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Name: simpleSearchGET /AU/search/

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Name: simpleSearchGET /AU/search/

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Name: mobileTabletWindowSimpleSearchGET /AU/search/

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Name: simpleSearchGET /AU/search/

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Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information is
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We comply with all privacy principles and laws which regulate how we collect,
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Which Cotton On Entities Does This Privacy Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy applies to Cotton On Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 634 090 083) and
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What is Personal Information?

Personal information is any information that can be used to identify you, such
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Who collects the information?

Cotton On Group (including each of its member companies) is a data controller
and gathers and uses certain information about you.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

We may collect personal information including your name, gender, date of birth,
address, telephone number and email.

We do not collect your financial information or retain credit card numbers used
to purchase products or services as this information is collected by a financial
institution that has their own privacy policy. If you receive a request to
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this information because the request may be fraudulent. You can help us identify
attempts at fraud- if anything suspicious occurs, please contact our Privacy

Why Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

We may collect your personal information when required by law. 

We may also collect personal information from you (and or about you) to allow us

 * Enter into a contact with you to supply you with goods purchased;
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Personal information collected or received by us will only be used for the
stated purpose for which it was provided.

When And How Do We Collect Your Personal Information?

We collect personal information directly from you when you consent to
communications from us. Your consent in relation to marketing activities will
be express (e.g. you agree to the use of your information by ticking a box). 

We may also collect information directly from you when you enter into a contract
with us to purchase a product or when you consent to providing it due to making
an enquiry regarding products or services from us, you ask to find out more
about a product or services, you participate in our competitions, you make a
refund, return or other claim, you use our website(s) or other applications, you
deal with us on the phone or write to us. 

We may collect your personal information when you consent to providing it when
you visit our stores.

How long do we keep your personal Information?

We keep your personal information that we obtain about you for no longer than is
necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. How long we keep it will
depend on the nature of information, the purpose for which it is processed and
whether you chose to unsubscribe from our communications.

What If You Don’t Want Us To Collect Your Personal Information?

You do not have to provide us with any personal information unless you want to.
For example, it is your choice as to whether you purchase our products or
services or receive communications from us. If you choose not to provide us with
your personal information, we may be unable to provide a product or service or
deal with you.

When you use our website or a web browser to search for our website or products,
you can set your web browser to remove or reject cookies by selecting the
appropriate settings on your browser. If you wish to opt-out of having your web
browsing information used for re-marketing, traffic, demographics and interest
reporting purposes (see Cookies section below), you must download and install
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. Removing or rejecting cookies may
affect the availability and functionality of our website and updates to your web
browser may affect the functionality of the Google Analytics Opt-out add-on.

What If You Don’t Want To Receive Any Further Communications From Us?

At any time you can unsubscribe from marketing communications via the
unsubscribe link in the footer of any of our emails.

When Do We Disclose Your Personal Information?

Your personal information will not be used contrary to this Privacy Policy but
we may disclose your personal information to third parties: for the purpose it
was collected – for example, to supply to you, respond to you and to operate our

 * if we sell all or part of our business(es) and the buyer also requires your
   personal information;
 * to enforce our legal rights or those of others;
 * to prevent actual or potential fraud or illegal activity;
 * to those who provide services to us ranging from technology, data storage,
   website hosting, marketing, operations and customer service; or
 * if we are required to do so by law.

If personal information is disclosed to a third party, we are required to take
reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is treated in
accordance with data protection legislation. Some of our suppliers, who provide
services to us, may be located overseas and at present we have servers in
Singapore and the USA hosting our websites. We will comply with data protection
legislation regarding any such transfers and ensure appropriate safeguards are
in place, but please be aware that such countries which are outside the EEA may
not grant personal data the same level of protection as that granted under the
General Data Protection Regulation; however our collection, processing and
storage of your data will still continue to be governed by this Policy.

How Can You Access, Correct, Update, Object to Processing, Transfer and/or
Delete Personal Information We Have Collected?

You may request access to your personal information we have by contacting our
Privacy Officer. We will provide you with access once you have proved your
identity. If your personal information is incorrect or you wish us to delete it
or transfer it to another data controller identified by you, or if you want to
object to our processing of it, you can unsubscribe online or contact our
Privacy Officer using the details below.

How Do We Store And Protect Your Personal Information?

We have appropriate measure in place to prevent personal information from being
accidentally lost or used or accessed in an unauthorized way. Your personal
information may be stored by us in various forms including both electronic and
hardcopy. You should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with the
transmission of personal information via the internet, however, we will take
reasonable steps to maintain the integrity and security of any personal
information we have stored, including taking reasonable steps to prevent
interference and loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure
of such personal information. Information may be held at our offices and those
of our member companies, third party agencies, service providers and
representatives and agents of the above.

It is important that you protect your privacy by ensuring that no one obtains
your personal information and you must contact us if your details change. If you
do not wish to use the internet to transmit personal information you can mail or
phone the Privacy Officer using the details below. If we no longer require your
personal information for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy or we have
received it inadvertently, we will take reasonable steps to securely destroy or
de-identify it as soon as practicable, as long as it is lawful to do so.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security
breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulatory authority of a
suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so. 


We use cookies to collect certain information from you in order to personalise
your experience. The use of cookies allows you to store the contents of your
shopping and to retrieve your shopping basket, and allows us to record areas of
the website that you have visited and products that you have purchased. We may
also use cookies when you click on a link from our website(s) or visit a website
which displays our advertisements.

When we use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect your personal and
non-personally identifiable information we are collecting this information to:
better understand your browsing and purchasing behaviour; analyse and track
website usage data; determine the popularity of certain content; deliver
advertising and content targeted to your interest on our website; better
understand your online activity; improve our website and your online experience;
count the number of visits; and for other legitimate internal business purposes
( together “re-marketing, traffic, demographics and interest reporting

We have engaged Google to provide advertisements on our behalf and to provide
analytics services. Google may use cookies and other tracking technologies to
collect non-personally identifiable information for re-marketing, traffic,
demographics and interest reporting purposes via Google advertising cookies and
anonymous identifiers. 

We have also engaged Rakuten to provide analytics services. Rakuten may collect
personal information when you interact with our digital property, including IP
addresses, digital identifiers, information about your web browsing and app
usage and how you interact with our properties and ads for a variety of purpose,
such as personalisation of offers or advertisements, analytics about how you
engage with websites or ads, and other commercial purposes. For more information
about the collection, use and sale of your personal data and your rights, please
use the below links:


Opt-Out of Cookies

You can set your web browser to remove or reject cookies by selecting the
appropriate settings on your browser.

You can also opt-out of cookies by following the steps in the below links:


Do You Have Any Questions Or Concerns?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or if you have a complaint,
please contact us with your concerns and we will respond to your request within
30 days. We hope that we can resolve any query or concern you raise about our
use of your information but if not, you can contact the Information Commisioner
for further information about your rights and how to make a formal complaint. 

Chat/Webform: Via our Help Centre

Mail:The Privacy Officer, Cotton On Group, 14 Shepherd Court, North Geelong,
Victoria 3215, Australia

Please note that the above email address should not be used for recruitment
enquiries. Please direct all recruitment enquiries to

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respects to Wadawurrung Elders past, present and emerging and value their
continuing connection to their lands, waters, Language and traditions. We extend
this acknowledgement and respect to all First Nations peoples as the Original
Custodians of the land upon which we live and work and appreciate the thousands
of years they have cared for and preserved this country’s lands, waters and
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