap:no_world_map. The effects are of the neutral type by
   default, but you can also specify a non-neutral type by
   appending _harmful or _beneficial to the end of the effect ID, for
   example xaeroworldmap:no_world_map_harmful.
 * Since version 1.14.0 of the mod, you can open an on-map waypoint menu by
   clicking the icon in the bottom right corner of the map screen. In the
   waypoint menu, you can see a list of all your map waypoints from the rendered
   sets, interact with them with the mouse cursor, filter them by name in a text
   field. The menu also lets you toggle the visibility of disabled waypoints,
   toggle rendering all sets and change the current waypoint set. Hovering over
   the waypoints in the menu also acts as hovering over them on the map: they
   are highlighted on the map and you can use the right-click or hover controls
   to interact with them.
 * An option to export a map as a PNG image file. The mod tries to export the
   whole map, so it might not work, if the map is millions of blocks in length.
   I'm planning to give more options for exporting the map in the future!
 * Option to limit your map access by binding it to an item required in your
   hotbar or to be equipped. For example,
   add mapItemId:minecraft:compass anywhere in the config file to bind it to the
   compass item. This way the map will not work unless you have the compass in
   your hotbar or equipped. 

Download from my site | Forum thread | Get Xaero's Minimap


 * Download and install the Fabric Loader.
 * Download Fabric API and put it in the "mods" folder in the Minecraft game
 * Download the Fabric version of the map mod for your Minecraft version and put
   it in the mods folder.
 * Start the Fabric game "installation" using the Minecraft launcher. 


This mod lets you have multiple maps on the same server address. You can freely
switch between maps and create new ones at any time. Map overwriting can be
prevented by choosing the right "Map Selection" mode for the type of server that
you are playing on. Map selection is done in a special menu by clicking the
bottom left icon on the world map screen (if the menu isn't open by default). In
the menu you can switch between Manual, World Spawn and Single modes and
select/create maps by using the top-center dropdown menu. If you hover over the
Map Selection option, you can read everything you need to know about each map
selection mode, including Server mode. World Spawn mode is the equivalent of
what was used by the world map pre 1.6. So you don't have to downgrade the mod
to still use it. Server mode is the best option for most cases because the
server automatically controls your map selection based on server-side level IDs.
It requires the mod to be installed on the server side. If changing the map
selection mode switches your map to an empty one, you can always rebind the map
that you want to be used by selecting it from the dropdown menu and confirming. 


A single server address can have multiple overworlds, nethers etc. It can be due
to multiple sub-servers or just multiple world saves, for example a "Lobby"
world and a "Game" world. Different worlds don't have any unique identifiers on
the client side, which makes it impossible to reliably differentiate between
them. Because of this, the world map mod lets you have multiple world maps for
each dimension on the same server address. In older mod versions, by default,
map selection is Manual, which means that you are asked to confirm which map to
use every time you switch dimensions/worlds/sub-servers. You can also choose one
of the 2 automatic modes. Map selection is done in a special menu by clicking
the bottom left icon on the world map screen (if the menu isn't open by
default). In the menu you can switch between Manual, World Spawn and Single
modes and select/create maps by using the top-center dropdown menu. If you hover
over the Map Selection option, you can read everything you need to know about
each map selection mode, including Server mode. World Spawn mode is the
equivalent of what was used by the world map pre 1.6. So you don't have to
downgrade the mod to still use it. Server mode is the best option for most cases
because the server automatically controls your map selection based on
server-side level IDs. It requires the mod to be installed on the server side.
If changing the map selection mode switches your map to an empty one, you can
always rebind the map that you want to be used by selecting it from the dropdown
menu and confirming. 


Your currently confirmed map affects which waypoints sub-world in the minimap
mod is considered automatic. This allows each created map to have separate
waypoints data. At any point in time, you can select and view any non-automatic
waypoints sub-world by going to the waypoints menu (press U) and selecting it
from top-right dropdown menu. You can make any sub-world automatic for your
currently confirmed map by selecting Options -> Make Sub-World Auto.


Do not panic. It's almost certainly not actually deleted. Old world map versions
use a world spawn-based system to separate a server into multiple maps. This
system often breaks because of servers adding custom functionality to the
vanilla compass item by sending fake world spawn coordinates to your game
client. Make sure you update the mod to the latest version. There are now
multiple map selection modes you can choose between, Manual being the default
one. You can now view any world map you have on the current server address.
Click the bottom left icon on the world map to open the map selection menu, if
it's not open by default. The top center dropdown menu allows you to select
existing or create new world maps. You can hover over the map selection mode
setting (bottom left) to read about how each mode works. Server mode is the best
option for most cases because the server controls your map selection based on
server-side level IDs. It requires the mod to be installed on the server
side. Manual mode is the safest alternative and should work on every other
server. There are also 2 additional automatic map selection modes when Server
mode isn't an option. Read more about them in the tooltip of the setting.

Old map is not in the map menu? This can mean 2 things: the server address has
changed or the dimension IDs have changed.

