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Food isn’t like medicine, it is medicine, and it’s our number one tool for
creating the vibrant health we deserve. MARK HYMAN, M.D
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The Pegan Diet
The Pegan Diet will show you how to use food as medicine to beat disease, build
optimal health, and save the planet.
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New Book

New Book
Food Fix
In this all new book by Dr. Mark Hyman he discusses how food is the nexus of our
world crises, from rapidly declining public health to social inequality,
environmental degradation, and so much more.
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Mark’s Picks
Every Friday Dr. Hyman will send you an email with a list of his favorite
gadgets, supplements, snacks, podcasts, books and more. These are a few things
that have helped him on his health journey and now he’s going to share them with
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New Cookbook
What the heck should I cook?
With creative options and ideas for lifestyles and budgets of all kinds, Food:
What the Heck Should I Cook? is a road map to a satisfying diet of real food
that will keep you and your family fit, healthy, and happy for life.
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Why Our Neglected Lymph System Is A Key To Optimal Health

You’ve probably heard of the lymphatic system, but do you really know what it
does? It does more for us than you might think. The lymphatic system is a
critically […]

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If you're confused about what to eat, read [Dr. Hyman’s] book.
Tony Robbins
Dr. Mark Hyman You changed my life! Thank you! I am forever grateful 🙏🏾✨
Jada Pinkett Smith
Dr. Mark Hyman has helped thousands of people lose weight and lead happier, more
energetic lives.
Toby Crosgrove
[Dr. Hyman’s] knowledge helps me deal with my sugar addiction and loads me with
knowledge and information that your regular doctor isn’t telling you. I don’t
usually recommend things unless they’re game changers for me. [His books and
podcast] are wellness game changers!!!
Eva Mendes
In a world of increasing dietary anxiety, Dr. Hyman offers a roadmap to
respecting food as medicine.
Dr. Oz
Mark Hyman cuts through the confusion, offering a practical (and delicious) way
to lose weight for good.
David Ludwig, MD PhD
Dr. Mark Hyman has given every American a clear and straightforward field manual
on how to get and stay healthy, for themselves and for our country.
Congressman Tim Ryan
Dr. Mark Hyman, who has diligently dedicated his life to wellness… goes between
the lines of nutrition research providing a clear roadmap for the confused
Sanjay Gupta, MD


