popcornrequests.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://popcornrequests.com/
Effective URL: https://popcornrequests.com/
Submission: On June 17 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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Error: You don't seem to be logged in, so we can't get your requests
Link your Patreon account | Welcome | Change log



Welcome Version 4
Just show the requests page


The main intent of this web app is to be a place for Patrons of Popcorn in Bed
(Cassie) to add the titles that they would like a reaction to. Added together
with other Patrons requests the most requested titles can rise to the top,
becoming a sorted list that Cassie can use to react to titles that the community
most wants.

The web app also has the most up-to-date list of what Cassie has seen, drawn
from her letterboxd list, reactions, Patreon posts and comments, and Lives. The
titles that are in Cassie's collection are also indicated in the web


Quick links are a shortcut to take you to the web application configured in a
specific way:
https://popcornrequests.com/seen - A letterboxd-like configuration that shows
movies in Cover view, filtered to only show the movies that Cassie has seen.
https://popcornrequests.com/collection - A Text view configuration that is
filtered to show only the movies in Cassie's collection (though only as
up-to-date as we know about, which is only a little bit ahead of the official
https://popcornrequests.com/reactions - A Text view of Cassie's Reactions that
is searchable, sortable, and with genres so you can find exactly what you'd like
to watch in the future


Once you have linked your Patreon account to the web app it draws your first
name and profile image from there. You may change your displayed name by going
to Menu > Settings, entering the new name in the Changed name field and pressing
Save User.

You may change your profile image to a movie's poster from a movie page, and can
then crop the image from the Settings page.

Adding titles to your requests for a reaction is as simple as going to the Home
page and searching for the title. If the title is in the web application already
it will show up and you can click the + button to add it to your requests. If it
isn't already in the web application you can click the Search IMDb button and
then the ++ button to add it and request it.

Score is the main way of sorting so that the most desired requests rise to the
top. The Score for a title is halved for a title that Cassie has already seen,
and zeroed out for a title that Cassie has already reacted to.

In "Basic" Mode (the default that all users start in) every request contributes
1 Score to a request. If everyone stayed in Basic Mode then the Score would
simply be the number of requesters.

In "Advanced" Mode the order of your requests is important. Your top request
will contribute 1.8 to the title's total Score, stealing the extra 0.8 from your
bottom request, which will contribute 0.2 to its Score. In Advanced Mode when
you request a title it moves into a temporary queue that you place into your
requests list in the order you want them and then manually Submit Requests to
Server when you're done.

If a title's score is higher than the number of requesters then it, on average,
is higher on the list of titles that Advanced Mode patrons want a reaction to.
If a title's score is lower than the number of requesters then it, on average,
is lower on the list of titles that Advanced Mode patrons want a reaction to.

Show old (and now out-dated) welcome

There is a new version of the web application that added Basic and Advanced
modes. New video tutorial:

What is score? Score is the main way of sorting so that the most desired
requests rise to the top.

In "Basic" Mode (the default that all users start in) every request contributes
0.5 score to a request. If everyone stayed in Basic Mode then the score would
simply be half of the number of requesters.

In "Advanced" Mode you can set the importance of the order of your requests -
you use Advanced Mode if you want your top requests to be reacted to more than
the bottom ones. At the maximum Order Importance your top request will
contribute 0.9 to its total score and your bottom request will contribute 0.1.

If you find a bug or are having trouble with how something works, come ask me
(Planner) on discord?


The above video goes through some of the features of this app and how to use it.
This app is a way for the community to collect requests for reactions to movies
and tv shows that they want Cassie, Ms. Popcorn in Bed, to react to.

The main concept of the app is that you add, or find, any (every) movie (and tv
show) that you would want a reaction to. If everyone does the same then the most
desired will rise to the top, and Cassie can use that information as a resource
to find things to react to.

An analogy for how this app works in practice:

 * Browsing through movies already in the app and clicking the 'Toggle request'
   buttons (+) is like flicking through your DVD collection and adding movies
   you want to send to Cassie to a pile.
 * Adding movies (through the Add Movies page) is like going to the store and
   picking out movies to add to the same pile.
 * Once you have a pile of movies (known in the app as your Request Queue) you
   go to your My Requests page and move things from your Request Queue to your
   Requests. This is like adding the movies from your collected pile to a parcel
   to physically send to Cassie. You can change the importance of the order on
   this page too, which is how much you care what order the movies come out of
   the parcel.
 * And finally, when you have everything added and in the order you want, you
   click on Submit Requests to Server. This is you mailing the package. Until
   you do this your requests are all on your computer (at your house), no one
   else can see them; after this they are on the server (at Cassie's) and added
   to the requests that everyone else has made to give them each a total score.
 * And... this is where the analogy falls down a little bit, but each time you
   Submit Requests to Server your score contributions are recalculated. It's
   like... You went back in time and sent a different parcel with your latest
   movies, replacing the one you sent before.
 * You need to link your Patreon account because Cassie's mailbox (in this
   hypothetical) only accepts parcels from people who are pledged to her on
   Patreon (and the app needs you to link the account to be able to check).

