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evidence that Yangjiabu print had evolved from manual painting in the mid-Qing,
to colour-print by the early Republic. Judging from the superior quality of what
may be seen as 'Yangjiabu style' Kitchen Gods, these would have enjoyed
particularly brisk sales, making it important for every Yangjiabu printer to
keep them in stock.

In this regard the guild, rather than acting as a standardizing influence over
print, encouraged diversity in form, although not always in theme. The first
lithographic presses began to appear in Shanghai in the early s, and by were
used in nianhua production. The earliest verifiable example of a lithograph
nianhua was produced in this year by San Loh He sic. Sanliuxuan , and was based
on a painting by Qian Huian, the Shanghai artist who had earlier worked as a
print designer in Yangliuqing. But while the Shanghai lithographic presses were
capable of introducing both contemporary event and technically refined painting
into print, material collected by Berthold Laufer in shows that the same presses
were also actively producing some of the same narratives found in nianhua from
both North China and Suzhou.

By the turn of the century, and probably earlier, San Loh He had been joined in
nianhua production by the printing studios Feiying Ge and Wenyi Zhai. The print
is held at Leiden's Rijksmuseum voor Vollkendunde.


While it does not appear that nianhua were printed on this red paper, red paper
was used for duilian that accompanied, and sometimes replaced nianhua. The
T'aiping Rebellion — 64nearly overthrew the Manchus and cost 30 million lives.
Inthe net migration rate for China was estimated as Fossils attest to hominid
habitation in China more thanyears ago, and Paleolithic cultures appeared in the
southwest by 30, bc. Baojuan, how much can a gay escort make in Benxi China,
should be seen first as sectarian religious propaganda. I weigh, like, pounds
with a inch waist, so I guess I'm in the same boat. China has been modernizing
its military at a rapid pace even as it reduces personnel. Like many nianhua
themes this is based on a classically inspired fable which had been propagated
through nianhua as a common auspicious symbol expressing the wish for many
honourable sons. Seen as moderate and cautious, he was expected to proceed with
Jiang's slow but steady policy of economic liberalization, and perhaps to
introduce some administrative and political reform. But through narrative both
revolution and anti-hero are endowed with the plot that makes sense of the
experience. The standard method of wood-block print production that is still in
use in Yangliuqing, Yangjiabu, Pingdu, Wuqiang, and Zhuxianzhen first involves
tracing the outline of a desired picture onto a block of hardwood usually
pearwhich is then carved out in relief.

Like many nianhua themes this is based on a classically inspired fable which had
been propagated through nianhua as a common auspicious symbol expressing the
wish for many honourable sons. The technology of lithography began to supplant
xylography in several nianhua production sites as early as , when Yangjiabu's
Hoxingde workshop acquired four presses from Qingdao. These machines, however,
may have been used for printing school textbooks rather than nianhua.

Output from these presses was recorded as 16, prints in two shifts, while the
manual variety could produce 1, prints in the same amount of time. Cengxing, one
of Chaomidian's larger workshops, had three electric presses capable of
producing 48, prints per day. By there were still seven or eight workshops in
surrounding villages that persisted in using wood-block print, although these
were noted as suffering from the mechanized competition.


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This was not because of any difference in quality, but because it often took
several months for a complete batch of prints to be produced through the
extended cottage industry, compared to lithograph prints where all production
was done on site. While this allowed the printing workshop to reduce costs and
production time, mechanization must have devastated the cottage nianhua
processing industry, leaving thousands of skilled crafts-people unemployed in
surrounding villages.

It should not be presumed that xylography became obsolete with the introduction
of lithography. As late as Clarence Day noted that while "some of the temples in
East China are beginning to procure brightly coloured lithographs from Shanghai
printers", wood-block prints continued to hold a share of the market, although
Day felt that the days of xylography were numbered.

Traditionally, the relatively high cost of hand coloured Yangliuqing prints
would have limited their circulation to the middle-class, with the simpler form
of color wood-block print retaining its place in rural marketplaces.

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But as mechanization and transport innovation made these more refined prints
competitive in rural markets, the graphic style and 6 5 Clarence Day 'Paper Gods
for Sale' The China Journal 6 7 ,, p. Suddenly it was possible for any
individual, regardless of class or social standing, to see a picture designed by
an established 'Bird and Flower' painter like Qian Huian posted next to a
relatively crude Yangjiabu or Pingdu picture in the marketplace. And regardless
of what people actually knew of any of these artists, it was now possible for
them to compare, and perhaps to think that one looked odd in comparison to the

The question of the standards introduced through the more broadly prescriptive
production has important implications for our understanding of how iconographic
and other graphic forms were established. In his study of the Tian Hou cult of
Fujian, Watson argues that centralized power over interpretation of religious
icons originated with the state.

