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Maki Yazawa

Maki Yazawa
December 26, 2023

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POV: The gang is finally back together, and before you know it you’re one
margarita, two margarita, three margaritas deep. When the good times are
flowing, so might the booze—which can mean a morning-after hangxiety session is
on its merry way. You know, that dreaded anxious and depressed feeling the
morning after a spirited bender? Hangxiety is too real, and health experts

But why does something that can make you feel so good (at least for a little
while), make you feel so bad shortly thereafter? According to Uma Naidoo, MD, a
Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist and the author of the upcoming book,
Calm Your Mind With Food, it’s simple: alcohol functions as a depressant of the
central nervous system that can have both long- and short-term effects. Ahead
Dr. Naidoo delves into the short-term effects of hangxiety, and ways to mitigate
its symptoms the morning after a long night out.


Experts In This Article
 * Uma Naidoo, MD, Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef,
   and nutritional biologist



According to Dr. Naidoo, hangxiety is the phenomenon of feeling an increase in
anxiety after a bout of heavy drinking, often accompanied by other symptoms of a
hangover such as fatigue, nausea, and irritability. “Alcohol functions in the
brain as a depressant of the central nervous system. That is, it works by
slowing our brain activity down, which is why it’s common for some people to
reach for alcohol when feeling anxious or needing help falling asleep,” she
says. On the flip side, however, once the sedative effect wears off, so do these
feelings of calmness and relaxation, which can also ramp up feelings of anxiety.

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In addition to the psychological impact, hangxiety can also come with feelings
of jitteriness, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, and dehydration, which
are physiological reactions to alcohol consumption. Keep in mind, the more
alcohol consumed, the more intense the hangxiety and accompanying side effects
will likely be.

> “Alcohol functions in the brain as a depressant of the central nervous system.
> That is, it works by slowing our brain activity down, which is why it’s common
> for some people to reach for alcohol when feeling anxious or needing help
> falling asleep,”
> —Uma Naidoo, MD, nutritional psychiatrist


Although the only true foolproof method for preventing hangxiety is abstaining
from drinking alcohol, Dr. Naidoo says there are ways to help reduce the
symptoms without going cold turkey. “It’s comforting to keep in mind that the
anxiety associated with alcohol withdrawal is temporary [in most cases], but
there are tools you can utilize to ease the symptoms,” she says.


First and foremost, Dr. Naidoo notes that since alcohol is extremely
dehydrating—and dehydration is one of the key players in feelings of
anxiety—it’s critical to rehydrate as soon as possible after a drinking event.
“It’s very important to make sure you are hydrating with plenty of water,
electrolytes, and hydrating fruits and veggies the day after consuming alcohol
to help clear any anxious thoughts,” she says.

Looking for something soothing and hydrating? Dr. Naidoo recommends relaxing
herbal teas, like chamomile, lavender, or passionflower. Or, coffee—if you can
stomach it after drinking—packed with polyphenols, which act as antioxidants.


In addition to adequately hydrating, Dr. Naidoo says there are several foods and
drinks that can help alleviate hangxiety symptoms. From a beverage standpoint,
her go-tos include green or black teas due to their L-theanine content, an amino
acid that’s been shown to help reduce levels of stress and anxiety.
Additionally, she says the caffeine content in these teas can also lend a
helping hand in maintaining energy levels the day after consuming alcohol.


From a food standpoint, Dr. Naidoo says fermented foods such as plain,
unsweetened whole-milk Greek yogurt (topped with berries and a sprinkle of
cinnamon for some sweetness and an extra antioxidant boost) is a great choice.

Although a late-night meal delivery service may sound like a good idea at the
time, fried or overly-sugary foods might not be as beneficial for alleviating
hangxiety. “These foods may initially feel satisfying but are drivers of
inflammation in the gut and brain which can further exacerbate symptoms,” the
nutritional psychiatrist says. Better hangover brain food from Dr. Naidoo’s
purview includes: a batch of air fryer zucchini fries or a homemade burger
(beef, turkey, salmon, tofu, or vegetable).

In addition to fermented foods, Dr. Naidoo suggests fiber-rich plant foods that
help reduce inflammation loaded with vitamins and minerals. “B vitamins,
specifically, are important for making it through a hangover because alcohol
consumption has been associated with B vitamin deficiency as well as increased
stress and low mood, and certain B vitamins help to metabolize alcohol quicker,”
Dr. Naidoo says. Foods rich in vitamin B include eggs, nuts and seeds, whole
grains, leafy greens, and dairy products.

Pro tip: Dr. Naidoo suggests prepping your “drunchies” ahead of time and leaving
them in your fridge, so they’re ready to go, sparing you the pricey take out
order and potentially less healthy choice. Or “pregaming” with a meal filled
with plenty of fiber-rich veggies and protein that can potentially reduce the
effects of alcohol (and subsequent hangxiety). “Research has found that fiber
and protein also help to keep the belly full and reduce the body’s ability to
absorb alcohol,” Dr. Naidoo says.


Having a breathwork exercise, practicing some mindfulness, and spending at least
10 minutes in daylight are three easy ways Dr. Naidoo says can help manage your
hangxiety symptoms. “All of these habits help to lower the stress in your body
and brain and help calm the mind,” she says.


When in doubt, Dr. Naidoo says sleep it off. “If you are able to rest, it can be
beneficial to simply sleep it off. After a night of drinking, this can allow
your mind to get back to its healthier state most efficiently and help reduce
anxiety-inducing inflammation.”

An RD settles the wine vs. champagne debate:


Well+Good articles reference scientific, reliable, recent, robust studies to
back up the information we share. You can trust us along your wellness journey.
 1. Williams, Jackson L et al. “The Effects of Green Tea Amino Acid L-Theanine
    Consumption on the Ability to Manage Stress and Anxiety Levels: a Systematic
    Review.” Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands) vol. 75,1
    (2020): 12-23. doi:10.1007/s11130-019-00771-5
 2. Paton, Alex. “Alcohol in the body.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol.
    330,7482 (2005): 85-7. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7482.85


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