www.kantar.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:2800:233:1cb7:261b:1f9c:2074:3c  Public Scan

URL: https://www.kantar.com/fr/policy-on-the-personal-data-of-participants-in-our-studies-ki
Submission: On April 03 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form action=".">
  <span class="twitter-typeahead" style="position: relative; display: inline-block;"><input type="text" class="js-search-input search-box-input tt-hint" readonly="" spellcheck="false" tabindex="-1"
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      placeholder="Chercher dans Kantar" class="js-search-input search-box-input tt-input" spellcheck="false" dir="auto" aria-activedescendant="" aria-owns="undefined_listbox" role="combobox" aria-readonly="true" aria-autocomplete="list"
      style="position: relative; vertical-align: top; background-color: transparent;"><span role="status" aria-live="polite"
      style="position: absolute; padding: 0px; border: 0px; height: 1px; width: 1px; margin-bottom: -1px; margin-right: -1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px); white-space: nowrap;"></span>
    <pre aria-hidden="true"
      style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; white-space: pre; font-family: KantarBrown; font-size: 60px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 100; word-spacing: 0px; letter-spacing: 0px; text-indent: 0px; text-rendering: auto; text-transform: none;"></pre>
    <div role="listbox" class="tt-menu" style="position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 0px; z-index: 100; display: none;">
      <div role="presentation" class="tt-dataset tt-dataset-0"></div>

Text Content


Wir verwenden Cookies, um Informationen über die Nutzung unserer Websites durch
die Besucher zu sammeln. Wir geben Informationen über Ihre Nutzung unserer
Website auch an unsere Medienplattform und Analysepartner weiter, die diese mit
anderen Daten kombinieren können, die Sie ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt haben
oder die sie aus Ihrer Nutzung derer Dienste gesammelt haben. Wenn Sie
fortfahren unsere Website zu nutzen, stimmen Sie der Nutzung von Cookies zu.
Meine persönlichen Daten nicht verkaufen oder weitergeben
Nur technisch erforderliche Cookies erlauben Cookies zulassen Details zeigen
Nur technisch erforderliche Cookies erlauben Auswahl eraluben Alle Cookies
Details zeigen
Cookie-Erklärung [#IABV2SETTINGS#] Über Cookies
 Erforderlich (29)  Komfort (4)  Statistik (31)  Marketing (53)  Nicht
klassifiziert (0)
Erforderliche Cookies helfen, eine Website zugänglich und nutzbar zu machen,
indem sie grundlegende Funktionen wie die Seitennavigation und den Zugriff auf
sichere Bereiche der Website ermöglichen. Ohne diese Cookies kann die Website
nicht korrekt betrieben werden.

NameAnbieterZweckAblaufTyp__RequestVerificationTokenKantarHilft, Cross-Site
Request Forgery- (CSRF-) Angriffe zu
verhindern.SessionHTTPASP.NET_SessionIdKantarBehält die Zustände des Benutzers
bei allen Seitenanfragen bei.SessionHTTPCookieConsentCookiebotSpeichert den
Zustimmungsstatus des Benutzers für Cookies auf der aktuellen Domäne.6
MonateHTTPsxa_siteKantarWird verwendet, um die Geschwindigkeit der Website zu
verbessern und Inhalte über ein Content Delivery Network (CDN) zu
die Zustände des Benutzers bei allen Seitenanfragen
bei.SessionHTTPTS# [x3]Workday
wd3.myworkdaycdn.comWird verwendet, um die Sicherheit der Website und die
Erkennung von Betrug zu gewährleisten.SessionHTTPwday_vps_cookieWorkdayLoad
balancer cookie to preserve user sessionSessionHTTPwhat-intentWorkdayBestimmt
das Gerät, mit dem auf die Webseite zugegriffen wird. Dadurch kann die Webseite
entsprechend formatiert werden.SessionHTMLJSESSIONIDNew RelicBehält die Zustände
des Benutzers bei allen Seitenanfragen bei.SessionHTTPAI_bufferCognitoFormsWird
im Zusammenhang mit dem "AI_sentBuffer" verwendet, um die Anzahl der
Datenserver-Updates (Azure) zu begrenzen.Diese Synergie ermöglicht der Webseite
auch, doppelte Datenserver-Updates zu
erkennen.SessionHTMLAI_sentBufferCognitoFormsWird im Zusammenhang mit dem
"AI_buffer" verwendet, um die Anzahl der Datenserver-Updates (Azure) zu
begrenzen. Diese Synergie ermöglicht der Webseite auch, doppelte
Datenserver-Updates zu erkennen.SessionHTMLsidRexx SystemsBehält die Zustände
des Benutzers bei allen Seitenanfragen bei.1 TagHTTPWorkdayLB_SAS [x2]Workday
wd3.myworkdaycdn.comForwards requests for a single session to the same server
for consistency of service.SessionHTTPvisitor_id#-hash [x10]Kantar
GoogleWird zur Verschlüsselung und Aufbewahrung von Besucherdaten verwendet -
Dies ist für die Sicherheit der Benutzerdaten notwendig. 399
TageHTTPvisitorIdws.zoominfo.comBehält die Zustände des Benutzers bei allen
Seitenanfragen bei.1 JahrHTTP_cfuvidzoominfo.comDieses Cookie ist ein Teil der
Dienste von Cloudflare - einschließlich Lastverteilung, Bereitstellung von
Website-Inhalten und Bereitstellung einer DNS-Verbindung für Website-Betreiber.

