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 * Home
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 * Idea Sharing Network
   * Session 30: Performance Measures
   * Session 29: Operator Safety
   * Session 28: SSP Show and Tell
   * Session 27: Situational Awareness
   * Session 26: Electric Vehicles
   * Session 25: Winter Preparation
   * Session 24: Patrol Staffing
   * Session 23: Major Events and Congestion Management
   * Session 22: Secondary Crashes
   * Session 21: SSP Technologies
   * Session 20: Show & Tell Pt 2
   * Session 19: Show & Tell
   * Session 18: SSP Training
   * Session 17: Other Responders
   * Session 16: COVID-19 II
   * Session 15: COVID-19
   * Session 13: Debris Removal
   * Session 14: Push/Pull/Drag
   * Session 12: Classifications
   * Session 11: Patrol Coverage
   * Session 10: Protect the Queue
   * Session 9: Technologies
   * Session 8: Major Traffic Events
   * Session 7: Vehicle Selection
   * Session 6: Awareness
   * Session 5: Communications
   * Session 4: Equipment
   * Session 3: Training
   * Session 2: Performance
   * Session 1: SOPs
 * Resources
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     * National SSP Chart
   * Near Misses & Struck-By Data Collection
   * Highlighted Studies
   * State Resources
   * Archived Safe Highway Matters
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       * Accountability
       * SSP Idea-Sharing Network
       * Headlights On . . .
       * News and Notes 2016
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall 2015
       * Raising SSP Awareness
       * Teaming Up for SSPs
       * Headlights on . . .
       * News & Notes 2015
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall 2014
       * What’s in a Name?
       * Tow Truck Rodeos
       * Headlights on…
       * News & Notes Fall 2014
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall/Winter 2013
       * Enhancing Safety Service Patrol Drivers’ Safety
       * Move Over
       * Headlights on…
       * News & Notes Fall/Winter 2013
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Spring 2013
       * Taking the Wheel
       * Training Trainers
       * Headlights On…
       * News & Notes Spring 2013
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Winter 2013
       * Weathering the Storm
       * Troopers Talk
       * Headlights On…
       * News & Notes Winter 2013
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall 2012
       * Benefit-to-Cost Analysis
       * Hoosier Helper: The PBS Inside Story
       * Headlights on…
       * News & Notes Fall 2012
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Spring 2012
       * SSP Business Models
       * Centralized – New Addition
       * Headlights on…
       * News & Notes Spring 2012
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Winter 2012
       * A Partner on the Road
       * Promotion of SSPs
       * Headlights on. . .
       * News & Notes Winter 2012
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall 2011
       * Wading through the Options
       * New Tools for the Trade
       * Headlights On . . .
       * News & Notes Fall 2011
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Summer 2011
       * Outsourcing SSPs
       * Trend Toward Outsourcing
       * Headlights On. . .
       * News & Notes Summer 2011
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Winter 2011
       * Data-Based Deployment
       * Heavy Tow Program
       * Headlights On…
       * News & Notes Winter 2011
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Spring 2011
       * Safety Training for SSPs
       * Questions on Training
       * Headlights On…
       * News & Notes Spring 2011
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Fall 2010
       * Technology Enhances Safety
       * Headlights On…
       * News & Notes Fall 2010
       * Master Vehicle Mover
       * Responding to Roadway Incidents
       * Editor’s Note
     * Spring 2010
       * Secondary Incidents
       * Profile: Harvey L. Heaton
       * News & Notes Spring 2010
       * “Good Samaritan” Law
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Top 5 Summer Driving Hazards
       * Editor’s Note
     * Summer 2010
       * The “Green” Effect
       * CMAQ Funding
       * Headlights On
       * News & Notes Summer 2010
       * Question of the Quarter
       * Editor’s Note
     * Winter 2010
       * Eyes on the Road
       * H.E.L.P.ed by Sponsorship
       * Profile: Richard L. Wheeler
       * “Move Over” Law
       * Question of the Quarter


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up-to-date news on recent developments in the field and on unique advancements
made by Safety Service Patrols across the country!


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Safety Service Patrol (SSP) drivers are often the public “face” of the
transportation agencies they represent. SSP managers are continually seeking
ways to measure the performance of SSP drivers and hold them to the highest
standards possible.

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Exploring the nomenclature that surrounds Safety Service Patrols and the
personnel who perform the services for which the patrols have become known.
Industry professionals discuss the appropriate titles and positioning of the men
and women who drive Safety Service Patrols.

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State transportation departments’ Safety Service Patrol (SSP) programs have
response plans in place to address storm-related emergency situations quickly
and appropriately to ensure the safety of the public traveling the roadways. We
take a closer look at how Safety Service Patrols prepare for and respond to
natural disasters.

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Serving America’s highways with Safety Service Patrols—funded by taxpayers and
private sponsors

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Safety Service Patrols (SSPs) are like fingerprints: no two are exactly alike.
This is apparent in the variety of equipment and vehicles they select. What’s
the “right” vehicle and equipment combination? The short answer is, it depends.

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The decision to outsource or maintain a state run SSP has its benefits and

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Training of Safety Service Patrol drivers is one of the most important steps
toward maintaining safety on the roadways, for the driver, the stranded motorist
and the passing traffic.

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This listing is a compilation of data gathered by Travelers Marketing directly
from the sources where possible and from a variety of previously published


Find out more.


A look at methods being used by DOT and SSP authorizing agencies to determine
patrol route coverage.

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In a world of changing technologies, Safety Service Patrols (SSP) have improved
methods for responding to road incidents.

Read More

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SafeHighways.org is a forum for the Safety Service Patrol community to share,
learn and discuss best practices and lessons learned.

If you are involved with Safety Service Patrols, whether a director, manager,
operator, driver or just an interested party, SafeHighways.org is a network for

Tell us what questions need to be addressed and what latest developments are
helping Safety Service Patrols. We welcome your ideas and suggestions and invite
you to sign-up for our mailing list where you will be notified of upcoming Idea
Sharing Network sessions.

Photo from Virginia Department of Transportation Flickr and by Tom Saunders,


The information provided on the SafeHighways.org website and in related
materials is for informational purposes only and does not create any
endorsement. There is no warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness,
legality, reliability, or usefulness of the information, and all warranties are

SafeHighways.org, its affiliates, and employees are not liable for any improper
or incorrect use of the information or any damages resulting from its use.
Changes may be made to the information without notice. Errors or omissions
should be reported to ssp@safehighways.org.


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