In the interest of gaining control over religious cults, the state promoted
popular deities through an officially sanctioned cult 'structure'. This was
achieved indirectly by sponsoring a select group of deities through temple
construction and other activities. And yet within that state-sponsored
structure, people were free to fill in the 'content' of the cult in terms of the
more parochial variations in beliefs and practices. Therefore, cults and deities
became 'standardized' in form, if not in meaning. But the evidence collected
here indicates that visual form was most directly controlled by the producers of
cult iconography, and their production processes, which were in turn responsive
to the demands of the market.

So while Watson's study is a useful introduction to the process of cult
formation and the standardizing influence of the state, it must be recognized
that the family, James Watson, in Johnson, et. Using Skinner's model of
marketing and social structure, the market, a relatively fixed entity and again
a form of 'structure', would have contributed to conformity in standards in the
market region.

From this it follows that growth in markets for printed icons from centralized
producers such as Yangjiabu or Wuqiang would have promoted standardization in
icons. This could not have been achieved through the holistic mode of production
since items produced in this manner bear less uniformity from one locality to
the next, or even from one household to the next. Thus, for any group or
individual wishing to exert political or economic control over their
environment, prescriptive production lent itself most directly to the
maintenance of power and control.

However, we can see from the form and production of nianhua that no
authoritative agent or commercial interest was in complete control of the
production processes, or of the iconography. The North China village printing
industry did develop in a prescriptive society, but it was not perfectly

Thus, as per Watson's argument, the state may indeed have 'superscribed' local
society, but from the perspective of nianhua production, it appears that the
state had little other choice. What appears as conscious superscription was more
likely the failure to achieve circumscription. Yangjiabu, 4 3 Wuqiang,
Zongjiazhuang and the other printing centres were at the centre of an
organizational network that assembled resources, produced goods, and
redistributed them to retailers and consumers. As a result the workshops had
primary control over the images they produced.

Not all steps, however, were directly under village control since distribution
of the items required a larger infrastructural network that was under the joint
management of the state system and merchant networks. These agents, therefore,
played a crucial role in the change and development of the nianhua industry,
especially during the tumultuous years of the early 2 0 t h century. This can
best be shown by examining the state of production and trade in each of the
nianhua centres currently under discussion.

The present study applies the respective hypotheses according to period and
region as they best apply, finding that while some regions were indeed stagnant,
others prospered under economic change. Changes included increasing integration
into coastal markets, disintegration of older Grand Canal based economic ties,
and government abandonment of the Grand Canal and Yellow River.

The overall result was that while regions with coastal and rail links realized
economic growth, Huang-Yun declined from a prosperous commercial region to the
agricultural periphery. Meanwhile Yangliuqing, the eastern Shandong villages,
and less so Wuqiang, are excellent examples of regions that initially benefited
from integration into the new infrastructure.


At best they are based on Republican era government estimates of the quantity of
paper used, and at worst on the very long memory of trades people interviewed
decades later, who sometimes based their estimates on how many 'ox cart loads'
were sold. But even if the actual output were only a fraction of the following
estimates, the numbers still indicate an extremely vibrant industry with
impressive print runs. And if we accept early twentieth century reports that
'every household in China' seemed at the very least to have a Wealth, Kitchen
and Door God picture, it is not difficult to imagine a market capable of
absorbing this production.

The Yan-Wei Highway also connected Weixian with the coastal city of Yantai, and
via steamship lines with Tianjin and Dalian in the s.


After Yuan Shikai, Governor of Shandong and Zhili, supported Jinan in
establishing a trade district extending to Zhoucun which had long been a tax
free entrepot , and Weixian - the county seat of Yangjiabu. Data from Yangjiabu
shows that the sixty shops present in the village in the s grew to a total of by
the s, with an estimated combined annual output of between fifty and seventy
million prints.

These enterprises ranged from single family operations employing one or two
people, to expansive organizations which maintained branch operations in
surrounding villages, and throughout North China from Manchuria to northern
Jiangsu. Voskamp, in R. In the twentieth century Wuqiang did not gain the
benefit of a direct railway link, nor were major roadways installed until the
Cangzhou-Shijiazhuang highway was constructed in In one year in particular the
industry consumed as many as jian of paper - a total of one hundred million
sheets of paper. A provincial trade survey shows that during the early
Republican era Wuqiang continued to maintain a high level of production, still
supporting approximately forty printing workshops with Xie Changyi Shandong
Minjian Nianhua , p.

Two individuals involved in this enterprise were Zong Xize and Zong Youming.
Zong Youming was the proprietor of a printing workshop in Pingdu, however it has
not been confirmed whether or not this was Gongxingyi. Yang Taitou , p.



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