Komfort-Cookies ermöglichen es einer Website, Informationen zu speichern, die
das Verhalten oder Aussehen der Website verändern, wie z. B. Ihre bevorzugte
Sprache oder die Region, in der Sie sich befinden.

NameAnbieterZweckAblaufTyptimezoneOffsetWorkdaySpeichert die Zeitzone des
BenutzersSessionHTTPcustomerLangSuperOfficeNotwendig für die Pflege von
Spracheinstellungen für Unterseiten auf der
Webseite.SessionHTTPplayerVimeoSpeichert Einstellungen des Benutzers bei der
Wiedergabe von eingebetteten Videos von Vimeo.1 JahrHTTPsync_activeVimeoEnthält
Daten zu den Video-Präferenzen der Besucher. Dadurch kann sich die Webseite
Parameter wie bevorzugte Lautstärke oder Videoqualität merken. Der Service wird
von Vimeo.com zur Verfügung gestellt.PersistentHTML

Statistik-Cookies helfen Website-Betreibern zu verstehen, wie Besucher mit
Websites interagieren, indem sie Informationen anonym sammeln und melden.

NameAnbieterZweckAblaufTypcollect [x2]Google
LinkedInWird verwendet, um Daten zu Google Analytics über das Gerät und das
Verhalten des Besuchers zu senden. Erfasst den Besucher über Geräte und
Marketingkanäle hinweg.SessionPixel_dc_gtm_UA-#GoogleWird von Google Tag Manager
genutzt, um das Laden des Google-Analytics-Skript-Tags zu steuern.1
TagHTTP_gaGoogleRegistriert eine eindeutige ID, die verwendet wird, um
statistische Daten dazu, wie der Besucher die Website nutzt, zu generieren.399
TageHTTP_ga_#GoogleSammelt Daten dazu, wie oft ein Benutzer eine Website besucht
hat, sowie Daten für den ersten und letzten Besuch. Von Google Analytics
verwendet.399 TageHTTP_gac_KantarAnstehend3 MonateHTTP_gatKantarWird von Google
Analytics verwendet, um die Anforderungsrate einzuschränken1
TagHTTP_gidGoogleRegistriert eine eindeutige ID, die verwendet wird, um
statistische Daten dazu, wie der Besucher die Website nutzt, zu generieren.1
TagHTTP_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressHotjarDieses Cookie wird benutzt, um zu
zählen, wie oft eine Website von verschiedenen Besuchern besucht wurde – dies
wird durch das Zuordnen einer zufälligen ID zu einem Besucher erledigt, damit
der Besucher nicht zweimal registriert wird.1 TagHTTP_hjFirstSeenHotjarDieses
Cookie wird benutzt, um festzustellen, ob der Besucher die Website zuvor besucht
hat oder, ob er ein neuer Besucher auf der Website ist.1
TagHTTP_hjIncludedInPageviewSample [x2]KantarWird verwendet, um festzustellen,
ob die Navigation und Interaktionen der Benutzer in der Datenanalyse der Website
enthalten sind.1 TagHTTP_hjIncludedInSessionSample_#HotjarErfasst Statistiken
über Besuche des Benutzers auf der Website, wie z. B. die Anzahl der Besuche,
durchschnittliche Verweildauer auf der Website und welche Seiten gelesen
wurden.1 TagHTTP_hjRecordingLastActivityKantarLegt eine eindeutige ID für die
Sitzung fest. Dadurch kann die Webseite Daten über Besucherverhalten für
statistische Zwecke erhalten.SessionHTML_hjSession_#HotjarErfasst Statistiken
über Besuche des Benutzers auf der Website, wie z. B. die Anzahl der Besuche,
durchschnittliche Verweildauer auf der Website und welche Seiten gelesen
wurden.1 TagHTTP_hjSessionUser_#HotjarErfasst Statistiken über Besuche des
Benutzers auf der Website, wie z. B. die Anzahl der Besuche, durchschnittliche
Verweildauer auf der Website und welche Seiten gelesen wurden.1
JahrHTTP_hjTLDTestHotjarRegistriert statistische Daten über das Verhalten der
Besucher auf der Webseite. Wird vom Webmaster für interne Analysen
TagHTTPhjViewportIdKantarLegt eine eindeutige ID für die Sitzung fest. Dadurch
kann die Webseite Daten über Besucherverhalten für statistische Zwecke
erhalten.SessionHTMLhomepageFirstRunKantarAnstehendSessionHTTPln_or [x2]LinkedIn
KantarRegistriert statistische Daten über das Verhalten der Besucher auf der
Webseite. Wird vom Webmaster für interne Analysen verwendet.1
TagHTTPSC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIEKantarWird von Sitecore Engagement Analytics
genutzt, um wiederkehrende Besucher der Webseite zu identifizieren.399
TageHTTPub-emb-idKantarWird von der Website verwendet, um Variationen der
Landing Page vorzunehmen. Dies wird durchgeführt, um die Bounce-Rate zu
minimieren, was bedeutet, dass weniger Benutzer die Seite sofort
verlassen.PersistentHTMLziwsSessionIdKantarErfasst Statistiken über Besuche des
Benutzers auf der Website, wie z. B. die Anzahl der Besuche, durchschnittliche
Verweildauer auf der Website und welche Seiten gelesen
in Verbindung mit der Datensynchronisation mit dem Analysedienst eines
Drittanbieters verwendet. 29
Inc.Dieser Cookie wird von Twitter gesetzt. Mit dem Cookie kann der Besucher
Inhalte von der webseite in seinem Twitter-Profil freigeben.399 TageHTTP