Let's start with the dimension ID change. Each dimension on the server has a
separate directory in the game directory -> XaeroWorldMap directory. Please
backup the XaeroWorldMap directory before you begin doing anything with it. In
older mod versions, the dimension directory name contains the server address and
the dimension key, for example XaeroWorldMap/Multiplayer_127.0.0.1_DIM1. In
newer versions the dimension directory is a sub-directory, so something
like XaeroWorldMap/Multiplayer_127.0.0.1/DIM1. For compatibility reasons,
default overworld, nether and the end dimensions are named null, DIM-1 and DIM1.
Other dimensions should have their name be based on the original dimension ID,
for example Multiplayer_127.0.0.1/minecraft$overworld_creative. In 1.16+, you
can see your current dimension ID on the F3 screen ingame to figure out which
directory is meant for which dimension (for example
"minecraft:overworld"). Please exit to the game title screen or close the game
before editing files/directories.
Each dimension directory contains sub-directories, one for each map that you
have in the dimension (for example mw$default or mw-4,0,-4) as well as a file
named dimension_config.txt that contains the actual display names of the maps.
You can use the file to help you find a specific map directory that you want.
Moving/copying a map directory between dimension directories should move/copy it
between dimensions. You can give it a name later ingame. The most common case
would be something like moving a map from /null to
/minecraft$overworld_survival. It is needed when a 1.16+ server starts using a
unique dimension ID for each sub-world.

For server address changes, you would first have to remove all directories
inside game directory -> XaeroWorldMap that contain the new server address.
There is usually only 1 such directory if you are using the latest mod
version. Please backup the whole XaeroWorldMap directory before you do that.
Also, exit the game at least to the title screen. Then you would have to rename
each old server address directory (in XaeroWorldMap) to the new address,
replacing ONLY the address part.

Message me or leave a comment if you have questions!

Here's the old explanation if you can't update the mod to 1.6.1 or newer:

Spoiler (click to show)

Do not panic. It's almost certainly not actually deleted (this has never
happened as far as I know). It's likely caused by a server plugin changing the
behavior of the vanilla compass item and interfering with the mod's "multiworld"
detection. In most such cases the compass item points to your bed instead of the
global spawn point. Sleeping in the right bed again should bring everything back
for you if sleeping in another one was the cause of the map "resetting".
If the map "reset" because of a new plugin being added (and if removing it is
not an option for you), then here's how you can restore your map (and hope the
plugin doesn't do it again):

Make sure Minecraft is NOT RUNNING.

1. Go to the game directory

2. Go to the XaeroWorldMap directory

3. Find directories that represent the dimensions you have visited on the
server. These directories contain the address of the server in their name. The
one that ends with _null is the overworld, _dim-1 is Nether etc.

4. Open the overworld directory (_null).

5. You should see multiple directories that start with mw.

6. Find the one that is the biggest in file size. Copy the name of it somewhere
so you don't lose it.

7. Now find the newest mw directory (likely the emptiest or just check the
creation date). Move this directory somewhere else. Don't delete it just yet.

8. Rename the directory from step 6 to the name of the backed up directory from
step 7.

9. Open Minecraft and test if the overworld world map is back.

10. If it's not, exit Minecraft and restore the old name of the directory that
you have renamed + restore the backed up folder. Reread all the steps to make
sure you're doing everything right.
If overworld is now fixed, proceed to step 11.

11. Rename and backup the directories with the same names as overworld for every
other dimension that you'd like to restore.

Contact me if you have questions!



Please read the "Your waypoints are no longer shown for a specific
server?" section on the minimap description page. It should cover most cases.
Contact me, if it doesn't help.

You are allowed to make videos using this mod.

Using it in your modpacks is allowed with the following conditions:

 * Only monetization of the modpack through CurseForge is allowed (which
   includes sponsored links/banners in your modpack description), unless I have
   given you written permission to monetize it elsewhere. Feel free to private
   message me about it. I'm more likely to give you permission than not.
 * If the modpack is distributed outside of CurseForge, then you must credit me
   by providing an easily accessible link to one of my official pages for the
   mod, to the users outside of CurseForge. 
 * The name and/or description of the modpack must not be easily confused with
   the names/descriptions of my mods.
 * If I have given you written permission to monetize the modpack outside of
   CurseForge, then, if I request you to, you must remove monetization outside
   of CurseForge. 