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I always say, What we do to the brain, we do to the body and what we do to the
body we do to the brain. ⁠ ⁠ Although it might be easy to feel like trauma is
something that will always be with us—that we will just have to carry for the
rest of our lives—there are now accessible methods for healing that are proving
otherwise and giving thousands of people a new lease on life. ⁠ ⁠ Since trauma
is kept in both the mind and body, it makes sense that modalities that tap into
the mind-body connection are successful to produce long-lasting healing. ⁠ ⁠ For
example, deep breathing is one mind-body technique that has been employed for
helping people recover from post-traumatic stress disorder, along with practices
like yoga and meditation. This could be because many survivors report airflow
limitation or constricted breathing. ⁠ ⁠ Another tool that may be a throwback to
childhood is drawing. Think about how openly kids express themselves through
drawings, and how infrequently we do that as adults. Art therapy can be used for
adults overcoming trauma, allowing the brain to process emotional, visual,
physiological, and sensory experiences that were felt at the time of the event.
While drawing and coloring are often used, people find all sorts of artistic
mediums can be beneficial in this way. ⁠ ⁠ One of my own favorite mind-body
exercises for relieving stress is dancing, which has also been shown helpful for
people recovering from trauma. Dance/movement therapy involves emotional,
social, cognitive, and physical integration to benefit overall well-being, and
as an extra bonus, any activity like this promotes feel-good endorphins. ⁠ ⁠
Unfortunately, we all deal with trauma at some point in life, but the good news
is we can address it and come out stronger using the right tools.⁠ ⁠ You can
learn even more about this in my previous podcast episode with Dr. James Gordon.
You can find the link in my bio. ⁠
I always say, What we do to the brain, we do to the body and what we do to the
body we do to the brain. ⁠ ⁠ Although it might be easy to feel like trauma is
something that will always be with us—that we will just have to carry for the
rest of our lives—there are now accessible methods for healing that are proving
otherwise and giving thousands of people a new lease on life. ⁠ ⁠ Since trauma
is kept in both the mind and body, it makes sense that modalities that tap into
the mind-body connection are successful to produce long-lasting healing. ⁠ ⁠ For
example, deep breathing is one mind-body technique that has been employed for
helping people recover from post-traumatic stress disorder, along with practices
like yoga and meditation. This could be because many survivors report airflow
limitation or constricted breathing. ⁠ ⁠ Another tool that may be a throwback to
childhood is drawing. Think about how openly kids express themselves through
drawings, and how infrequently we do that as adults. Art therapy can be used for
adults overcoming trauma, allowing the brain to process emotional, visual,
physiological, and sensory experiences that were felt at the time of the event.
While drawing and coloring are often used, people find all sorts of artistic
mediums can be beneficial in this way. ⁠ ⁠ One of my own favorite mind-body
exercises for relieving stress is dancing, which has also been shown helpful for
people recovering from trauma. Dance/movement therapy involves emotional,
social, cognitive, and physical integration to benefit overall well-being, and
as an extra bonus, any activity like this promotes feel-good endorphins. ⁠ ⁠
Unfortunately, we all deal with trauma at some point in life, but the good news
is we can address it and come out stronger using the right tools.⁠ ⁠ You can
learn even more about this in my previous podcast episode with Dr. James Gordon.
You can find the link in my bio. ⁠
This Basil Refresher features @Xicama’s Cucumber Ginger sparkling water, which
is my friend @monasharma’s company! Love what Xicama is up to which is why I
wanted to give it some love on social media. This recipe is super flavorful,
easy to make, and it’s low in sugar! Sometimes, just sometimes : ), I like to
add a splash of tequila in it for my friends and me to make it an adult
beverage. And the best part about Xicama’s beverages? They contain jicama, which
is one of my favorite gut-supporting, immune-boosting foods. I love to support
my friends’ companies. I’m honored to know @monasharma and I think she’s an
incredible and heart centered nutritionist and entrepreneur. 🍹Xicama Basil
Refresher: 1 serving🍹 Ingredients: • 2 teaspoons organic low glycemic Monk
Fruit • ¼ cucumber, thinly sliced • 6 large fresh basil leaves • ¾ teaspoon
orange blossom water • Orange zest (optional) • Ice • 1 can Xicama Jicama water
(cucumber ginger flavor) Mix all ingredients and half can of Xicama, shake,
strain and pour into a glass and add the remaining Xicama can and garnish with
cucumber slices and fresh basil leaves. Head over to XicamaLife.com to order
your own sparkling water and learn more about the company.
This Basil Refresher features @Xicama’s Cucumber Ginger sparkling water, which
is my friend @monasharma’s company! Love what Xicama is up to which is why I
wanted to give it some love on social media. This recipe is super flavorful,
easy to make, and it’s low in sugar! Sometimes, just sometimes : ), I like to
add a splash of tequila in it for my friends and me to make it an adult
beverage. And the best part about Xicama’s beverages? They contain jicama, which
is one of my favorite gut-supporting, immune-boosting foods. I love to support
my friends’ companies. I’m honored to know @monasharma and I think she’s an
incredible and heart centered nutritionist and entrepreneur. 🍹Xicama Basil
Refresher: 1 serving🍹 Ingredients: • 2 teaspoons organic low glycemic Monk
Fruit • ¼ cucumber, thinly sliced • 6 large fresh basil leaves • ¾ teaspoon
orange blossom water • Orange zest (optional) • Ice • 1 can Xicama Jicama water
(cucumber ginger flavor) Mix all ingredients and half can of Xicama, shake,
strain and pour into a glass and add the remaining Xicama can and garnish with
cucumber slices and fresh basil leaves. Head over to XicamaLife.com to order
your own sparkling water and learn more about the company.
Omega-3 fatty acids found in wild foods like fish, seafood, and some nuts and
seeds are essential for proper immune function. As hunter-gatherers, we consumed
a ratio between 1 to 1 and 3 to 1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. We need these
essential omega-6 fats, but not from the gallons of refined oils we consume
every year in processed and fried foods. Wild foods are high in omega-3 and
lower in omega-6 fats. However, now, on a junk food, fast-food diet, that ratio
can get as high as 20 to 1. Not only do nuts and seeds contain a nice balance of
omega-3 and omega-6 fats, but also they’re loaded with vitamins, fiber, protein,
carbohydrates, minerals, and antioxidants like vitamin E, which prevent
oxidation of the fats. Walnuts, flax- seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds are some
of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fats.
Omega-3 fatty acids found in wild foods like fish, seafood, and some nuts and
seeds are essential for proper immune function. As hunter-gatherers, we consumed
a ratio between 1 to 1 and 3 to 1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. We need these
essential omega-6 fats, but not from the gallons of refined oils we consume
every year in processed and fried foods. Wild foods are high in omega-3 and
lower in omega-6 fats. However, now, on a junk food, fast-food diet, that ratio
can get as high as 20 to 1. Not only do nuts and seeds contain a nice balance of
omega-3 and omega-6 fats, but also they’re loaded with vitamins, fiber, protein,
carbohydrates, minerals, and antioxidants like vitamin E, which prevent
oxidation of the fats. Walnuts, flax- seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds are some
of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fats.


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