Marketing-Cookies werden verwendet, um Besucher über Websites hinweg zu
identifizieren. Die Absicht ist es, Anzeigen zu schalten, die für den einzelnen
Benutzer relevant und ansprechend sind und dadurch für Herausgeber und
Drittwerber nützlicher sind.

NameAnbieterZweckAblaufTypIDEGoogleVerwendet von Google DoubleClick, um die
Handlungen des Benutzers auf der Webseite nach der Anzeige oder dem Klicken auf
eine der Anzeigen des Anbieters zu registrieren und zu melden, mit dem Zweck der
Messung der Wirksamkeit einer Werbung und der Anzeige zielgerichteter Werbung
für den Benutzer.1 JahrHTTPpagead/landing [x2]GoogleSammelt Daten zum
Besucherverhalten auf mehreren Webseiten, um relevantere Werbung zu präsentieren
- Dies ermöglicht es der Webseite auch, die Anzahl der Anzeige der gleichen
Werbung zu
um zu überprüfen, ob der Browser des Benutzers Cookies unterstützt.1
TagHTTP__cf_bm [x4]Glassdoor
zoominfo.comDieser Cookie wird verwendet, um zwischen Menschen und Bots zu
unterscheiden. Dies ist vorteilhaft für die webseite, um gültige Berichte über
die Nutzung ihrer webseite zu erstellen.1 TagHTTPvisitor_id# [x10]Kantar
GoogleWird im Zusammenhang mit Account-Based-Marketing (ABM) verwendet. Das
Cookie registriert Daten wie IP-Adressen, die auf der Website verbrachte Zeit
und die Seitenanfragen für den Besuch. Dies wird für das Retargeting von
mehreren Benutzern verwendet, die von den gleichen IP-Adressen stammen. ABM
erleichtert in der Regel B2B-Marketingzwecke.399 TageHTTP_GRECAPTCHA [x2]Google
recaptcha.netDieser Cookie wird verwendet, um zwischen Menschen und Bots zu
unterscheiden. Dies ist vorteilhaft für die webseite, um gültige Berichte über
die Nutzung ihrer webseite zu erstellen.179 TageHTTPads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed
by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers
based on the visitor's online behaviour across
websites.SessionPixelpagead/1p-conversion/#GoogleSammelt Daten zum
Besucherverhalten auf mehreren Webseiten, um relevantere Werbung zu präsentieren
- Dies ermöglicht es der Webseite auch, die Anzahl der Anzeige der gleichen
Werbung zu begrenzen.SessionPixelpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleWird verwendet, um
zu tracken, ob der Besucher Interesse an bestimmten Produkten oder Ereignissen
auf mehreren Websites gezeigt hat und wie der Besucher zwischen den Websites
navigiert - Dies wird zur Messung des Werbeaufwands verwendet und erleichtert
die Zahlung von Empfehlungsgebühren zwischen
Websites.SessionPixelrc::aGoogleDieser Cookie wird verwendet, um zwischen
Menschen und Bots zu unterscheiden. Dies ist vorteilhaft für die webseite, um
gültige Berichte über die Nutzung ihrer webseite zu
erstellen.PersistentHTMLrc::bGoogleDieser Cookie wird verwendet, um zwischen
Menschen und Bots zu unterscheiden.SessionHTMLrc::cGoogleDieser Cookie wird
verwendet, um zwischen Menschen und Bots zu
unterscheiden.SessionHTMLrc::d-15#GoogleDieser Cookie wird verwendet, um
zwischen Menschen und Bots zu unterscheiden.PersistentHTML_gac_UA-#KantarStores
information about ad campaigns from Google Adwords to show targeted ads to the
visitor.3 MonateHTTP_gcl_auGoogleWird von Google AdSense zum Experimentieren mit
Werbungseffizienz auf Webseiten verwendet, die ihre Dienste nutzen.3
MonateHTTP_gcl_awKantarWird verwendet, um die Effizienz der Werbeaktivitäten der
Website zu messen, indem Daten über die Conversion-Rate der Anzeigen der Website
über mehrere Websites hinweg gesammelt werden.3
MonateHTTP_hjRecordingEnabledKantarDieses Cookie wird benutzt, um den Besucher
zu identifizieren und Werbe-Relevanz zu optimieren, indem Besucherdaten von
verschiedenen Websites gesammelt werden – dieser Austausch von Besucherdaten
wird normalerweise von einem Drittanbieter-Datencenter oder Ad-Exchange-Dienst
zur Verfügung gestellt.SessionHTMLbcookieLinkedInVerwendet vom
Social-Networking-Dienst LinkedIn für die Verfolgung der Verwendung von
eingebetteten Dienstleistungen.1 JahrHTTPli_sugrLinkedInSammelt Daten über das
Verhalten und die Interaktion von Besuchern - Dies wird verwendet, um die
Webseite zu optimieren und Werbung auf der Webseite relevanter zu machen.3
MonateHTTPlidcLinkedInVerwendet vom Social-Networking-Dienst LinkedIn für die
Verfolgung der Verwendung von eingebetteten Dienstleistungen.1
TagHTTPUserMatchHistoryLinkedInWird verwendet, um Besucher auf mehreren
Webseiten zu verfolgen, um relevante Werbung basierend auf den Präferenzen des
Besuchers zu präsentieren. 29 TageHTTPlpv#PardotWird im Zusammenhang mit der
Verhaltensverfolgung durch die Website verwendet - Das Cookie registriert das
Verhalten und die Navigation des Benutzers auf mehreren Websites und stellt
sicher, dass keine Verfolgungsfehler auftreten, wenn der Benutzer mehrere
Browser-Tabs geöffnet hat.1 TagHTTPi/adsctTwitter Inc.Der Cookie wird von
Twitter.com verwendet, um die Anzahl der Besucher zu ermitteln, die über
Twitter-Anzeigeninhalte auf die Webseite zugreifen.SessionPixelmuc_adsTwitter
Inc.Sammelt Daten über das Verhalten und die Interaktion von Besuchern - Dies
wird verwendet, um die Webseite zu optimieren und Werbung auf der Webseite
relevanter zu machen.399 TageHTTPvuidVimeoSammelt Daten über Besuche des
Benutzers auf der Website, wie zum Beispiel welche Seiten gelesen wurden.399
TageHTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeVersucht, die Benutzerbandbreite auf Seiten mit
integrierten YouTube-Videos zu schätzen.179 TageHTTPYSCYouTubeRegistriert eine
eindeutige ID, um Statistiken der Videos von YouTube, die der Benutzer gesehen
hat, zu behalten.SessionHTTPyt.innertube::nextIdYouTubeRegistriert eine
eindeutige ID, um Statistiken der Videos von YouTube, die der Benutzer gesehen
hat, zu behalten.PersistentHTMLyt.innertube::requestsYouTubeRegistriert eine
eindeutige ID, um Statistiken der Videos von YouTube, die der Benutzer gesehen
hat, zu behalten.PersistentHTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosPersistentHTMLyt-remote-cast-availableYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installedYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devicesYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-idYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-periodYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-appYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten
Youtube-VideosSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-nameYouTubeSpeichert die
Benutzereinstellungen beim Abruf eines auf anderen Webseiten integrierten