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 * scriese
    * Join Date: 6/10/2020
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   Posted 5 hours ago #3133
    Hello and thank you in advance to whoever can help me out!
   I'm using the latest version of this mod, for 1.18.2, without the minimap
   mod, the world is optimized. Recently I discovered that my waypoints are
   gone, as is the world selection option. I cannot add any new waypoints
   either, they don't even show up as an option. It seems like the entire
   functionality is gone. 
   I read through both World Map's and Minimap's pages, but I couldn't quite
   find an explanation. Any ideas are appreciated. 
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 5 hours ago #3134
   In reply to scriese:
    The waypoints are from the minimap mod. The world map mod doesn't have them
   when used on its own. I'm planning other map marking features for this mod
   though. If you just want the waypoints from the minimap mod, you can install
   that and turn off the minimap. 
   Last edited by xaero96: 5 hours ago
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 * encred1
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   Posted 1 day ago #3131
   I need help whenever I am underground my minimap shows me the  underground
   but my worldmap shows me aboveground.How do I fix this?
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 1 day ago #3132
   In reply to encred1:
    That's not a bug. The world map mod doesn't have cave mode. What purpose do
   you need it for? Depending on your answer, I can probably give you an
   alternative solution.
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 * TheOnlyGraphi
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   Posted 2 days ago #3125
   why is there a file for 1.19.1 (fabric) but not for 1.19? Is this a typo?
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 2 days ago #3129
   In reply to TheOnlyGraphi:
    That file supports 1.19 and 1.19.1 snapshots. It's not tagged with just
   1.19.1 either.
   Last edited by xaero96: 2 days ago
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 * hash_whites
    * Join Date: 8/22/2019
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   Posted 2 days ago #3123
   how do you change the world map to cave mode? the mini map auto does it but I
   cant seem to find a setting that makes the big map go to cave mode
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 2 days ago #3128
   In reply to hash_whites:
    There is no cave mode for the world map. I am planning it for the
   convenience of it, but I get a feeling that turning off cave zoom-in in the
   minimap settings and zooming out to 1x will probably be good enough for
   almost anyone.
   EDIT: And if you want the world map to go into cave mode to make a waypoint
   at your location underground, then you don't need cave mode for that. Just
   press B, or whatever waypoint creation is set to, in game, outside of the map
   screen, and it will create a waypoint at your current position, Y level and
   Last edited by xaero96: 2 days ago
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 * hash_whites
    * Join Date: 8/22/2019
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   Posted 2 days ago #3130
   In reply to xaero96:
    Alright. thank you
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 * DaddyRyzzz
    * Join Date: 5/12/2021
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   Posted 3 days ago #3120
   is it possible to render a certain area around say like 100 chunks?
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 3 days ago #3122
   In reply to DaddyRyzzz:
    In singleplayer yes, if you pregenerate the actual world. In multiplayer,
   no, and you can't copy a map from singleplayer either.
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 * EveryoneBeTwitching
    * Join Date: 2/20/2020
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   Posted 4 days ago #3116
   Is there anyway to increase the output resolution of the png file? I found a
   thread here that has my exact issue, but no one's figured out a solution.
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 3 days ago #3117
   In reply to EveryoneBeTwitching:
    No, because your computer will explode. I'll add more options to export as
   multiple images or a sub-area in the future.
   Last edited by xaero96: 3 days ago
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 * EveryoneBeTwitching
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   Posted 2 days ago #3124
   In reply to xaero96:
    Voxelmap is the mod I used to use and it had a feature to output many
   full-resolution images, then you'd use a program to stitch them together.
   Really anything to allow full resolution images to be taken would be great.
   Last edited by EveryoneBeTwitching: 2 days ago
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 2 days ago #3126
   In reply to EveryoneBeTwitching:
    Yeah, outputting multiple images is one of the options I'm planning. Didn't
   think about making a viewer for it but I guess I'll consider it. Or somebody
   else might make it too.
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 * the_sour_onion
    * Join Date: 6/18/2020
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   Posted 4 days ago #3115
   I seem to have purple / magenta dots on my map. What do those represent?
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 3 days ago #3118
   In reply to the_sour_onion:
    Entities that don't fall into any other category. Things like projectiles,
   falling blocks, primed TNT etc.
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 * waete_et
    * Join Date: 2/21/2022
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   Posted 4 days ago #3113
   how do you install a world map png?
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 * xaero96
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   Posted 4 days ago #3114
   In reply to waete_et:
    You can't install a PNG as a map. Why would you even need to? Copy the whole
   map data stored in the XaeroWorldMap folder, if you want to transfer a map. A
   singleplayer map can't be copied though, because it is not saved in the first
   Last edited by xaero96: 4 days ago
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 * waete_et
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   Posted 3 days ago #3119
   In reply to xaero96:
   Wynncraft, i could just load the entire map, but it woud take like a full
   day. i ended up just switching to 1.12 and wynntils
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Project ID 317780
Created Mar 20, 2019
Updated Jul 15, 2022
Total Downloads 23,662,061
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 * R
   v1.26.1 for Forge 1.19 Jul 15, 2022
 * B
   v1.26.1 for Fabric 1.19 Jul 15, 2022


 * R
   v1.26.1 for Forge 1.18.2 Jul 15, 2022
 * B
   v1.26.1 for Fabric 1.18.2 Jul 15, 2022


 * R
   v1.26.0 for Forge 1.17.1 Jul 15, 2022
 * B
   v1.26.0 for Fabric 1.17.1 - 1.17 Jul 15, 2022

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