With three people using it this app is interesting but not very much useful for
its main purpose (a place for Cassie to find movies).
With ten people using it this app will become less useless, by my estimation.
The list should stop being dominated by a single person's requests.
Above fifty people using the app it will start to become useful. An idea as to
what the community wants a reaction to should start to form.


TL;DR: Link your patreon account, Add Movies by list of imdb ids or Show Movies
and enqueue requests (the + button), then go to My Requests and order your
requests, finally Submit Requests to Server.



More rambly (and incomplete, and now outdated...) introduction toggle

What this is: A way for people to share their movie/tv show reaction requests,
and to order requests by how much interest there is in them (using a few
different metrics). A way for Cassie to discover movies/shows to react to and
still remain "super blind" going into them.

I did write a static web app with a list of my recommendations with metadata,
reasoning, and more sophisticated filtering (I can link it if anyone is
interested?). It ended up being only somewhat interesting and not particularly
useful at all. This will only become useful (to Cassie) when a critical mass of
people have added their requests.

What this is not: A tool to use against Cassie to pressure her to watch

"Super blind"?: Cassie seems to like going into her First Time Watching
reactions without knowing much if anything about the movie ("super blind"), so
this web app starts in a very minimalistic mode - only the title and year are
shown, along with the several weights of how requested the movie/show is, and
whether Cassie has seen and reacted to it.

Request guidelines: No demonic horror or with excessive nudity. (Should this be
filled out more? Cassie?)

How to use this: Add movies to your request queue either by

Motivation: There are movies that I would really like Cassie to react to but
that aren't likely to rise to the top of her "to watch" list, not with thousands
of people wanting the same. Even with this, my requests probably won't make it
to the top, but at least I'll be able to know for sure how far down they are.
And genuinely highly desired reactions should come to the top.

What this could be: Anything that we would like or want it to be.
Minimum Viable Project, for me (Planner), was to be able to have everyone be
able to add every possible movie they'd want to request, and then weight those
requests if they wanted to.
Do we want Cassie to be able to provide a prompt and everyone be able to add
movies that fit the prompt and vote on them (order them with the same weighting
as general requests? Remove some as not seen or not interested?)?
Cassie gives a group of movies only she adds to and we vote on them (i.e., polls
implemented here)?
Patron-made prompts (single contributor, anyone contributes)? Voting on
patron-made prompts (i.e., a way to order prompts by the most popular - for
Cassie to find the most wanted prompts, but also for us)?
Discussions on movies/shows, spoilers, spoiler-free, and/or convincing other
people to watch/vote on the movie/show you want a reaction to?
"Burnt Popcorn", an indicator on movies/shows that would show in "super blind"
mode to show that X people think it would be problematic for Cassie (offset by
the number of people who vote that it isn't problematic)?
Ability to request/add a vote to a movie that Cassie has already seen? (Like the
Freaky Friday reaction)
Super request tokens(? do they need a better name? Candied Popcorn, maybe?)
being related to the campaign_lifetime_support_cents or tier instead of just the
flat 1 per month (Little Kernel gets 1, Popped Corn gets 2, Popped Corn w/ Salt
gets 3, Popped Corn w/ Butter gets 4)? (Requires actual integration with
Cassie's patreon (currently the app just makes sure PiB is in your pledge list))
Privacy features (anonymous requests - only Cassie and other admins would see
your vote for a request)?
Metadata for movies (synopsis, cast & crew, youtube trailer, etc)?
A discord bot that you could ask if Cassie has seen something?
Cassie/admin veto (an indicator by Cassie or Ben or someone else with authority
that Cassie won't be considering a movie, hopefully with a reason)?
Generalise the app out so that it can be used for other reactors (and have one
list of requested reactions applied to multiple reactors)?
More general forums (off-topic, feature requests, help, etc)?
Share the code on Github?
Other ideas?

Caveats: I am currently time-rich and money-poor; so I have the time to write
this app simply because it was interesting to do so (and hopefully it will be
useful). It currently costs $5 USD per month, but that may go up depending on
usage (and I'm a bit unsure how much usage will equate to how much it will go
up); if it's too much I'll either have to pull the plug or ask for help.

The data format or storage may change, as I'm not set on how it is implemented
right now.

... I don't have a development environment for this project (it's using
cloudflare workers and durable objects, with websockets) - I'm coding and
pushing directly to the live app. Potentially faster feature implementations,
but also more likelihood of bugs. See something you want changed (bug fixed or
feature implemented), ask?

The current implementation just gives the browser all of the movie/request data
to play with (sort, filter). Maybe on slower machines or when the list of
requests gets large this should be pre-done on the server/worker, I'm not sure.

Data privacy statement: Your usage of the site (your request list, basically)
will be publically viewable (anonymity features are as-yet unwritten), but your
data is not, and will not, be sold to third parties. The only potentially
sensitive information that is stored on the server is your
campaign_lifetime_support_cents, and it isn't viewable (or even sent to clients)
anywhere - it's being considered for the Super Requests feature (where you get a
limited number of tokens to boost requests).

Terms of Service: Very sophisticated - Don't be a dick, yeah? This service is a
privilege, not a right, and you can be removed if you're being negative to the
community, the operation of the service, or if Cassie decides you should be

Log: Connected users changed to 11