Nicht klassifizierte Cookies sind Cookies, die wir zusammen mit den Anbietern
der einzelnen Cookies derzeit noch zuordnen.

Wir nutzen diese Cookie-Typen nicht.

Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die von Websites verwendet werden können, um
die Nutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen. Das Gesetz besagt, dass wir Cookies auf
Ihrem Gerät speichern können, wenn sie für den Betrieb dieser Website unbedingt
erforderlich sind. Für alle anderen Arten von Cookies benötigen wir Ihre
Zustimmung.Diese Website verwendet verschiedene Arten von Cookies. Einige
Cookies werden von Diensten Dritter gesetzt, die auf unseren Seiten angeboten

Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit von der Cookie-Erklärung auf unserer
Website ändern oder widerrufen.

Erfahren Sie in unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie mehr darüber, wer wir sind, wie
Sie uns kontaktieren können und wie wir personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten.

Bitte geben Sie Ihre Einwilligungs-ID und das Datum an, wenn Sie uns bezüglich
Ihrer Einwilligung kontaktieren.
Die Cookie-Erklärung wurde das letzte Mal am 17.03.23 von Cookiebot aktualisiert
 * Kantar France
 * Expertises
   Explorez les nombreux domaines dans lesquels Kantar aidera votre organisation
   à réussir, grâce à une meilleure compréhension des individus, citoyens et
   Découvrir toutes les expertises
    * Publicité et médias
    * Analytics
    * Brand growth
    * Consommateurs, acheteurs et distributeurs
    * Expérience client
    * Market Intelligence
    * Innovation
    * Politiques publiques et opinion
    * Enquêtes et sondages
    * Développement durable

 * Secteurs d'activité
   Secteurs d'activité
   Trouvez de la croissance, de l'inspiration et une meilleure compréhension de
   vos clients, dans votre industrie ou votre secteur.
   Découvrir tous les secteurs
    * Automobile et mobilité
    * Distribution et eCommerce
    * Energies
    * FMCG (grande consommation)
    * High-tech
    * Hôtellerie, loisirs et voyages
    * Médias
    * Mode, beauté et luxe
    * Secteur public
    * Finance
    * Sport & Loisirs

 * Inspirations
   Lisez nos derniers articles et rapports, avec des points de vue d'experts,
   des données exclusives et des insights stimulants...
   Inspirations et ressources
   Articles récents
    * Baromètre de l’Audio Digital 2022
    * 20 ans de Podium de la Relation Client® : BearingPoint et Kantar dévoilent
      les lauréats du palmarès
    * 2023 Analyse de la consommation 2022
    * Classement 2023 Kantar BrandZ Top50
   A la Une
   Top 10 annonceurs plurimédias 2022
   Sur la base de la pression publicitaire brute, nous vous proposons un
   éclairage sur les 10 leaders du marché en France et l’évolution de leur
   mix-médias. Contactez-nous pour l'achat du Top 100.

 * Kantar Marketplace
 * A propos de Kantar
   A propos de Kantar
   Kantar est le leader mondial de la data, des études et du conseil. Nous
   aidons nos clients à comprendre les individus et à trouver la croissance  :
   understand people, inspire growth.
   A propos de Kantar
    * Au service de chacun
    * Inclusion et diversité
    * Nos partenaires
    * Press kit
    * Récompenses et accréditations

 * Emploi et carrières
   Emploi et carrières
   Envie de faire émerger des insights passionnants, dans une entreprise
   mondiale qui ouvre la voie à la connaissance et à la compréhension de
   l'humain ? Rejoignez notre équipe de 28 000 collaborateurs et contribuez à
   stimuler la croissance.
   Kantar Careers France
    * Votre carrière chez Kantar
    * Consulter nos offres jeunes diplômés
    * La vie chez Kantar

 * Global

 * A propos de Kantar
 * Emploi et carrières
 * Connexion client
 * Nous contacter
 * Global


 * Covid-19


Latest update: 30th January 2023.


This Personal Data Protection Policy is provided by Kantar TNS-MB and Kantar
Insights Consulting (hereinafter “Kantar”).
Our market research projects and opinion polls are conducted by Kantar Division
Insights France

Personal data protection is an essential part of Kantar’s commitment to the
participants surveyed for market research projects or opinion polls.

Kantar is committed to promoting personal data management and processing
practices that comply with the laws and regulations in force, specifically Act
n°78-76 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil
Liberties, amended, the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 applicable
since 25 May 2018, and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA).

We carry out market research projects and opinion polls for and on behalf of our
clients. In the majority of cases, our client acts as the Data Controller and
Kantar acts as the Sub-Processor.

The present policy defines the basis on which we process the personal data that
we collect on you, or that you provide to us on https://www.kantar.com/fr (“our
website”) or in the course of our research projects.

Participation in our research projects and opinion polls is voluntary and
discretionary, except in cases of compulsory statistical surveys recognised as
being in the general interest.  For such surveys, the respondent is obliged to
respond accurately and within defined time limits. Failing to respond to a
compulsory survey may result in an administrative fine or even a criminal fine.

Please read this Personal Data Protection Policy attentively in order to
understand our position and our practices with regard to your personal data and
how it will be processed.
For the purposes of the present Personal Data Protection Policy, “personal data”
refers to any information relating to an identifiable individual and/or to a
household if you are located in California.


The present policy defines how Kantar collects, stores and processes your
personal data collected when you register for a panel, when you participate in a
survey conducted online, face to face, by phone, by mail, via our mobile apps or
on social networks or using different parts of our website, or when it is
transmitted by our clients or by third parties such as media groups.

We use your personal data for the following main purposes:

 * To contact you for research by e-mail, by phone (landline or mobile), by
   post, by notifications or messages on a mobile phone or any other means of
 * To inform you of updates to our services, of new features and of details
   likely to interest you, via various means of communication
 * To select you for future research projects
 * To assist you when you contact our support team
 * To enable us to allocate agreed compensation to you
 * To protect Kantar from fraudulent behaviours 
 * To prevent multiple participation in research projects by the same person (in
   accordance with our General Terms and Conditions)
 * To update, enrich and clean our database in order to improve our use of data,
   to enable us to select you for research projects and send communications

Below you will find more detailed information on how we use your personal data.
We are also required by law to explain the lawful basis for processing your
personal data.

These lawful bases are set out below, and may be different for each case where
your personal data is used:

 * You have given your consent for us to use your personal data
 * We need to use your personal data in order to perform a contract entered into
   with you
 * We need to process your data in order to comply with our legal obligations
 * We need to process your data in order to protect your vital interests or
   those of someone else
 * The processing is required for carrying out a task in the public interest
 * The use of your personal data is necessary for our legitimate interests (or
   those of our clients; in this case we will explain the nature of these
   interests to you).

We will never make false statements about ourselves or what we do. If you
receive an e-mail that concerns you, claiming to be from us, please inform us as
indicated below under the heading “How to contact us”. 



Data collected / processed

Lawful basis


Market research projects

To find out your opinion of certain products and services, or to understand your
behaviour in different situations

To validate your responses to a questionnaire that you have recently answered

To manage your participation in a raffle, competition, etc.

To contact participants during the course of a survey being conducted, or to
follow up

Identifier, contact details, email address, voice, image, opinion

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Scientific studies for academic institutions, public health bodies or research

Including but not limited to: clinical studies, Health Economics Outcomes
Results (HEOR), Non-Interventional Studies (NIS), Real World Research (RWR),
observational studies, epidemiological research

Identifier, contact details, email address, health data, e.g. illness, state of
health, diagnosis, treatment model, unmet needs

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or
third-party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Safety monitoring (pharmacovigilance : to report any undesirable effects)

To report any undesirable effects during our research projects to the competent

Identifier, contact details, email address, illness, treatment, product taken
and undesirable effects

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Public disclosure

We provide information to the competent authorities pursuant to subpoenas,
warrants or legal injunctions, or pursuant to similar legal or regulatory

Identifier, contact details, email address, compensation received

Legal obligation

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Protection against fraud

Protection of our business interests against fraudulent behaviours or behaviours
that do not comply with our General Terms and Conditions

IP address, browser characteristics, device characteristics, postal addresses,
email addresses, official identification number (ME number)

Legitimate interest

We have a legitimate interest in protecting our business interests against
fraudulent behaviours or behaviours that do not comply with our General Terms
and Conditions

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

One-time participation in the survey

To prevent multiple participation in research projects by the same person, in
accordance with our General Terms and Conditions

IP address, browser characteristics, device characteristics

Legitimate interest

We have a legitimate interest in preventing multiple participation in a survey
by the same person

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Tracking the responses of persons surveyed on a regular basis (special research
technique projects)

When you participate in our surveys, we generally use a temporary identifier
that anonymises your responses to the survey for our clients. However, some of
our clients use a special research technique to learn how your opinions change
over a given period of time. For projects of this specific type, which we call
“tracking studies”, we will use permanent identifiers and this will be clearly
communicated at the start of each such survey. Your responses to these surveys
will be considered as personal data, and you will be authorised to access this
data. Projects of this type will include a notification on the very first page
of the survey, enabling you to identify these projects and decide whether or not
you want to participate.

Unique permanent identifier associated with a specific project

Legitimate interest

We have a legitimate interest in using a permanent dentifier for tracking
studies in order to facilitate tracking the responses of persons surveyed on a
regular basis

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Data matching and data enriching

We enrich the data we hold on you, by matching your personal data with that of
third parties. This will help us to improve your panel profile and ensure that
we select relevant surveys for you.

We use data matching service providers (third parties specialised in data
management) to acquire additional information on you from public and private
data sources (such as social networks, resellers and content subscription
service providers for which you have created an account) or to use your personal
data for the purpose of facilitating the development of new or additional
anonymous datasets (we compile your aggregate data with the data of other
consumers to create a new segment corresponding to a lifestyle). The data
matching service provider (our partner) holds the personal data that we share
with it for a short period, matches the data with other information, and sends
the combined information back to us. The partners are contractually required to
delete the data that we share with them and are not authorised to use this data
for anything other than this specific purpose.

Unique permanent identifier, contact details, email address, social login,
cookie, mobile device identifier, official identification number (ME number)

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Ad targeting and media buy research

We use your personal data to help our clients and our suppliers to enrich their
data using lookalike modelling techniques.

Your participation in our surveys and your profile data enable us to help our
clients to better target their advertising and create better online advertising
models, through lookalike modelling or similar research methodologies. We will
match the personal data that we collect on you through profile creation and
participation in surveys with data of third parties and other platforms (our
partners) or through data matching.

We include contractual guarantees to make sure that you are not automatically
targeted for selling purposes after your data has been used to create a
lookalike audience, and that our partners cannot use your data for any other

Unique permanent identifier, contact details, email address, social login,
cookie, mobile device identifier, official identification number (ME number)

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, Sirène company database, etc.)

Advertising exposure and measurement

In addition to cookie-based matching (which you can control and accept from your
panel account), we will use the personal data that you provide, such as your
email address, in the context of a direct data matching process with third
parties (our clients and partners) to determine whether you are a user of their
services (such as social networks, websites or mobile applications) for purposes
of advertising measurement research. We will identify the ads to which you may
have been exposed on these websites and platforms, and we will measure the
impact on sales of brand reviews and brand associations. The third parties with
whom we work are not authorised to use your data for any other purpose.

Unique permanent identifier, contact details, email address, social login,
cookie, mobile device identifier, official identification number (ME number)

Voluntary participation in a survey in the course of which we ask your consent
to use your personal data

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or third
party data resellers (directory, SIREN company database, etc.)

Handling requests not to be contacted for telephone surveys

When you request Kantar not to contact you by phone anymore, we must keep your
information to ensure that your request is respected

Name and phone number

Legitimate interest

We have a legitimate interest in keeping your information in order to respect
participants’ requests not to be contacted

In this case, we use the personal data that we have collected from you directly
or that has been collected by a third party: our clients, public bodies or
third-party data resellers (directory, SIREN company database, etc.)


We collect and process personal data for the purposes described above; we do not
sell your personal data to third parties.

We may need to communicate your personal data to our sub-processers presenting
sufficient security guarantees.

When you participate in our research project, we may ask you for a range of
information, including, for example, your personal opinions and demographic
information such as your age and the composition of your household, your health
condition, etc. You may decide not to answer these questions or to withdraw from
the research project at any time.

All our third-party partners are contractually bound to maintain the
confidentiality of all information that they collect and disclose to us, or that
we collect and disclose to them, and they must protect this information by means
of security standards and practices equivalent to our own.

Regarding our survey procedures

In introducing our surveys to you, we state and explain the purpose of the
research. The purpose of a research project is never to sell anything to the
people surveyed. We are not in the business of advertising, promotion, direct
marketing or direct selling. We will not later process your data for purposes
incompatible with the initial research objective without your prior consent.

We conduct our surveys either with panellists (people who have agreed to respond
to surveys on a regular basis), or with our clients’ contacts, or, for mail or
phone surveys, by randomly selecting people from a directory database rented
from a specialist service provider for the purposes of the specific survey, or
by randomly generating telephone numbers (based on pre-existing roots) or postal
addresses (based on a random route pattern from the interviewer in order to
ensure that the survey is completely representative.

For telephone surveys, the randomly drawn numbers are dialled automatically by
an automatic calling machine, and when calls are answered they go to the
interviewers’ stations. The automatic calling machine may call the same number
several times if no one picks up. Our telephone interviewers (or face to face
interviewers) are recruited in accordance with high standards of quality and are
thoroughly trained and supervised. A telephone survey call (which can take place
between 9:00 and 21:00, Monday through Friday, and between 9:30 and 17:00 on
Saturdays) may be monitored by a supervisor for training purposes.

If you wish to contact us to verify the origin of a call, please send a message
to: direction.qualite@kantar.com.

In building our samples of participants for our studies, we usually apply the
quota method: the sample is based on the same socio-demographic characteristics
– often gender, age, socio-professional category, size of conurbation and region
– as those of the population being studied  (e.g. the profile of the French
population established by INSEE).


You can be assured that we will protect your privacy. We may share your data
with companies of our group (Kantar) or with third party service providers to
address data processing requirements such as data matching, online advertising
effectiveness measurement, data interaction on social media, scientific
publication or pharmacovigilance / safety monitoring. When these transfers are
across borders or outside the EEE, we put in place security measures to
guarantee that the transfer is carried out by means of a legitimate method in
compliance with EU data protection legislation.

Your personal information may be collected, stored, transferred or processed by
our subsidiaries within the Kantar group, or by third party service providers,
for research purposes such as data processing and implementation of incentive
measures both inside and outside the EEE. All of these entities are
contractually bound to maintain the confidentiality of all information that they
collect and disclose to us or that we collect and disclose to them, and they
must protect this information by means of security standards and practices
equivalent to our own.


We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the
personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we have
received it. Our security procedures comply with the business standards
generally accepted and used to protect personal information. All information
that you entrust to us shall be kept in our environment and on our secure
servers. However, no data transfer can be 100% secure. Although we make every
effort to protect your personal data, we cannot assure or guarantee the security
of the information that you transmit to us when using one of our products or
services; you therefore do this at your own risk. Once your information has been
received, we take all necessary measures to assure and maintain the security
standard of our servers.

All our employees are contractually bound to comply with our policies and
procedures regarding  confidentiality, security and respect of privacy.

We adhere to the following industry standards and requirements:

 * ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research
 * SYNTEC (Chambre SYNdicale des SociéTés d'Études et de Conseils)

Kantar is a member of Syntec Etudes (French Market and Opinion Research
Professional Association) and is committed to respecting the CCI / ESOMAR
International Code for Market and Opinion Research (www.esomar.org) and the
ESOMAR personal data protection checklist.

Your responses to a given survey are systematically combined with the responses
of all the other participants in this same survey. These responses are thus
transmitted in aggregate form to the client who commissioned the research.

Kantar does not disclose your personal data to unauthorised third parties or to
its clients without your express prior authorisation.

The only exceptions allowing us to transmit your personal data or your survey
responses to third parties are the following:    

 * You request or agree to share your identification information and/or your
   individual responses with a third party for a specific purpose (lifting of
 * Your individual responses may be transmitted to our clients for certain
   surveys; in such an instance they will be pseudonymised by default;      
 * When we provide your responses to a sub-processor who is contractually bound
   to guarantee the confidentiality of your information and to use it only for
   research or statistical purposes.

For certain surveys, we may need to communicate your data to other companies of
the Kantar group, or to partners and service providers authorised in the context
of the research, such as emailing partners, pre-recruitment partners, directory
database service providers, panel managers, etc. These actors may be in charge,
for example, of managing gifts or processing questionnaires, and act under
Kantar’s instructions.         

Internally, our employees are contractually bound to comply with our policies
and procedures regarding  confidentiality, security and respect of privacye.


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or your mobile device by a
website that assigns a numerical user code and stores certain information about
your online browsing. They are used by Web developers to help users navigate
their websites efficiently and to perform certain functions. The website sends
information to the browser which then creates a text file. Each time the user
returns to the same website, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the
website server.

In the case of an online survey, we use cookies or tracers needed for IT
equipment to function (e.g. computer, tablet, mobile phone). These so-called
“technical” cookies enable the correct transmission of information to ensure
that a respondent does not participate twice in the same survey, or to send a
reminder message to this or that contact if the questionnaire has not been fully

When we want to use other types of cookies, for example when we want to study
exposure to certain advertisements, we request the contact’s explicit prior
consent to leave cookies.

When cookies are necessary for using a platform belonging to one of our
partners, this is stated in the confidentiality policy directly accessible from
the relevant platform.

For behaviour tracking research, we use optional cookies / software
applications, but only if you have given your explicit consent to use such
cookies / applications.

As is the case for most online studies, we automatically collect certain
information and store it in the research data files. This information may
include things such as IP addresses, browser type, internet access provider
(IAP), reference / exit pages, operating system and timestamp.

We use this automatically collected information to analyse trends such as
browser use and to administer the site, for example to optimise the research
experience depending on the type of browser. We may also use your IP address to
ensure that there is not multiple participation in the research from the same IP


We take all reasonable measures to keep the personal information in our
 possession or under our control, which is used on an ongoing basis, accurate,
complete, up to date and relevant, based on the most recent information made
available to us by yourself and / or by our client.

We rely on you to help us keep your personal information accurate, complete and
up to date by answering our questions truthfully. You must ensure that the
organisation responsible for processing the data (either us, or more often our
client) is informed of any change in your personal data.


Kantar recognises the need to put in place additional privacy protection
measures when children’s data is collected. We never knowingly ask children
under the legal age defined by the authorities of the country where you reside
to participate in research projects without their parents’ agreement. If it is
necessary and appropriate for a specific project to directly involve children
under the legal age, we take measures to ensure that we have received the
authorisation of a parent or legal guardian. We do not sell personal data
belonging to a child.

Kantar will provide parents and guardians with information on the subject of the
survey and inform them of any personal or sensitive information that might be
collected from the children, how this data will be used and whether Kantar is
likely to share this information and with whom.    

While the child is participating in the survey, it is the responsibility of the
parent or other responsible person to supervise him or her.

In certain circumstances, we may require additional consent for public health,
regulatory or business reasons. When such consent is requested from you, we will
provide you with explanations regarding this consent and why we require it.


Kantar may collect personal data classed as belonging to “special categories” of
personal data. This data includes data relating to racial or ethnic origin,
political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership,
genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural
person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or
sexual orientation. You have the choice to this data to us or not.


Each time a request to exercise rights is received, this request is verified and
processed by Kantar. We will respond to you within 4 weeks maximum.
If you contact us using an email address or contact information not known by us,
you must provide a copy of a valid identification document issued by the
competent authority.

You have the following rights with regard to your personal data :

 * The right to change your mind or withdraw your consent
 * The right to access your personal data
 * The right to rectify your personal data
 * The right to erase your personal data from our systems, unless we have
   legitimate reasons for continuing to process this information
 * The right to receive and transmit your personal data (right of portability)
 * The right to restrict the processing of your personal data
 * The right to oppose the processing of your personal data
 * The right to not be discriminated against for having exercised one of your
   rights guaranteed under the applicable data protection legislation  

To request access to the personal data that we hold on you, you must submit your
request in writing to the email address or postal address indicated below under
“How to contact us”.

If you are a California resident, to exercise your rights under the California
Consumer Privacy Act, please refer to the provisions of  Article XII below.

We also inform third parties to whom we have transferred your personal data of
any modification that we make in accordance with your request. Please note that
although Kantar communicates with these third parties, Kantar is not responsible
for the measures taken by these third parties to respond to your request. You
may access your personal data held by these third parties and correct, modify or
delete any data that is inaccurate.


Personal information is kept only for the period appropriate for the defined and
lawful use of this data. Apart from any exceptions of which you will be given
details in the context of the relevant project (contractual obligation towards
our clients) and unless the law provides otherwise, we will keep your data for a
maximum period of twelve months after the completion of the study or project
concerned. Personal information that is no longer necessary will be eliminated
so as not to compromise its confidential nature. For certain methodologies such
as our “panels” (databases of participants regularly called upon to respond to
different surveys), you give your consent for us to keep your data for a longer
period. The length of this period is specified in the panel participation terms
and conditions. Within the framework of the company’s business continuity plan,
and in certain cases as provided by law, our electronic systems are backed up
and archived. These  archives are kept for a defined period of time, in a
strictly controlled environment. Upon expiration of this period, the data is
erased and the physical storage medium is destroyed to ensure that the data is
completely erased.


We reserve the right to make amendments, additions or deletions to the present
Personal Data Protection Policy at any time. Please read this page regularly to
ensure that you are aware of any changes. We always provide the most recent
policy on this webpage.


Our Global Data Protection Officer is Ravinder Roopra. He has been designated by
the Kantar Group, to which Kantar belongs, and is based in London. His missions
consist in overseeing compliance and security regarding personal data processing
and acting as a preferred interlocutor, both within Kantar and vis-à-vis the
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). In France he is
supported by a personal data protection officer.

Questions concerning the present Personal Data Protection Policy, as well as
requests for access, should be addressed to:  privacyfrance@kantar.com or to :
Kantar TNS-MB – Kantar Insights-Consulting
Service Privacy
3 avenue Pierre Masse 75014 Paris

If you are a resident of the state of California, the Kantar group has set up a
dedicated toll free number that can be used to submit requests to exercise the
rights guaranteed under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Please call the
following number: +1 866- 471-1399.


If you feel that our processing of your personal data infringes on data
protection laws, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory
authority responsible for data protection. You may do this in the EU member
State or from the competent court of your habitual residence, place of work or
place of the alleged infraction. To find the contact information of the
supervisory authority for your country, please consult our dedicated web page.

L'autorité de contrôle en France est la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique
et des Libertés. 

In France, the supervisory authority is the Commission Nationale de
l’Informatique et des Libertés. You can find all necessary information for
contacting the CNIL on: https://www.cnil.fr.


 * Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) : https://www.cnil.fr
 * Syntec Etudes : http://www.syntec-etudes.com
 * Worldwide Organisation for Market Research (ESOMAR) : https://www.esomar.org


3 Avenue Pierre Masse
Paris 75014
T +33 1 40 92 66 66



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